“Burrowing pests”
Gopher Patrol ♦ 9456 Schaefer Ave ♦ Ontario, CA 91761 ♦ 909 947-8200
A. Preliminary Planning & Preparation
1. Purpose of Fumigation: elimination of vertebrate pest
2. Type of Fumigation: Outdoor Area
___ Pocket gopher ___ Mole
___ Ground squirrel ___ Vole
___ Norway Rat
___ Closed-burrow system (pocket gophers etc)
___ Open-burrow system (ground squirrels etc)
3. Inspect site to determine suitability for fumigation ___. Consult previous records (FMP) for treatment history
information ___. Review MSDS, Label, and Applicator’s Manual ___. Confirm Safety Equipment in place
___. Confirm NOI filed if required ___.
Date of the site inspection: _____________ Name of licensed inspection personnel: _____________________
4. Facility/ Owner/ Manager & Address:____________________________________________
Phone Numbers:
5. Certified Applicator (Fumigator) in charge: Name _________________Certification No: _______________
Daytime telephone: 909 947-8200 Night Telephone 909 947-8200 (ans srvc) Mobile Tel. _________________
6. Exposure time considerations: (Consult label instructions)
Fumigant to be used:
Aluminum phosphide _X_Tablets (3.0 grams/ tablets)
Confirm Ambient temperature > 40 degrees._____ Product may be active 72 hours or more depending on
temperature and moisture conditions.
Confirm proximity of inhabited structures from treated tunnel / burrow system: > 15 ft. (5 meters) ______
Confirm MSDS or Appropriate portions of Applicator’s Manual given to resident/owner/manager if an occupied
structure is on the premises where burrow fumigation is taking place ___________
Fumigation date______________Time of application:_____________________
Recommended label dosage: Tablets (3.0 grams/ tablet) = 2-4 tablets per tunnel or burrow
Dosage used: X_Tablets
/ tunnel or burrow. Number of burrows treated ________
Number of Tablets used on this job site _____________
7. Confirm that fumigant applied in accordance with label ___, personnel washed hands following treatment
and didn’t smoke or drink during treatment ___, protective equipment properly used ___, proper distance
was maintained between site and inhabited structures ___.
8. Confirm burrows were properly sealed following application ___, and post-application procedures completed
including securing chemicals ___.
9. Emergency Information: The odor of garlic has been added to the product as a warning device. If you
experience an unexplained garlic odor inside the structure, ventilate the structure and immediately go
outside to fresh air, away from the fumigated areas. If you experience a strong garlic smell outdoors, go to
another area outside away from the fumigated area, or go inside. In some circumstances a garlic odor may
not be detected upon exposure to the phosphine gas produced from the aluminum phosphide tablets.
Symptoms of exposure to this product are headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing, vomiting, and
diarrhea. In all cases of exposure get medical attention immediately. Take victim to a doctor or emergency
treatment facility. Call Poison Control, the Hot Line Number, Emergency 911, the Pest Control Company,
and/ or other authorities if you are unsure or have any concerns or questions. Call your Pest Control
Company promptly if you believe the fumigant is escaping the burrow system and poses a threat to health.
Hospital, Fire, and Police Emergency: Dial 911
Product Hot Line Number for Human or Animal Emergencies
Pestcon Systems (Product Registrant) 1-252-237-7923
Pest Control Company 909 947-8200
Poison Control 1-800-222-1222
Chem-Trec 1-800 262-8200
10. First Aid:
If inhaled: Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give
artificial respiration, preferably by mouth-to-mouth if possible. Keep person warm and make sure person
can breathe freely. Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment advice.
If swallowed: Call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person drink
one or two glasses of water and induce vomiting by touching back of throat with finger, or if available
administer syrup of ipecac. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Note to physician: Fumitoxin is a 55% active/45% inert tablet of Aluminum Phosphide. The EPA
Registration Number is 72959-1-5857. The fumigant reacts with moisture from the air, water, acids and
many other liquids to release phosphine gas. Mild inhalation exposure causes malaise (indefinite feeling of
sickness), ringing of ears, fatigue, nausea, and pressure in the chest, which is relieved by removal to fresh
air. Moderate poisoning causes weakness, vomiting, pain just above the stomach, chest pain, diarrhea and
dyspnea (difficulty in breathing). Symptoms of severe poisoning may occur within a few hours to several
days, resulting in pulmonary edema (fluid in lungs) and may lead to dizziness, cyanosis (blue or purple skin
color), unconsciousness, and death.
See the MSDS or Product Manual or call Poison Control for further information and for treatment options.
For the milder forms, however: 1. Give complete rest for 1-2 days, during which patient must be kept quiet
and warm. 2. Should patient suffer from vomiting or increased blood sugar, appropriate solutions should
be administered. Treatment with oxygen breathing equipment is recommended as is the administration of
cardiac and circulatory stimulants. For severe poisoning, the Intensive Care Unit is recommended. Follow
instructions from Poison Control or the Product Manual or the MSDS.
B. Site Map (X’s indicate treated areas) :