How to Interpret Spectra or What to do when confronted with a bunch of spectral data This is not necessarily a stand alone guide. More detail on some or all of these points can be found in the outlines for chapter 13 (mass spec and IR) and chapter 14 (NMR) 1. First, do I have a formula? If so, I can use the rules for determining the Index of Hydrogen Deficiency (sometimes called degrees of unsaturation). What this will tell me is how many double bonds or rings I have. If i have no double bonds or rings, I can eliminate a lot of possibilities: No carbonyl (C=O), so no ketones, aldehydes, esters, amides, or carboxylic acids. No alkenes, no alkynes, no rings, no nitro, no nitrile Index of Hydrogen Deficiency (from Chapter 13 notes): A. Rules 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. for every “n” carbons, 2n+2 hydrogens should be present for every Nitrogen, add 1 additional hydrogen for every group VI element (O, S, etc.), no change in H required for every halogen, reduce the number of H’s required by 1 the difference between the number of H’s required using these rules and the actual # H’s present in formula and divide that number by two 6. this is the number of pi bonds and/or rings present 7. if four or more, possibility of an aromatic For example; the formula C10H13NO3 1. 10 C X 2 + 2 = 22 H’s should be present if saturated 2. 1 N brings total to 23 H’s needed 3. 3 O’s, but still need 23 H’s 4. No halogens, so still need 23 H’s 5. you have 13 H’s, so (23-13)/2 =5 6. there are five pi bonds and/or rings present 7. 5 is at least 4 or more, so aromatic ring may be present – look for protons in the H-NMR in the region of 6.5-8 for conformation. If no H-NMR, you might find conformation in the fingerprint region of NMR, but this is sometimes difficult to do (and not required of you at this point). 2. Second, look at the IR. Do we see any obvious peaks (absorptions) in the functional group region (4000-1400 cm-1)? a. Is there a broad –OH of an alcohol or broader –OH of a carboxylic acid? b. There’s almost certainly sp3 C-H’s slightly below 3000 cm-1, but are there any sp2 C-H’s or sp C-H’s slightly above 3000 cm-1? any aldehyde sp2 C-H slightly below the sp3 C-H? c. Is there a single peak of an N-H or a double for an NH2 in the 33003500 region? d. Is there a strong C=O absorption of a carbonyl in the 1600-1800 range? e. Is there a CC or CN triple bond in the area 2100 to 2300? f. Although it’s a little low in the functional group region, we might be able to see a C=C peak of an alkene around 1600 or maybe the dual peaks of an aromatic C=C at 1600 and 1400-1500. Do not try to do too much with the IR. Give a quick look for these functional groups (above) and then move on to your next piece of information to solve the puzzle. Unless the molecule is extremely simple, no one solves it from the IR alone. Just give a quick look now, you can always come back and mine more details from the IR later, if needed. example: (continuing our C10H13NO3 problem) In this IR, I see the broad –O-H centered around 3400 cm-1, but not so broad that it extends less than 3000 wavenumbers, so it is an alcohol and not a carboxylic acid. I see plenty of sp3 C-H stretch just below 3000 cm-1, but I can also see some sp2 C-H stretch poking out of the shoulder of the O-H at 3100. A more experienced eye might catch the dual aromatic absorptions at 1600 and 1510 wavenumbers but don’t worry too much if you missed them on your first few times trying this. However, you definitely should have caught the O-H and the sp2 C-H. 3. NMR is usually next on my list. There are four pieces of information from the NMR (actually, there are five, but coupling is only intelligible on the larger grant size machines, so we are going to stick with the four universal ones). a. The number of signals will tell you how many different kinds of H’s that you have. Keep in mind that sometimes, signals can overlap, especially in the region where the aromatic H’s live (6.5-8 ppm). b. then I usually look at the peak splitting using the n+1 rule. Anything above a quartet may be difficult to discern and may only be readable as a multiplet. The splitting pattern can be determined by the number of equivalent H’s. Use this table. # adjacent equivalent H’s 0 1 2 3 4 #multiple peaks in signal (n+1) singlet (s) doublet (d) triplet (t) quartet (q) quintet relative peak intensities 1 1:1 1:2:1 1:3:3:1 1:4:6:4:1 WARNING: Depending on the resolution of the machine, anything above a quartet may only be visible as a multiplet. Also, the above pattern in the table is for the number of equivalent H’s. If a signal has two or more sets of non-equivalent H’s the splitting pattern gets more complex. For example, in O c H2 C C H3C a C b H2 d CH3 The 3 “a” Hydrogens have no adjacent H’s, so this signal would only have one peak (it would be a singlet). The 2 “b” Hydrogens have two equivalent H’s (the “c” H’s), therefore 3 peaks in this signal, or a triplet The 3 “d” Hydrogens have two equivalent H’s (the “c” H’s again), therefore 3 peaks in this signal, or a triplet The 2 “c” Hydrogens are split by the “b” Hydrogens and by the “d” Hydrogens. “b” and “d” are not equivalent, so it is not a simple sextet ((3+2 = n)+1 = 6). NO! That would be too simple. Instead, the “c” Hydrogens are split into a triplet by the “b” Hydrogens and then that triplet is further split into a quartet by the “d” Hydrogens, giving rise to a triplet x quartet = twelveplet, which we just call a multiplet because the resolution won’t be good enough to see twelve peaks in that signal. c. Integration: the splitting (described above) tells you how many adjacent Hydrogens but integration tells you how many Hydrogens in the signal. This is a relative ratio. All H’s should show up in the NMR. d. Finally, there is chemical shift. From integration, I can determine if it is a CH3, a CH2, or a CH. From splitting, I can tell whether these H’s are next to a CH3, CH2, CH or perhaps more than one of those things. Chemical shift will tell me what is in the vicinity of this CHx that is not another CHx (That information in given in the splitting). It can tell me whether this CHx is on a benzene ring (chem shift 6.5-8) or O (alcohol, ester, or ether) or halogen or carbonyl or what. example: (continuing our C10H13NO3 problem) a b c e f d This particular NMR does not have the integration line on it. However, you can follow along in your book. This is problem #71c and the NMR is on p. 635. What I would do next is prepare a table telling me number of signals, splitting, integration, chemical shift, what it is likely to be, and what it is next to (from chemical shift and splitting). peak chem shift split integration† what is it? next to? a b 8.1 7.3 d d ~7 mm ~7 mm 2H 2H 2H on 2H on benzene benzene para para substituted substituted c 3.7 t ~7 mm 2H CH2 d 2.8 t** ~7 mm 2H CH2 e 2.5 s ~4 mm 1H OH f 1.6* m ~14 mm 4H 2 CH2’s next to one CH2 next to one CH2 next to no H’s next to many H’s * the resolution in your text is actually much better than this and you can see two separate multiplets here. This NMR spectra is not so clear, so we will go with 1 signal here. ** again, this is more clear in your text NMR † this is like, so totally from your text, as the NMR above has NO integration line How do I tell how many H’s corresponds to what height on the integration line? There are several ways to tell here. First the easiest is to remember from the IR that we have an alcohol. Alcohols are always singlets on the NMR and we have a singlet here which is half the height of most of the other peaks. The singlet is an OH, then rest must be CH2’s or two equivalent benzene CH’s. A second way to tell how many H’s in each peak is to look at the benzene ring splitting here. That symmetrical doublet of doublets tells you that you have a disubstituted benzene ring and each of those signals belongs to 2 H’s. If 7 mm is equivalent to two H’s, then 4 mm is one H and 14 mm must be 4 H’s. Even if you did not get any of those clues, it is still fairly easy to determine what the integration is by using a conversion factor. It is known that we have 13 H’s (from the formula). The total height of the NMR integration is 46 mm (7+7+7+7+4+14). Therefore 13 H’s = 46 mm. Divide 46 mm/13 H’s and each H is ~3.5 mm tall. From signal ‘c’, I know that this is a CH2 next to another CH2 and next to no other H’s. From signal ‘d’, I know that this is a CH2 next to another CH2 and next to no other H’s. At first, I might be tempted to put ‘c’ and ‘d’ together, but that would mean that the two CH2’s in signal ‘f’, which are next to many H’s don’t have enough H’s to be next to them. Instead, I make a butyl with these four CH2’s, putting ‘c’ and ‘d’ on the ends. I now have these pieces: H H2 C OH , C H2 H H2 C C H2 , H H From the formula, I can see that I have one N and 2 O’s unaccounted. There are no spare H’s to make an amine (and it’s not in the IR), but the real key is that any molecule needs at least two end pieces (unless it is a cyclic), and right now there is only one end piece (the –OH). The other end piece must be a nitro (-NO2) by process of elimination. The nitro would also take care of my last degree of unsaturation from my formula. Now I have two end pieces and two middle pieces. the two middle pieces have to connect together, but how to tell whether the –OH goes on the benzene ring or the butyl piece? According to our table of chemical shifts, an aromatic –OH falls about 4-7 ppm downfield from TMS while an alkyl –OH is around 2-5 ppm. The chemical shift of this OH is only 2.5 ppm, so the –OH is most likely on the butyl. Here is the structure of our molecule: H a H b d H2 C C H2 O2N Ha H c f f H2 C C H2 OH e b Again, the two –CH2-‘s listed here as “f” are not exactly equivalent. They should be two separate signals, and they are in the problem on p635. But with this NMR I got off the web, they appear as one signal. This shows you difference that a stronger magnet (i.e. a $100K in grant money) can make in taking NMR spectra. I will give you stuff similar to what is in your text to analyze rather than this. 4. Mass spectrometry: From this data, I can tell a few things quickly. I can also get more detailed information with more digging. a. The molecular ion (M) peak gives the molecular wt of the compound. This can be useful if you have an empirical formula which needs to be made into a molecular formula. b. An M+2 peak of equal intensity to the M peak tells you Br, and you may be able to track the Br into the smaller fragments, though Br usually breaks off first. c. An M+2 peak a third as intense as the M peak indicates Cl. Chlorides usually fragment such that the Cl breaks off or a break between the α C and a β C. d. Alcohols and ethers also do a lot of the breaking apart between the α C and any β C because this results in stable cation radical fragments. In addition, alcohols with γ CH’s may lose H2O as a fragment – an obvious loss of 18 from the molecular ion. O CH3 O CH2 + CH3 alpha cleavage e. Ketones with at least one γ CH may undergo McLafferty rearrangement. When this happens, an alkene breaks off the molecule. A good indication of this is a fragment breaking off the molecular ion with a molecular weight that is a multiple of fourteen (general formula for an alkene is CnH2n – keep in mind that n has to be at least two- can’t have a one carbon alkene). H O CH2 O C CH2 C H + H3C H3C C H2 CH2 McLafferty Rearrangement example: (continuing our C10H13NO3 problem) H2C CH2