Oncology Organizations and Meetings for 2016

Oncology Organizations and Meetings for 2016
Many of the organizations listed here will hold other meetings during 2016, but this information
was not yet available at the time of publication. Visit the websites for additional meetings and
American Association of Cancer Research (AACR)
The mission of the AACR is to prevent and cure cancer through research, education,
communication, and collaboration.
Through its programs and services, AACR:
 Fosters research in cancer and related biomedical science
 Accelerates the dissemination of new research findings among scientists and others
dedicated to the conquest of cancer
 Promotes science education and training
 Advances the understanding of cancer etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment
throughout the world
4th AACR-IASL International Joint Conference: Lung Cancer Translational Science from the Bench
to the Clinic
January 4-7, 2016
San Diego, CA
The Function of Tumor Microenvironment in Cancer Progression
January 7-10
San Diego, CA
Patient-Derived Cancer Models: Present and Future Applications from Basic Science to the Clinic
February 11-14, 2016
New Orleans, LA
10th ACCR-JCA Joint Conference on Breakthroughs in Cancer Research: From Biology to
February 16-20, 2016
Maui, HI
AACR Precision Medicine Series: Cancer Cell Cycle – Tumor Progression and Therapeutic
February 28-March 2, 2016
Orlando, FL
AACR Annual Meeting 2016
April 16-20, 2016
New Orleans, LA
AACR Precision Medicine Series: Targeting the Vulnerabilities of Cancer
May 16-19, 2016
Miami, FL
Engineering and Physical Sciences in Oncology
June 25-28, 2016
Boston, MA
Translational Control of Cancer: A New Frontier in Cancer Biology and Therapy
October 27-30, 2016
San Francisco, CA
DNA Repair: Tumor Development and Therapeutic Response
November 2-5, 2016
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
EORTC-NCI-AACR Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics Symposium
November 29-December 2, 2016
Munich, Germany
Tumor Immunology and Immunotherapy
November 29-December 2, 2016
Orlando, FL
American Cancer Society® (ACS)
Together with millions of supporters, ACS saves lives and creates a world with less cancer and
more birthdays by helping people stay well, helping people get well, finding cures, and fighting
back. ACS is a nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to
eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Headquartered in Atlanta, GA, ACS has 12
chartered divisions, more than 900 local offices nationwide, and a presence in more than 5 100
American College of Radiation Oncology (ACRO)
ACRO strives to ensure the highest quality care for radiation therapy patients and promotes
success in the practice of radiation oncology through education, responsible socioeconomic
advocacy, and integration of science and technology into clinical practice.
ACRO 2016 Annual Meeting
March 17-19, 2016
Orlando, FL
American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR)
In 1982, AICR was founded to advance the simple (but then, radical) idea that cancer could be
prevented. AICR focuses on the link between diet and cancer, and immediately began
supporting cutting-edge research in that area and educating the public about the results.
Today, we continue to fund research in the field of nutrition, physical activity, and cancer
prevention, treatment, and survival.
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
ASCO is a professional oncology society committed to conquering cancer through research,
education, prevention, and delivery of high-quality patient care. ASCO was founded in 1964 by
a small group of physician members of the American Association of Cancer Research, who
recognized the need for the creation of a separate society dedicated to issues unique to clinical
Genitourinary Cancers Symposium
January 7-9, 2016
San Francisco, CA
Cancer Survivorship Symposium: Advancing Care and Research – A Primary Care and Oncology
January 15-16, 2016
San Francisco, CA
Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium
January 21-23, 2016
San Francisco, CA
Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Symposium
February 18-20, 2016
Scottsdale, AZ
Cancer Center Business Summit
February 24-25, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
ASCO Quality Care Symposium
February 26-27, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
Accelerating Anticancer Agent Development and Validation Workshop
May 4-6, 2016
Bethesda, MD
ASCO Annual Meeting
June 3-7, 2016
Chicago, IL
American Society of Pediatric Hematology Oncology (ASPHO)
ASPHO is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to promoting optimal care of children and
adolescents with blood disorders and cancer by advancing research, education, treatment, and
professional practice.
ASPHO’s 29th Annual Meeting
May 11-14, 2016
Minneapolis, MN
Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC)
ACCC promotes the entire continuum of quality cancer care for its patients and communities.
Since 1974, ACCC has been helping oncology professionals adapt to the complex changes of
delivering quality cancer care.
ACCC 42nd Annual National Meeting: Cancerscape – Policy, Value, and Quality
March 2-4, 2016
Washington DC
Institute for Clinical Immuno-Oncology (ICLIO) 2nd Annual National Conference (ICLIO was
established by ACCC)
See http://accc-iclio.org for more details.
Check the ACCC website for information regarding the: National Oncology Conference, Oncology
Reimbursement Meetings, Oncology State Society meetings, Financial Advocacy Network CaseBased Workshops, Oncology Pharmacy Education Network (OPEN) conference.
Association of Oncology Social Work (AOSW)
The Association of Oncology Social Work (AOSW) is a non-profit, international, 501(c)(3)
organization dedicated to the enhancement of psychosocial services to people with cancer and
their families. Created in 1984 by social workers interested in oncology and by existing national
cancer organizations, we have more than 1 00 current members who embrace the AOSW
Mission “to advance excellence in the psychosocial care of persons with cancer, their families,
and caregivers through networking, education, advocacy, research and resource development.”
AOSW 32nd Annual Conference
May 4-6, 2016
Tampa, FL
Cancer Research Institute (CRI)
The CRI is the world’s only nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to harnessing the
immune system’s power to conquer all cancers.
Please check the website for details regarding upcoming events.
Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education
The Center for Continuing Education is committed to sharing a wealth of knowledge with
physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals worldwide for over 80 years.
Check website for a variety of live courses, text-based CME, webcasts, journal CME, disease
management, and self-study CME.
International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)
IASLC is the only global organization dedicated to the study of lung cancer. Founded in 1974,
the association’s membership includes nearly 4 000 lung cancer specialists in 80 countries.
IASLC members work to enhance the understanding of lung cancer among scientists, members
of the medical community, and the public. IASLC publishes the Journal of Thoracic Oncology, a
valuable resource for medical specialists and scientists who focus on the detection, prevention,
diagnosis, and treatment of lung cancer.
4th AACR-IASLC International Joint Conference
January 4-7, 2016
San Diego, CA
16th Annual Targeted Therapies of Lung Cancer Meeting
February 17-20, 2016
Santa Monica, CA
European Lung Cancer Conference 2016
April 13-16, 2016
Geneva, Switzerland
Workshop in Lung Cancer Clinical Research for LATAM Region
April 28-30, 2016
Santiago, Chile
IASLC Asia Pacific Lung Cancer Conference (APLCC 2016)
May 13-16, 2016
Chiang Mai, Thailand
2016 Latin American Lung Cancer Conference (LACLA)
August 25-27, 2016
Panama City, Panama
The 17th World Conference on Lung Cancer
December 4-7, 2016
Vienna, Austria
International Society of Ocular Oncology
Our mission: to promote the advancement of ocular oncology by coordination with general
ophthalmology, general oncology, ophthalmic pathology, and allied sciences by the
encouragement of research, by the improvement of teaching and technical methods, and by
improvement of patient care through scientific meetings and other activities worldwide.
2016 World Ophthalmology Congress
February 5-9, 2016
Guadalajara, Mexico
International Society of Gastrointestinal Oncology (ISGIO)
ISGIO’s mission is to establish the authoritative forum for communicating cutting-edge research
and practice issues in gastrointestinal (GI) oncology. Its objectives are to facilitate GI research
and education globally, to promote the timely exchange and dissemination of new GI oncologyrelated knowledge and discovery, to promote excellence in GI cancer care globally, to reduce
the societal burden of GI cancers, to develop an authoritative forum that builds international
and regional consensus on therapy and research in GI oncology, and to inspire young
investigators to engage in GI oncology research.
2016 Gastrointestinal Oncology Conference
October 27-28, 2016
Arlington, VA
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® (LLS)
The LLS is the largest voluntary health organization dedicated to funding research, finding
cures, and ensuring access to treatments for blood cancer patients.
LLS sponsors a range of free live conferences, meetings, and events, as well as online continuing
education programs. Check website for details.
Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI)
The MBI diversity mission is to help shape the mathematical biology community in a way that
represents the diversity of our society. MBI offers a vigorous program of research and
education, and fosters the growth of an international community of researchers in this new
MBI offers post-doc courses, public lectures/science Sundays, a summer graduate program, a
summer undergraduate program, and a visiting lecturer program.
Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer and the International Society of Oral
Oncology (MASCC/ISOO)
MASCC is an international multidisciplinary organization dedicated to research and education in
all aspects of supportive care for people with cancer regardless of the stage of their disease.
June 23-25, 2016
Adelaide, Australia
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
NCI is part of the National Institutes of Health, which is one of 11 agencies that compose the
Department of Health and Human Services. The NCI, established under the National Cancer
Institute Act of 1937, is the federal government’s principal agency for cancer research and
training. The NCI coordinates the National Cancer Program, which conducts and supports
research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs with respect to the
cause, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cancer; rehabilitation from cancer; and the
continuing care of cancer patients and their families.
See website for scientific meetings and lectures, conferences, and NIH videocasts.
National Children’s Cancer Society (NCCS)
The NCCS provides emotional, financial, and educational support to children with cancer, their
families, and survivors.
See website for regional conferences, webinars, educational articles, publications, and more.
National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®)
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), a not-for-profit alliance of 26 of the
world's leading cancer centers devoted to patient care, research, and education, is dedicated to
improving the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of cancer care so that patients can live
better lives. Through the leadership and expertise of clinical professionals at NCCN member
institutions, NCCN develops resources that present valuable information to the numerous
stakeholders in the health-care delivery system. As the arbiter of high-quality cancer care,
NCCN promotes the importance of continuous quality improvement and recognizes the
significance of creating clinical practice guidelines appropriate for use by patients, clinicians,
and other health-care decision-makers.
NCCN Academy for Excellence & Leadership in Oncology™
March 30, 2016
Hollywood, FL
NCCN Annual Conference: Advancing the Standard of Cancer Care™
March 31-April 2, 2016
Hollywood, FL
See the website for information regarding other live meetings, webinars, and online learning
NRG Oncology
NRG Oncology is a non-profit research organization formed to conduct oncologic clinical
research and to broadly disseminate study results for informing clinical decision making and
healthcare policy. It brings together the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project
(NSABP), the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG), and the Gynecologic Oncology Group
(GOG)—each recognized internationally as a research leader. NRG Oncology embodies an
impressive legacy in the conduct of multi-institutional phase II and phase III clinical trials and a
history of undertaking phase I and translational biological studies imperative for oncologic
research of the future. We invite you to browse this section to learn more about our exciting
scientific endeavors.
NRG Oncology Meeting
January 21-24, 2016
Atlanta, GA
NRG Oncology Meeting
July 14-17, 2016
Dallas, TX
Oncology Nursing Society (ONS®)
ONS is a professional association of more than 35 000 members committed to promoting
excellence in oncology nursing and the transformation of cancer care.
ONS 41st Annual Congress
April 28-May 1, 2016
San Antonio, TX
Physician Education Resource, LLC
Physician Education Resource, LLC is dedicated to advancing cancer care through professional
12th Annual International Symposium on Melanoma and Other Cutaneous Malignancies
February 20, 2016
Miami Beach, FL
33rd Miami Breast Cancer Conference
March 10-13, 2016
Miami Beach, FL
3rd Annual Miami Lung Cancer Conference
March 19, 2016
Miami Beach, FL
9th Annual Interdisciplinary Prostate Cancer Congress and Other Genitourinary Malignancies
March 19, 2016
New York, NY
Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO)
SNO is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to promoting advances in neuro-oncology
through research and education.
SNOLA 2016 – Update on Neuro-Oncology
March 24, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
The mission of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is to eliminate cancer in
Texas, the nation, and the world through outstanding programs that integrate patient care,
research and prevention, and through education for undergraduate and graduate students,
trainees, professionals, employees, and the public.
See the website for a variety of clinical resources, scientific resources, and educational resources
for cancer professionals.
US Oncology Network
The US Oncology Network is one of the nation’s largest networks of integrated, communitybased oncology practices dedicated to advancing high-quality, evidence-based cancer care. The
US Oncology Network is supported by McKesson Specialty Health, a division of McKesson Corp
focused on empowering a vibrant and sustainable community patient-care delivery system to
advance the science, technology, and quality of care.
Contributed by Elaine Hinzey RDN, LD/N
Review date: 11/17/15