ATSC 5160 HW#2 Hiroshi Takagi 4.5/6 – nice graphics, good interpretation 1.5/2 1. Discuss the effect of varying static stability on vertical motion in a quasigeostrophic atmosphere. Most synoptic-scale systems in midlatitudes appear to develop as the result of an instability of the jet stream flow. This instability, which is called baroclinic instability, depends on the horizontal temperature gradient, particularly at the surface. Therefore, through the thermal wind relationship, baroclinic instability depends on vertical shear of geostrophic wind and tends to occur in the region of the polar frontal zone. The vertical motion or omega equation provides a method of estimating omega (proportional to (-)vertical velocity dp/dt) by observing of geopotential at a single time thus helps analyze the variation of the vertical motion in a quasigeostrophic atmosphere. The omega equation is expressed as follows: 2 f 02 2 1 2 f0 V g 2 p p f0 Term A Term B 1 f 2 V g p Term C The static stability parameter in the equation above is an indicator that tells the severity of expansion or compression of atmosphere due to temperature advection (temperature change). It is given as the following: RT ln p p The parameter is a positive quantity and greater value of the parameter implies unstable atmospheric situations. Increasing the parameter value in each term of the omega equation causes decrease in the magnitude of value (more negative quantity) which corresponds to positive w (dz/dt). That is the indication of less upward motion in a more stable atmosphere (larger ). (Reference: An introduction to dynamic meteorology by J. R. Holton) 2. Questions 1.5/2 Locate regions of cold and/or warm advection using the profiles of the geostrophic wind and locate any fronts. Searching a location of strong wind shift with increasing height pinpoints where thermal advection is occurring. The section from the left end of the map (North Platte station, NE) to the center of the map is where strong wind shift with height is observed. Near the surface (around 900mb) north to northwesterly wind is observed but the wind changes to west to south westerly near 600mb surface. This is a backing of the wind with height and is indicative of cold-air advection toward southeast. Location of a surface cold front is determined by carefully looking at the wind direction change near the surface. A strong surface wind shift is observed near the center of the map and that coincides with the region of densely packed potential temperature contour lines. The surface cold front can be put there. Locate any regions of moderate to strong horizontal temperature gradients in the lower troposphere (below 500mb or so). The regions should coincide with the location of the highly packed, skewed potential temperature contours. Also, that region is where strong cold-air advection and the surface cold front are located. Relate the structure of the jet (i.e. strength and location of the jet and the location of the strongest shear) to the horizontal temperature gradients. Using the thermal wind relationship as your guide, is the strength and location of the jet similar to, or different from your expectations? The jet stream is located above where the strongest horizontal temperature gradients and wind shear are. The location of the jet stream seems to be the upper end of positive ?? wind shear with height. So finding the location of backing why backing ?? of geostrophic wind that is associated with cold-air advection help identify where the upper air jet flow may be. This is not clear 3. LBF ILN 1.5/2 Questions Interpret the ageostrophic flow pattern on the chart. The flow of total wind has two components (geostrophic and ageostrophic component) and they are correlated one another. One of the general trends in ageostrophic flow observed on this chart is that it flows across the isobars in the entrance and exit regions of jet streaks. In the entrance regions of jet streaks, the component of isobar-crossing ageostrophic flow that is parallel to the isobars contribute to accelerating the total flow and the other component of the flow that is perpendicular to isobars causes circulations. In the exit regions of jet streaks, the component of isobar-crossing ageostrophic flow that is parallel to isobars contributes to decelerating the total flow ??? and the other component of the flow that is perpendicular to isobars causes circulations in that region. These contributions by the components of ageostrophic flow account for the total flow speed maxima near the entrance regions, relatively slower flow near the exit regions, and divergence and convergence in both entrance and exit regions of jet streak. How about the component of the ageostrophic wind along the height contours (sub vs supergeostrophic wind depending on curvature) ?? Interpret the ageostrophic flow pattern in the cross section. Is there evidence of any of the following? Cold front aloft; dry line; CAPE and possibility for deep convection. The vectors on this chart indicate the ageostrophic flow in X-Z plane, showing the vertical circulation in the cross section. A large counterclockwise circulation is seen on the cross section. The circulation seems to originate near station ILN with increasing upward flow and the flow tends to subside toward station LBF. These upward and downward flow patterns seem to be sustained by the upper air convergence and divergence near the exit region of the jet streak shown in the previous chart (the indication of that divergence and convergence are also on the chart above). A dry line may be put where equivalent potential temperature lines and mixing ratio lines are packed it is a cold front because a dry line is characterized by ONLY moisture, no temperature gradient. The region of densely packed lines almost coincides with the leading edge of the cold-air advection. The cold, dry air on the left side of the chart displaces the moist, (high theta-e value and mixing ratio) warm air on the right side of the chart. There seems to be a cold pool with lower theta-e in the middle of the seemingly convective system where specifically is de/dz negative (potential instability) ??. This is indicative of unstable atmosphere thus possibly inducing deep convective motion. GOOD