
Using Ontology Reasoning to Classify Protein Phosphatases
Katherine Wolstencroft, Phillip Lord, Lydia Tabernero, Andy Brass and Robert Stevens*
Faculty of Life Sciences and School of Computer Science, University of Manchester, Oxford Road, UK
The need for automation of protein classification is motivated by the growing number of genome sequencing projects
and the resulting stock-pile of data requiring annotation.
Classification plays a central role in the annotation process
and is the first step in understanding the molecular biology
of an organism. However, classification and annotation are
now rate-limiting steps.
We present a method for the automated classification of a
protein family from the protein complement of a genome
using ontological reasoning.
Classification of proteins by human experts is regarded as
the gold-standard in biological data annotation. Human expertise is able to recognise the properties that are necessary
and sufficient to place an individual gene product into a
specific class. These differences are often subtle and automated annotation often fails to achieve the same classification at a fine-grained, subfamily level.
Many proteins are assemblies of domains. Each domain
might have a separate function within the protein, such as
binding or catalysis, but it is the composition of the different
domains that gives each protein its specific function. There
are many tools dedicated to discovering functional domains,
for example, SMART (Letunic et al, 2004) and InterproScan (Mulder et al, 2005) but whilst they can report the
presence of functional domains, bioinformaticians are required to perform the analysis that places a protein with a
particular set of domains into a particular protein family or
subfamily. To reach human expert standards, automated
methods must also perform this analysis step. The ontology
system presented here does just that. By capturing the necessary and sufficient conditions for membership of each
protein family or subfamily, in an OWL ontology, we formalise the rules for class membership. This enables the use
of ontology reasoners to perform the human analysis step of
comparing individual proteins to the defined protein family
classes and assign them to a place in the classification.
In this study, we present the results of analysing the protein
phosphatase complement of the human and Aspergillus fumigatus genomes. Phosphatases were a suitable case-study
because they are a large protein family involved in almost
all cellular processes, making classification at a detailed
level vital for understanding the specificity of individual
proteins and for comparative genomic studies. Several
To whom correspondence should be addressed.
phosphatase proteins have also been implicated in diseases,
such as, diabetes, cancer and neurodegenerative conditions
(Schonthal, 2001, Zhang, 2001 and Tian & Wang, 2002),
making them important targets for medical and pharmaceutical research.
The automated classification system we present combines
description logics (DL) reasoning (Baader et al, 2003) with
service oriented architecture (oinn et al, 2004) to extract and
classify the protein phosphatase complement of an organism. The foundation step was to produce an ontology in
OWL (Web Ontology Language), describing the domain
architecture of each protein phosphatase subfamily, derived
from peer-reviewed literature by protein phosphatase experts. These class descriptions were then used to compare
with the domain architecture of individual proteins using the
Instance Store (IS) (Horrocks et al 2004). The IS combines a
description logic reasoner with a relational database and
allows reasoning over large numbers of individuals.
The domain architecture of individual proteins was determined by performing InterproScans of the raw sequence
data and translating the results into abstract OWL format.
The combination of ontology, Instance Store, bioinformatics
domain analysis and ontological reasoning provided the
technology to facilitate the automated extraction and classification of any number of proteins from raw sequence data.
Figure 1 shows the architecture of the ontology system.
Figure 1: The ontology System Architecture
P.Lord et al.
Human protein phosphatases have been isolated and characterised in previous studies (Alonso et al, 2004, cohen, 1997,
kennelly, 2001), so comparing the results of the classification from the ontology system with the classification produced by domain experts provides a way of measuring the
success of the ontology system. The results showed that all
of the 118 phosphatase proteins identified and classified in
previous studies were classified in the same place in the
protein family hierarchy using the ontology method.
An interesting result from the analysis was that, using the
ontology, we were able to identify additional functional
domains in two dual specificity phosphatases that present
the opportunity to refine the classification of the subfamily
into further subtypes.
The results from the A.fumigatus investigation revealed
large differences between the protein phosphatases the two
species. Not only were there far fewer phosphatases in
A.fumigatus, for example, 1 myotubularin and 1 MAP kinase phosphatase, as opposed to 16 and 11 respectively in
human, but there were whole subfamilies not represented.
Some of these missing subfamilies may reveal differences in
phosphorylation pathways and are targets for further investigation.
The A.fumigatus results also identified a novel type of calcineurin phosphatase with an extra homeobox domain. Further investigation showed that this extra domain was present
in closely related pathogenic fungi, but we were unable to
identify it in any other species, making it as a potentially
interesting drug target for pharmaceutical investigation
The scale of data production in post-genomic bioinformatics
presents new problems for the bioinformatician. The pace at
which new data is produced is outstripping the pace at
which it can be analysed and annotated. Often, compromises
on the quality of annotation have to be made in order to interpret large data sets quickly, providing annotation at a
more generic level, which results in the loss of information.
The method we present here addresses part of this problem
by encoding human expert knowledge as an ontology. The
differences between protein classes can be captured at a
detailed level to discriminate between closely related protein
The human phosphatase study demonstrated that this system
equaled the performance of manual human expert classification. It was also discovered that the ontology system was
efficient at uncovering novel, unexpected functional domains, revealing anomalies that did not fit the community
The use of ontological technology in the bio-ontologies domain has been largely restricted to enhancing browsing and
querying over existing data, or to statistical investigation. In
this paper, we have described the application of ontological
reasoning to enhance community-developed knowledge.
By encoding pre-existing community knowledge in this
form we have gained the advantage of automation and addi-
tionally, the ability to systematically analyse large volumes
of biological data.
This work was funded by an MRC PhD studentship and myGrid escience project, University of Manchester with the UK e-science
programme EPSRC grant GR/R67743. Preliminary sequence data
was obtained from The Institute for Genomic Research website at from Dr Jane Mabey-Gilsenan, University of
Manchester. Sequencing of Aspergillus fumigatus was funded by
the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease U01 AI
48830 to David Denning and William Nierman, the Wellcome
Trust, and Fondo de Investicagiones Sanitarias
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