1920`s OGT Questions - Streetsboro City Schools

1920’s OGT and Test Questions
1. One effect of widespread
suburbanization in the United States
during the 1920s was
A. airlines adding routes to new
B. increased reliance upon the
C. decreased immigration from
Europe and Asia.
D. television replacing radio as the
most popular medium.
2. How did the U.S. Constitution
change as a result of the
ratification of the 19th Amendment?
A. The right of suffrage was
extended to women.
B. Freedom of assembly was
C. The power of government
D. Freedom of the press was
3. What was significant about the
developments shown above for the
United States in the 1920s?
A. They were causes of World
War II.
B. They were signs of difficulties
within the U.S. economy.
C. They demonstrated the ability of
the Federal Reserve to control
the money supply.
D. They led to legislation
restricting immigration to the
United States
4. In the late 19th and early 20th
centuries, many immigrants who
came to the United States did not
speak English as their native
language. One way this resulted in
the exchange of cultural practices
was that
A. most people were able to speak
several languages fluently.
B. people from other countries
tended to remain culturally
C. people without knowledge of
English were not allowed to
D. words from other languages
entered into the mainstream
5. In the early 20th century, many African-Americans moved from the South
to cities in the North. This “Great Migration” helped stimulate a
flowering of artistic talent by African-Americans in New York known as
the Harlem Renaissance. One way in which the Harlem Renaissance
was significant was that it
A. reduced racial tensions in the northern cities.
B. led to a decline in activity by the Ku Klux Klan.
C. led to a relaxation of restrictions on African-Americans in the South.
D. contributed to the recognition of African-American culture.
6. The early 20th century saw a significant northward migration of AfricanAmericans. During the 1920s, nearly 400,000 African-Americans settled
in New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois. Many lived in large cities such
as New York, Philadelphia and Chicago.
Identify two economic effects of this migration on the United States. Write your
answer in the Answer Document. (2 points)
7. What was a main result of national Prohibition?
during the 1920s?
(1) Respect for the law decreased.
(2) Woman’s suffrage was restricted.
(3) Racial prejudice increased.
(4) Religious tolerance grew.
8. Which foreign policy did Warren G. HARDING?
support when he used the phrase “return to
normalcy” during his presidential campaign of
(1) appeasement (3) containment
(2) internationalism (4) isolationism
Base your answer to question 24 on the chart
below and on your knowledge of social studies.
States and Territories Fully Enfranchising
Women Prior to the 19th Amendment
State Date Begun
Territory of Wyoming 1869
Wyoming 1890
Colorado 1893
Utah 1896
Idaho 1896
Arizona 1912
Washington 1910
California 1911
Kansas 1912
Oregon 1912
Territory of Alaska 1913
Montana 1914
Nevada 1914
New York 1917
Michigan 1918
Oklahoma 1918
South Dakota 1918
9. Which conclusion about woman’s suffrage is best?
supported by the information in the chart?
(1) Congress did not allow women to vote in the
(2) Before 1917, many of the western states had
granted women the right to vote.
(3) The United States Supreme Court had to
approve a woman’s right to vote in each state.
(4) Women were permitted to vote only in state
10. The Scopes trial of 1925 illustrated the
(1) desire for new voting rights laws
(2) need for better private schools
(3) conflict between Protestant fundamentalisms
and science
(4) effects of the Red Scare on the legal system
11. One goal of many Harlem Renaissance writers
was to
(1) increase pride in African American culture
(2) support existing racial barriers
(3) cut off connections with mainstream
American values
(4) encourage African Americans to create their
own political party
12. Which characteristic of the 1920s is illustrated by
the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti?
(1) hostility toward woman’s suffrage
(2) support for segregation
(3) opposition to separation of church and state
(4) intolerance toward immigrants
13. The national policy of Prohibition ended when the states
(1) strengthened food and drug laws
(2) legalized alcohol for medical purposes
(3) ratified the 21st amendment
(4) banned interstate shipment of alcoholic
14. In the late 1800s, a population shift among African Americans began in
the United States. Known as the “Great Migration,” this pattern of
shifting population accelerated as a result of World War I and
continued throughout the 1920s.
• Describe the population shift involved in the “Great Migration.”
• Explain how this migration produced an important change in the
domestic affairs of the United States during the first three decades
of the twentieth century.
Write your answer in the Answer Document. (4 points)