Westfields Junior School Equality Impact Assessment PART 1: INITIAL INFORMATION Name of individual completing assessment: Debbie Jones Governing Committee / School Department Inclusion Manager Title of Policy / Strategy Restrictive Physical Intervention Policy 2012-13 Is this a new or revised document / service? Revised Is this an initial or subsequent Equality Impact Assessment? Subsequent Signature of Assessor: Debbie Jones Date of assessment: 27.9.12 PART 2: EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT 1. Identify the aims, objectives and outcomes of the document / service Provide a summary of the aims and objectives: To provide guidance on the appropriate use of restrictive use of physical intervention at school. What are the intended outcomes of the document /service? To support the outcome of the Every Child Matters agenda (DfES Children's Act 2004) to stay safe. For all children to feel safe, comfortable and supported in the school environment. For all staff to know the correct procedure for physical intervention and the positive behavior management approaches to avoid the need for it. How will you measure the outcomes? Assess the impact of positive behavior management strategies from Monthly Behaviour Summary. Monitor the incidence of restrictive physical interventions. Level of complaints/enquiries about restrictive physical intervention issues / Parental questionnaires Feedback from staff ie Senior Management team Feedback from pupils ie as part of the debrief following a restrictive physical intervention. Who is intended to benefit? All members of the Westfield's community, including pupils, parents,staff and governors. 2. Gather and consider available information and data It is important to have as much up to date, reliable information as possible about the different groups the document / service is likely to or does affect. What processes do we use to consult effectively with pupils,parents/carers,staff,governors and other stakeholders? The following were taken into consideration: DfES Children's Act 2004, United Nations Convention On The Rights of The Child and Unicef. Hampshire County Council policy for restrictive Intervention in School September 2010 2 Equality of Opportunities Policies Positive Relationships for Learning Policy. Planning and Recording physical intervention in schools 2010 Use of Reasonable Force- Advice for head teachers, staff and governing bodies, (2011) 3. Assess the impact on equality Please see guidance notes. Are there any parents /carers, staff, governors or other key stakeholders that may not get what they want from this policy/ function? Positive impact means promoting equal opportunities or improving relations within equality groups Negative impact means that an equality group(s) could be disadvantaged or discriminated against Neutral impact means that it has no effect currently on equality groups Please answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the following table: Equality Group Positive Negative Impact Impact Neutral Explain reasons for impact Impact both for positive & negative Age X This policy demonstrates our commitment to promote positive behavior and keep all pupils and staff safe in school. Disability X As above Faith and Belief X As above Gender (includes X Transgender) Race X Sexual Orientation X Human Rights X As above As above As above As above Other (please specify) 3 4. Consider alternatives If negative impacts have been identified in question 3, action needs to be taken to remedy them. If no negative impacts have been identified, move to question 5. Summarise below what changes have been made already to remove or reduce the negative impacts identified in question 3. If actions remain and feature in another action plan provide a reference to this plan here. If actions remain and do not feature elsewhere complete a copy of the Equality Impact Assessment Action Plan template and attach a copy to this assessment. Does the school have any statutory obligations,which would be breached if any of the options were chosen and implemented? No negative impacts identified. If any negative impact remains, explain why implementation is justifiable. N/A 5. Involve and consult relevant advisors or groups Have you consulted on the document / service to help assess its impact on equality groups? YES/NO If yes, please state which individuals and organisations were involved. NO 6. Decide whether to adopt the Document / Service Do you intend to reject, implement or amend the document / service? Please state which: Implement. 4 7. Ongoing Review on Equality It is necessary to have arrangements in place to monitor the document / service in relation to equality on an ongoing basis. Provide details of your current / planned review process in the sections below. If review processes are already in place, please summarise what these are: Equality Impact Assessments and results of these along with analysis monitoring information, complaints, incidents will ensure effective monitoring of outcome. Monthly behaviour summaries are used to identify any group that is disproportionately represented in being involved in behaviour incidents or affected by them. These would be discussed and issues addressed. If none are currently in place, what plans are there to establish a review process? 8. Future Equality Impact Assessments Give an indication when a further Equality Impact Assessment will be undertaken (maximum interval: every three years). Who, within the School, will be responsible for doing this? Annually on review of policy, carried out by Inclusion Manager. 9. Meeting the legal duty Does the document / service provide an opportunity to promote equality of opportunity and promote good relations within and between the equality groups? Yes 10. All EIA’s relating to policies and service functions must be authorised by the Senior manager or Committee Chair and then forwarded to the Administration Team, after Full Governing Body ratification, and published on The Westfield Junior School Website. Signature of Chair / Manager:……………Debbie Jones NOW COMPLETE PART 3: EIA CONFIRMATION SHEET OVERLEAF 5 PART 3: CONFIRMATION OF EQUALITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR WESTFIELD JUNIOR SCHOOL DOCUMENTS / POLICIES / STRATEGIES AND SERVICE REVIEWS. This section of the Equality Impact Assessment documentation is to be completed after Parts 1 & 2 have been finished. A copy should be incorporated into the document . Main aim of the document / policy / strategy / service (EIA Form Part 2 ) To provide guidance on the appropriate use of restrictive use of physical intervention at school. Outcome of the Equality Impact Assessment Process: It was found that the policy demonstrates a positive effect on all 6 main strands of diversity and extends to human rights and social cohesion. What actions have been taken and are planned as a result of the equality impact assessment. Provide details of action plan (copy attached or reference provided) with timescales / review dates as applicable: No specific actions were identified in the E.I.A process. Policy to be adopted. Groups / individuals consulted with as part of the impact assessment: Debbie Jones/ Inclusion Manager 6 To ensure all m relationships fo Equality Impact Assessment Action Plan Objective/ Issue Action required Lead Person for action 7 Target date Update on progress Diversity Strand