Equality Questionnaire This questionnaire is a pre Equality Impact Assessment tool which will enable you to decide whether or not the new, proposed or significantly changed policy/ practice/ procedure/ function/ service needs to go through a full Equality Impact Assessment. For further information on the equality questionnaire see the guidance. Name of policy/ practice/ procedure/ function/ service being assessed: LLR Autism Strategy Group ( Formerly the Aspergers Planning Group and incorporates the Autism Initiatives for Leicestershire ) Department and Section: Adults and Communities Name of lead officer and others completing this assessment: Martin Hall Contact telephone numbers: 0116 3053623 Date EIA assessment completed: May 2013 1. What is its purpose? A previous EIA was completed for the Aspergers Planning Group Work Plan. This group has now become the Autism Strategy Group (Aspergers being a form of Autism) and has a new action plan. The Autism Strategy Group is a requirement in the NICE clinical guideline 142. This new action plan includes County specific initiatives as well as those which apply across LLR.The County actions are Contribute to the mapping process of adults with Autism across Leicestershire Promote and evaluate staff training, provided by the Leicestershire Social Care Development Group , for staff and providers across Leicestershire Looking at promoting Autism services to enhance the market Encourage local colleges and FE providers to provide appropriate services for adults with Autism Provision of good quality information Launch and maintain the Champions network Raise awareness amongst employers and employees of Autism and appropriate support Raise awareness with voluntary groups to encourage those with Autism to volunteer Identification of carers , followed by the offer of a Community Care Assessment Undertake further research identifying people with Autism in the Criminal Justice System Completion of the Department of Health’s Autism self assessment in July 2013. The Strategy Group has representation from the 3 Clinical Commissioning Group’s for Leicestershire and Leicester City, the 3 Local Authorities, Health, Parent/Carers and adults with autism. What are its main objectives? Implement the pathway for diagnosis and ensure it is followed by the offer of a personalised needs assessment and appropriate support Increase awareness and understanding of Autism amongst frontline professionals 2. Improve access to services and support so people can live independently within the community Consider the role of the family carers and the support they need Work with local partners to plan and develop appropriate services for adults with autism to meet identified needs and priorities What will it achieve? Who are its beneficiaries? 3. 4. Develop and publish the Diagnostic Pathway This will be for Health Professionals,GP’s,Social Care staff , Parent/Carers and Adults with Autism Develop and deliver the Autism Training Package to increase understanding and knowledge of Autism This will be for staff in Targeted and Universal Services, Parent/Carers and Health. Review the implementation and outcomes of Personal Budgets and the ability of the market to provide appropriate services. This is for adults with autism and providers Ensure Carers are identified and have accessed to an assessment and good quality advice and information This is for Carers of adults with autism Complete the annual self assessment for the Department of Health This is required to evidence our response to the Autism Act and Autism Strategy Who is responsible for implementing it? The Autism Strategy Group of which I am the lead for Leicestershire County Council Yes Has prior consultation on the proposal been undertaken? 5. 6. 7. Has this consultation indicated any dissatisfaction with it from a particular section of the community? No Consultation took place prior to the Autism Act in 2009 and NICE guidelines in 2012. Adults with Autism highlighted issues that formed the basis of the Autism Act and Strategy If yes to Question 6, please state what this dissatisfaction is: The areas highlighted are Lack of understanding about Autism across the population and services Lack of employment opportunities Inconsistent approach to Community Care Assessments and subsequent support Lack of Diagnostics Services across the Country Yes 8. Is there evidence or any other reason to suggest that it could have a different effect or adverse impact on any section of the community? Or more specifically, one or more of the protected characteristics? 9. Is a system in place to monitor its impact? No x We are required to complete a self assessment by the Department of Health. The assessment requires us to demonstrate progress on the key elements of the Act. The next assessment will be July 2013. 10. If yes to Q9, what does this monitoring show? The self assessment in 2011 highlighted the need to demonstrate more progress on the identification of adults with autism known to the Department. This action has been followed through with the introduction of the new IAS system later this year. Note: If no to Question 9, you will need to ensure that monitoring systems are established to check for impact on all nine protected characteristics. 11. Who is likely to be affected by the proposal? Which of the protected characteristics? (Please tick) Explain how each protected characteristic is likely to be affected below: [NB. Alternatively, if no protected characteristic is deemed to be affected, please explain why] Yes Gender Reassignment X Comments Diagnosis is available irrespective of age .Leicestershire is fortunate that diagnosis is available locally. Adults with autism are often recorded as either a Learning Disability or Mental Health on data bases. This makes the recording of actual numbers difficult. The introduction of the IAS system will improve data collection. Access to services are not restrictive Marriage and Civil Partnership X Access to services are not restrictive Pregnancy and Maternity X Access to services are not restrictive Age No X Disability X Race X The autism prevalence study carried out by Leicester University highlighted the difficulties of engaging with BME groups to take part in the study. The work we are carrying out with GP’s, through accurate read coding of patients, should mitigate against this and provide more accurate information. As above Religion or Belief X Sex X Sexual Orientation Other groups e.g. rural X isolation, deprivation, health inequality, carers, asylum seeker and refugee communities, looked after X Current statistics show that more males are diagnosed than females. Currently 4:1.This will change in the future with better awareness raising and improved access to diagnosis. Access to services are not restrictive LCC commissions two services which will support Carers of people with Autism Support for Carers Leicestershire Pilot GP Health and Wellbeing Service children, deprived or disadvantaged communities Community Cohesion 12. Other comments: 13. Decision: No Impact X Positive Impact The Autism Awareness Training is available to any organisation or individual in Leicestershire to improve understanding and awareness of autism. x Neutral Impact Negative Impact or Impact Not Known1 Note: If ticked ‘Negative Impact or Impact Not Known’ box at Question 15, will need to progress to full EIA. 14. Proceed to full EIA? Yes 15. No x What are your reasons for your decision? The service incorporates safeguards against potential discrimination and represents a marked improvement in service response to sufferers of the condition across the board, partly in response to the targets set by the earlier EIA. 1st Authorised signature (Lead Officer): …………………………………………………….. Date: …………………………………….. 2nd Authorised Signature (Member of DMT): …… Date: ………29/05/2013……………………………… Once completed and authorised by the Departmental Equalities Group, this Equality Questionnaire will need to be published on our website. ‘Impact Not Known’ – tick this box if there is no up-to-date data or information to show the effects or outcomes of the function, policy, procedure or service on all of the equality strands. 1