Target Candidates: This program is not limited to medical

Target Candidates:
This program is not limited to medical interpreters; it is open to all individuals interested in:
1) Advocating for language access in healthcare
2) Leading change in their organizations as employees, leaders, members, or volunteers.
However, Leadership Academy is not for novice interpreters, but for those who have been in the field, and now want hone
the knowledge and skills to support future leadership roles.
Leadership Academy Fellows will be selected based on their resumes, letter of intent, and a letter of
Class is limited so please send your application as soon as possible.
Registration will open October 30 – December 31st.
$799 for IMIA members
$899 for non-members
Time Frame:
6 Month Program runs from January to June - Meetings take place in 2pm- 3:30pm EST every other
Tuesday for 1.5 hours
Admissions Criteria: Leadership Academy candidates will be selected based on their registration form, and the following
Admission Steps: 1) resume 2) letter of intent
3) two letters of recommendation 4) All documents to be sent to
1.5 Hour webinar sessions
Interactive activities include conference calls and online discussions
Leadership mentoring component
Capstone Project
IMIA Leadership Academy Fellows Registry at completion of the program
2015 Leadership Academy
1. Webinars
January 13, 2015
Decision Making and Leadership
Instructor: Izabel Arocha, CMI-Spanish, M.Ed.
IMIA Executive Director
February 10, 2015
Patient Safety: What’s Language Got to Do With It?
Instructor: Dr. Ochoa, Pediatrician
Arkansas Children’s Hospital
March 10, 2015
Title VI: A Tool For Leading The Way To Language
Instructor: Michelle Scott
President of Voices Academy
April 7, 2015
Teambuilding, Mentoring And Coaching Skills
Instructor: Linda Joyce
National Language Consultant and National Board
Certification Expert
May 5, 2015
Parliamentary Procedure & Robert’s Rules: The
Importance of Order In Leadership
Instructor: Lola Bendana
President of Multi-Languages, and President of IMIA and
June 2, 2015
Managing Conflict
Instructor: Lola Bendana
President of Multi-Languages, and President of IMIA and
June 30, 2015
Capstone Projects and Evaluations are Due
January 27, 2015
Assertiveness for Leaders: Stand Your Ground Without
Building Barriers
Instructor: Juana Horton
President of Horton Interpreting, and IMIA President-Elect
February 24, 2015
The Business Case for Medical Interpreters
Instructor: Dr. Eric Hardt, Geriatrician
Boston Medical Center
March 24, 2015
Presentation Skills
Instructor: Ira Sengupta
Executive Director of CCHCP, and IMIA Board Member
April 21, 2015
The Role of Interpreter Associations in Advancing the
Instructor: Izabel Arocha, CMI-Spanish, M.Ed.
IMIA Executive Director
May 19, 2015
Budgets & Finances – An Essential Leadership
Instructor: Izabel Arocha, CMI-Spanish, M.Ed.
IMIA Executive Director
These webinars are open to the public at a cost per webinar of $100 per webinar
2. Conference Calls
Conference calls occur on the last Friday of each month, 3-4:30pm. These are interactive sessions about how to advance
language access in healthcare. These are reserved for Leadership Academy Fellows.
January 30, 2015
March 27, 2015
Ethics for leaders
Advocacy Initiatives
February 27, 2016
April 24, 2015
May 29, 2015
Educational Initiatives
June 26, 2015
International Initiatives
Interpreter Service Providers
Evaluation of Program
3. Capstone Project
All Leadership Academy Fellows write a final paper on the skills and knowledge areas that are key and specific to
language access in healthcare advocates.