An Introduction to the Marine Life of the Oregon Coast: A Personal ”Field Guide” to the Organisms of the Pacific Northwest To prepare you for what you’ll hopefully encounter in the natural environment on our coastal field trip, I am asking you to keep a descriptive journal of common organisms. The purpose is to familiarize yourself with the names, natural history and anatomy of common Oregon Coast organisms so you will feel comfortable in their identification in the field! In addition, you’ll most likely learn some interesting and cool facts about them as you go! The assignment: For weeks 2-7, you will be given a list of organisms (see following page). For EACH organism, I expect you to write a short paragraph about the natural history, including interesting and unique characteristics. What does it eat? Who eats it? Is it ecologically or commercially significant? I also ask that you either draw your own pictures or find good images online of each organism. Please be as creative if you desire! You are welcome to include more than one external picture from the web. I have picked some of the major organisms we will see at the coast, but you are welcome to include more if you so desire! Materials: Please present your observations on white, unlined paper that will be turned into me each Thursday in lab (see following page for due dates). You may type or hand-write your observations, however, if you chose to hand-write, please make sure your writing is LEGIBLE!!. To keep organized, please place each organism on a SEPARATE sheet of paper, writing the name of the organism (include common name and scientific name (genus & species)) in a clear and easily readable location (i.e. the top of each page!) I will return your observations the following week and expect you to compile each week’s organisms in a 3-ring binder (or another source if you want to be creative). I will have the journals graded and ready to be used on our field trip. Grading: You will receive 10 points per week/group of organisms for a total of 60 points (please take this assignment seriously!). I am not grading you on your artistry, but want to see that you have put time into looking up these organisms—it will only help you later on!!!! Where to find information: Field guides are the best sources! The Beachcomber’s Guide to Seashore Life in the Pacific Northwest by J. Duane Sept is wonderful (and a great resource for your coastal trips too!). Sept’s other field guide, Common Seashore Creatures of the Pacific Northwest is a good one to check out too. See your syllabus for more ideas, as there are quite a few others listed. Please do NOT copy information directly out of field guides/online resources—put things in your own words!!! Please see the following page for your organism responsibilities and timelines Organisms of the Week Week Two: Algae/Seaweeds Due date: Thursday January 15th, 2015 Rock Weed: Fucus Bull Kelp: Nereocystis luetkeana Sea Palm: Postelsia palmaeformis Choose Either: Branching Coralline Algae Corallina or Encrusting Coralline Algae Lithothamnion Week Three: Sponges and Anemones Due date: Thursday January 22nd, 2015 Red OR Purple Encrusting Sponge: Ophlitaspongia or Haliclona Aggregating Anemone: Anthopleura elegantissima Giant Green Anemone: Anthopleura xanthogrammica Plumose Anemone Metridium senile Week Four: Worms & Mollusks Due date: Thursday January 29th, 2015 Northern Feather Duster Worm: Eudistylia vancouveri Black Katy Chiton: Katharina tunicata Giant Pacific Chiton: Cryptchiton stelleri Black Turban Snail: Tegula funebralis Week Five: Mollusks & Arthropods, con’t Due date: Thursday February 5th, 2015 Orange-spotted nudibranch: Triopha catalinae OR Ringed nudibranchs Dialulula sandiegensis Pacific Blue Mussel: Mytilus trossulus Barnacles (you may chose): Thatched Semibalanus cariosus, Acorn Balanus glandula, Little Brown Chthamalus dalli or Goose Barnacle Pollicipes polymerus Giant Pacific Octopus: Octopus dofleini Grainyhand Hermit Crab: Pagurus granosimanus Week Six: Crabs and Starfish Due date: Thursday February 12th, 2015 Dungeness Crab: Cancer magister Purple Shore Crab: Hemigrapsus nudus Leather Star: Dermasterias imbricata Purple/Ochre Star: Pisaster ochraceus Tide Pool Sculpin: Oligocottus maculosus Week Seven: Birds and Mammals Due date: Thursday February 19th, 2015 Brown Pelican: Pelecanus occidentalis Pelagic Cormorant: Phalacrocorax pelagicus Herring Gull: Larus argentatus Sea Lion: Zalophus californianus Humpback Whale: Megaptera novaeangliae