CURRICULUM VITAE - Reele Consulting, LLC

Stots B. Reele, MD,FACP
Curriculum vitae
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Stots B. Reele, M.D., FACP
Date September 2009
Home Address:
9665 Hatton Ferry Road
P.O. Box 820
Scottsville, Virginia 24590-0820
+1 – 434-286-2054
+1 – 484-429-8575
May 4, 1946 - Weehawken, New Jersey, USA
Civil Status Married; Three children
1967 - B.S. -- Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana
1971 - M.D. -- Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, Texas (with Honors)
1975 - State of New Jersey
1977 - State of Tennessee
1979 - State of Michigan
by reciprocity with Texas
by reciprocity with Texas
by FLEX examination
Professional Experience
1971 - 1972 I
Internship (straight Internal Medicine), Vanderbilt University
Affiliated Hospitals, Nashville, Tennessee
1972 - 1975
General Medical Officer, United States Air Force, Upper Heyford
Air Force Base, UK
1976 - 1977
Residency (Internal Medicine), Baylor College of Medicine
Affiliated Hospitals, Houston, Texas
1977 - 1979
Fellowship (Clinical Pharmacology), Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, Tennessee
1979 - 1983
Research Physician, Bronson Clinical Investigational Unit, The
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1979 - 1984
Member of the Medical Staff at Bronson Methodist Hospital,
Kalamazoo, Michigan
1983 - 1984
Medical Manager and Research Physician -- Bronson Clinical
Investigational Unit, The Upjohn company, Kalamazoo,
1984 - 1985
Assistant Director of Clinical Pharmacology, Hoffmann-La
Roche, Inc., Nutley, New Jersey
Director, Clinical Pharmacology Unit, Newark Beth Israel
Medical Center, Newark, New Jersey
1985 - 1986
Director, Clinical Research I, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., Nutley,
New Jersey
1986 - 1988
Clinical Pharmacology Specialist, Clinical
Hoffmann-La Roche Inc., Nutley, New Jersey
1988 - 1991
Senior Director of Clinical Pharmacology, Hoffmann-La Roche,
Inc., Nutley, New Jersey
1991 - 1991
Assistant Vice President and Senior Director, Clinical
Pharmacology, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., Nutley, New Jersey
1991 - 1992
Associate Vice President and Senior Director, Clinical
Pharmacology, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., Nutley, New Jersey
1992 - 1994
Vice President, Clinical Pharmacodynamics, Hoffmann-La
Roche Inc., Nutley, New Jersey
1994 - 1995
Vice President, Clinical Research Administration, Hoffmann-La
Roche Inc., Nutley, New Jersey
1995 - 1995
Vice President, PRC Administration, Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc.,
Nutley, New Jersey
1996 - 1997
Executive Medical Director, Exploratory Research Group,
Zeneca Pharmaceutical, Wilmington, Delaware
1997 - 1999
Executive Medical Director, Experimental Medicine Groups,
Zeneca Pharmaceuiticals in Wilmington, Delaware and Alderley
Park, Cheshire, UK
1999 - 2000
Executive Medicical Director, Experimental Medicine Groups,
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuiticals, Wilmington, Delaware, USA
and Aldreley Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK
2000 - 2003
Director of Experimental Medicine Group, AstraZeneca
Pharmaceuticals, Alderley Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK
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2003 – 2004
Director of Clinical Pharmacology Science, AstraZeneca
Pharmaceuticals, Alderley Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK
2004 – 2006
Director of Clinical Pharmacology Science, AstraZeneca LP
Wilmington Delaware, USA (I have voluntarily reduced my
working to part-time and relinquished my managerial roll)
2006 -
Retirement with part-time consultation (Reele Consulting, LLC)
focused on clinical pharmacology and general drug
Have consulted with a number of companies,
ranging from a very small biotechnology startup to major
pharmaceutical companies.
Specialty Certification
Diplomat, American Board of Internal Medicine -- 1978
Fellow, American College of Physicians -- 1981
1972 - 1975 U.S. Air Force, General Medical Officer
Alpha Omega Alpha Honorary Medical
Teaching Experience
1978 - 1978
Tutor for Physical Diagnosis course, sophomore medial
students, Vanderbilt University
1978 - 1979
Head -- Section on Therapeutic Dilemma for Physicians, part of
Pharmacology course for medical students, Vanderbilt
1980 - 1984
Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, Michigan State
Society Memberships
American College of Physicians
American Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Association of Clinical Pharmacology Units
American Federation of Clinical Research
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Oral Presentations
Newer Aspects of Treatment of Ventricular Arrhythmias - Medical
Grand Rounds, Bronson Hospital, Kalamazoo, MI.
Clinical Use of Prostaglandins - Medical Grand Rounds, Bronson
Hospital, Kalamazoo, MI.
Discussions of Case Presentation of Clinical Pathological
Conference, Medial Grand Rounds, Bronson Hospital, Kalamazoo,
Gastrointestinal Absorption during Chronic Therapy with Arbaprostil
- American Society Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, New
Orleans, LA.
“Propranolol’s Effect on Peripheral Circulation of Normal Males”,
Griffith-Heflin, R.G., Data, J.L., Wallach, S.J., Gumbleton, T.J.,
Reele, S.B.: Poster at Amer. Soc. Clin. Pharmacol. & Therap., New
Orleans, LA.
The Importance of Clinical Pharmacology
Rounds, Bronson Hospital, Kalamazoo, MI.
Introduction to Prostaglandins and Their Clinical utility, SMAHEC,
Continuing Education Conference, Kalamazoo, MI.
Pulmonary Fibrosis - The Discussant of C.P.C., Bronson Hospital,
Kalamazoo, MI.
Duration of Cytoprotection of Arbaprostil in Man. S.B. Reele, R.
Brouwer, A. Euler - SMAHEC Research Day, Kalamazoo, MI.
Absorption, Excretion and Metabolism of 9-Deoxo-16-16-Dimethyl9-Methylene-PGE2-11B-3H in the Human Female after Intravaginal
and Intravenous Administration. A.J. Wickrema Sinha, S.B. Reele,
S.R. Shaw, and B.A. Thornburgh - given by A.J. Wickrema Sinha at
the 43rd International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Montraux, Switzerland.
Oral Gastric Antisecretory Activity of PGE2 in Man. - S.B. Reele
and D. Bohan. American College of Physicians, Michigan Regional
Meetings, Harbor Springs, MI.
Medical Grand
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Pharmacology of Cimetidine and Related Drugs -- Clinical
Therapeutics Conference, M.S.U., St. Lawrence Hospital,
Department of Medical Education, Lansing, Michigan.
Work-up of the Hypertensive Patient -- Michigan State Medical
Society Meeting, Dearborn, MI.
Newer Aspects of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology, Medical Grand
Rounds, Bronson Hospital, Kalamazoo, MI.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, Michigan State Medical Society,
Dearborn, MI.
Practical Experience with Unit Dose Packaging during Clinical Trials
- Pharm-Pack Expo ‘85, Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick, NJ.
First-Time-In-Man Studies a Company Perspective: Time Gain,
Drug Information Association (DIA), Thirty-First Annual Meeting,
Orlando, Florida
Optimising ‘in-house’ resources to accelerate your Phase I clinical
trials, Faster Phase I in Clinical Development, IIR Conferences,
London, UK
Design of Dose-Finding Studies; European
Pharmaceutical Medicine, Basel, Switzerland
Early Drug Development - the Critical Pat, Drug Information
Association (DIA) Annual EuroMeeting 2001, Barcelona, Spain
The implications for the CPU in performing the thorough ECG study
as suggested in the ICH step 1 document ‘The Clinical Evaluation
of QT/QTc Interval Prolongation and Proarrhythmia Potential for
Non-Antiarrhythmic Drugs; QT Interval Prolongation Evaluation of
Non-Arrhythmics & draft ICH Guidelines; Seminary by Clinical Trial
Sponsors and Service Providers, London, UK
Adverse Drug Reactions in Healthy Volunteers and Patients: How:
Can We Prevent Them? Safety Pharmacology Society, Covington,
New, safe medicines – faster! Keynote Presentation:
Safety Pharmacology Society, Covington, KY
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Pletcher, J. and Reele, S.: Food Borne Streptococcal Epidemic.
Service Digest, 27(6): 29-32, Nov.-Dec. 1976.
Woosley, R.L., Kornhauser, R., Smith, R., Reele, S., Higgins, S.B., Nies, A.S.,
Shand, D.G., and Oates, J.A.:
Chronic Suppression of Ventricular
Arrhythmias with Propranolol, Circulation 60(4): 819-827, 1979.
Roden, D.M., Reele, S.B., Higgins, S.B., et al: Total Suppression of
Electrocardiographic Characteristics. New Engl. J. Med. 302(16): 877-882,
April 17, 1980.
Roden, D.M., Reele, S.B., Higgins, S.B., Carr, R.K., Smith, R.F., Oates, J.A.,
Woosley, R.L.: Tocainide Therapy for Refractory Ventricular Arrhythmias.
Amer. Heart J. 100(1): 15-22, July 1980.
Roden, D.M., Reele, S.B., Higgins, S.B., et al: Antiarrhythmic Efficacy,
Pharmacokinetics and Safety of N-Acetylprocainamide in Human Subjects:
Comparison with Procainamide. Amer. J. Cardiol. 46: 463-468, September
Brorson, L., Reele, S., Dupont. W., Woosley, R., Shand, D., and Smith, R.:
Effects of Concentration and Steric Configuration of Propranolol on AV
Conduction and Ventricular Repolarization in the Dog. J. Cardiovascular
Pharmacol. 3(4): 692-703 (July-August) 1981.
Roden, D.M., Duff, H.J., Reele, S.B., Woosley, R.L., Oates, J.A., Smith, R.F.,
and Friesinger, G.C.: Recurrent Ventricular Tachycardia in the Absence of
Overt Heart Disease: Clinical Characteristics and Response to Drug Therapy.
Southern Medical Journal 74(9): 1090-1094, September 1981.
Robert, A., Kane, G., and Reele, S.: Dose Response Inhibition in Man of Meal-Stimulated Gastric Acid Secretion by 15(R)-15-Methyl Prostaglandin E2,
Given Orally, GUT 22(9): 728-731, September 1981.
Reele, S.B., Spillers, C., and Gilbertson, T.: Gastrointestinal Absorption of dXylose, Glucose, and Vitamin B12 during Chronic Therapy with Arbaprostil.
Current Therapeutic Research 32(2): 336-346, August 1982.
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Reele, S.B., Kornhauser, D., Shand, D., Carr, K., Oates, J.A., and Woosley,
R.L.: Antiarrhythmic Effects of the Quaternary Propranolol Analog That Does
Not Induce Beta-Adrenergic Blockade. Clin. Pharm. Ther. 32(1): 33-40, July
Reele, S.B., Ruwart, M.J., and Noah, M.L.: Gastrointestinal Propulsion
Measurement with Radiopaque Capsules during 16, 16-dimethyl PGE2
Infusion. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Medicine, 9: 629-640, 1982.
Linet, O.I., Butler, D., Caswell, K., Metzler, C., Reele, S.B.: Absence of
Cardiac Arrythmias during Protein-Sparing Modified Fast Supplemented with
High Biological Quality Protein. International Journal of Obesity, 7(4): 313320, 1983.
Woosley, R.L., Reele, S.B., Roden, D.M., Nies, A.S., Oates, J.A.:
Pharmacologic Reversal of Hypotensive Effect Complicating Antiarrhythmic
Therapy with Bretylium. Clin. Pharmacol. Therapeut., 32(3): 313-321,
September 1982.
Reele, S.B., Miller, O.V., Spillers, C., Gorman, R.R.:
The Effects of
Continuous Infusions of Prostacyclin-Na (Epoprostenol-Sodium) on Platelet
Counts, ADP-Induced Aggregation, and Cyclic AMP Levels in Normal
Volunteers. Prostaglandins, 26(2): 287-302, 1983.
Reele, S.B., Schwartz, J.H., Spiller, C., Seckman, C.E., Spiro, T.E., Royer,
G.L.: Tolerance of Minoxidil after Oral Administration to Normal Volunteers.
Current Therapeutic Research, 35(4): 685-694, 1984.
Dawson, A.K., Reele, S.B., Wood, J.J.W., Duff, H.J., Woosley, R.L. and
Smith, R.F.: Electrophysiological Effects of High Dose Propranolol in Dogs:
Evidence In Vivo for Effects Not Mediated by the Adrenoceptor.
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 229(1): 91-97, 1984.
Reele, S.B., Bohan, D.: Oral Gastric Antisecretory Activity of Prostaglandin E2
in Man. Digestive Diseases and Science, 29(5): 390-393, 1984.
Reele, S.B., Gumbleton, T.J., Styrd, R.P., Brunden, M.N., and Albertson, T.J.:
Aspirin-Induced Damage in the Dog Heidenhain Pouch and Cytoprotection
with 16, 16-dimethyl PGE2. Digestion, 30: 53-58, 1984.
Reele, S.B.: Gastric Antisecretory Activity of Arbaprostil as Affected by Gastric
pH. Digestive Diseases and Science, 30(7): 612-616, 1985.
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Reele, S.B. and Chodos, D.J.: Sorbitol Induced Diarrheal Illness Model.
International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy, and Toxicology, Vol.
23(8): 403-405, 1985.
Reele, S.B., Euler, A.R., Hanover, C.K., Lookabaugh, J.L.: Lack of effect of
arbaprostil on the human nonpregnant uterus. Acta. Obstet. Gynecol. Scand.,
64(8): 645-647, 1985.
Reele, S.B., Euler, A., McEvers, J., Metzler, C.: Arbaprostil (15)R1-15-methyl
PGE2): Lack of effect on theophylline metabolism. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol.,
21(2): 139-141, 1986.
Rios, A., Stringfellow, D.A., Fitzpatrick, F.A., Reele, S. B., Gutknecht G.D.,
Hersh, E.M.: Phase I study of 2-amino-5-bromo-6-phenyl-4(3H)-pyrimidinone
(ABPP), on oral interferon inducer, in cancer patients. Journal of Biological
Response Modifiers, 4(4): 330-338, August, 1986.
Reele, S.B., Kovacs, J., Restine, S.M., Kanitra, L.: Adverse Drug Experiences
During Rimantadine Trials. The Journal of Respiratory Diseases, 8(11)
Supplement: S81-S96, November 1987.
Reele, S.B., Nauss-Karol, C., Lusaitis, A.A., Passe, S.M.: The Effect of
Trimoprostil (Trimethyldesoxy PGE2) on the Intrauterine Pressure in Women.
Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 44(2): 179-185, August 1988.
Pace, D.G., Reele, S.B., Rozik, L.M., Rogers-Phillip, C.A., Dabice, J.A.,
Givens, S.V.: Evaluation of Methods of Administrating Tyramine to Raise
Systolic Blood Pressure. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 44(2): 137144, August 1988.
Wiggan, E.B., Dennis, S., Reele, S.B., Luke, D.R.: Reassessment of Dapsone
as a Marker of Acetylator Phenotypes. International Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology, Therapy and Toxicology, 29(7): 262-268, April 1991.
Mould, D.R., DeFeo, T.M., Reele, S.B., Milla, G., Limjuco, R., Crews, T.,
Choma N., and Patel, I.H.: Simultaneous Modeling of the Pharmacokinetics
and Pharmacodynamics of Midazolam and Diazepam. Clinical Pharmacology
& Therapeutics, 58 (1): 35-43, July 1995.
Luderer, J., Piergies, A. A., Jorasky, D., Sedman, A., Reele, S., Froehlich, J.,
Cavanaugh, J., Steinman, G. L.: Clinical Pharmacology and First-Time-in-Man
Studies: The FDA Levels the Playing Field, editorial. Journal of Clinical
Pharmacology, 36: 187-188, 1996
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Kimko HC, Reele SB, Holford NH, Peck CC, Prediction of the outcome of a
phase 3 clinical trial of an antischizophrenic agent (quetiapine fumarate) by
simulation with a population pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic model.
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 68(5):568-77, 2000 Nov.
Grim SW, Richtand NM, Winter HR, Stams KR, Reele SB Effects of
cytrochrome P450 eA modulators ketoconazole and carbamazepine on
quetiapine pharmacokinetics. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 61(1);
58-69, 2006 Jan.
Newbold, P., Sanders, N., Reele, SB., Investigations using exercise to derive
subject specific correction factors for QT interval correction for application to
drugs that increase heart rate, British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 63(3);
279-287, 2007.
Book Chapter
Reele, S. B., “Decision Points in Human Drug Development” in Handbook of
Phase I/II Clinical Drug Trials edited by O’Grady, J., and Joubert, P.H., CRC
Press, Boca Raton, Pages 67-80, 1997
Letter to the Editor
Reele, S. B. Travel and the Risk of Venous Thrombosis; Lancet, 357 (9255),
February 17, 2001, 553
Reele, S. B. Travel and risk of venous thrombosis. Lancet. 357(9255):553;
2001 Feb 17.
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Reele, S., Woosley, R.L., Kornhauser, D., Carr, K., and Shand, D.:
Antiarrhythmic Efficacy of Pranolium in Man. Clinical Research, 26(3): 264A,
April 1, 1978.
Reele, S., Woosley, R.L., and Oates, J.A.: Pharmacologic Reversal of
Hypotensive Effect that Complicates Antiarrhythmic Therapy with Bretylium.
Circulation, 58(4): II-247, November 1978.
Woosley, R.L., Reele, S., Kornhauser, D., Shand, D., and Oates, J.A.: Lack of
Correlation between Antiarrhythmic Efficacy of Intravenous and Oral
Propranolol. Circulation, 58(4): II-248, November 1978.
Brorson, L., Smith, R.F., Reele, S., Woosley, R., and Shand, D.: QuinidineLike Effects of DL-Propranolol In Vivo Which Are Stereoselective. Circulation,
58(4): II-183, November 1978.
Reele, S.B., Roden, D.M., Woosley, R.L., and Oates, J.A.: High Incidence of
Adverse Reactions during Chronic Disopyramide Therapy. Clinical Research,
27(2): 197A, April 1979.
Styrd, R.P., Gilbertson, T.J., Reele, S.B., Gumbleton, T.J.: Centrifugal Assay
for Determining Hemoglobin Levels in Gastric Juice. Clinical Biochemistry,
25(2): 97, 1982.
Reele, S.B. - Letter to the Editor - “Deleterious Effect of Hydralazine in
Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension” by Packer and workers -- New Engl. J.
Med., 307(19): 1215, November 4, 1982.
Reele, S.B., Spillers, C., Seckman, C., Schwartz, J.H., Royer, G.L.:
Hemodynamics of Minoxidil in Normal Volunteers. 1982 Brook Lodge
Symposium Abstract. The Upjohn Company.
Roden, D.M., Reele, S.B., Smith, R.F., Oates, J.A., Woosley, R.L.: Tocainide
Therapy for Refractory Ventricular Arrhythmias. Clinical Research, 27(2):
200A, April 1979.
Woosley, R.L., Roden, D.M., Reele, S.B., Smith, R.F., Wilkinson, G.R., Oates,
Comparative Clinical Pharmacology of Procainamide and NAcetylprocainamide (Acecainide), Circulation, 59-60: II-84, October 1979.
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Roden, D.M., Reele, S.B., Oates, J.A., and Woosley, R.L.:
Significance of the ECG Interval Prolongation Accompanying Effect Encainide
Therapy. American Journal of Cardiology, 45(2): 473, February 1980.
Roden, D.M., Reele, S.B., Oates, J.A., and Woosley, R.L.: Abolition of
Ventricular Arrhythmias during Chronic Oral Therapy with Encainide in Man.
The American Journal of Cardiology, 45(2): 451, February 1980.
Dawson, S.K., Reele, S.B., Woosley, R.L., and Smith, R.F.: Disparate Effects
of Cardiac Refractoriness Induced by A. - Agonist in the Presence of High
Plasma Propranolol. Federation Proceedings, Part II, 39(3): 966, March 1,
Reele, S.B., Kane, G., Walker, L., Spillers, C., and Robert, A.: Human Clinical
Pharmacology of 15(R)-15-methyl Prostaglandin E2 (U-42, 842). Brook Lodge
Biology Symposium, October 1980.
Ruwart, J.J., and Reele, S.B.:
A New Technique for Simultaneous
Measurement of Gastric Emptying in Small Intestinal Transit and Colonic
Transit in Man. Dig. Dis. and Sci., 25(9): 723, September 1980.
Griffith-Heflin, R.S., Data, J.L., Wallach, S.J., Gumbleton, T.J., and Reele,
S.B.: Propranolol’s Effect on Peripheral Circulation of Normal Men. Clin.
Pharm. Ther., 29(2): 249, February 1981.
Reele, S.B., Spillers, C., Gilbertson, T.: Gastrointestinal Absorption during
Long-Term Therapy with Arbaprostil. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 29(2): 275,
February 1981.
Wickrema Sinha, A.J., Reele, S.B., Shaw, S.R., and Thornburgh, B.A.:
Absorption, Excretion and Metabolism of 9-Deoxo-16, 16-dimethyl-9methylene-PGE2--11B-3H in the Human Female after Intravaginal and
Intravenous Administration.
Submitted for presentation at the 43rd
International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Montraux, Switzerland,
September 5-9, 1983.
Gumbleton, T., Brunden, M., and Reele, S.B.:
Healing Effects of
Prostaglandins on Subacute Aspirin-Induced Gastric Ulcers in Rats.
Federation Proceedings, 1985.
Lusaitis, A., Dabice, J., Bianchine, J.R., Reele, S.B., Baldomero, R., and
McGhee, B.: The Effect of Menstrual Cycle Day on Uterine Motor Activity.
Clin. Res. Practices and Drug Regulatory Affairs, 3(4): 447-448, 1985.
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Pace, D.G., Reele, S.B., Rozik, L.M., Rogers-Phillips, C., Dabice, J., and
Givens, S.: Evaluation of Procedures for Administering Tyramine I.V. to Raise
Systolic Blood Pressure 30 mm Hg in Normal Subjects. The Pharmacologist,
27(3): 245, 1985.
McGhee, B., Parsonnet, M., Limjuco, R., Siegel, J., Rogers-Phillips, C.,
Sarnoski, T., Bianchine, J.R., Reele, S.B., and Jack, M.: Effect of Midazolam
on Thyroid Function in Healthy Volunteers. The Pharmacologist, 27(3), 1985.
Sauerzopf, E., Berger, A., Reele, S., Nauss-Karol, C., Passe, S., Woltjen, A.,
and Arnold, J.: Effect of Trimoprostil (Trimethyldesoxy PGE2) on AspirinInduced 51Cr Fecal Blood Loss and Endoscopically-Proven Mucosal Injury in
Normal Volunteers. The Pharmacologist, 28(3): 163, 1986.
Berger, A., Gallo-Torres, H., Arnold, J., Reele, S., Nauss-Karol, C., Woltjen,
A., Sauerzopf, E., and Hayden, D.: Design and Methodology for Assessment
of GI Cytoprotection. The Pharmacologist, 28(3): 164, 1986.
Weidekamm, E., Postmann, R., Suter, K., Banker, L., Reele, S., and Patel,
I.H.: Multiple Intravenous Dose Pharmacokinetics/Tolerance of Carumonam in
Healthy Subjects. Presented Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 1986, at the 26th Interscience
Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, New Orleans,
Patel, I.H., Chang, D.H., Gustavson, L, and Reele, S.: Dose Proportionality
and Food Effect on Ro 19-5248/T2588 Absorption in Humans. Presented
Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 1986, at the 26th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Reele, S., Nelson, R., Passe, S., Lusaitis, A., and Nauss-Karol, C.: The Effect
of Trimoprostil (Trimethyldesoxy PGE2) on Uterine Contractions in the NonPregnant Human Female. Clinical Research, 34(3): 867A, 1986.
McGhee, B., Lusaitis, A., Sarnoski, T., Dunton, A.W., Reele, S., Givens, S.,
Davenport, J.M., and Limjuco, R.: The Agonist - Antagonist Effect of Clidinium
Bromide on Salivary Flow. Presented October 16-17, 1986, at the American
College of Clinical Pharmacology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Rogers, S.L., Rabin, G., Limjuco, R., and Reele, S.:
A Method for
Characterization of the Onset of Action of Benzodiazepines Administered by
Intravenous Injections. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Vol. 36,
Supplement A324, Sept. 1989.
Kornhauser, D.M., Petty, B.G., Reele, S., Soo, W., Rubio, F., Lietman, P.S.:
Dideoxycytidine (ddC) Pharmacokinetics:
Variable Bioavailability, Dose-
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related Kinetics, and Delayed Urinary Excretion. Presented October 23, 1990
at the ICAAC, Atlanta, GA.
Wiggan, E.B., Rogers, S.L., Reele, S., Limjuco, R., Dennis, S., Hood, J.: The
Use of Dapsone in Pharmacogenetic Studies: Potential for Error and Revised
Classification Methods. Presented March 21-23, 1990 at the American
Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, San Francisco, CA.
Lietman, P.S., Ginsberg, R., Lewis, L., Hsu, M.C., Massarella, J., Molle, M.,
Nerhood, L., Petty, B., Reele, S., Soo, W., and Tam, S.: A TAT Inhibitor (247429): The Single-dose Study in Humans. Presented March 8-13, 1992 at
the International Society for Antiviral Research, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Mould, D.R., DeFeo, T.M., Soni, P.P., Reele, S.B., Milla, G., Limjuco, R.A.,
Crews, T., Choma, N., Patel, I.H.: Use of DSST Methodology to Assess
Pharmacokinetic - Pharmacodynamic Relationships of Midazolam and
Diazepam. Presented March 24-27, 1993 at the Ninety-Fourth Annual
American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Honolulu,
Reele, S.B.: Europe vs. U.S. From Company Perspective: Time Gain,
Presented June 25-29, 1995 at the Thirty-First Annual Drug Information
Association (DIA) Meeting, Orlando, Florida