WHMIS TRAIN-THE-TRAINER EXEMPTION QUIZ FEBRUARY, 2015 Pass-mark = 80% The exemption quiz is intended for the WHMIS trainers/representatives. Please complete this quiz if you have previously taken the WHMIS-Train-The-Trainer course, and feel that your knowledge of WHMIS will ensure that your department, unit, facility follows the WHMIS regulations required by law. The quiz may be emailed to inderj@cdha.nshealth.ca or cindy.myatt@cdha.nshealth.ca or printed and faxed to 461-8073. If a pass-mark of 80% is not achieved, your Manager will be contacted, and you will be required to attend the WHMIS-Train-The-Trainer course. Employee Name: Department: Location: Phone #: Manager Name/Location/Phone#: Instructions: Multiple-choice questions require only one answer. Place an “X” beside the correct answer. Value = 3 points per question. 1. Why do we need WHMIS? home safety insurance purposes workplace safety 2. Name the section of the MSDS that tells you about the product’s color and odor? 3. MSDS stands for: Manufacturer Safety Data Sheet Material Safety Data Sheet Medical Safety Data Sheet Page 2 – WHMIS exemption quiz Name: Site: 4. Which of these items is not the responsibility of the supplier? Provide product inventory Supply MSDS Label controlled products 5. Name the section of the MSDS that tells you if the material is stable? Instructions: Indicate if the following questions are True or False. Value = 3 points each. 6. True False Chemicals that are misused may cause severe injury. 7. True False A supplier label and a workplace label are exactly the same. 8. True False The supplier is required to list the hazardous ingredients on the supplier label. 9. True False The employer must have a MSDS for all WHMIS regulated hazardous materials used in the workplace. 10. True False Work-specific WHMIS training must be delivered in the workplace. 11. True False There are 9 hazard classifications in WHMIS. 12. True False The WHMIS system is backed by law under federal and provincial legislation. 13. True False Gasoline is a flammable substance. 14. True False Safety Programs department co-ordinates the WHMIS program. Page 3 – WHMIS exemption quiz Name: Site: Instructions: On the line below the symbol provide the name for the type of hazard the following symbols represent: Value = 4 points for each symbol. Page 4 – WHMIS exemption quiz Name: Site: WHMIS WORKPLACE LABEL Instructions: Draw a line from the 5 items listed on the right to the appropriate information on the workplace label. Value = 3 points per item. WORKPLACE LABEL Acetone Flammability - 3 1) Reference to a MSDS 2) Hazard Information 3) Personal Protective Equipment 4) Product Identifier 5) NFPA risk index ratings Health – 1 Reactivity - 0 Toxic Flammable Safe Handling/Personal Protection gloves goggles - apron - coat (National Fire Protection Association) See Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Value = 1 point for each item. What 3 items of information must be on a workplace label as required by law? Identify each item of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Value = 2 points each.