HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 1 of 62 EUROPEAN COMMISSION 5th EURATOM FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME 1998-2002 KEY ACTION : NUCLEAR FISSION n HIGH PERFORMANCE LIGHT WATER REACTOR (HPLWR) CONTRACT N° FIKI-CT-2000-00033 SUMMARY REPORT OF THE HPLWR PROJECT (HPLWR Deliverable D 13) D. Squarer (FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), D. Bittermann (Framatome ANP, Erlangen, Germany), Y. Oka (U. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan), P. Dumaz (CEA, Cadarache, France), G. Rimpault (CEA, Cadarache, France), R. KyrkiRajamaki (VTT, Espoo, Finland), K. Ehrlich (FZK-MCS, Karslruhe, Germany), N. Aksan (PSI, Würelingen, Switzerland), C. Maraczy (KFKI, Budapest, Hungary), A. Souyri (EdF, Chatou, France) Dissemination level : RE: restricted to a group specified by the partners of the HPLWR project October, 2002 HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 2 of 62 TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary ........................................................................................................ 4 1. Work Package I – Evaluation of current status and definition of basic requirements ........................................................................................ 7 1.1 Objectives .................................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Description of Work .................................................................................................................... 7 1.3 Deliverables and milestones ........................................................................................................ 7 1.4 Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 7 1.5 Review of other concepts ............................................................................................................ 8 1.6 Design requirements .................................................................................................................... 9 1.7 Proposed design ........................................................................................................................... 9 1.7.1 Primary System......................................................................................................................10 1.7.2 Containment and Safety concept ...........................................................................................11 1.7.3 Balance of plant (BOP) ..........................................................................................................12 Table 1.1- Proposed Characteristics of the HPLWR Power Plant .............................................................14 1.8 References ..................................................................................................................................15 2. Work Package II- Core design and theoretical analyses .................. 20 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.6 2.6.1 2.6.2 2.6.3 2.6.4 2.7 2.8 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................20 Description of Work ...................................................................................................................20 Deliverables and Milestones .......................................................................................................20 Methodology ..............................................................................................................................20 Results of benchmark problem ...................................................................................................21 2-D subassembly calculations ................................................................................................21 Core calculations ...................................................................................................................23 Conclusions on computer codes for HPLWR ........................................................................24 Shortcomings And Proposed Modifications To The Fuel Assembly .........................................25 Design criteria........................................................................................................................26 Cladding materials .................................................................................................................26 Fuel assembly proposals ........................................................................................................27 Solid moderator .....................................................................................................................27 Conclusions.................................................................................................................................28 References ..................................................................................................................................28 3. Work Package III – Reactor Safety and Deteriorated Heat Flux .... 30 3.1 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................30 3.2 Description of Work ...................................................................................................................30 3.3 Deliverables and milestones .......................................................................................................30 3.4 Assessment of Required Safety Features ....................................................................................30 3.4.1 Containment Concept and passive safety features .................................................................31 3.4.2 Safety Concept .......................................................................................................................31 Table 3.1 – Proposed passive and active safety systems for the HPLWR .................................................32 3.5 General Application of Some Safety Requirements ...................................................................33 3.5.1 European Utility Requirements for Safety versus HPLWR ...................................................34 3.5.2 Generation IV Technology Goals in The Safety and Reliability Area versus HPLWR ........34 3.6 Deteriorated Heat Transfer in Supercritical Water .....................................................................34 3.7 Proposed Design .........................................................................................................................35 3.8 Preliminary Transient Safety Analyses of the HPLWR .............................................................35 3.8.1 Use of RELAP5/Mod3 Computer Code ................................................................................35 3.8.2 Use of CATHARE 2 Computer Code ....................................................................................37 3.8.3 Use of TRAB Computer Code ...............................................................................................38 3.8.4 Future work ...........................................................................................................................38 3.9 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................39 3.10 References ..................................................................................................................................39 HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 3 of 62 4. Work Package IV-Summary Report on Material Selection and available Treatments for Reduction of Corrosion in HPLWR components. ................................................................................................. 41 4.1 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................41 4.2 Description of work ....................................................................................................................41 4.3 Deliverables and Milestones .......................................................................................................41 Table 4-1: HPLWR ”Reference Design” Data for in-core, RPV, and ex-core components ........45 Table 4-2: Estimated maximum temperatures for different materials for the condition of R M/45,000 h at 100 MPa and 200 MPa respectively ..........................................................................................................46 4.4 References ..................................................................................................................................49 5. Work Package V – Economics ............................................................. 50 5.1 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................50 5.2 Description of Work ...................................................................................................................50 5.3 Deliverables and Milestones .......................................................................................................50 5.4 Review of other economic studies ..............................................................................................50 5.4.1 SCLWR economic study .......................................................................................................50 5.4.2 Comparison with other existing concepts ..............................................................................51 5.4.3 GE’s Advanced BWR for improved economics ....................................................................51 5.4.4 DOE’s Near Term Deployment Economics ..........................................................................52 Table 5.1 Cost comparison of ALWR and gas turbine plants ...................................................................52 5.5 Considerations concerning the economics of a HPLWR plant ..................................................54 5.5.1 General ........................................................................................................................................54 5.5.2 Fuel Cycle Considerations .....................................................................................................55 5.5.3 Specific evaluation of HPLWR electricity generation costs ..................................................55 5.4 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................56 5.5 References ................................................................................................................................57 6. Conclusions ............................................................................................ 58 Appendix A : List of HPLWR Reports, Minutes and Memos................ 60 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. 1 -Example of Hexagonal Fuel Assemblies ..................................................................................16 Figure 1. 2- Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) and Arrangement For Inlet and Outlet Nozzles .......................17 Figure 1. 3- HPLWR Containment for a 1000 MWe Plant ...........................................................................18 Figure 1. 4- Schematic of the HPLWR Circuit Diagram ...............................................................................19 Figure 3. 1– Containment and Primary Circuit Concept for the HPLWR .....................................................33 Figure 4- 1 A comparison of oxidation and spallation for ferritic and austenitic steels at 600°C. Metal loss is half of the oxide thickness. .........................................................................................................47 Figure 4- 2 Ultimate tensile strength RM for selected alloys as a function of temperature .......................47 Figure 4- 3 Creep-rupture strength RM/45,000h for selected alloys ..............................................................48 Figure 4- 4 The evolution of the mean hoop stress in the cladding by comparing the effect of outer corrosion with the combined outer and inner corrosion ........................................................................48 Figure 5. 1 Cost comparison of Advanced LWR (ALWR) with Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) and Gas Turbine (GT) (DOE Near-Term Deployment, October 2001) .................................................53 HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 4 of 62 Summary D. Squarer(FZK) The HPLWR project objectives are: (a) to determine the state of the art of the technology with relevance to the HPLWR conditions, (b) to determine the technical merit and economic feasibility of an HPLWR, (c) to identify the main difficulties that may lie ahead, (d) to recommend future R&D program if the concept is found to be feasible. The project was organized into six Work Packages (WP): WP I- Plant definition and architecture, WP II- Core design and theoretical analyses, WP III - Reactor safety and deteriorated heat flux, WP IV – Materials and corrosion, WP V- Economics, WP VIProject management. Communication and exchange of information between the WPs was achieved through five general project meetings in which the results of every WP were discussed. Additional meetings were held by specific WPs. Detailed Minutes of the project meetings were prepared in order to help disseminate the necessary information. Substantial amount of technical information was generated and documented by the HPLWR project, as demonstrated by the reference list of Appendix A. A brief summary of the major results of the project is given in this report by each WP. The following accomplishments can be highlighted at the conclusion of the HPLWR project : A review and assessment of the state-of-the-art of supercritical-water cooled reactors, as well as relevant technolgical review of supercritical fossil power plants, has been performed and its results were considered during the execution of the HPLWR project. These results indicate that the once-through reactor concept outlined by Prof. Oka of the University of Tokyo, could prove to be economically and technically competitive with other advanced LWRs as well as with fossil power plants. Consequently, this concept, which contains similarities to existing and advanced LWRs design in Europe and Japan, was selected by the HPLWR project as a “reference design” in order to assess the technology and the available tools for the analyses of supercritical-water cooled reactors. General plant characteristics of a 1000 MWe once-through supercritical water reactor power plant, that has a potential to be economically competitive, were defined in WP I (Table 1.1). Preliminary concepts for a fuel assembly, pressure vessel, containment and circuit diagram were also defined (Figures 1.1-1.4). Extensive neutronics and thermal-hydraulics core calculations were carried out in WP II on a benchmark problem generated from the “reference design” and on potential fuel assemblies for the HPLWR. Independent calculations were carried out by several partners with different codes in order to: verify the analyses, identify computer codes that could analyze the HPLWR core, identify any required code development effort and identify shortcomings in the design itself. Several shortcomings were identified in the fuel assembly of the “reference design” (e.g. under-moderation, excessive neutron capturing by structural material, short burn-up, etc.) and these findings could guide the design of an improved fuel assembly. Additional effort has to be invested in order to complete HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 5 of 62 the development and verification of the various computer codes, to design an improved fuel assembly and to complete a whole core analysis with consistent assumptions. The general safety features and safety philosophy of the HPLWR were defined in WP III and computer codes that could perform the safety analyses of the HPLWR were identified and tried under supercritical water conditions. The safety philosophy is based on existing and advanced LWR designs and it follows the European Utility Requirements (EUR) and Generation IV guidelines and criteria. Although the information described in WP III is general and very preliminary, it supports the contention that the HPLWR may be designed to operate safely and is expected to reach the safety level of advanced LWRs. At the conclusion of the HPLWR project, the design has not been completed in sufficient details to allow accurate safety analysis, the expected regulations have not been explored and the computer codes that could be used to perform safety analysis have not been validated and verified under supercritical water conditions. Only after the completion of these tasks, can an accurate safety analysis of the HPLWR be completed. Nevertheless, very simple and preliminary results obtained by these safety analysis codes, indicate that they could support the introduction and design of appropriate safety systems, and that they would be able to perform accurate safety analysis after additional code development. In support of the fuel assembly design, a thorough review of heat transfer at supercritical pressures was completed together with a thermal-hydraulics analysis of potential HPLWR subchannels. These results will be used in the design of improved fuel assemblies. In WP IV a state-of-the-art study was performed to investigate the operational conditions for in-vessel and ex-vessel materials in a HPLWR and to evaluate the potential of existing structural materials for application in fuel elements, core structures, reactor pressure vessel and out-of-core components. Based on extensive past experience of material behavior in LWRs, fast breeder reactors, supercritical fossil power plants, and supercritical waste oxidation, the partners were able to recommend in WP IV promising HPLWR materials for in-vessel (up to 650 ºC) and ex-vessel applications that could be strong enough at the design temperature and also possess reasonable corrosion resistance characteristics. The in-vessel material selection was done in close cooperation with WP II in order to identify potential materials that are neutronically compatible. The preliminary identification of potential materials (Table 4.2) must be verified by additional analyses and extensive testing (in particular for corrosion) since the applicable data base is totally inadequate. The economic evaluation in WP V was performed by first reviewing the economic study of the “reference design” that was performed for Japanese utilities by comparing the cost of the “reference design” with the cost of the ABWR. Furthermore, measures that were taken by the industry to improve the economics of Advanced BWR were reviewed, and the cost of generating electricity by fossil power plants was highlighted as the competitive cost “to beat”. In addition to the HPLWR being a more compact (smaller RPV and containment) and simpler, several components used by LWRs are not required by the HPLWR (e.g. steam generators, recirculation pumps, steam separators, HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 6 of 62 pressurizer). A significant economical benefit can be obtained when ‘off-theshelve’ equipment is used. Thus, if the plant is being designed with this in mind a significant development cost can be avoided. This may be true for example, for the turbine design, the reactor pressure vessel, valves, etc. The economic evaluation also included an analysis of the fuel cycle cost, using parametric evaluation of the important parameters. The estimated cost reductions for the HPLWR compared with a defined reference plant are: 30% reduction for building and structures, 35% reduction for the reactor plant, 10% reduction for the turbine plant, and 20 to 25% reduction in overnight capital cost. An initial economic target for the HPLWR is set at 1000 €/kWe and 3-4 cent/kWh levelized generation cost. The HPLWR project was managed under WP VI that included the following activities: conducting five general project meetings, issuing the Minutes of the meetings, preparing the project annual report, TIP and final report, reviewing and editing all deliverable reports, preparing cost and management reports, communicating with all the partners and with the Commission and maintaining the project schedule. HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 7 of 62 1. Work Package I – Evaluation of current status and definition of basic requirements D. Bittermann(Framatome ANP), D. Squarer(FZK), P. Dumaz(CEA), R. KyrkiRajamaki(VTT), C. Maraczy(KFKI), A. Souyri(EdF), N. Aksan(PSI), Y. Oka(U of Tokyo) 1.1 - 1.2 - - - 1.3 Objectives to produce a state of the art report using existing references from partner No. 8 (U. of Tokyo) and other sources on designs based on supercritical water conditions to evaluate this state of the art in terms of plant efficiency, core design and technical difficulties to identify preliminary design requirements and to define important goals and conditions for the plant architecture Description of Work Study existing literature on design of LWR´s based on supercritical water conditions. Evaluate the results in general and define the most promising concept and plant architecture. As main source the work already elaborated by Partner No 8 (U. of Tokyo) will be considered Identify and describe the state of the art of supercritical fossil plants including references and the potential to use turbine technology and other balance of plant equipment in the HPLWR Identify essential plant data and conditions like reactor power including the potential range, fuel cycle, basic architecture, essentials of safety concept Deliverables and milestones HPLWR-D1 [1.1], HPLWR-D2 [1.2], HPLWR-D3 [13] 1.4 Methodology The review work performed under this work package was based on the papers elaborated by Prof. Y. Oka and co-workers while the definition of requirements and the plant architecture was based on requirements which are actually valid in Europe for future reactor types. These are for instance the European Utility Requirements (EUR) and specific passive design characteristics of the boiling water reactor SWR 1000. In order to define the core design we have examined in some details the feasibility of the fuel assembly design of a “reference design” of a supercritical water-cooled reactor that was studied by K. Dobashi et al.[1.4, 1.7]. This examination have led to several essential modifications in the “reference design” referred to in WP II. In addition, the experience HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 8 of 62 of designing current generations of PWR and BWR was utilized to define design constraints on the HPLWR [1.5]. 1.5 Review of other concepts The concept of an LWR operating at supercritical conditions has been studied in the past by different vendors. A review of the various supercritical concepts that were proposed during the last four decades was elaborated and published by Y. Oka [1.6] and is described in more detail in D1 [1.1]. Examination of this review indicates that, except for the University of Tokyo´s SCLWR-H and the CANDU-X reactor designs, none of the other proposed concepts are likely to be economically competitive with modern LWRs and therefore are less likely to be developed into a commercial product. Furthermore, the University of Tokyo´s SCLWR reactor has an additional advantage, in that it can be designed as an epithermal and a fast reactor (albeit with a low breeding ratio) that could be fueled with MOX fuel at an enrichment up to 12%, or as a breeder reactor (with negligible breeding). This is of interest for plutonium management as well as for the future development of breeder reactors that is required to sustain the nuclear option. We note here that the original HPLWR proposal to the Commission included an examination of a breeder design, however this option was deleted from the HPLWR project in order to make it compatible with the allocated Commission’s funding. Obvious simplifications and compatibility with LWRs in addition to the higher temperature raise the possibility of potential cost benefits of this design compared to existing nuclear power plants. A summary of expected benefits of the HPLWR [1.7] is as follows: Simple plant and reactor system without re-circulation, steam water separation system of BWR, without steam generator, pressurizer and primary piping of PWR; compact reactor and plant system Applicability of LWR safety principles and basic safety guidelines Utilization of advantages of supercritical water coolant by once-through cycle, such as higher enthalpy rise in the core, low coolant flow rate and higher thermal efficiency than indirect cycle Potential for utilization of LWR technology basis such as RPV, containment, fuel assembly, control rods, engineered safety features Utilization of balance of plant technologies of supercritical fossil power plants such as turbines, feed-water pumps, feed-water heaters and water cleanup system A review of the proposal of Oka´s concept [1.4, 1.8] has been performed in order to have a starting point for further proposals by the partners involved. As criteria for this review the currently applied requirements and design measures for advanced reactors have been applied. The major comments on the Oka’s concept [1.4] to be considered are as follows: The safety concepts rely only on active safety systems; no passive components are implemented Low reliability is to be expected for steam turbine driven auxiliary feedwater pumps; complicated and expensive steam line arrangements HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 9 of 62 Potential for higher tritium release in case of use of stainless steel fuel cladding instead of zircalloy Fuel assemblies can not be characterized as “full utilization of LWR technologies”, as claimed by Y. Oka [1.4, 1.6] since materials, temperatures and the design features differ substantially from LWR experience Moderation concept with “down-flow moderator rods” with insulation lead to very complicated fuel assembly structure Currently no manufacturer exists who is licensed to produce fuel rods with enrichments higher than 5% Core bypass flow resulting from the core arrangement may lead to significant reduction of the core outlet temperature and consequently to a reduction in the expected plant efficiency According to a Siemens internal report a number of nuclear power plants (17 PWR and 13 BWR) that used stainless steel fuel cladding in the past showed a favorable experience in PWR but unfavorable experience in BWR due to irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking. Stainless steel cladding that contains Co-60 may contribute to a high release of Co-60 in the primary system and to a higher tritium release (~50% of the generated tritium) compared with a release from zircaloy cladding (<1% of the generated tritium). Current licensing target in Germany for tritium release from stainless steel cladding is expected to be exceeded by a factor of 10-20 and may cause licensing problems. For LOCA, stainless steel cladding results in about one order of magnitude lower potential damage to the core than zircaloy cladding; during hypothetical severe accident the hydrogen release from stainless steel cladding is lower compared with zircaloy cladding; there are no obvious issues related to fuel storage and transportation; no problems are expected with the PUREX reprocessing; consequences of higher cobalt doses will have to be analyzed. 1.6 Design requirements Since the HPLWR has to be considered as a long term development project, the requirements applied for the design are expected to be a combination of existing ones (like EUR) and such discussed for future designs (like Generation IV reactors). This means among others that in such a design, passive means and means for mitigation of severe accidents have to be incorporated. 1.7 Proposed design Due to the very limited funding available for such a task in the work program only very rough ideas and sketches can be generated. The proposal is to use as a general basis the concept referenced by Prof. Oka [1.4] and additionally introduce features which consider the above listed comments, as well as other relevant design requirements that European vendors such as Siemens and Framatome have been using for many years in the design of HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 10 of 62 current generation and advanced LWRs. Some ideas for a plant configuration proposal are described as follows: It is desirable to determine reasonable plant sizes depending on the criteria for maximum RPV diameter and largest commercially available full speed turbine. Depending on the reactor inlet and outlet temperatures, the maximum practical dimension of the RPV can contain a core that can yield ~ 2000 MWe, whereas the capacity constraint of the full speed HP turbine of existing design and without any further modification (800 kg/s at 27 MPa or 850 kg/s at 25 MPa) yields a plant size of ~700 - 900 MWe. Such a plant size would utilize existing technology and off-the-shelve equipment and therefore is expected to yield the most economical plant. On the other hand, a plant that is designed for multipurpose applications (e.g. electricity and heat, etc) or for a specific customer may have different scale considerations. Yet with specific redesign of the turbine, other size requirements e.g. 1000 MWe can be matched. 1.7.1 Primary System Framatome ANP has outlined drawings of the core configuration and arrangement. These drawings contain core and RPV dimensions, flow path, fuel assembly arrangements (example in Figure 1.1) within the core barrel, mechanical details of the connections and seals between the fuel assembly, control rods, water rods, tie plates and upper and lower core plates. In order to avoid temperature deviations in the flange area of the RPV, the coolant exit pipes were positioned within the center of the coolant inlet. Thus the complete flange can be held at core inlet temperature (see Figure 1.2). Since the RPV closure is also at inlet temperature, the leak tightness of the seals is assured. The coolant flow which is needed for closure cooling is in all cases routed downward through the hot box and the fuel assemblies to the inlet part of the assemblies by utilization of control rod guide tubes and moderator tubes. The reflector needs also an intensive cooling in order to avoid azimuthal temperature differences. This coolant flow enters the transition pieces which provide the support structure of fuel assemblies. A design of said transition pieces as individual jet pumps facilitates this flow scheme. Concerning the fuel assembly it is suggested that the fuel assembly presented in the “reference design” have tolerance problems as well as other shortcomings as follows: the grid itself poses new challenges since there is little experience with hexagonal grid; tolerances for bulging and bending of the fuel assembly must be taken into account; the fuel pin diameter is too small and may lead to non-economical fuel cycle; the fuel assemblies differ substantially from current LWR fuel assemblies; there is no obvious preference for the moderator flow concept; moderation concepts lead to complicated fuel assembly structures; it is desirable to increase the spacing between fuel assemblies and move the water rods from the periphery to the inside by one row. This is not expected to have a large impact on moderation. The drawings include a detailed sketch of a proposed fuel assembly. Compared with the “reference design” that has in each hexagonal fuel assembly 258 fuel rods, 30 water rods and 9 control rods, the proposed hexagonal fuel assembly in a 1000 MWe HPLWR would have 259 fuel rods, 24 water rods and 6 control rods, a fuel pin diameter of 8 mm, HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 11 of 62 a fuel pin pitch of 9.5 mm, face to face channel box dimension of 212 mm, 121 fuel assemblies, RPV inside diameter of 3380 mm and an annular gap between the RPV and the core barrel of 200 mm. Three types of hexagonal fuel assemblies were proposed: 1. Fuel assembly with enlarged water gap between adjacent assemblies and internal moderator tubes. 2. Fuel assembly with enlarged water gap between adjacent assemblies and solid moderator rods, control rod guide tubes filled with down-flow water (from closure cooling). 3. Fuel assembly with minimized water gap (space for handling and tolerances only) between adjacent assemblies and down-flow water filled control rod guide tubes. In addition to the hexagonal type fuel assembly (Figure 1.1) also proposals for quadratic type assemblies have been made. A rough analysis has been performed on the issue of flow leakages within the RPV. The flow leakage is caused by differential pressure and temperature, manufacturing tolerances, and design requirement to remove the heat in the heavy reflector. The analysis indicates that the by-pass flow may exceed 10% of the total flow for a pressure drop along the fuel assembly of 1.5 bar. Depending on the differential pressure available to drive the bypass flow leakage, the reduction in the fluid temperature due to the bypass flow leakage may reach ~50 ºC and the corresponding reduction in plant efficiency for the “reference design” would be ~1 % to 1.5 %. Thus, it is necessary to consider the issue of by-pass flow before finalizing the core design and flow paths. 1.7.2 Containment and Safety concept Concerning the containment design, the proposal is to consider a modern BWR containment and in order to introduce passive features into the design, the containment should be provided with a core flooding pool and emergency condensers (Figure 1.3). The safety systems configuration should be modified in two essential areas: (1) the auxiliary feedwater pumps should be omitted, (2) a passive core flooding pool with emergency condensers should be provided. The reason for this modification is that the mass of water within the RPV is about 1/10 of that of a BWR or PWR. Therefore, in case of transients like “loss of offsite power”, the safety philosophy of such reactors to maintain the primary pressure and consequently the heat capacity of the existing water is not appropriate in case of an HPLWR. Instead of using a high pressure feedwater injection with all the complications mentioned above, it is proposed to initiate the automatic depressurization system (ADS) and use the existing low pressure injection system and the passive flooding system. With this proposed containment and the safety concept it is considered that an extensive use of passive systems is reached by integration of water capacity outside the RPV, that compensates for the lack of large water mass and natural convection within the RPV of an HPLWR. HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 12 of 62 1.7.3 Balance of plant (BOP) On basis of the Balance Of Plant (BOP) concept proposed by Prof. Oka essential differences between steam cycles of fossil fueled plants and the HPLWR are identified. The most important ones are considered to be that in case of the HPLWR, reheating can only be performed with steam and if the core outlet steam is used, this corresponds automatically to a high pressure with negative impact on the design of the reheaters. The steam conditions after the HP-turbine should be selected in such a way that no moisture separator is required. Due to the high pressure steam to be used for reheating, the reheater has to be completely redesigned. Also a redesign of the High Pressure (HP) and Intermediate Pressure (IP) turbines may be necessary. In addition to the proposed BOP concept, a feedwater tank is recommended and components and systems for plant start-up must also be provided. Steam turbine driven pumps that are incorporated into the “reference design” to cope with the flow requirement during LOCA are unlikely to meet the European Utility Requirements (EUR) for LWR nuclear power plants. It is recommended that constant speed electric motor driven pumps (with a fly-wheel if necessary), with a capacity of 3x50% for a 1000 MWe plant, will be used instead of the steam turbine driven feed-water pumps; the reliability of steam turbine driven auxiliary feed-water pump is insufficient due to the following factors: the steam source has limited capacity and variable steam conditions, it requires sophisticated turbine control system, the steam flow path is complicated, its reliability is low for startup due to condensate accumulation, it adds additional high energy steam pipes to the turbine supply, it still requires a small auxiliary diesel generator. For the feedwater/steam cycle it is proposed to use a feedwater tank in order to prevent failure of the feedwater pumps resulting from a failed condenser pump and to change the heating mode for the intermediate heat exchanger and the last reheater in order to avoid high system pressure (25 MPa) on the shell side. On the basis of calculations performed at FZK on the turbine/feedwater circuit, an evaluation was made on the turbine and reheater assuming an expansion point within the superheated region after the HP turbine. Concerning a 1000 MWe turbine with full-speed turbine/generator and use of existing Siemens PG turbine models, either a two-shaft unit is required or a half speed model must be used. For the start-up procedure of the plant, the two start-up modes at fixed pressure and at sliding pressure were evaluated. From economic reasons the result is to propose the sliding pressure mode, the detailed flow scheme has to be determined later when more requirements are known. For this operation mode dryout (in the subcritical regime) has to be considered in the thermal-hydraulics design of the fuel assemblies. Water chemistry considerations: general requirements are based on the water chemistry requirements of nuclear power plants and fossil power plants. In PWR, the water HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 13 of 62 chemistry of the primary and secondary systems (pH ~9-10 in feed-water) are different whereas in BWR the addition of hydrogen is partly responsible for the generation of isotopes of nitrogen and oxygen by radiolysis and this has an impact on plant maintenance through the ALARA principle. In the Benson boiler oxygenated treatment of the feedwater has been used in the past in many plants which means that oxygen is added to the condensate system (pH ~8.5). It is important to integrate the appropriate water chemistry system into the plant conceptual design especially with respect to material selection and design of critical components to be considered, and it is recommended to adopt initially the BWR water chemistry requirements and systems. A circuit diagram is proposed that includes components required by the plant startup system and components that are required for controlling the plant water chemistry (Figure 1.4). Based on the above mentioned evaluation it is concluded that: The selected “reference concept” can serve as a good basis for further HPLWR development No items could be identified that would prevent the feasibility of the concept The proposed introduction of passive safety features has to be substantiated by future development work It is assumed that it can be demonstrated that the European Utility Requirements can be fulfilled (see also Chapter 3 where the results of WP III are summarized). HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 14 of 62 Table 1.1- Proposed Characteristics of the HPLWR Power Plant Characteristics 1 2 Approximate Values Basis: concept of Prof. Oka incorporating the following characteristics and modifications: Gross plant electric output 1000 MWe Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) 3 4 5 System pressure at the RPV outlet Fluid temperature at the RPV outlet Core coolant flow rate 6 Core coolant inlet temperature 25 MPa 500 ºC To be determined (~1160kg/s) TBD (~280 ºC) (TBD) Reactor Core 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Active core height Number of fuel assemblies Average power density Fuel pin O.D. Fuel pitch Fuel assembly shape Direction of flow in the water rods, however explore the benefit of solid moderator rods instead of or together with water rods Insertion position of control rods 4200 mm 121 TBD by accurate analysis 8 mm (for hexagonal assembly) 9.5 mm Hexagonal or a square fuel assembly Downward Top Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) 15 16 17 18 19 Inside diameter Design pressure Design temperature Wall thickness of cylindrical section Material 3380 mm 27.5 MPa 350 ºC 300 mm 20MnMoNi55 steel Containment 20 21 22 Shape Materials Pressure suppression system Cylindrical Steel reinforced concrete with liner Drywell, pressure suppression pool, core flooding pools Turbine 23 24 Full Speed Supercritical Turbine-Generator Steam flow rate at turbine inlet 50 1/s TBD (~960 kg/s) Decay Heat Removal system (DHR) 25 26 27 28 Accumulators Steam injectors Passive core flooding system Auxiliary feed-water pumps TBD by accurate LOCA analysis TBD Required Not required BOP 29 30 31 Feedwater pre-heaters Heat exchanger/reheater Feedwater tank 8 After HP turbine 1 HPLWR – D 13 1.8 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 15 of 62 References Oka, Y. Koshizuka, S., “D1: Report On Current Status Of Work Concerning Reactor Designs Under Supercritical Water Conditions”, The University of Tokyo, HPLWR-D1, April, 2002 (PU) Bittermann, D.,“Current And Future Turbine Technology Under Supercritical Water Conditions” Framatome ANP, HPLWR-D2, August 2002 (RE) Bittermann, D., “General Plant Characteristics”, Framatome ANP,HPLWR-D3, August 2002 (RE) Dobashi, K., Oka, Y., Koshizuka, S., “Conceptual Design Of A high Temperature Power Reactor Cooled And Moderated By Supercritical Light Water”, ICONE 6, May 1998, ASME, NY, NY Dumaz, P., “Contribution to the Analysis of Core Design Constraints in Supercritical- PressureLight Water Reactors”, CEA Technical Note NT-SERILFEA-01, (HPLWR- D15) May, 2001 Oka, Y., “Review of High Temperature Water and Steam Cooled Reactor Concepts”, HPLWR-SR01,The University of Tokyo, October, 2000 (PU) Squarer, D., “Reasons for selecting the University of Tokyo Reactor design as a study reference” CONTRACT N° FIKI-CT-2000-0003, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, December 2000 (RE) Squarer, D., “Minutes of the second HPLWR project meeting of March 5-6, 2001 at CEA-Cadarache, France” CONTRACT N° FIKI-CT-2000-0003, HPLWRM04, Forschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, April 2001 HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Figure 1. 1 -Example of Hexagonal Fuel Assemblies Page 16 of 62 HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 17 of 62 Figure 1. 2- Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) and Arrangement For Inlet and Outlet Nozzles HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Figure 1. 3- HPLWR Containment for a 1000 MWe Plant Page 18 of 62 HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Figure 1. 4- Schematic of the HPLWR Circuit Diagram Page 19 of 62 HPLWR – D 13 2. HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 20 of 62 Work Package II- Core design and theoretical analyses G. Rimpault(CEA), P. Dumaz(CEA), C. Maraczy(KFKI), A. Tanskanen(VTT), F. Wasastjerna(VTT), R. Kyrki-Rajamaki(VTT), Y. Oka(U. of Tokyo), S. Koshizuka (U. of Tokyo), C. Broeders(FZK), A. Bergeron(CEA), E. Kiefhaber(FZK), D. Struwe(FZK), P. Rau(Framatome ANP), X. Cheng(FZK),T. Schulenberg(FZK), V. Sanchez(FZK) 2.1 Objectives The objectives of Work Package II are: To evaluate existing core design proposals (i.e., University of Tokyo) including the results of work obtained from studies on high conversion LWR concepts (i.e., French RSM, German PWHCR) related to applicability for the HPLWR To propose a preliminary concept for a fuel assembly and control rods To identify code requirements for neutronics and thermal-hydraulics for the HPLWR with thermal spectrum 2.2 Description of Work The tasks in this work package are: Evaluate existing fuel rod and fuel assembly designs considering the requirements for a HPLWR core Make a preliminary estimate of the reactivity coefficients Propose a preliminary concept for fuel rod, fuel assembly and control rod Evaluate reactor physics and thermal-hydraulics methodologies and cross section data base applicable to the HPLWR Review relevant lattice experiments and assess optimized new experiments that could be performed (e.g. at PSI’s PROTEUS facility) 2.3 Deliverables and Milestones HPLWR-D4 [2.10] HPLWR-D5 [2.1] The milestones and expected results are: Preliminary determination of HPLWR core design and applicable coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics computer codes Concept of fuel assembly and control rod Deliverables D4, D5 2.4 Methodology The critical pressure of water is 22.1 MPa and pressure beyond this value is called supercritical-pressure. Under supercritical-pressure, water does not exhibit a HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 21 of 62 discontinuous change of phase and the heat is effectively removed at the pseudo-critical temperature, which corresponds to the boiling point under sub-critical pressure. The pseudo-critical temperature of water at the operating pressure of a Super Critical Reactor (SCR) (25 MPa) is about 385ºC. As there is no discontinuous change of phase under supercritical-pressure, the SCR does not require steam-water separators. The coolant is directly fed to the turbine, and therefore the steam generators are not required. The advantages of a SCR are its compactness, simplicity and the fact that the technologies developed for Fossil Power Plants (FPP) and Light Water Reactors (LWR) may be used. Furthermore, the supercritical-pressure light water reactors present some advantages over existing reactors (PWR and BWR) which prompted the European community (within the 5th FP) to study such a possibility. Any type of spectrum, fast or thermal, could be envisaged but the 5th FP has limited the task to thermal systems. In order to achieve a thermal spectrum through the core, some additional moderating materials should be introduced into the core. Among the various suggested solutions, the one with descending water in specific insulated water rods has been studied due to its potentially attractive features. That solution has been chosen in the so-called Oka’s concept [2.2], which has been designated as a “reference design” for the purpose of evaluating existing codes and data suitable for designing HPLWR concepts and as a starting point for further design studies [2.3]. 2.5 Results of benchmark problem 2.5.1 2-D subassembly calculations Comparison with Monte Carlo code calculations was done [2.1] as follows in order to verify the calculations: Keff, reaction rate and power for a 2-D slice of the subassembly at a given elevation. The results obtained with MCNP and ENDFB6 or JEF2.2 cross section libraries, and with the deterministic codes MULTICELL with ENDFB6 used by KFKI, ERANOS with JEF2.2 used by CEA, and KARPOS/KARBUS with JEF2.2 used by FZK were compared. During the performance of these analyses CEA has found that Hydrogen cross section data are tabulated only up to 350 ºC, therefore there is a need for Hydrogen scattering test data above 350 ºC. Furthermore, bound Hydrogen data are necessary for the entire temperature range. If ZrH1.8 is used as a solid moderator, the corresponding bound hydrogen data should be used. Additional observations are: MCNP and deterministic codes use Hydrogen temperature-dependent cross sections differently; MCNP and the deterministic codes behave differently for cases with hydrogen at temperatures higher than 350 ºC; MCNP uses the highest tabulated cross sections for cases with higher temperatures; both ERANOS and MULTICELL deterministic codes use an extrapolation methodology which gives reasonable results but may be unreliable; the correct method is to use an interpolation technique on α and β before getting the S(α, β) value which is used to get the thermal matrices; experimental validation to check that this is correct is not available above 550 ºK; significant differences exist between the results of calculations using different cross section data sets; the benchmark analysis of the HPLWR sub-assembly demonstrates that the nuclear data need significant HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 22 of 62 improvements before making accurate calculations of the final design; nevertheless, the current prediction capabilities of the nuclear data and code systems is adequate for preliminary design. The following comments regarding nuclear data experiments can be made: Existing experiments for assessing the nuclear data and computer codes are available for: PWR or BWR UO2 fuel; different moderation ratios; different parameters (initial reactivity, power distribution, material balance in burnup calculations, control rod reactivity worth, feedback reactivity worth, i.e. Doppler, temperature, void, and kinetic parameters). Current analyses (of experiments in EOLE and PROTEUS facilities) show that JEF2.2 over-estimate the experimental results whereas ENDFB6 underestimate them. The conclusions are: the HPLWR benchmark study [2.1] demonstrates that the codes give reasonable results but the nuclear data need improvements before making the final calculations; experiments should be performed at high temperatures (350 ºC to 600 ºC) to determine the impact of bound effects of Hydrogen within water or other hydride moderator materials; Hydrogen tabulation above 350 ºC should be produced, whatever the experimental situation for bound effects is; study of the predictability of the nuclear data and code systems should be done on existing experiments; experiments should be performed on the final sub-assembly design. KFKI performed calculations with the KARATE code system, where the effect of Gd burnable absorbers on reactivity swing was analyzed by performing sub-assembly burnup calculations of the “reference design” with the MULTICELL code. The analysis was done on the same six axial assembly slices that were defined earlier by the benchmark problem of WP II [2.4]. The burnup calculations were presented as a function of Full Effective Power Days (FEPD) and a 440 day equilibrium cycle. The results of these calculations indicate that for the “reference design” the burnout of Gd overcompensates the reactivity loss of fuel burnup and therefore a smaller number of Gd rods should be used. As a rough estimate 4% of reactivity loss should be compensated between Middle Of Cycle (MOC) and End Of Cycle (EOC) when the Gd content is unchanged. The analysis also included calculations with and without Gd, and with the ratio of water rods flow rate to the total flow rate varying in the range of 0.05-0.60, while the feedback between neutronics and thermal-hydraulics was calculated with the SPROD code of the University of Tokyo. This analysis yielded the axial distributions of temperature and density in the coolant, water rod and wrapper, as well as the fuel temperature and linear heat rate. Axial peaking factors in the sub-assembly and the effect of control rods on Kinf (with MCNP) were also calculated. This analysis shows that the axial power profile does not have a cosine shape but rather a shape with two peaks, the location of which changes with the flow rate in the water rods and with the introduction of Gd rods (54 Gd rods were used in the analysis). The FZK analysis was done for the fuel assembly of the “reference design” with MCNP models for a 30 º symmetry (similar to VTT and KFKI), full 360 º 2-D and 3-D FZK models, simplified 2-D and 3-D cylindrical super-cell models for KARBUS, as well as HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 23 of 62 coupled neutronics/thermalhydraulics codes: (a) KARBUS multi-group (R-Z) fuel assembly model and TWODANT transport code and (b) RELAP5 system code with one channel for reactor core. The results of FZK’s calculations of the benchmark problem (water density in the range of 0.1-0.7 g/cm3 ) are in general agreement with VTT, while KFKI and CEA results yield somewhat higher values of Kinf. Significantly higher Kinf was calculated when the wrapper around the moderator rods was assumed to contain cold instead of hot water. 2.5.2 Core calculations FZK did some calculations with 12 and 69 energy groups. Conclusions from this analysis are as follows: water temperature and density in the wrapper zone have large impact on the reactivity results for 2-D super-cell slice calculations; 3-D super-cell calculations with three axial mean fuel enrichments show strong sensitivity to the wrapper treatment (this was confirmed with MCNP calculations); a good agreement was obtained between the axial power distributions of the super-cell multi-group and MCNP calculations for the same densities and temperatures. A striking effect of the water temperature in the wrapper on the axial power distribution of the sub-assembly was calculated: when the temperature of the stagnant water in the wrapper was assumed to be as that of the coolant, the peak of the axial power distribution was calculated at about 1 m from the bottom of the sub-assembly, but when the temperature of the stagnant water was assumed as that of the moderator water rod, the peak power shifted to 3.2 m from the bottom of the subassembly. Basically these two axial power shapes are mirror images of each other. Such a large impact of the wrapper water temperature was unexpected. A verification of the KARPOS/KARBUS axial power distribution was done by comparing the results against VTT’s MCNP4C calculations. FZK’s KARPOS/KARBUS, which was validated in the past for tight lattice LWR, was coupled with FZK’s HPLWR version of RELAP5 containing one channel core representation. Kinf, water density and axial fuel temperature distribution calculations were performed with these coupled codes for 4, 12 and 69 energy groups and using 1 to 8 iterations between KARPOS and RELAP5. The results indicate that the 4 energy groups yield significantly lower Kinf, higher water density and skewed axial fuel temperature distribution as compared with the 12 and 69 energy groups, thus pointing out that at least 12 groups should be used in these calculations. The conclusions of FZK analysis are [2.1]: convergence of the main neutronics and thermal-hydraulics parameters is reached within 10 iterations of KARPOS / RELAP5; substantially different results are obtained when 12 or 69 energy groups are used instead of 4 groups; the axial power distribution is very sensitive to the assumed water temperature within the wrapper; stabilization of the axial power shape seems to be promoted by temperature changes and Doppler effect on local reactivity; coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics analysis is mandatory; 3-D analysis of both neutronics and thermal-hydraulics is necessary; the impact of the water inventory between the fuel assemblies has to be evaluated. HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 24 of 62 Because the above mentioned results by FZK may impact some of the conclusions reached by CEA and KFKI in particular with respect to the: (a) number of energy groups, (b) effect of water rod and wrapper temperatures and (c) coupled neutronics/thermalhydraulics effects, KFKI did some additional calculations of the “reference assembly” with the KARATE code system using different group schemes [2.1]. During the HPLWR core calculations the two energy group structure was used in the KARATE code system. As the core in the “reference design”[2.2.] is under-moderated and more epithermal than current LWR, the need for checking the applicability of the two group structure emerged. Cross-section calculations were performed with the MULTICELL 70 group deterministic transport code for the “reference fuel assembly” without Gd absorber at zero burnup. The technological parameter range (coolant density, water rod density, 135Xe concentration, fuel temperature) corresponded to the nominal conditions. Two, 4 and 6 groups diffusion type cross-sections were collapsed using the criticality spectrum (B1 equations) for each parameter combination. The cross-sections were used for the calculation of one representative assembly. The temperature and equilibrium Xe distributions were calculated with the KARATE-SPROD code using two energy groups. The SNAP finite difference code was used to study the effect of the 2, 4 and 6 group scheme, where the cross-sections were based on the frozen distributions. The results showed that the maximum deviation between the multiplication factors was about 0.2 %, so the use of the limited number of groups in this calculation scheme does not lead to serious errors. It should be pointed out that the results presented by KFKI with respect to the influence of the number of energy groups differ from the results presented by FZK. FZK found very significant impact of the number of energy groups while KFKI found little influence. This is associated to the fact that the group scheme choice depend on the collapsing procedure of the energy groups, recent codes just like KFKI’s can use broader group schemes. However, this conclusion stands only for UO2 fuels and an increase in the number of groups is most probably required for studying MOX fuels. 2.5.3 Conclusions on computer codes for HPLWR Reference [2.1] summarizes the applicable neutronics/thermal-hydraulics codes, cross section date bases and neutron physics test requirements. Analyses were carried out by CEA, KFKI, VTT and FZK. The calculations included: 2-D sub-assembly cell calculations, 3-D hexagonal core calculation for a limited number of groups and including burnup calculations, thermal hydraulics calculations including iterations with 3D hexagonal core calculation, reactivity changes over time with burnup and reactivity coefficients calculations. For the 2-D subassembly analysis the agreement between CEA’s MCNP, VTT’s MCNP, KFKI’s MULTICELL calculations, and FZK’s MCNP and KARPOS/KARBUS of k-infinity was within 2% which is significant (the nuclear data are the main source of these difference). However, such differences exist also when calculating PWR and the need for significant improvements of the nuclear data is shared by the reactor physics community, for various reactor applications. More specifically to HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 25 of 62 the HPLWR, data on bound hydrogen in water do not exist above 350 ºC in current libraries. Therefore it should be generated by theoretical analysis and validated by specific measurements at the ILL facility in Grenoble (France). KFKI has performed extensive analysis of the HPLWR core while varying the ratio of water rods flow to the total flow between 0.05 and 0.60 and with neutronics/thermalhydraulics coupling using the University of Tokyo’s SPROD code. This analysis showed that the axial power profile does not follow a cosine profile but rather has a shape with two peaks, the location of which changes with the flow rate. Based on this analysis, it is recommended that once the fuel assembly design has been fixed, a core benchmark analysis be carried out together with a parametric and sensitivity study. With respect to experimental validation of the neutronics analyses, there are some existing relevant data at the beginning of life (BOL) from previous experimental programs (e.g. EOLE, VENUS, PROTEUS, etc.) for both UO2 and for MOX as well as irradiation data. After the fuel assembly design has been finalized, it is recommended to perform validation experiments, in particular power map distribution and reactivity worth. The experiments could determine the pin power, reaction rate and relative reactivity effects on neutron absorbers in a mockup fuel assembly of the HPLWR and could be performed in zero power facilities such as PROTEUS or EOLE. It was concluded that the available analytical tools are adequate for pre-design studies, however they must be improved for a more advanced and detailed design. Improvements can be achieved by comparing codes and data, comparing data sets, experiments to be analyzed and additional experiments to be performed. Also, it is necessary to use coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics codes because of the strong coupling between neutronics and thermal-hydraulics in a typical HPLWR core. 2.6 Shortcomings And Proposed Modifications To The Fuel Assembly The original objective of WP II was to propose a preliminary concept of a fuel assembly (FA), however at present due to the lack of definite proposals on the mechanical arrangements and the different water flow ranges only potential solutions and direction of future investigations have been proposed. After evaluating the “reference design” of the University of Tokyo [2.2] (hexagonal FA) it was concluded that the core is undermoderated and uses excessive neutron-capturing structural material (Ni-based alloy) as well as non-uniform sub-channel flow, thus imposing a substantial penalty on this concept. The under-moderation leads to a large reactivity swing that should be compensated for and the fuel enrichment can reach 7%, which is well above currently operating commercial fuel production facilities. Also, the different enrichment zones of the fuel pins within the sub-assembly lead to some complications and the original design burn-up of 45 GWd/t is too low (proposal is to increase it to 60 GWd/t in order to meet the EUR and to make the fuel cycle competitive with advanced LWR). The evaluation HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 26 of 62 indicated [2.1] that a strong coupling between neutronics and thermal-hydraulics exists and that additional effort is needed to evaluate MOX fuel cores, plutonium use in the core, and fast cores. Based on the results of parametric studies for the evaluation of various options, the following guidelines for improved core design were made [2.5]: change the structural material of the cladding and the wrapper from Ni-base alloy to stainless steel thus reducing the average fuel enrichment by 0.9% (however, for some types of stainless steel of lower mechanical strength, completely annealed thicker cladding may be required); change the moderation by using zirconium hydrides (or YH2) instead (or in complement) of water rods and increase the water gap between the subassemblies and filling it with cold water. CEA noted [2.5] that if the cladding thickness has to be 0.7 mm and a corresponding increase in the wrapper design is required, the overall volume of structural materials will increase by a factor of two and this will correspond to an increase of enrichment by more than 1% compared to the “reference design”. Based on the assessment by WP II the following guidelines for an improved core were made[2.1], [2.5]: keep the downward water flow-since this helps flatten the axial power shape and it helps compensate the large reactivity swing caused by undermoderation and the large volume of absorbing material; increase the moderation ratio in order to reduce enrichment and the reactivity swing; finalize the mechanical design and flow paths of the fuel assembly; reduce neutron absorption by structural materials; make the sub-channel flow more uniform. A series of different actions were performed on [2.4], [2.5]: Design criteria Cladding materials Fuel assembly proposals Solid moderator 2.6.1 Design criteria With respect to some of the design constraint criteria, it was suggested [2.6], [2.7] to use a nominal cladding temperature of 620 ºC, a maximum cladding temperature of 1200 ºC for class 3 and 4 transients, a maximum fuel temperature of 1930 ºC and a low value of linear heat rate of 270 W/cm. It should be noted that this value of the linear heat rate is in dispute since the University of Tokyo has used a value of 390 W/cm. A more accurate design constraints values could only be determined by performing a thorough transient and safety analysis of the HPLWR. 2.6.2 Cladding materials VTT did some neutronics calculations [2.5], [2.7] for the HPLWR cladding material with the objective to find a material that will improve the neutron economy and has minimal radiation damage. HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 27 of 62 Calculations were carried out [2.8] with MCNP using cross sections of nickel and iron in steel from IRDF-90 version 2 and assuming the conditions of WP II benchmark case No. 4 with the neutron source based on the average power density. The calculated displacement rates were multiplied by the total peaking factor (2.26) of the “reference design” to obtain the maximum cladding damage rate. This analysis resulted in a maximum nickel and iron displacement damage rates of 4.2*10-7 and 3.8*10-7 displacement per atom per second (dpa/s) respectively. The same data and conditions were used for the calculation of the maximum helium production rates in Inconel 718 and alloy 1.4970. The results of these calculations [2.8] indicated that steel cladding absorbs less neutrons than Inconel cladding (Keff = 1.09750 and 1.14811 for Iconel 718 and alloy 1.4970 respectively). Dominant helium production processes in these materials are 10 B(n,α)7Li and 58Ni(n,γ)59Ni(n,α)56Fe. The calculated helium production rates for Inconel 718 and alloy 1.4970 are <2.50*10 -7 and <7.04*10-8 atomic parts per million per second (appm/s) respectively, which amounts to approximately 87 appm He after three full power years. This analysis indicates that He production in these cladding materials may be minimized by minimizing the boron content in the cladding [2.5], [2.7]. [2.8]. Framatome ANP designed the RPV internals and estimated the flow distribution as being approximately 1/3 through the downcomer, 1/3 through the reflector and 1/3 through the water rods [2.5]. The RPV internals include a hot box above the core which is a mandatory feature of the design. Furthermore it is important to have a uniform temperature distribution within the reflector (within ±2 ºC) in order to avoid structural deformation of the reflector [2.5]. 2.6.3 Fuel assembly proposals Framatome ANP suggested two fuel assembly (FA) designs [2.4], [2.5], [2.7], [2.9]. The square geometry has been designated as a “wet” FA and the hexagonal one as a “dry”, to reflect the larger volume of moderator water in a square FA. A square fuel assembly is also advocated by FZK [2.7]. The following geometrical data pertain to each FA: Square FA- 165 fuel rods, total area 488 cm2, 25 square moderator/guide tubes, moderator annulus 58 cm2 , moderator tube area 183 cm2, total moderator area 241 cm2, flow area 37 cm2, total water area 278 cm2. For the hexagonal FA – 435 fuel rods, total area 397 cm2, 34 round small moderator/guide tubes, moderator annulus 7.2 cm2, moderator tube area 17.5 cm2, flow area 128 cm2, total flow area 153 cm2. For the hexagonal FA it was assumed that the gap between two FAs can not be less that 2 mm due to tolerances, refueling and lateral support. Comparison between the two fuel assemblies indicates a preference towards a square fuel assembly in order to obtain a high and more uniform reactor exit temperature. Double wall moderator tubes as well as the FA outer structure are complicated and expensive and their feasibility may be in doubt. 2.6.4 Solid moderator HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 28 of 62 ZrH1.8 has less moderation by approximately 20% as compared to water. Thus, if solid moderator will be used in the design of the HPLWR it will necessitate a 20% larger volume compared with water. Extending the burnup to 60 GWd/MTU will require an increase in the enrichment by ~0.5 % and that the use of Ni alloys as a cladding material will cause an increase in the enrichment by ~1%. FZK did the analysis of a square fuel assembly. Obviously, the conclusions of this analysis depend on the assumed geometry and materials of the fuel assembly. Results were presented [2.5] for Kinf vs. enrichment for a square and hexagonal assemblies, Kinf vs. water density for both fuel assemblies and power distribution and peaking factor for a single enrichment. The following conclusions were drawn as a result of FZK’s neutronics analysis [2.5]: deterministic multi-group neutronics models are required for the calculation of burnup and transients; for the “reference assembly” a very strong coupling between neutronics and thermal-hydraulics exists; a deterministic super-cell model of the FA, based on the water rod and its surroundings, could be validated by Monte Carlo simulations; the first neutron physics analysis for a square FA proposed by FZK indicates the need for higher enrichment (6.5% vs. 5.1% for the “reference design”) due to thicker Ni-based alloy assumed in the calculations. Also, an increase in the equivalent core diameter of 5-10% may be expected; the analysis showed potential problems associated with the water rods design of the “reference design”, due to the influence of the thermal insulation around the water rod on core neutronics and core thermal-hydraulics, as well as due to the practical aspects of constructing such a FA. Alternatively, solid moderator rods could be used for example in the upper part of the core in selected pins in order to compensate for the lower coolant density of the hot coolant. Such a FA would be similar to the FA of an epithermal High Conversion LWR with MOX fuel that was studied by FZK in the 1980’s. 2.7 Conclusions The conclusion after performing the analysis reported in reference [2.10] is that it is believed that with appropriate design changes, the HPLWR core can be improved substantially by addressing the above mentioned issues. 2.8 2.1 2.2 2.3 References Rimpault, G. et.al. Applicable neutronics/thermal-hydraulics codes, cross section data base and neutronics test requirements, HPLWR-D5, September 2002 Dobashi,K, Oka, Y., Koshizuka, S. .: Conceptual Design of a High Temperature Power Reactor Cooled and Moderated by Supercritical Light Water, Ann. Nucl. Energy, vol.25, pp.487-505 (1998) (also ICONE-6, May 10-15, 1998) Squarer, D., “Reasons For Selecting The University Of Tokyo Reactor Design As A Study Reference”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-MEM01, December, 2000 (RE) HPLWR – D 13 2.4 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 29 of 62 Squarer, D.,Bittermann, D.,Oka, Y.,Dumaz, P.,Rimpault, G.,Kyrki-Rajamaki, R., Ehrlich, K.,Aksan, N.,Maraczy, C.,Souyri, A., “HPLWR Annual Technical Report”, HPLWR-D12, September 2001 (RE) 2.5 Squarer, D. “Minutes of The Fifth HPLWR Project Meeting of July 29-31, 2002 at FZK – Karlsruhe, Germany”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 11, September 2002 (RE) 2.6 Dumaz, P., “Contribution to the Analysis of Core Design Constraints in Supercritical-Pressure Light Water Reactors”, CEA Technical Note NT-SERILFEA-01, May, 2001, HPLWR-D15 (RE) 2.7 Squarer, D. “Minutes of The Fourth HPLWR Project Meeting of March 4-6, 2002 at EdF – Chatou, Paris, France”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 10, April 2002 (RE) 2.8 Ehrlich,K., Konys,J, Heikinheimo, L., Leistikow, L.,Steiner, H., Arnoux, P., Schirra, M., „ In-core and Out-of-core Materials Selection for the HPLWR”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-D8, August 2002 (RE) 2.9 Bittermann, D. “General Plant Characteristics”, Framatome ANP, Germany, HPLWR-D 03, August, 2002 (RE) 2.10 Rimpault, G. et.al.,”Results of Evaluation of Existing Core Designs and Potential for Application for HPLWR”, HPLWR-D4, September 2002 HPLWR – D 13 3. HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 30 of 62 Work Package III – Reactor Safety and Deteriorated Heat Flux N. Aksan(PSI), D. Bittermann(Framatome ANP), D. Squarer(FZK), T. Schulenberg(FZK), X. Cheng(FZK), D. Struwe(FZK), V. Sanchez(FZK), P. Dumaz(CEA), R. Kyrki-Rajamaki(VTT), A. Souyri(EdF), Y. Oka(U of Tokyo), S. Koshizuka(U of Tokyo) 3.1 Objectives Preliminary assessment of prospective safety features of the thermal HPLWR with the ultimate goal to ensure that the HPLWR is at least as safe as the latest versions of LWRs (e.g., EPR, SWR 1000, ABWR, APWR) Review of the status of the deteriorated heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop in supercritical water near the pseudo-critical line (similar to Critical Heat Flux (CHF)) at conditions of relevance to the HPLWR 3.2 Description of Work - Make a preliminary identification of the required safety features and the safety design requirements of the HPLWR based on the latest safety philosophy and features of advanced LWRs - Identification of passive safety systems that could be incorporated into HPLWR - Make a preliminary assessment of the appropriateness of the RELAP5 code to perform thermal-hydraulics LOCA and transient analyses of the HPLWR - Preliminary evaluation of the need for safety tests in existing large scale facilities - Review of heat transfer phenomena in supercritical fluids with emphasis on heat transfer deterioration and pressure drop - Preliminary identification of potential computer codes (system codes/CFD) and code requirements that could be used for the design and analyses of CHF tests 3.3 Deliverables and milestones HPLWR-D6 [3.15] HPLWR-D7 [3.10] 3.4 Assessment of Required Safety Features In the “reference design” [3.2] only minimal information is given about the containment design and the primary system, and the containment concept hardly pays any attention to passive safety systems. Consequently substantial effort has been invested in order to define the safety features of the plant in a European environment, as well as to incorporate passive safety features into the design. The major basic requirements for safety and licensing are as follows: Licensibility in different countries (standardization) Consideration of design extension conditions (complex sequences, severe accidents) and prevention of early containment failure HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 31 of 62 Application of standard PSA methodology Integral frequency target for core damage (10-5 per year) and limiting releases target for severe accident (10-6 per year) Minimal emergency protective action beyond 800 m from the reactor No delayed action (temporary evacuation) beyond 3 km No long-term action (permanent resettlement) beyond 800 m Limited restriction of consumption of foodstuff and crop in area and time scale 3.4.1 Containment Concept and passive safety features The containment concept is based on that of recent-generation BWR plants. It is a cylindrical containment made from steel reinforced concrete equipped with an inner liner and a pressure suppression system (Figures 1.3 and 3.1). The containment is divided into a drywell, which includes four flooding pools and a pressure suppression pool, as required by the pressure suppression system. It is considered that the containment design pressure is determined by a maximum LOCA, which is expected to result in a design pressure of about 0,2-0,3 MPa. 3.4.2 Safety Concept It is the aim for the development of the HPLWR to use both passive and active safety systems for performing safety-related functions in the event of transients or accidents. The most frequent events requiring system function for prevention of intolerable fuel rod temperatures comprise anomalies in plant operation, or so-called transients. As a result of the specific conditions of supercritical water the water inventory within a HPLWR is about 1/10th of that of a BWR or a PWR. This means that in case of incidents and accidents, the heat storage capacity of the existing water is low. Concerning the control of incidents and accidents this fact has to be considered appropriately. In general this means that as fast as possible, flow has to be maintained which is able to cool the core. Later on the core has to be flooded with water from all sources, including water reservoirs external to the primary circuit. From the analyses for a hot line break and a loss of feed-water flow accident [3.6], [3.14] it is expected that the core cooling will be more effective in case of loss of flow accidents, if the Automatic Depressurization System (ADS) is activated and followed by a low pressure water injection from the suppression pool, compared to high pressure injection. Although this has to be substantiated by further analyses, this procedure seems to be the appropriate mode to control these kinds of accidents. Therefore in case of incidents with loss of feed-water flow it is proposed (as in the original Oka design [3.2], [3.9]) to apply the principle of ADS followed by low-pressure coolant injection (see Table 3.1 and Figure 3.1 below). Whether accumulators can be used in addition or even instead of the pumps has to be analyzed further. This mode should result in the lowest temperature loads of the fuel rods and in reliable systems for accident control. It should be pointed out that the same design philosophy has also been adopted in the design of Advanced Light Water Reactors (ALWR). HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 32 of 62 In case of most of the transients as well as in the event of accidents, the following safety functions must be assured: Reactor scram Containment isolation RPV pressure relief and depressurization Heat removal from the RPV Reactor water makeup and control of core coolant inventory Heat removal from the containment The passive and active systems planned for these tasks are described in Table 3.1 below Table 3.1 – Proposed passive and active safety systems for the HPLWR Safety functions Systems provided Reactivity control Two independent scram systems Containment isolation 2 main steam isolation valves per train Reactor pressure control and reactor depressurization 6 safety relief valves; 4 emergency condensers Core flooding 4 RHR and LPCI systems; flooding lines; possibly accumulators RHR from RPV 4 RHR and LPCI systems; 4 emergency condensers RHR from containment 4 RHR and LPCI systems; 4 containment condensers HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 Page 33 of 62 Safety relief valves Emergency condenser Core flooding pool Pressure suppression pool Low pressure injection Drywell flooding line Containment cooling condenser Vent pipes Main steam line Feedwater line 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 HP turbine LP turbine Condenser Condensate water pump Feedwater tank Main feedwater pump LP Reheater HP Reheater Water separater, reheater 1 9 3 19 2 10 11 12 8 4 4 13 6 5 18 16 15 17 14 HPLWR Circuit diagram, schematic Figure 3. 1– Containment and Primary Circuit Concept for the HPLWR 3.5 General Application of Some Safety Requirements Since the HPLWR is considered to be a long term development project which is expected to be realized in the far future (by approximately 2015, similarly to the Generation IV nuclear reactors that are now being assessed by the U.S. DOE and the Generation IV International Forum (GIF), it is somewhat difficult to foresee the requirements which will be appropriate at that time. Therefore it was decided to take into account as a general guide, the European Utility Requirements (EUR), which are currently considered to be most advanced and most complete in Europe and have been applied in the design of advanced LWRs such as the EPR and the SWR 1000 (detailed designs of which are very advanced). Additionally, the trends of future requirements, as expressed in the requirements known from the Generation IV initiative, was considered in order to include further advanced ideas. HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 34 of 62 3.5.1 European Utility Requirements for Safety versus HPLWR Application of EUR safety requirements to HPLWR has been performed as a guideline in general terms and reference [3.16] has been used as the basis. Additional EUR chapters (e.g. 2.2, 2.4, 2.8, 2.9) are necessary to carry out specific application and compliance assessment, which can be performed after having a mature design. Presently, it is necessary to keep a close overview for the preliminary basic design in relation to the EUR safety requirements. These requirements have been considered and taken into account during the evaluation of the merit and feasibility of the HPLWR concept and the results are provided in tables [3.15] for the primary system and for the containment system. A comparison of EUR requirements with the HPLWR general features is also made [3.15]. The objective of this comparison is to show that we estimate that the HPLWR has a potential to meet these requirements. However, it should be realized that the task of comparing the HPLWR to the EUR is quite substantial. Such a comparison can only be made after the HPLWR design would become more mature and would include adequate detailed description of the entire power plant. On the other hand, it is advantageous to examine carefully the EUR requirements during the design stage, in order to assure the fulfillment of these requirements later on. Thus it is clear that such a process is iterative, and a design of a new power plant such as the HPLWR can benefit from substantial savings by considering the requirements in every step from the very beginning. 3.5.2 Generation IV Technology Goals in The Safety and Reliability Area versus HPLWR Since many aspects of conceptual HPLWR design are not known in detail until the completion of the basic design and the related research and development efforts, general guidelines for the Generation IV technology goals in the safety and reliability area vs. HPLWR are provided in tables [15]. This comparison indicates that the present preliminary design of the HPLWR has the potential to meet most of these goals. It is also to be noted that, in general, the Generation IV requirements are generally compatible with the top tier EUR document. This is an important observation, since by using the EUR as a guide for the detailed design of the HPLWR, it will also insure the conformity of the HPLWR with Generation IV goals. 3.6 Deteriorated Heat Transfer in Supercritical Water Extensive literature survey was undertaken on heat transfer at super critical conditions and also on heat transfer deterioration at the pseudo-critical point. The details of this work are described in [3.10, 3.11]. Considering the valid parameter range of correlations, it is found that the correlation of Bishop is the most suitable one for the sub-channel conditions of the HPLWR “reference design” and it was recommended for use in the HPLWR project. With respect to the onset of heat transfer deterioration, there are no HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 35 of 62 experimentally verified correlations applicable to the HPLWR conditions. However, for a preliminary assessment, the correlation of Yamagata [3.10, 3.11] is recommended. Thermal physical properties of supercritical water were also reviewed in the same report [3.11]. It was agreed that the steam table of IAPWS-97, respectively IAPWS-95, was well accepted by international institutions and, therefore, should be taken as the reference for the HPLWR project. In addition, recommendation for the friction pressure drop at supercritical conditions was also made. 3.7 Proposed Design Since the core design and configuration of the HPLWR has been changing and there is presently no fixed core configuration (e.g. the fuel assembly shape could be hexagonal or square, and various versions of these configurations), it was agreed to concentrate on hexagonal fuel assembly and on the safety systems of the “reference design”. Without this assumption, it is nearly impossible to progress due to the limited resources. It should also be noted that the “reference design” has only minimal information about the containment design and related safety systems. In the mean time, there has been a proposal by the HPLWR project (see Chapter 1) for the containment and safety concepts with some details as indicated in Section 3.4 above. 3.8 Preliminary Transient Safety Analyses of the HPLWR The supercritical HPLWR reactor represents a challenge for best-estimate safety analysis codes like RELAP5 and CATHARE since such codes were developed for two-phase or single-phase coolant at pressures far below the critical point. Hence the prediction of the thermo-physical properties of steam and the available correlations for the wall-tosupercritical water heat transfer has not been validated yet. The safety analysis codes RELAP5, CATHARE and TRAB (TRAB is also a reactor dynamics code), which were developed for current generation LWRs, were modified in order to be able to perform HPLWR safety analyses. Thus, the steady-state conditions and some selected transients, in which the system pressure remains above the critical pressure, were predicted by RELAP5, CATHARE and TRAB. The RELAP5 code was also used to evaluate the impact of loosing the thermal insulation of the water rods and to study the feasibility of substituting solid moderator rods instead of water rods. The University of Tokyo has also made available to the HPLWR partners (on bilateral basis) several computer codes, which were developed for the SCLWR design, e.g. 1-D steady-state thermal-hydraulic analysis code, 1-D transient code and a LOCA code. 3.8.1 Use of RELAP5/Mod3 Computer Code Work on the preliminary assessment of the appropriateness of RELAP5 code has progressed in the direction of two-fold approach [3.12, 3.13]. These two approaches are: Simple modelling of the HPLWR and an attempt to verify the application of the RELAP5 code to the selected transients (e.g. LOCA), HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 36 of 62 Selection of relevant phenomena, parameter ranges and transient types and assessment of the applicability of the RELAP5. As part of the second approach, a list of transient phenomena for HPLWR conditions has been identified and selected: These are: - Critical flow at super-critical conditions (as also confirmed by the investigations at FZK) - Reflooding for tight lattice geometry at low pressure Boil-off for tight lattice geometry at low pressure An attempt to assess the critical flow at super critical conditions was made at PSI using the Edwards’ pipe blowdown experiment. This experiment simulated a pipe pressurized with water that was blown down to the atmosphere through a large, fast-opening hole in one and of the pipe. Although actual tests were performed at sub-critical conditions, the initial pressure of the simulation was changed to 25 Mpa and also the initial temperature was changed, for this evaluation. The calculation, which was performed, encountered water property failures and could not run to completion with the existing RELAP5 version. The failure occurred near the pseudo-critical temperature point. The reasons of failure are under investigation. The NEPTUN-III bottom flooding experiments were used to assess the capabilities of RELAP5/Mod 3.3 to predict reflooding in a tight lattice geometry at low pressure. Since the experiment and analysis deal with the reflood stage, it includes only the sub-critical range. The experiments and analysis describe the reflooding phenomena in a tight hexagonal lattice following hypothetical LOCA scenario. The results indicate that for a tight lattice the RELAP5 code under-predicts the peak cladding temperature measured during a series of reflooding experiments performed at the NEPTUN-III heated rod bundle facility. The reasons for these differences are discussed in [3.17] and potential improvements in the RELAP5/Mod 3.3 modelling of reflooding in tight-lattice assembly have been investigated. It should be pointed out that correct modelling of relevant experimental data (e.g. NEPTUN-III, etc.) by codes such as RELAP5 or other codes is a necessary step in code verification and often requires extensive effort. Although the final HPLWR fuel assembly may have a different geometry, i.e. a square fuel assembly, a similar code verification effort (for other codes, e.g., RELAP5, CARHRE, FLICA or a sub-channel code) may be required. At FZK extensive work has been performed within the HPLWR-project to evaluate the appropriateness of the best-estimate, two-phase flow thermal hydraulic system code RELAP5 as a reliable tool for safety-oriented investigations as well as supporting studies during the plant and core optimization process. These activities were mainly focused on: - review of physical models, e.g., thermo-physical water properties, wall/supercritical water heat transfer - review of code’s numeric for the prediction of the thermo-physical water properties e.g. close to the critical point - review of code’s simulation capabilities, e.g., for plant steady-state conditions, plant transients and accidents identifying problem areas and model needs regarding the HPLWR-peculiarities, e.g., supercritical pressure - HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 37 of 62 proposing areas where future work must be oriented. As a continuation of the qualification work, selected plant transients, where the system pressure remains above the critical pressure, were investigated with RELAP5 aiming to get a first impression how RELAP5 behaves in the supercritical regime rather than in assessing the plant response during transients. In addition, some exploratory LOCA investigations were carried out to examine whether RELAP5 is also able to predict the HPLWR plant behavior during accidents, where the system pressure decreases below the critical pressure e.g. during the blow-down phase of loss of coolant accidents. The following transients were analyzed with RELAP5 at FZK: 1) loss of feed water heating 2) reduction of coolant flow 3) loss of off-site power The sequence of events, the initial and boundary conditions as well as the assumptions for the calculations were mainly taken from previous studies performed by the University of Tokyo [3.2, 3.6-3.8] using codes especially developed for this type of reactor. In general, it can be stated that RELAP5 has the potential to be used as a reliable safety analysis tool for the assessment the HPLWR plant. However additional improvements of numeric and physical models as well as further code qualification work are necessary to fully cover the analyses of postulated HPLWR transients and accidents. 3.8.2 Use of CATHARE 2 Computer Code Analyses of HPLWR reactor transients (like LOCAs) require a thermal-hydraulics code that is able to calculate supercritical fluid flow, two-phase flow in sub-critical conditions and transitions between these conditions. For such purpose, the capabilities of the CATHARE2 (version V1.5a) computer code have been investigated at CEA (Cadrache and Grenoble). CATHARE is usually used for pressures in the sub-critical regime, but thanks to steam tables that include properties up to 26 MPa, it was possible to develop a modified version of the standard code, which is able to simulate transients where both supercritical and sub-critical regimes are encountered. The “reference concept” of the HPLWR project (SCLWR-H) [3.2] has been modeled with CATHARE using: - one-dimensional modules, 1-D (feed-water lines, downcomer, fuel coolant channel, etc.) - volume modules, 0-D (lower plenum, upper plenum, etc.) - boundary condition modules, BC (inlet and outlet conditions) Two transients were analyzed with the CATHARE code using a very simple model of the HPLWR. These transients are: feed-water line break and steam line break. In both cases, the transient behavior appears to be well calculated from supercritical to sub-critical regimes. In fact, the supercritical regime lasts one or two seconds only. However, additional effort is necessary to improve the physical models in the code, to verify it and to validate it against experimental data. The work achieved up to now has shown that HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 38 of 62 CATHARE2 has the potential, after further code verification and validation, to be used as a reliable safety analysis computer tool for HPLWR type reactor. 3.8.3 Use of TRAB Computer Code As an example the following transients were analyzed with the RELAP5/MOD3 code [3.15, 3.19]: (1) loss of feed water heating, (2) reduction of coolant flow, and (3) loss of off-site power. The TRAB code of VTT was used to analyse the following transients [3.13, 3.18]: (a) inlet temperature transient (280 to 260 ºC in 1 sec), (b) inlet mass flow transient (1816 to 908 kg/s in 1 sec), (c) outlet pressure increase transient (25 to 27 MPa in 1 sec), (d) outlet pressure decrease transient (25 to 23 MPa in 1 sec). The results of the TRAB analyses indicate that the code can, in principle, analyse the HPLWR dynamics and showed that the HPLWR system behaves as expected at super-critical pressures and that the transients decay after 10-20 seconds. Additional modelling effort is needed to improve the code capabilities. 3.8.4 Future work It is evident from the work summarized above that several fundamental HPLWR-related issues need to be experimentally and theoretically investigated in more details within a technological research program. In this context, the research activities related to the qualification and validation of thermal-hydraulics and safety analysis tools may be concentrated on the following areas: 1. Fundamental heat transfer mechanisms Heat transfer for wall/supercritical water under steady-state conditions Heat flux deterioration for supercritical water Heat transfer during boil-off and reflood of relevant lattice cores Critical flow of supercritical water 2. Validation of developed correlations for supercritical water against experimental data 3. Development of appropriate interpolation schemes to predict the steam/water properties around the critical point. 4. Steady-state investigations aimed to optimize different moderator rod concepts 5. Coupling of thermal-hydraulics codes with neutronics codes 6. Safety evaluation of proposed plant design with best-estimate codes coupled with 1D or 3-D-kinetics HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 39 of 62 7. Supporting investigations to optimize the safety systems design From the HPLWR investigations to-date it can be concluded that the above mentioned codes have the potential to be used as reliable safety analysis tools within the framework of the HPLWR project. However additional improvements of numerical method and physical models as well as further code qualifications are necessary to fully cover the analyses of postulated HPLWR transients and accidents. 3.9 Conclusions At the conclusion of the HPLWR project under the 5th FP, the HPLWR design has not been completed in sufficient details to allow the performance of accurate safety analysis, the expected regulations have not been explored and the computer codes that could be used to perform safety analysis have not been validated and verified for supercritical water conditions. However, despite these shortcomings, the safety related information presented in the deliverable reports [3.10, 3.15], supports the contention that the HPLWR can be designed to operate safely and is expected to reach the safety level of advanced LWRs. Furthermore, the information presented in the reports [e.g. 3.15, 3.19] clearly demonstrates that reliable well-known computer codes like RELAP5 and CATHARE that are currently being used for the safety analyses of LWRs will be able to analyze the HPLWR after additional development and verification. The preliminary results shown in these reports also indicate that these codes, in their present preliminary status, can already be used to help define and optimize the necessary safety systems of the HPLWR. Moreover RELAP5 can, at this stage of the project, be used for core design optimization studies. Since the HPLWR will draw from the experience of existing LWRs and have some features (e.g. lack of Zr, less fuel, simplified circuit) that increase its safety potential, it is believed that the HPLWR can be designed and licensed by regulatory authorities to operate safely. 3.10 References 3.1 V. H. Sánchez, et. al.; Investigations of the Appropriateness of RELAP5 to Analyse the Safety Features of the HPLWR-Reactor. FZK-Report in preparation K. Dobashi, Y. Oka, S. Koshzuka, "Conceptual Design of a High Temperature Power Reactor Cooled And Moderated By Supercritical Light Water", ICONE-6, May 10-15, 1998, ASME, NY. D. Barber, T. Downar, W. Wang; Final Completion Report for the Coupled RELAP5/PARCS Code. PU/NE-98-31. 1998. Purdue University. 3.2 3.3 HPLWR – D 13 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 40 of 62 H. Finnemann, R. Böhm, J. Hüsken, R. Müller, J. Mackiewicz; HEXTIME: A hexagonal space-time kinetics code for the analysis of PWHCR transients T. Schulenberg, “Minutes of the WP I Meeting of April 27, 2001 At Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 05, May, 2001 (RE) S. Koshizuka, k. Shimamura, Y. Oka; large-break Loss-Of-Coolant Accident Analysis of a Direct-Cycle Supercritical-Pressure Light Water Reactor. Ann. Nucl. Energy, Vol.21 No.3, pp 177-187.1994 J. H. Lee, S.Koshizuka, Y. Oka; Development of a LOCA Analysis Code for the Supercritical-pressure Light Water Cooled Reactors. Ann. Nucl. Enegy Vol. 25. No.16. pp 1341-1361.1998. K. Kitoh, S. Koshizuka, Y. Oka; Improvements of Transient Criteria of Supercritical Water Cooled Reactor Based on Numerical Simulation. ICONE-2341. 1997 Oka, Y., “Review of High Temperature Water and Steam Cooled Reactor Concepts”, HPLWR-SR01, October, 2000 X. Cheng, T. Schulenberg, A. Souyri, V. Sanchez, N. Aksan, “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Supercritical Pressure- Literature Review and Application to a HPLWR”, HPLWR-D 07, September, 2001 (PU) Cheng, X., Schulenberg, T., “Heat Transfer At Supercritical Pressures-Literature Review and Application to an HPLWR”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Technik und Umwelt, FZKA 6609, May 2001 Aksan, N., Schulenberg, T., Cheng, X., “Minutes of the WP-III Technical Meeting of January 29-30, 2001, At Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany”, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland and Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 03, February, 2001 (RE) Squarer, D. “Minutes of The Second HPLWR Project Meeting of March 5-6, 2001 (Rev. 1) at CEA – Cadarache, France”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWRM04, April 2001 (RE) Koshizuka, S.,Oka,Y., “Computational Analysis of Deterioration Phenomena and Thermal-Hydraulic Design of SCR”, SCR-2000, pp169-179, Nov. 6-8, 2000, Tokyo N. Aksan, D. Bittermann, D. Squarer, “Potential Safety Features of The HPLWR and General Application of Some Safety Requirements” EC-Report, HPLWR-D 06, September 2002 (RE) EUR, “Volume 2: Generic Requirements, Chapter 1: Safety Requirements (Parts 1 and 2)” Revision B, November 1995 (As supplied by Framatome ANP) G. Th. Analytis, “Analysis of seven NEPTUN-III (tight lattice) bottom flooding experiments with RELAP5/MOD3.3/BETA”, PSI Internal Report, TM-42-02-07, July 23, 2002 Leppanen, J, Tanskanen, A., Kyrki-Rajamaki, R., “Feasibility of the TRAB code for HPLWR reactor dynamics calculations”, VTT Processes, Project Report YR-PR-14/02, August 2001 V. H. Sánchez, et. al.; Investigations of the Appropriateness of RELAP5 to Analyze the Safety Features of the HPLWR-Reactor. FZK-6947, 2002. HPLWR – D 13 4. HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 41 of 62 Work Package IV-Summary Report on Material Selection and available Treatments for Reduction of Corrosion in HPLWR components. K. Ehrlich (MCS-FZK), J. Konys (FZK), L. Heikinheimo (VTT), S. Leistikow (FZK Consultant), P. Arnoux (CEA), M. Schirra (FZK) 4.1 Objectives Perform a state-of-the-art study that will guide in-core and out-of-core materials selection for the HPLWR. 4.2 Description of work 4.3 Evaluation of existing materials for fuel elements, core structures and piping and other relevant components based on assumed boundary conditions for a thermal HPLWR, and preliminary selection of appropriate candidate materials; Identification of potential future experiments. Metallurgical characterization of potential materials and optimization towards reduced corrosion/stress corrosion cracking by thermal-mechanical and surface/process treatments Review of the effects of fluid radiolysis and power plant water chemistry on candidate HPLWR. Deliverables and Milestones HPLWR-D8 [4.1], HPLWR-D9/10 [4.2] In Work Package IV of the HPLWR project a state-of-the-art study was performed to investigate the operational conditions for in-core and ex-vessel materials in a future High Performance Light Water Reactor (HPLWR) and to evaluate the potential of existing structural materials for application in fuel elements, core structures, reactor pressure vessel (RPV) and out-of-core components [4.1], [4.2]. For the conventional or ex-core components like boilers, superheaters and turbines of this novel plant the operational design data, summarized in Table 4-1, are moderate with regard to the expected temperature ( 600°C) and pressure levels (250-275 bar) of the cooling medium. They lie at the lower range of operational parameters for presently operating sub- and supercritical fossil power plants (FPP). For these conditions and an expected component lifetime of 200 000 hours ferritic/martensitic 9-12% Cr steels like 1.4922 and P 91 or HCM12 are used today. For elevated temperatures up to a maximum of 650°C austenitic stainless steels such as 1.4910, TP 347 HFG and others are HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 42 of 62 available. For most of these alloys a broad technical data base and material properties including creep rupture properties and corrosion behavior are available for subcritial lifesteam conditions, whereas experience under supercritical water conditions is still restricted and the data have not yet been published. A further increase of the operational temperature beyond 650°C would necessitate the use of highly alloyed Ni-based superalloys with a strongly improved high temperature creep rupture strength and high oxidation resistance. The development of such high temperature supercritical fossil power plants is, however, in a premature stage with unknown results. It is assumed, as already mentioned in the WPI-Summary report, that in the conventional part of an HPLWR the well developed and tested materials of the commercial power plants can be adopted. Therefore, in this report a general overview of these materials and a short status of knowledge is given. A more detailed evaluation of their oxidation kinetics was made [4.1] to estimate the corresponding metal loss and the oxide debris to be expected in the water cycle of the reactor core, where very thin-walled components and structures like fuel pins and wrappers are exposed to supercritical water. This evaluation is based on published data from conventional steam power plants. A parabolic time- and an Arrhenius-type temperature dependence was assumed for the description of the oxidation behavior in dry steam environment, and for the material loss caused by spallation of produced oxide scales a linear time dependence was used. Oxide growth and spallation constants were determined by using fitting algorithms provided by a standard software for a temperature range between 550°C and 650°C. The derived formulas allow the calculation of the expected oxide and metal loss and have been applied to estimate the loss of wall thickness of thin cladding materials during the expected lifetime of 45 000h. Figure 4-1 gives as an example a comparison of oxidation and spallation effects at 600°C for selected ferritic/martensitic and austenitic stainless steels. A direct application of these findings under steam to the supercritical water conditions in the conventional part of the HPLWR has to be made with caution. Experience regarding the general corrosion behavior in the running novel SC FPPs is still limited to low exposure times and data have not yet been published in the open literature. It is, however, assumed that like in the subcritical steam regime, also in supercritical water the formation of stable Cr2O3 layers is the dominant protective mechanism, and the thermodynamic stability of these protective layers is ensured at least up to 650°C even at high pressure. This assumption is supported by older data on the corrosion behavior of austenitic stainless steels in water where the system pressure range has been varied from 70 to 350 bar, and where no substantial differences in corrosion behavior have been observed with increasing pressure. A direct comparison of older data on the corrosion behavior of ferritic and austenic steels as well as Ni alloys in degassed supercritical water over a broad temperature range from 427 to 732°C with those mentioned above, did not lead to a general agreement, because different temperature and time dependencies were found and exposure times in the older experiments were fairly short. Another point that should be considered is the water chemistry to be applied in an HPLWR. The major restrictions on the specification of water chemistry in this oncethrough cycle come from the necessary limitation of impurities in the feedwater for the reactor. In the HPLWR core a transition from the sub-to the supercritical state of water HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 43 of 62 occurs, which is connected with a strong decrease of impurity solubility and hence is responsible for the formation of deposits. Furthermore, it is expected that the radiolytic water decomposition in an HPLWR will not exceed the values observed in existing Boiling Water Reactors (BWR´s). Therefore the recommendation is to use the stringent water specifications existing for BWR´s also for the future HPLWRs. It is necessary, however, to investigate whether the usual way in conventional power plants to increase the pH-values of the water by adding ammonia-hydrazines is compatible with the necessary specifications of the in-core water chemistry. A general concern is that different forms of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) could be a problem for the use of steels and especially Ni alloys under high pressure supercritical water conditions. There exists, however, some proven measures which can reduce this risk. For austenitic stainless steels which are prone to transgranular stress corrosion cracking (TGSCC) in high oxygen and chloride containing water it is necessary to obey the strict limitations of these species through appropriate water chemistry control in the HPLWR, which is possible. Austenitic stainless steels and especially high Ni-containing alloys suffer from intergranular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC). However, by an appropriate material composition such as an intermediate Ni content, a low carbon concentration or the use of carbon-binding or “stabilizing” elements like Nb or Ti, the sensitivity of grain boundaries to IGSCC can be reduced. Nevertheless, one of the most uncertain areas remains the corrosion behaviour of all materials under supercritical water conditions and a possible influence on stress corrosion cracking phenomena. The design data for in-core components compiled in Table 4-1 are very ambitious in comparison with conventional Light Water Reactors, especially with regard to the high coolant pressure ( 250 bar) and the increase of the water temperature from 290°C inlet to 510°C outlet, which causes a transition from the sub- to the supercritical state in the core. The temperature of the claddings of fuel elements can reach more than 600°C and the calculated neutron exposure accumulates up to 1.131023 n/cm2 or 60 displacements per atom (dpa) for an envisaged target of 70 GWd/tU burnup. The high neutron and irradiation associated with this burnup target of the fuel elements leads also to the formation of undesirable elements like helium and hydrogen via inelastic nuclear reactions in the alloys .This can, in combination with the displacement of atoms, lead to changes in the mechanical and micro-structural properties and generate dimensional distortions in the cladding and core structures. In this respect a HPLWR core resembles more the operational conditions of a Fast Breeder Reactor (FBR) than a Light Water Reactor and it was soon very clear that classical Zr-alloys cannot withstand such conditions. In a first step a selection of available and promising material groups was made. It is based on creep-rupture data, corrosion behavior in conventional steam power plants and on successful application in nuclear reactors. Table 4-2 lists the maximum allowable temperatures, at a given stress level, for three groups of material which in principle have the potential to fulfill the requirements as in-core cladding and structural materials in a future HPLWR. MANET II and P9 1 belong to the well known group of 912%CrMoVNb ferritic/martensitic steels which, as mentioned above, are extensively and very successfully used in modern steam power plants. Specific alloys of this group HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 44 of 62 like types 1.4914, EM 10 and FV 448 have shown an excellent irradiation behavior as wrapper materials of fuel elements in FBRs up to very high fluence levels. A possible issue could be an irradiation-induced shift of the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) into the temperature range of 250-300°C. The second group of materials comprises of austenitic stainless steels with higher creep strength and/or improved corrosion resistance. Alloy 1.4970 is a Ti-stabilized 15Cr 15 Ni steel which has been extensively tested in several chemical modifications as cladding material of fuel elements in European Fast Breeder Reactors up to fluence levels of 150 dpa and Incoloy 800 is a high Cr and Ni containing Ti-stabilized alloy with excellent corrosion behavior, used very successfully in nuclear steam generators. PE16 and Inconel 718 are typical precipitation-hardened alloys with a high Ni content (Ni-based alloys). PE 16 has successfully been tested as cladding material in FBR fuel elements. Both alloys have a high creep strength and show low corrosion in steam environment. Dependent on the chemical composition and the metallurgical state, they can be prone to stress corrosion and irradiation-induced high temperature helium embrittlement. In a further step a comparison of essential material properties was made. Fig. 4-2 gives, as an example, the ultimate tensile strength for selected alloys as a function of temperature and in Fig. 4-3 their creep rupture strength for 45 000h endurance is plotted. This leads to a first estimate which upper temperatures can be achieved by fuel pin claddings made of different materials for two given stress levels of 100 and 200 MPa respectively. The results are summarized in Table 4-2 and show that for 100 MPa an upper temperature limit of nearby 600°C is realistic for the best 9-12%Cr steel MANET II, whereas for the austenitic stainless steels, dependent on their chemical composition, an upper temperature limit ranging from 630-690°C can be achieved. This value is further increased to 720°C by the use of precipitation hardened Ni-alloys like Inconel 718, whereas PE 16 is comparable with the better austenitic stainless steels. The temperature limits at a stress level of 200 MPa are also given in Table 4-2 for comparison. It has, however, to be mentioned that an upper stress limit exists which is caused by an immediate buckling of thin-walled clad tubes under the high cooling pressure. This limit has been estimated under somewhat conservative assumptions to lie for all materials in the range of 150 MPa. This figure also determines the dimensional design of fuel claddings, especially the minimum wall thickness in dependence of the pin diameter. Whereas a first comparison of achievable maximum temperatures for the different alloys in Table 4-2 is based on a constant maximum compressive stress caused by the cooling medium, a more detailed analysis of a time-dependent development of stress was to show, how conservative this estimate is. This time dependence of the exerted stress level in thin claddings is due to an increase of the inner pressure through fission gas release which reduces the differential pressure and by a possible increase of the hoop stress caused by the reduction of the wall thickness through outer corrosion and inner incompatibility with the fuel material. The calculations performed shows in Fig. 4-4 for a specific case, that the initial mean hoop stress is decreased with increasing burnup due to the build-up of the inner pressure of the fuel pin by fission gas release, whereas inner and outer corrosion retard this tendency. As overall conclusion one can make the statement that the estimate of maximum achievable temperatures in Table 4-2 are conservative. The assessment also has taken into account irradiation effects like swelling and irradiation creep and comes to the conclusion that at a maximum fluence of 60 dpa HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 45 of 62 swelling is in the range of about 1-1.5% for all three materials (1.4970, MANET II and PE 16) and can be tolerated. Less clear is to what extent the relatively high stress level of and above 100 MPa will reduce the time to rupture properties measured for the unirradiated materials. Very few results, available for austenitic stainless steels, indicate that under irradiation a reduction of time to rupture has to be expected. Like in the case of stress corrosion an experimental investigation of this problem is of highest priority in the next phase of exploration. The assessment clearly showed finally that for a maximum temperature of 650°C from a standpoint of creep-rupture strength, corrosion resistance and irradiation behavior, not only Ni-alloys, but also austenitic stainless steels like alloy 1.4970 can fulfill the requirements for in-core cladding and structural materials. Taking into account specific items like the neutron absorption, the sensitivity to irradiation-induced helium embrittlement and stress corrosion cracking, it was finally concluded that the austenitic stainless steels are the better choice. The assessment has finally shown that the most uncertain areas in the present analysis are the corrosion behavior under supercritical water conditions, including the effects of water chemistry/radiolysis, and the influence of a high stress state on stress corrosion and deformation mechanisms which govern the creep-rupture and creep buckling properties. These activities should in a later stage be expanded to in-reactor experiments in order to investigate the effect of irradiation. For a further development of in-core materials the proposed class of recommended austenitic stainless steels has to be further optimized with regard to type and degree of stabilization, the necessary carbon content and the balance between major and minor alloying elements to achieve an optimum in creep rupture strength, corrosion resistance and stability under irradiation. For the long term the further development of dispersion-strengthened ferritic steels is promising. All these activities should be part of a Key Technology Phase to be started in the next European Framework Programme of the HPLWR Project. Table 4-1: HPLWR ”Reference Design” Data for in-core, RPV, and ex-core components In core data Coolant Coolant pressure [MPa] Coolant inlet/outlet temperature [°C] Fuel/Enrichment Fuel/Enrichment, revised [5] 25 280/508 UO2/5% MOX/ to be determined Burnup [GWd/tU]/ lifetime [hours] Burnup [GWd/tU]/ lifetime, revised [5, 6] 45/30,000 70/45,000 Neutron flux [n/cm2s] /fluence [n/cm2] Cladding outer-diameter/thickness [mm] [2] Cladding max. surface temperature [°C] [2] 51014/ 81022 8/0.4 620 for Ni alloys 450 for stainless steels HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 46 of 62 4 [2]; Revised [5, 6]: 8 Pin pre-pressurization [MPa] Potential core structure and cladding materials Austenitic stainless steels Ferritic/martensitic steels Ni-based alloys 1.4550, 316L(N), 1.4970 1.4914, FV 448, EM10 PE 16, Inconel 625, Inconel 718 Reactor pressure vessel Coolant pressure [MPa] Temperature [°C] 25-27.5 350 Lifetime [years] Materials 60 Ferritic steels ( 20 MnMoNi 5 5) Ex-core data Life steam pressure [MPa] Life steam/reheat temperature [°C] 25-27.5 540/560 Lifetime [h] Materials Ferritic/martensitic steels 200,000 X20 CrMoV12 1, P91, E911, P92 (NF616), P122 (HCM12A) 1.4910, TP347HFG, Super304, NF709, Incoloy 800 HAT Austenitic stainless steels Table 4-2: Estimated maximum temperatures for different materials for the condition of RM/45,000 h at 100 MPa and 200 MPa respectively Stress+ Temperature Reference MANET II MANET II EURALLOY EURALLOY 1.4970 15Cr-15Ni-Ti (sa + cw + a) Incoloy 800 100 200 100* 200* 100 200 587 512 553 494 690 629 FZKA 5722 1996 AGT1-SG2-03 1992 KfK 4217 1986 100 200 625 544 Inconel 718 100 200 100 200 712 672 690 650 MM Werkstoffblatt 760 1976 PSB 354 1970 AGT1-SG2-1 1992 Material PE 16 + Without any safety margin! * For equivalent stress level (von Mises) HPLWR – D 13 100 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 47 of 62 Oxidation & spallation of steels at 600ºC OXIDE LAYER THICKNESS, d (µm) 90 HCM12A 80 1.4910 70 TP347HFG 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 TIME (h) Figure 4- 1 A comparison of oxidation and spallation for ferritic and austenitic steels at 600°C. Metal loss is half of the oxide thickness. 900 850 800 750 Ultimate tensile strength (MPa) 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 Manet II 150 DIN1.4970 100 PE 16 Inconel 625 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Temperature (°C) Figure 4- 2 Ultimate tensile strength RM for selected alloys as a function of temperature HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 48 of 62 600 1.4970 Creep rupture strength Rm/45,000h (MPa) 550 MANET-II Incoloy 800 500 Inconel 718 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 Temperature (°C) Figure 4- 3 Creep-rupture strength RM/45,000h for selected alloys Mean hoop stress [MPa] sme = 0.4mm outer corr. -50 (1) (3) sme = 0.7mm outer corr. (2) sme = 0.4mm outer+inner corr. (4) sme = 0.7mm outer+inner corr. (3) -100 (4) -150 (1) (2) HCM12A, T=650°C, po=25 MPa OXSPA -200 0 Figure 4- 4 10,000 20,000 30,000 Time [h] 40,000 50,000 The evolution of the mean hoop stress in the cladding by comparing the effect of outer corrosion with the combined outer and inner corrosion HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 49 of 62 4.4 References 4.1 Ehrlich, K.,Konys,J.,Heikinheimo,L.,Arnoux, P.,Schirra, M., Leistikow, S. Steiner, H., “Preliminary Evaluation of Candidate Materials Against the Combined Effects of Creep and Corrosion: In-core and Out-of-core Materials Selection for the HPLWR”, HPLWR-D8, August 2002 (RE) Leistikow, S, Konys, J., Ehrlich, K., “Available Metallurgical and Process Parameters/Treatments for Reduction of General Corrosion/Stress Corrosion Cracking for In- and Ex-vessel Application”, HPLWR-D 9/10, August 2002 (PU) 4.2 HPLWR – D 13 5. HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 50 of 62 Work Package V – Economics D. Bittermann(Framatome ANP), D. Squarer(FZK), A. Souyri(EdF), Y. Oka(U of Tokyo) 5.1 5.2 - Objectives To identify and analyze the most important parameters which influence plant and fuel cycle cost To estimate the economic potential of a HPLWR Description of Work Study and evaluate fuel cycle costs of a HPLWR and identify specific differences to LWR concepts Identify the main components, systems and equipment which may not be needed compared to BWR and PWR plants and simplify design Review the economic study of the supercritical water reactor done in Japan and estimate the HPLWR economic target (for given boundary conditions) which could be reached 5.3 Deliverables and Milestones HPLWR-D11 [5.2] 5.4 Review of other economic studies 5.4.1 SCLWR economic study An economic evaluation performed for the Oka concept [5.1] has been reviewed. In this evaluation, the SCLWR was compared with the ABWR. It was assumed that the material selection and design issues are solvable with appropriate investment and that design issues such as the water rods are solved. It was also assumed that the cost of the reactor building varies according to the base area of the building (36% reduction for the SCLWR) and that similar construction time is required for both the SCLWR and the ABWR. In comparing a 1570 MWe SCLWR plant with a 1350 ABWR plant it was found that a saving will occur due to smaller reactor building (due to smaller reactor vessel), smaller cooling tower (1/3 smaller heat rejection), and less LP turbine and condenser (smaller mass flow). The turbine building and plant layout are similar for both plants but more BOP equipment is needed for the SCLWR due to startup conditions. The construction cost of SCLWR is comparable to ABWR and when normalized by the power output is 15% lower than ABWR. The following major conclusions were drawn in Japan’s SCLWR economic study: major cost reduction is due to smaller reactor building; first of a kind plant will cost more initially; production cost (O&M + fuel cycle) is expected to be higher than the ABWR due to higher O&M cost and 8 % higher fuel cycle cost; owners cost are to be determined; the cost of equipment in the turbine building is about 20 % of the total plant cost; the SCLWR turbine cost and feed-water system HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 51 of 62 components yielded 30 % higher cost; the SCLWR cost resulted in 1570 $/kWe vs. 1850 $/kWe for the ABWR or about 15% reduction; the total normalized (by power) direct cost were: 1010 $/kWe for the SCLWR vs. 1210 $/kWe for the ABWR, i.e. a reduction of 17%. 5.4.2 Comparison with other existing concepts Existing designs of advanced LWR are simplified, more economical (less than $1500/kWe, 3-4.5¢/kWh), safe, certified design (pre-licensed), shorter construction time, temperature and pressure are lower than the HPLWR [5.2]. The generation cost of operating large scale power plants (1999 US data) are: – Nuclear 1.83, Coal 2.07, Oil 3.18, Gas 3.52 ¢/kWh – Nuclear fuel only 0.481 ¢/kWh (US average) – Fuel average cost: nuclear 0.5, coal 1.45, oil 2.41, gas 2.84 ¢/kWh The projected cost of the proposed HTGR (pebble-bed) is ~$1100/kWe for a 110 MWe PBMR with 41% efficiency and 1.5- 3 years construction time (modular). 5.4.3 GE’s Advanced BWR for improved economics The General Electric Corporation has improved continuously the economics of its advanced BWR [5.4]. It is interesting to examine the main characteristics of these improvements in order to help focus the HPLWR economics. Factors resulting in improved economics of the advanced BWR that meets the EUR are: Simpler structures, higher margins, easier construction • Higher power density, higher plant power, use of modular passive safety systems • Design features enhancing economy of scale: Gravity Driven Cooling System (GDCS) pool as a part of the wetwell, modular safety systems with little dependence on power level, smaller Passive Containment Cooling System (PCCS) pools and larger heat exchangers • Improved design: large blade control rods, simpler reactor internals, improved plant arrangements (moved non-safety systems, stacked spent fuel, flexible building embedment-external cask hatch) • Simplification studies, while maintaining performance margins: – Reduced fuel bundles, Control Rod Drive (CRD), vessel, increase fuel length, significant simplification in vessel and internals – Improved plant availability (5%)- refueling and outage plan and system improvements – Reduced building and structures (30%)- reduce basemat thickness, reduce containment design pressure, move spent fuel pool to grade elevation/separate building, separate reactor building from containment • Building and refueling optimization: – Building size is controlled by: wetwell, PCCS parameters, Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) access control – Vessel height does not control building height – Refueling floor size and dimensions control footprint – Refueling schemes are important for optimization HPLWR – D 13 – – – 5.4.4 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 52 of 62 The structures are controlled by containment design pressure and plant seismic design basis. Find ways to reduce design pressure Reduce construction schedule Spent fuel in containment or reactor building: horizontal or inclined fuel transfer, stacked spent fuel option, cask transfer schemes, size of spent fuel pool, refueling floor arrangement, location of steam line DOE’s Near Term Deployment Economics The US DOE has examined recently (October 2001) the economics of advanced LWR plant that can be deployed by 2010, in comparison with Combined Cycle Gas Turbine plant (CCGT) and with Gas Turbine plant (GT) [5.2]. The following results were obtained: • Life cycle generation cost of 3.6-4.6 ¢/kWh is competitive with market prices and with combined cycle gas fired plants. Production cost of 0.5 ¢/kWh for fuel cycle and 0.5 ¢/kWh for Operation and Maintenance (O&M) are projected for Advanced LWR (ALWR), i.e. production cost of 1 ¢/kWh is ~24% of life cycle generation cost. The rest is “cost of money” (Return On Investment (ROI), etc.) • Advanced nuclear power plants can compete with all types of fossil power plants in deregulated markets • Costs in the early years of life should be resolved by longer term commitments to purchase power The results of the levelized generation cost for the three types of power plants are shown in the following Table 5.1 and in Figure 5.1. Table 5.1 Cost comparison of ALWR and gas turbine plants ALWR CCGT $600/kWe GT $300/kWe 1000$/kWe EPC $4/MMBTU Total cost ¢/Kwh 4.49 4.58 6.42 Capital cost ¢/Kwh 3.49 1.58 2.32 IRR (part of capital cost) 1.78 0.49 0.35 O&M cost 0.5 0.2 0.1 Fuel cost 0.5 2.8 4.0 HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 53 of 62 Levelized Generation Cost in cents/kwh (IRR=Internal Rate of Return) Generation cost in cents/kwh 7 6 Total cost ¢/kWh 5 Capital cost 4 IRR cost O&M cost 3 2 Fuel cost 1 0 ALWR CCGT GT Power Plant type Cost comparison of Advanced LWR (ALWR) with Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) and Gas Turbine (GT) (DOE Near-Term Deployment, October 2001) Figure 5. 1 In order for a new near-term deployment nuclear power plants to be economical the following conditions are suggested: • 4 years lead construction time, 5 years total project lead time • Resolution of licensing issues before project commitment • Total overnight capital cost, including owner cost and contingency, of 1,1001,500 $/kWe (depending on assumed fossil fuel prices) • Typical 1000 MWe nuclear plant requires a total as-spent investment (current year $) of ~$2x109 ($2 B), hence the competition from low up-front investment gas fired plants • Nuclear plants have low and stable running costs that are ideal for long-term bilateral power purchase contracts • Nuclear plant life-time capacity factor of 85-90% and long plant operating life (40-60 years) • High safety performance also assures better economics • Plant site impacts the economics. Select the location where market prices would exceed 4 ¢/kWh • Nuclear plant economics is strongly impacted by the financial package. Minimize %ROI, extend debt repayment, reduce equity financing to 40% or lower HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 54 of 62 In addition, in order to minimize the “time to market”, it is desirable to have: Efficient regulatory approvals Parallel regulatory approvals and design completion Early procurement of long-lead components Furthermore, Government incentive to reduce business risk could follow along the following lines: Encourage long-term power purchase agreements Accelerated depreciation Tax credit for new investments Tax incentive for fuel supply diversity and emission-free generation Access to tax-exempt government financing Ensure energy/environmental policies and regulations are balanced 5.5 Considerations concerning the economics of a HPLWR plant 5.5.1 General Japan’s SCLWR economic study made several key assumptions that should be substantiated before drawing final conclusions. It considered a specific design [5.1] in considerable details. Thus any changes in plant configuration, plant systems, plant size (i.e. electrical power output), containment, fuel assembly design, fuel enrichment and fuel composition, in-vessel and ex-vessel materials, safety systems, mitigating severe accident features, passive safety systems, etc. would impact the economic feasibility. Such changes are foreseen due to numerous impractical features of the SCLWR in a European arena. It is therefore necessary to define the HPLWR plant in more details before attempting to evaluate its economic feasibility. Since many of the above listed items are expected to differ between the HPLWR and the SCLWR, the economic feasibility of the HPLWR remains an open question. Several major plant systems and equipment that may not be needed in a once-through SCLWR compared to PWR and BWR were identified by Prof. Oka in several publications [5.1] (e.g. steam generators, recirculation pumps, steam separators, pressurizer). However, the above list of variances from the SCLWR could add additional systems. Since the ABWR already includes many of these features in accordance with the European Utilities Requirement document (EUR), and the economic feasibility is determined in comparison with the ABWR, these additional features may not by themselves make the HPLWR uneconomical. A significant economical benefit can be obtained when ‘off-the-shelve’ equipment is used. Thus, if the plant is being designed with this in mind a significant development cost can be avoided. This may be true for example, for the turbine design, the reactor pressure vessel, valves, chemical plant, etc. It should be mentioned here that a substantial effort and investment (hundreds of million of Euro) were made during the last decade in order to simplify and make the ABWR more economical. This program culminated in the design of the SBWR and the ESBWR. HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 55 of 62 Thus, some of the methodologies that were applied to the economical design of the ESBWR may also be applied to the design of an HPLWR. An analysis for evaluation of the electricity generation costs has been performed and the findings of the economic evaluation [5.2] are described below. 5.5.2 Fuel Cycle Considerations The evaluation and final definition of the fuel type, fuel enrichment, burnup and fuel assembly design have not been completed. However, a significant progress was made towards the definition of these parameters [5.3]. Therefore a rough analysis of the fuel cycle cost was performed. As a reference the fuel cycle cost of a PWR is assumed for which the cost structure and specific costs are well-known. For the HPLWR currently it is considered that there are three major cost elements which have an essential contribution, yet are not exactly known. These are the Fuel Assembly (FA) fabrication cost, the enrichment and the efficiency. Therefore these cost contributors were assumed as parameters and a variation within reasonable ranges was performed. The conclusions of this analysis are as follows [5.4]: For the targeted burn-up of 60 GWd/kgU, an assumed efficiency of 44% and FA fabrication costs of 350$/kgU which are considered as reasonable, fuel cycle cost (FCC) of a HPLWR is below that of PWR FCC up to average enrichments of 6.5% Both significant influence of efficiency and FA fabrication costs on FCC has to be considered Significant influence of uranium ore price exists only if price increases by factors; relative to PWR the difference in FCC becomes larger with price increase due to the effect of higher efficiency of the HPLWR Design measures which reduce enrichment at the expense of reduction of the efficiency is expected to be more beneficial than keeping the efficiency high In addition the cost of a MOX fuel cycle were analyzed. The fuel fabrication was assumed at 2500 $/Kg and the disposal cost at 250 $/Kg (reprocessing cost was not included). The calculation indicated that the use of Pu will cost more than using enriched uranium. The cost varied linearly with the enrichment starting approximately at 2.5 mills/kWh for 5% and reaching ~4.7 mills/kWh for 10%. 5.5.3 Specific evaluation of HPLWR electricity generation costs The major contributors to Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) costs are [5.2, 5.5]: capital cost about 60-70%, O&M cost about 17-25% and fuel cost about 13-15%. Generally the capital cost of NPP is made of: Direct cost (e.g. reactor plant equipment, etc.), Indirect cost (e.g. design and engineering, etc.), Other cost (e.g. training, taxes and insurance, etc.). The total capital cost is the sum of these three categories and is equal to the overnight cost since the financial cost is not included. For a typical PWR the breakdown of these costs is: Direct cost- about 75%, Indirect cost-about 14% and Other costs- about 11%. Cost breakdown was estimated for the HPLWR based on the published results for the ABWR and a PWR. The estimated costs breakdown is: Direct cost- 70% for the plant which was used as reference for the HPLWR (HPLWR Reference), 75% for a PWR and HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 56 of 62 63% for the ABWR; Indirect cost- 23% for the HPLWR Reference, 14% for a PWR and 22% for the ABWR; Other cost- 7% for the HPLWR Reference, 11% for a PWR and 15% for the ABWR. Major cost reductions are expected due to: no- steam separators, steam dryers, circulation pumps; smaller-RPV, containment, reactor building, number of steam lines, spent fuel pool volume, condenser, cooling tower, building volume, I&C cost, crane capacity, capacity of HVAC, fire protection measures. Major costs increases are expected due to: equipment for start-up, design of specific components and systems for higher pressure and temperature, steam reheater with extended design conditions, complicated fuel assembly. The cost impact of the technical changes was evaluated by means of published scaling factors for individual components. Based on this analysis the estimated cost saving for a1000 MWe HPLWR due to the above mentioned factors, is approximately 23%, with the following estimated cost reduction: 25% in capital cost, 25% in O&M cost, 10% in fuel cost. The following breakdown was estimated for the HPLWR fuel cycle cost (3.08 mills/kWh): 39.2% for enrichment, 25.6% for disposal, 0.3% for conversion, 12.9% for fabrication and 22.1% for uranium ore. The economic evaluation [5.2, 5.5] also included calculations showing at what specific capital cost a nuclear power plant becomes competitive with a coal power plant or a combined cycle plant. For a coal fired plant with a coal price of 40 €/t, NPP will be competitive at specific capital cost lower than ~1500 €/kWe, whereas for combined cycle plants of medium and large size with gas price of 0.1€/m3 and an interest rate of 5%, NPP is competitive when the specific capital cost is ~1500 €/kWe (~1100 €/kWe at 10% interest). If the gas price falls below about 0.07€/m3, NPP can not compete with medium and large size combined cycle plants, however NPP can compete with coal fired plants even at a coal price of 30 €/t. For small size combined cycle plants, NPP can compete even at a gas price of 0.05 €/m3 if an NPP specific capital cost can be kept at ~1000 €/kWe. In conclusion, based on the current status of the HPLWR, the capital cost of a 1000 MWe plant has the potential to be 20-25% lower than advanced LWRs. The cost of electricity generation by a HPLWR is considered to have an advantage compared to all fossil power plants, and considering the potential future increase in fossil fuel costs the advantages of the HPLWR generation cost can be significant. 5.4 Conclusions Cost reduction is the most essential requirement for nuclear power plants in order that their application would expand in the future. Currently only very large nuclear plant sizes are economical but they do not have big advantages in electricity generation costs compared to that of fossil plants with nowadays fuel prices. Therefore the vendors of nuclear plants are looking for concepts with the potential for significant economic advantages compared to fossil fired plants. This is especially true for plant sizes less than 1000 MWe. The estimated cost reductions for the HPLWR compared with the defined reference plant are: 30% reduction for building and structures, 35% reduction for the reactor plant, 10% reduction for the turbine plant, and 20 to 25% reduction in overnight capital cost. An initial economic target for the HPLWR is set at 1000 €/kWe and 3-4 cent/kWh levelized generation cost. HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 57 of 62 The economic evaluation of the HPLWR plant concept presented in this report, indicates that such nuclear plants may have the potential to reach electricity generation costs which can significantly increase the economic advantages of nuclear plants compared with fossil fueled plants. This statement especially holds true if one considers in the future a further increase in fossil fuel prices and the possibility of getting deeper insight into the design of the HPLWR in order to explore the potential of cost reduction more precisely and in more detail. Considering the current technical status of the HPLWR, this evaluation is considered to be substantiated enough to justify a proposal for the continuation of the next step of HPLWR development work. 5.5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 References Dobashi, K., Oka, Y., Koshizuka, S., “Conceptual Design Of A high Temperature Power Reactor Cooled And Moderated By Supercritical Light Water”, ICONE 6, May 1998, ASME, NY, NY Bittermann, D. (Framatome ANP, Erlangen, Germany), Squarer, D. (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany), “Preliminary Economic Evaluation of The HPLWR“, HPLWR-D11, July 2002 (RE) Rimpault, G. et. al., “Results of Evaluation of Existing Core Designs and Potential for Applications for HPLWR”, HPLWR-D4, September 2002 (RE) Squarer, D. “Minutes of The Third HPLWR Project Meeting of August 27-30, 2001 at PSI – Würenlingen and Villigen, Switzerland”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M08, September 2001 (RE) Squarer, D., “Minutes of The Fifth HPLWR Project Meeting of July 29-31, 2002 at FZK – Karlsruhe, Germany”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 11, September 2002 (RE) HPLWR – D 13 6. HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 58 of 62 Conclusions D.Squarer(FZK), D. Bittermann(Framatome ANP), Y. Oka(U of Tokyo), P. Dumaz(CEA), G. Rimpault(CEA), R. Kyrki-Rajamaki(VTT), K. Ehrlich(FZK-MCS), N. Aksan(PSI), C. Maraczy(KFKI), A. Souyri(EdF) At the conclusions of the HPLWR project, it is clear that all the major objectives set up at the begining of the project were achieved. The effort invested by the partners in the HPLWR project far exceeded the effort originally foreseen. The list of publications and reports generated by the HPLWR project (see Appendix A) is a testimony to the substantial and productive output of the project. The major conclusion of the project is that the HPLWR concept has a technical merit and a potential to be economically feasible in comparison with other nuclear or fossil power plants. An initial (believed to be achievable) economic target for the HPLWR is set at 1000 €/kWe and 3-4 cent/kWh levelized generation cost. Despite the substantial technical progress made by the HPLWR project, a lot more remains to be done in the future before it can be introduced to the market place by vendors. It is hoped that future support for the HPLWR will continue under the Commission’s 6th FP, thus bringing the concept closer to the market place. This is particularly important since the HPLWR concept is receiving recently significant attention and support in the USA and in Japan. The HPLWR project has identified the following potential future activities: Key technology program, accompanied by a preliminary design under the 6th FP, to be followed by a detailed design of the HPLWR. The following key technologies were highlighted by the project: cladding material for temperatures up to 650 ºC; enhanced heat transfer in the fuel assembly under supercritical water conditions in order to reduce the maximum cladding temperature; thermalhydraulics of the core and fuel assembly; improved coupled neutronics/thermalhydraulics codes for fuel assembly, core and plant analysis; development of a simplified sub-assembly design including consideration of extended burn-up on reactivity coefficients; optimization of the plant safety systems, maximizing the passive safety features and verifying the computer codes necessary for safety analysis; neutron physics experiments for computer codes and fuel assembly design verification; evaluation of the HPLWR as a fast reactor; cost performance and economic optimization of the HPLWR; training of young scientists and engineers in key technology areas. The following key technology experiments were identified by the HPLWR project: Creep tests of selected cladding materials; corrosion and stress-corrosion cracking tests for selected cladding materials under supercritical steam conditions and the HPLWR specific water chemistry; heat transfer tests of the fuel assembly at supercritical water conditions under steady-state and transient conditions; critical flow tests for pipe break under supercritical water conditions; verification tests of containment design in order to HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 59 of 62 verify containment analysis codes; reactor physics verification experiments (e.g. in PROTEUS, EOLE, ILL facilities). The following is a brief summary of recommended HPLWR future activities: HPLWR concept refinement and assessment; HPLWR at higher neutron energies (fast); accurate and extensive core design effort; benchmark and validation of computer codes, including experiments in: neutron physics, sub-channel thermal-hydraulics, deteriorated heat transfer, transient, safety and corrosion; consideration of European requirements and guidelines for future reactors (for example EUR, Technical Guidelines) for the HPLWR in particular with respect to safety criteria; iteration on the HPLWR design to reduce cost, including fuel cycle cost and multi-purpose concepts. HPLWR – D 13 HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 60 of 62 Appendix A : List of HPLWR Reports, Minutes and Memos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Squarer, D., “Minutes of the Kick-off Meeting of August 29-30, 2000”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M01, September 2000 (RE) Oka, Y., “Review of High Temperature Water and Steam Cooled Reactor Concepts”, Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory, The University of Tokyo, Japan, HPLWR SR01, October, 2000 (PU) (Also pp. 37-57 of the Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Supercritical Water-cooled Reactors, Design and Technology, SCR-2000, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, November, 2000) Heusener, G. Muller, U., Schulenberg, T., Squarer, D. “A European Development Program for a High Performance Light Water Reactor (HPLWR)”, SCR-2000, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, November 2000 Squarer, D., “Reasons For Selecting The University Of Tokyo Reactor Design As A Study Reference”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-MEM01, December, 2000 (RE) Bittermann, D., Squarer, D., “Minutes of the WP I Working Group Meeting of January 1819, 2001 At Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 02, February, 2001 (RE) Aksan, N., Schulenberg, T., Cheng, X., “Minutes of the WP-III Technical Meeting of January 29-30, 2001, At Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany”, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland and Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 03, February, 2001 Squarer, D. “Minutes of The Second HPLWR Project Meeting of March 5-6, 2001 (Rev. 1) at CEA – Cadarache, France”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWRM04, April 2001 (RE) Squarer, D., “HPLWR Management Report No. 1”, HPLWR-P1, March 1, 2001(RE) Schulenberg, T., “Minutes of the WP I Meeting of April 27, 2001 At Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 05, May, 2001 (RE) Konys, J., Ehrlich, K., “Minutes of the WP IV Working Group Meeting of April 11, 2001 At Framatome ANP, Erlangen, Germany”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 06, May, 2001 (RE) Cheng, X., Schulenberg, T., “Heat Transfer At Supercritical Pressures-Literature Review and Application to an HPLWR”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Technik und Umwelt, FZKA 6609, May 2001 Dumaz, P., “Contribution to the Analysis of Core Design Constraints in SupercriticalPressure Light Water Reactors”, CEA Technical Note NT-SERI-LFEA-01, May, 2001, HPLWR-D15 (RE) Rimpault, G., Testa E., “Neutronic contribution to the Oka reference design evaluation”, CEA/Cadarache Center, France, May 2001, HPLWR-D16 (RE) Rimpault, G. “Experimental Programmes For Assessing HPLWR Neutronic Calculations”, CEA/Cadarache Center, France, May 2001(RE) Konys, J., Ehrlich, K., “Minutes of the WP IV Working Group Meeting of June 19, 2001 At Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 07, July, 2001 (RE) X. Cheng, T. Schulenberg, A. Souyri, V. Sanchez, “Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in Supercritical Pressure- Literature Review and Application to a HPLWR”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany and EdF, France, HPLWR-D 07, August, 2001 (PU) D. Bittermann, “General Plant Characteristics- Draft”, Framatome ANP, Erlangen, Germany, HPLWR-D 03, August, 2001 (RE) D. Squarer (FZK, Karlsruhe), Y. Oka (Univ. of Tokyo), D. Bittermann (Framatome ANP, Erlangen), N. Aksan (PSI, Villigen), C. Maraczy (KFKI, Budapest), R. Kyrki-Rajamaki (VTT, Espoo), A. Souyri (EDF, Paris), P. Dumaz (CEA, Cadarache), “HIGH PERFORMANCE LIGHT W ATER REACTOR (HPLWR)”, FISA-2001, November, 2001(PU) HPLWR – D 13 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 61 of 62 Tanskanen, A., Wasastjerna, F., “VTT’s Contribution to the HPLWR Neutronics Studies”, HPLWR-D17, August 2001 (RE) Yamaji, A., Oka, Y., Koshizuka, S., “Conceptual Core Design of a 1000 MWe Supercritical-Pressure Light Water Cooled and Moderated Reactor”, Paper presented at the ANS and HPS meeting on March 29-April 1, 2001, at Texas A&M University Technological Implementation Plan (TIP)-Preliminary Version At Mid-term, August, 2001 Squarer, D., “HPLWR Management Report No. 2”, HPLWR-P2, September, 2001 (RE) Squarer, D. “Minutes of The Third HPLWR Project Meeting of August 27-30, 2001 at PSI – Würenlingen and Villigen, Switzerland”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M08, September 2001 (RE) D. Squarer (FZK), D. Bittermann (Framatome ANP), Y. Oka (U. of Tokyo), P. Dumaz (CEA), G. Rimpault (CEA), R. Kyrki-Rajamaki (VTT), K. Ehrlich (FZK-MCS), N. Aksan (PSI), C. Maraczy (KFKI), A. Souyri (EdF), “HPLWR Annual Technical Report”, HPLWRD12, September 2001 (RE) D. Squarer (FZK, Karlsruhe), Y. Oka (Univ. of Tokyo), D. Bittermann (Framatome ANP, Erlangen), N. Aksan (PSI, Villigen), C. Maraczy (KFKI, Budapest), R. Kyrki-Rajamaki (VTT, Espoo), A. Souyri (EDF, Paris), P. Dumaz (CEA, Cadarache), “High Performance Light Water Reactor (HPLWR)”, FISA-2001, Luxembourg, November 12-15, 2001 N. Aksan (Paul Scherrer Institut, Villingen), D. Bittermann (Framatome ANP, Erlangen), P. Dumaz (CEA, Cadarache), R. Kyrki-Rajamaki (VTT, Espoo), C. Maraczy (KFKI, Budapest), Y. Oka (University of Tokyo), T. Schulenberg, D. Squarer (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe), A. Souyri (EDF, Paris), “A High Performance Light Water Reactor Concept ”, Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Stuttgart, May, 2002 Konys, J., Ehrlich, K., “Minutes of the WP IV Working Group Meeting of November 29, 2001 At Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 09, December, 2001 (RE) X. Cheng, T. Schulenberg, S. Koshizuka, Y. Oka, A. Souyri, „Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Supercritical Pressure Light Water Reactors”, International Congress on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), American Nuclear Society, Florida, June 9-13, 2002 K. Ehrlich (FZK, Karlsruhe), L. Heikinheimo (VTT, Espoo), P. Arnoux (CEA, Saclay), D. Bittermann (Framatome ANP, Erlangen), Y. Oka (University of Tokyo), T. Schulenberg (FZK, Karlsruhe), “Material Requirements of High Performance Light Water Reactors”, 4 th Workshop on LWR Coolant Water Radiolysis and Electrochemistry, Avignon, France, April 26, 2002 T. Nakatsuka, Y. Oka, S. Koshizuka, “Startup Thermal Considerations For SupercriticalPressure Light Water-Cooled Reactors”, Nuclear Technology, Vol. 134, pp. 221-230, June 2001 Squarer, D., “HPLWR Management Report No. 3”, HPLWR-P3, March, 2002 (RE) Squarer, D. “Minutes of The Fourth HPLWR Project Meeting of March 4-6, 2002 at EdF – Chatou, Paris, France”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 10, April 2002 (RE) Oka, Y., Koshizuka, S., “D1: Report on Current Status of Work Concerning Reactor Designs under Supercritical-Water Conditions”, Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory, The University of Tokyo, Japan, HPLWR- D1, April, 2002 (PU) K. Ehrlich, L. Heikinheimo, M. Schirra, S. Leistikow, J. Konys, P. Arnoux, „HPLWR Annual Technical Report 2001, Work Package IV- Material and Corrosion“, FZK Interner Bericht, 32.22.09, NUKLEAR 3363, October 2001 D. Bittermann, “Current and Future Turbine Technology Under Supercritical Water Conditions”, Framatome ANP, Erlangen, Germany, HPLWR-D 02, August, 2002 (RE) D. Bittermann (Framatome ANP, Erlangen, Germany), D. Squarer (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany), “Preliminary Economic Evaluation of The HPLWR“, HPLWR-D11, July 2002 (RE) K. Ehrlich(MCS, Karlsruhe, Germany), J. Konys(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), L. Heikinheimo(VTT, Espoo, Finland), P. Arnoux(CEA, Saclay, France), M. Schirra (FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), S. Leistikow (Karlsruhe, Germany), H. Steiner(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), “Preliminary Evaluation of Candidate Materials Against the Combined Effects HPLWR – D 13 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. HPLWR Contract No. FIKI-CT-2000-00033 Page 62 of 62 of Creep and Corrosion: In-core and Out-of-core Materials Selection for the HPLWR”, HPLWR-D8, August 2002 (RE) G. Rimpault(CEA, Cadarache, France), P. Dumaz(CEA, Cadarache, France), C. Maraczy(KFKI, Budapest, Hungary), A. Tanskanen(VTT, Espoo, Finland), F. Wasastjerna(VTT, Espoo, Finland), R. Kyrki-Rajamaki(VTT, Espoo, Finland), Y. Oka(U. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan), S. Koshizuka (U. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan), C. Broeders(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), A. Bergeron(CEA, Saclay, France), E. Kiefhaber(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), D. Sruwe(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), P. Rau(Framatome ANP, Erlangen, Germany), X. Cheng(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), T. Schulenberg(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), V. Sanchez(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany) “Results of Evaluation of Existing Core Designs and Potential for Applications for HPLWR”, HPLWR-D4, September 2002 (RE) G. Rimpault(CEA, Cadarache, France), P. Dumaz(CEA, Cadarache, France), C. Maraczy(KFKI, Budapest, Hungary), A. Tanskanen(VTT, Espoo, Finland), F. Wasastjerna(VTT, Espoo, Finland), R. Kyrki-Rajamaki(VTT, Espoo, Finland), Y. Oka(U. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan), S. Koshizuka (U. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan), C. Broeders(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), A. Bergeron(CEA, Saclay, France), E. Kiefhaber(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), D. Sruwe(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), P. Rau(Framatome ANP, Erlangen, Germany), X. Cheng(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), T. Schulenberg(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), V. Sanchez(FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany) “Applicable Neutronics/Thermalhydraulics codes, Cross Section Data Base and Neutronics Test Requirements”, HPLWR-D5, September 2002 (RE) Sanchez, V. H., Hering, W., Investigations of the appropriateness of RELAP5/MOD3 for safety evaluations of an innovative reactor operated at thermodynamically supercritical conditions. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe Report FZKA-6947, 2002. D. Squarer (FZK, Karlsruhe), T. Schulenberg (FZK, Karlsruhe), D. Struwe (FZK, Karlsruhe),Y. Oka (Univ. of Tokyo), D. Bittermann (Framatome ANP, Erlangen), N. Aksan (PSI, Villigen), C. Maraczy (KFKI, Budapest), R. Kyrki-Rajamaki (VTT, Espoo), A. Souyri (EDF, Paris), P. Dumaz (CEA, Cadarache), “High Performance Light Water Reactor (HPLWR)”, Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Design (to be published in 2002) Squarer, D., “Minutes of The Fifth HPLWR Project Meeting of July 29-31, 2002 at FZK – Karlsruhe, Germany”, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany, HPLWR-M 11, September 2002 (RE) Bittermann, D. “General Plant Characteristics”, Framatome ANP, Germany, HPLWR-D 03, August 2002 (RE) Leistikow, S. (Consultant, Karlsruhe, Germany), Konys, J. (FZK-Karlsruhe, Germany), Ehrlich, K. (Consultant, MCS-Karlsruhe, Germany), “Available Metallurgical and Process Parameters/Treatments for Reduction of General Corrosion/Stress Corrosion Cracking for In- and Ex-vessel Application”, HPLWR-D 9/10, August 2002 (PU) Aksan, N. (PSI, Switzerland), Bittermann, D., (Framatome ANP, Germany), Squarer, D. (FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), “Potential Safety Features of the HPLWR and General Application of Some Safety Requirements”, HPLWR-D 6, September 2002 (RE) D. Squarer (FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), D. Bittermann (Framatome ANP, Erlangen, Germany), Y. Oka (U. of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan), P. Dumaz (CEA, Cadarache, France), G. Rimpault (CEA, Cadarache, France), R. Kyrki-Rajamaki (VTT, Espoo, Finland), K. Ehrlich (FZK-MCS, Karslruhe, Germany), N. Aksan (PSI, Würelingen, Switzerland), C. Maraczy (KFKI, Budapest, Hungary), A. Souyri (EdF, Chatou, France), “Summary Report Of The HPLWR Project”, HPLWR-D 13, October 2002 (RE) Squarer, D (FZK, Karlsruhe, Germany), “HPLWR Management Report No. 4”, HPLWRP4, October, 2002 (RE) C.H.M. Broeders, V. Sanchez, E. Stein, A. Travleev, "Validation of Coupled Neutron Physics and Thermohydraulics Analysis for HPLWR“, FZKA 6742 (2002) Technological Implementation Plan (TIP) of the HPLWR-Final Version, September, 2002 Leppanen, J, Tanskanen, A., Kyrki-Rajamaki, R., “Feasibility of the TRAB code for HPLWR reactor dynamics calculations”, VTT Processes, Project Report YR-PR-14/02, August 2001