SEFC 2015 PROCEEDINGS Structural Engineering Frontier Conference, March 18-19, 2015 Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE PERFORMANCE OF INTEGRATED CEILING-SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Siavash Soroushian 1) and Emmanuel "Manos" Maragakis 2) 1) Research Scientist, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, USA 2) Professor, Dean of Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, USA, Abstract: Suspended ceiling and fire sprinkler piping systems are one of the most vulnerable types of nonstructural systems that have suffered costly damage during past earthquakes. The seismic performance of these two systems are poorly understood due to their heterogeneous nature. In order to fill this technical gap, a numerical modeling methodology is proposed for the integrated ceiling and sprinkler (CP) systems using the OpenSees software. This numerical simulation incorporates several experimentally calibrated component models for the pipe and ceiling joints as well as the supporting elements (e.g. braces, hangers) of CP systems. The propagation of seismic damage in CP systems and falling of ceiling panels are accounted for by using an element removal algorithm. The modeling technique is then validated using the experimental results of a CP system installed in a full-scale five-story building. The modeling method proved to be successful in predicting the pattern and location of failure in these systems. Keywords: earthquake responses, non-structural components, suspended ceiling system, fire sprinkler piping system, numerical simulation, full scale experiment 1.INTRODUCTION Damage to nonstructural components in a building is usually triggered at shake intensities much lower than those required to initiate structural damage (Taghavi and Miranda, 2003). Also, damage to these components accounts for the major portion of national annualized earthquake losses (FEMA E-74, 2011). Among these nonstructural systems, suspended ceiling and fire sprinkler systems are known as one of the main source of losses after an earthquake (Echevarria et al., 2012). Several failure modes such as falling of ceiling panels, buckling of ceiling grid members, failure of ceiling grid connections, damage near the ceiling perimeter, leakage of pipe joints, impact of sprinkler heads and ceiling panels, and failure of supporting elements were identified in sprinkler and ceiling systems. Nearly all of these damage mechanisms were observed in past earthquakes such as the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake, 1994 Northridge Earthquake, 2006 Hawaii Earthquake, 2010 Chile Earthquake, 2010 Haiti Earthquake, and 2011 Christchurch (New Zealand) earthquake (Soroushian et al., 2014a). Despite several experimental studies (e.g. ANCO, 1983; Zaghi et al., 2012; Soroushian et al., 2012; Ryu and Reinhorn, 2013; Gilani et al., 2013; Rahmanishamsi et al., 2014), very few analytical works (e.g. Echevarria et al., 2012; Ryu et al., 2012; Soroushian et al., 2013, 2014b) were performed on ceiling and piping systems. The lack of analytical studies on ceiling and piping systems was due to the complexity of these systems. Also, the oversimplified previous numerical studies were found to be unreliable and full-scale experiments were generally preferred (Badillo-Almarez et al., 2006). In order to fill this significant technical gap, this study aims to propose an experimentally validated analytical model of integrated sprinkler and ceiling systems. In the course of this project, 150 monotonic and reverse cyclic tests were conducted on different ceiling components, including grid connections, perimeter attachments and supporting elements. A series of nonlinear models were developed for the ceiling components using the experimental data. The previously developed nonlinear hinge models were used for the fire sprinkler pipe joints. These ceiling and piping component models were then incorporated in an OpenSees model of a ceiling-sprinkler assembly that was tested at the E-Defense shake table facility in 2011. In this paper, a brief description of ceiling and piping systems along with their modeling methodology is presented. Then, a summary of experimental setup and input excitations is given. Finally, the results from the analytical simulation were compared to the experimental results. provide the necessary pressure to spray an area in the event of fire or smoke. Pipe runs are composed of: 1) risers: vertical supply pipes; 2) main runs: pipes that supply branch line; 3) branch lines: feed drop pipes; and 4) drops: armover or straight drops that supply the sprinkler head. All threaded rod hangers carry the dead weight of a piping system. Braces resist the seismic load of a piping system and can be solid or tension-only (cable) braces. Wire restrainers limit the displacement movement of branch lines. 3. ANALYTICAL MODELS OF CEILING AND SPRINKLER COMPONENTS The analytical models of pipe joints and pipe supporting elements (hangers and braces) were borrowed from the previous studies, which will be discussed in following sections. However, the analytical models of ceiling components were developed and calibrated by a series of cyclic and monotonic experiments was performed at University of Nevada, Reno. These tests included axial, shear, and bending tests of grid connections, perimeter attachments, interaction of ceiling panels and sprinkler heads, and ceiling hangers (see Fig.1). Several failure modes were identified. Force-displacement responses and capacity fragility curves were developed as part of these experiments. A detailed description and major findings of these experiments can be found in Soroushian et al. (2014 c-f). 2.SUSPENDED CEILING AND PIPING SYSTEMS Suspended ceiling systems are a nonstructural component installed within buildings to serve as an aesthetic barrier between electrical, mechanical, and piping systems and the living space below. The entire ceiling grid is hung from the structural floor above. A typical suspended ceiling system with acoustic tiles is composed of grid members, boundary wall molding, hanger splay wires, and, if braced, splay wire braces and compression posts. The grid system of a suspended ceiling system consists of inverted main tee beams and inverted cross tee beams, made of light-gauge steel, that interlock at locations of intersection. The grid sits on light-gauged L-shaped wall molding at its perimeter that is screwed to the partition walls. A ceiling system in a low seismic zone has a minimum 10-mm grid wall molding clearance on all boundaries. The perimeter conditions of a seismically braced ceiling system are slightly different, with a minimum grid wall molding clearance of 19mm on two adjacent boundaries and fixed to the wall along the other two boundaries. Acoustic ceiling tiles are manufactured from a compressed high-density mineral fiber material and are available in many shapes and sizes. The simplest tile geometry is a 0.6-m x 0.6-m square with a thickness ranging from 13mm to 19mm. The acoustic tiles are placed within the tee beam grid system, simply resting on the flange of each tee beam. The tiles are not mechanically locked into place. Hanger wires are placed at 1.2-m intervals around the ceiling perimeter at no more than 8in. from the wall. The compression post and splay wire bracing is installed at 3.7-m intervals beginning 1.8m from the wall. A compression post is used in a bracing assembly to react against the vertical component of the splay wire braces. The hanger wires and splay wires of braced systems are made of 12-gauge wire that is looped through holes in main tee beams and connected to the supporting floor deck above the ceiling. A fire sprinkler system is a network of water pipes supplied by water sources with sprinkler heads fitted at recommended spacing. A typical fire sprinkler piping system is composed of a water pressure tank, pipe runs, sprinkler heads, hangers, braces, and restrainers. Pressure tanks Axial Shear Perimeter Bending Panel-Sprinkler Hanger Fig. 1: Test Setups of Different Ceiling Component Experiments The experimental data from the component tests was utilized to develop analytical models of these components using OpenSees analytical software (OpenSees, 2013). The “Pinching4” uniaxial material along with a “zeroLength” 2 element was used to simulate the hysteresis behavior of ceiling joints and perimeter attachments. The “Pinching4” material enables the simulation of complex pinched force hysteresis responses by accounting for degradations under cyclic loadings. This material model requires the definition of 39 parameters. A detailed description of these parameters can be found in the OpenSees Manual (OpenSees, 2013). A bilinear material model that incorporated the initial gap was adopted as the constitutive model of the ceiling hanger, wire bracing, and panel-sprinkler interaction. This material is implemented in OpenSees as an Elastic Perfectly Plastic Gap (EPPG) material. The EPPG material model can capture either compression or tension behavior. The material behavior is controlled by: 1) initial module of elasticity (stiffness), E (k); 2) yield stress (force), σy (Fy); 3) initial gap strain (displacement); 4) post-yield stiffness ratio, b = Ep/E; and 5) damage type, which is an optional parameter to specify whether to accumulate damage or not in the material model. Truss and “zeroLength” elements were used for the modeling of wires and panel-sprinkler interactions, respectively. For calibration, a set of parameters was determined for each experiment of a component. For the simplicity of modeling suspended ceiling systems, one suite of material parameters was defined for each component as the generic (representative) parameters, called the generic model. To develop this model, the median values of all specimens for each parameter were calculated. Examples of the comparisons between sample experimental results and the responses obtained from the generic model are presented in 2ft. Cross Tee-Axial 1.8 Experimental 4ft. Cross Tee-Shear 0.9 Force (kN) 1.8 0.9 0.0 Roof 0.0 3 -0.9 -0.9 -1.8 -5 -3 0 3 Displacement (mm) -1.8 -25 5 2ft. Cross Tee-Perimeter Moment (kN-mm) 0.0 Force (kN) -13 0 13 Displacement (mm) 2ft. Cross Tee-Bending 3 25 16 3 68 0.4 -0.4 -0.9 -1.3 -25 0.08 0.08 -13 Panel-Sprinkler 0 13 Displacement (mm) 3 23 Panel-Sprinkler -0.1 0 0.1 Rotation (rad.) 0.00 0 00 0 2nd fl. 5 Experimental Panel 1 1.8 Experimental Panel 12 Experimental Panel 23 Experimental Panel 34 0.9 Experimental Panel 45 Experimental Panel 5 data6 Analytical-Generic data6 0.0 data8 0.5 Analytical-Generic 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 25Displacement 51(in.) 76 3 data8 0.5 1 1.5 (mm) 2 2.5 3 Displacement Displacement (in.) 7 0.2 5 5 23 Hangers Force (kN) 0.02 10 12 10 2.7 0.1 0.02 3rd fl. 1st fl. Dimensions are in meter Fig. 3: Views and Dimensions of Building Specimen 0.3 0.04 0.04 0.2 5 4 -23 Panel-Sprinkler 0.06 0.06 4th fl. 0 -45 -0.2 25 5th fl. 45 0.4 Force (kN) Force (kips) Force (kips) 4th floor 5th floor Analytical-Generic 2.7 Force (kN) Fig. 2. 4.VERIFICATION OF A CEILING PIPING (CP) MODEL WITH A FULL-SCALE EXPERIMENT 4.1 Test Setup A collaborative research program on base-isolated buildings was conducted under the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Institute of Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) of Japan and the National Science Foundation (NSF) George Brown Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) program of the U.S. As part of these shake table tests performed on a full-scale five-story moment frame, the “NEESR-GC: Simulation of the Seismic Performance of Nonstructural Systems” was commissioned to complement the experiments by adding an integrated partition-ceiling-sprinkler piping system on the fourth and fifth floors of the five-story building. This structure was approximately 16-m tall and asymmetric in plan with dimensions of 10m by 12m (2 bays by 2 bays). The overall views and dimensions of building specimen are shown in Fig. 3. Further information about the building itself is provided in Dao (2012) and Ryan et al. (2013). Standard Schedule-40 pipes were used per NFPA 13 (NFPA, 2011) for the fire sprinkler system. The piping system included one 76-mm-diameter riser pipe, one 64-mm-diameter main run (East-West) and three (North-South) 32-mm- and 25-mm-diameter branch lines (Fig. 4). The connections of the riser with the main run and Experimental-Wire1 Experimental-Wire2 Experimental-Wire3 Analytical-Generic 13 25 Displacement (mm) 38 Fig. 2: Comparisons between Experimental Results and Analytical Responses 3 the main runs to the branch lines were grooved-fit connections. The remaining connections were threaded fittings. Branch Lines 1 and 2 each fed three 305-mm-long sprinkler drops (Fig. 4). Branch Lines 1 and 2 incorporated armover drops (Γ-shape drops) and straight drops, respectively. A Victaulic Aquaflex (Victaulic, 2008) flexible hose drop was used at Drop 2 on Branch Line 3. The ends of the branch lines were restrained with two diagonal 12-gauge splay wires to limit the lateral movement. Additional in-plane support was provided by inclined 25-mm-diameter pipes for longitudinal and transverse sway braces on the main run near the riser. A transverse solid brace was also used at the end of the main run. Two solid braces were used to restrain the end of the riser pipe below the fourth floor. A lay-in-tile suspended ceiling system of approximately 84m2 was designed for each floor that worked around existing boundaries (Fig. 4). However, the ceiling area was interrupted at two locations (total area of 3m2) by vertical trusses used to measure story drifts. The ceilings were installed in the test frame per ASTM E580/E580M-11ae1 standards (ASTM, 2011). The grid was constructed using the heavy-duty USG DONN 24-mm exposed tee system. Main runs and cross tees were aligned as shown in Fig. 4. The main runs were supported by 12-gauge Hilti X-CW suspension wires spaced at 1.2m; additional wires supporting all perimeter grid pieces were placed within 203mm of the partition wall faces. The plenum height -- the distance between the bottom of the structural slab and the ceiling system -- was 0.9m. A 22-mm wall molding was attached to the perimeter partition walls. On the North and East sides, the main runs and cross tees were attached tightly to the wall molding using USG/ACM7 seismic clips with one partition-attached screw and one top hole screw to prevent movement of the ceiling grids. On the South and West sides, a 19-mm clearance was provided between the main runs/cross tees and the wall molding. This connection used the same seismic clip, but with the second screw attached at the middle of the clip slot to allow the grid members to float freely. At the hatched areas in Fig. 4, heavier gypsum board panels were used to simulate the weight of light fixtures. In order to compare the behavior of braced and unbraced ceiling systems, the seismic braces were only installed on the fifth floor ceiling while all other details were identical on both floors. Each seismic brace consisted of: 1) a system of splay wires and 2) a USG/VSA30/40 compression post. The seismic braces were placed at 3.7m on center, in each direction, with the first set occurring within 1.8m of the wall face. Four wires splayed at 90° from each other were attached to the main run within 51mm of the compression post. Due to the connection constraints, steel stud compression posts were used instead of VSA30/40 compression posts when the posts were attached to structural girders. In one location on each floor, a two-way steel stud rigid brace was used in place of two of the splay wires due to space constraints. Fig. 4: Plan Views of Ceiling and Piping Systems 4.2 Modeling Methodology The analytical model of an integrated suspended ceiling and piping system was created using OpenSees (OpenSees, 2013). All pipe runs were modeled with elastic “Force-Based Beam-Column” (OpenSees, 2013) elements with gross section properties of the pipes. Two different inelastic moment-rotation models, developed and validated by Soroushian et al. (2013, 2014b) for threaded and grooved fittings, were assigned to the rotational degrees of freedom at piping joints. These inelastic models are based on “Pinching4" material and are able to simulate the hysteresis response of piping joints of varying diameters. The hanger rods were modeled using nonlinear “Force-Based Beam-Column” elements with a fiber section consisting of the Giuffre-Menegotto-Pinto steel material (CEB, 1996). A modulus of elasticity of 149,000MPa, yield strength of 441MPa, and hardening slope ratio of 0.01% 4 “zeroLengthImpact3D” element with a 19-mm gap was used for connecting grids and wall angles in the sliding direction of unattached perimeters. A horizontal friction coefficient of 0.5 was assumed for all of the “zeroLengthImpact3D” elements based on calibration of the analytical model with experimental data. The interaction between the ceiling panels and sprinkler heads was modeled using one "zeroLength" element between each sprinkler head node and center panel node. Two parallel inelastic force-displacement models (one in tension and one in compression), developed and validated by Soroushian et al. (2014e) based on ceiling panel tearing tests, were assigned to the translational degrees of freedom at these elements. These inelastic models utilized the "Elastic-Perfectly Plastic (EPP) Gap" material and are able to simulate the initial gap between ceiling panels and sprinkler heads based on different diameters of oversized holes. A modulus of elasticity of 2.5MPa and a strength of 0.4MPa (-0.4MPa for tension) with various initial gaps were used for defining these EPP materials. The real-time element removal algorithm was incorporated in the analyses to capture the progression of damage to the piping and ceiling systems during seismic excitations. The element removal algorithm enables the model to redistribute the forces after failure of an element using the "remove element" command in OpenSees (2013). This algorithm was set to remove the pipe wire restrainers after reaching their failure capacity, 1.8kN from USG (2006). During the response history analyses the program triggered the "remove element" command when the axial force of a were assigned to the hangers based on experimental data (Soroushian et al., 2014b). The hanger rods had a pin connection to the pipes and were assigned a fixed boundary at their other end. The wire restrainers were modeled with "truss" elements with a tension only "Elastic-Perfectly Plastic (EPP) Gap" material with a modulus of elasticity of 200,000MPa and a tensile strength of 690MPa (Soroushian et al., 2014b). The rigid seismic braces were modeled with elastic “Force-Based Beam-Column” elements. The connections of the seismic braces were assumed to be rigid at both ends. The mass of the piping system was determined based on the wet weight of pipes. An additional mass of 0.5lb was considered for each sprinkler head. The mass and the weight of the system were concentrated at the nodal points. All ceiling grids were modeled with elastic “Force-Based Beam-Column” (OpenSees, 2013) elements with gross section properties of the main runs and cross tees. The main runs were assumed to be continuous while inelastic axial, shear, and bending models, developed as discussed in the previous section, were used at each end of the cross tees. The 0.6-m x 0.6-m acoustic ceiling tiles were modeled with an x-shape assembly with five lumped masses placed at the center and four corners of this assembly. The weight of the ceiling tiles was obtained from the experiment and was equal to 3.5kg/m2. The same modeling assumptions used for piping wire restrainers were used for 12-gauge ceiling hanger and brace wires. Compression posts were modeled with elastic “Force-Based Beam-Column” (OpenSees, 2013) elements with gross section properties of these members. The connections between each corner of the ceiling panels and grid intersections were modeled using three “zeroLengthImpact3D” elements (OpenSees, 2013). Two of these elements were oriented perpendicularly in a horizontal direction. These horizontal elements accounted for the 32-mm gap between the ceiling panels and grid boundaries if the panels are perfectly centered. These elements also account for impact between panels and grids when a panel’s displacement reaches 32mm in any direction relative to the ceiling grids. The vertical element with no initial gap allows tile uplift relative to the grid plane. In the vertical direction, additional “zeroLength” elements with “Elastic” uniaxial material were used between each corner of the ceiling panels and grid intersections to capture the panel-grid vertical interaction. A stiffness of 35kg/m was considered for these elements, which was obtained from the component level tests at the University of Nevada, Reno. The stiffness value was increased to 70kg/m for perimeter and corner panels due to additional resistance from seismic clips and hangers. Grid members are attached to the perimeters using the inelastic hinge model presented in previous sections, while they are free to slide in the floating perimeter side. Also, a horizontal a) Panels d1 >1.5 in. or d1 >1 in. d2 > 0.125 in. b) 0.6m Cross Tee 0.6m 0.6m Main Runner 0.6m Cross Tee 0.6m 0.6m 1.2m 1.2m c) 1.2m Cross Tee 0.6m 0.6m 1.2m Cross Tee 0.6m 0.6m 1.2m 1.2m Intact Joints Failed Joints Fig. 5: Remove Element Failure Mechanisms 5 pipe hanger reached five times the recorded axial force plus 1.1kN (NFPA13, 2011). The removal algorithm was set to remove the solid braces after they reached their design capacity, 28kN (NFPA13, 2011). Ceiling grid connections and their perimeter attachments were removed during the response history analysis when they reached their failure capacities obtained from the experiments discussed in previous sections. Ceiling hangers and wire braces were removed when their axial forces reached 0.4kN and 1.1kN (ASTM, 2011), respectively. Ceiling panels were removed when the uplift of at least one tile corner reached the grid height and the horizontal gap at the uplifted corner is closed (see Fig. 5a). When the both ends of a 0.6-m cross tee reach their failure capacity, the corresponding grid and its supporting panels are then removed from the model (Fig. 5b). Four panels and two 0.6-m cross tees are removed from the model if similar failure mechanisms happens for a 1.2-m cross tee (Fig. 5c). 4.3 Input Motion The five-story building was subjected to several ground motions over six days of experiments in three base configurations: 1)triple pendulum isolated (TPB), 2) lead rubber isolated (LRB-CLB), and 3) fixed-base. Out of 41 total shaking table excitations, 23 were triaxial (included a vertical component), and the remaining tests were performed using biaxial horizontal excitation. In this study, the seismic performance of the ceiling and piping systems subjected to the simulated Northridge-Rinaldi motion in a fixed-base structure was selected to calibrate the analytical model. Two different intensities of motions as: 1) horizontal-only motion with 35% scale factor (RRS35XY) and 2) 3D motion with target scale factors of 35% and 88% (RRS35XY-88Z) in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. Input motions were applied to the ceiling and piping systems using multiple support excitation, which requires input displacement histories at attachment points. To do so, a wavelet de-noising method was used to obtain the floor displacement histories from the available floor acceleration records. The displacement histories (X and Y) calculated at the geometric center of the floors were considered to be the input motions in horizontal directions. However, the input vertical displacement histories varied from a point close to the column to a point at the center of the slab (Sorushian et al., 2014g) by using a curve fitting approach (see Fig. 6a). Three components of 3D input excitations at the center of SlabSE are presented in Fig. 6. 4.4 Validation of the Analytical Model The modeling of suspended ceiling and fire sprinkler piping systems in OpenSees followed a similar procedure to those presented in the previous sections. The displacement, acceleration history, and spectral responses of the analytical models of ceiling and sprinkler systems were compared with SlabSE SlabNE SlabNW 1 2ft. Cross Tee-Axial 0 -1 2.7 -2 5 1.8 Analytical-Generic Experimental 10 Force (kN) Acceleration (g) 2 15 20 Time (sec.) Roof Floor 25 5th Floor E-W 0 -25 0 13 -25 0 13 10 20 30 N-S 30 10 20 V 30 -13 0 3 -0.9 0 -1.8 -5 -51 5 10 20 -3 30 0 Time (sec.) 15 -3 0 3 Displacement (mm) 20 Time(sec) 10 20 30 V 0 10 0.0 51 0 0 -5 0 20 N-S 0 -13 0 5 10 102 Spectral Acc. (g) Displacement (cm) E-W 0 Displacement(mm) 25 0.9 10 20 30 Fig. 6: Example of Calculated Displacement Input Motion from RRS35XY-88Z Excitation 4 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Period, T (sec.) 2.5 3 Fig. 7: Comparison of experimental and analytical response of the piping system under RRS35XY 6 experimental results. In this study, comparison between the analytical and experimental horizontal responses of piping and ceiling systems were compared under RRS35XY, which was limited to the components installed in the fifth floor. Also, the pattern of failed ceiling panels in braced and unbraced ceiling panels was investigated during the RRS35XY-88Z excitation. Figures 7 and 8 show that the analytical model cannot predict every detail of the response, but it can predict the trend of the response very well. by analytical models. However, the pattern and location of the damaged parts were predicted well by the analytical models. It should be also noted that the presented analytical model does have limitations, which are under investigation by the authors. 4.5 Case Study Example: Unbraced versus Braced Ceiling System The use of seismic bracing in ceiling systems has been a topic of concern for more than a two decades (e.g. ANCO, 1983; Soroushian et al., 2012; Ryu and Reinhorn, 2013; Rahmanishamsi et al., 2014). While in general seismic braces are known as an effective solution to reduce ceiling damage, several factors, such as the size of the ceiling, the type of braces, shake intensities, and supporting slab dynamic properties, may result in the opposite performance. In this study, the seismic performance of braced and unbraced ceilings were compared under the RRS35XY-88Z excitation. The analytical model of each type of ceiling was subjected to both 5th and floor motions. As shown in Fig. 10, seismic braces did not have a significant effect on the pattern of fallen ceiling panels. Also, the number of fallen ceiling panels was less in unbraced ceiling systems compared to braced ceiling systems in the previously mentioned case 2ft. Cross Tee-Axial 2 Analytical-Generic Acceleration (g) Force (kN) 2.7 Experimental 1 1.8 0 0.9 -1 -2 0.0 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Time (sec.) 12 13 14 15 Displacement (mm) -0.91.3 -1.8 -5 -3 0 3 Displacement (mm) 0 -1.3 5 5 10 15 20 Time (sec.) Spectral Acc. (g) 4 3 2 5th Floor 5th Floor Braced Ceiling Unbraced Ceiling 1 0 0 0.5 1 Period, T (sec.) 1.5 2 Fig. 8: Comparison of Experimental and Analytical Response of the Ceiling System under RRS35XY As shown in Fig. 9, in both braced and unbraced ceiling systems, the number of failed ceiling panels is overestimated Experimental Analytical Unbraced Ceiling Unbraced Ceiling Roof Floor Roof Floor Braced Ceiling Unbraced Ceiling In-place ceiling panels Experimental Analytical Braced Ceiling Braced Ceiling Fallen ceiling panels Fig. 10: Comparison of Analytical Pattern of Fallen Ceiling Panels in Braced and Unbraced Ceiling Systems under RRS35XY-88Z study. 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION In-place ceiling panels A series of monotonic and reverse cyclic tests were conducted on different ceiling components, including grid connections, perimeter attachments, and supporting elements. Several nonlinear models were developed for the ceiling components using the experimental data. The previously developed nonlinear hinge models were used for the fire Misaligned ceiling panels Fallen ceiling panels Fig. 9: Comparison of Experimental and Analytical Pattern of Fallen Ceiling Panels under RRS35XY-88Z 7 sprinkler pipe joints. These ceiling and piping component models were then incorporated in an OpenSees model of a ceiling-sprinkler assembly that was tested at the E-Defense shake table facility in 2011. In this paper, the pattern of failed ceiling panels in braced and unbraced ceiling systems developed from the analytical simulation was compared with the experimental observation. While the pattern and location of the damaged parts were predicted well by the analytical models, the number of failed ceiling panels is overestimated by analytical models. The analytical model presented here does have limitations, which are under investigation by the authors. Echevarria, A., Zaghi, A. E., Soroushian, S., and Maragakis, M. (2012). “Seismic Fragility of Suspended Ceiling Systems”, 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (15WCEE), Lisbon, Portugal. FEMA E-74 (Federal Emergency Management Agency), (2011). “Reducing the Risks of Nonstructural Earthquake Damage: A Practical Guide”, Redwood City, CA. Gilani, A. SJ., Takhirov, S., and Tedesco, L., (2013). “Seismic Evaluation of Suspended Ceiling Systems Using Static and Dynamic Procedures”, ASCE/SEI Structures Congress, Pittsburg, PA. NFPA13 (2011). “Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Acknowledgements This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0721399. This Grand Challenge (GC) project to study the seismic response of nonstructural systems is under the direction of M. Maragakis from the University of Nevada, Reno and Co-PIs: T. Hutchinson (UCSD), A. Filiatrault (UB), S. French (G. Tech), and B. Reitherman (CUREE). Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this document are those of the investigators and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors. The input provided by the Practice Committee of the NEES Nonstructural Project, composed of W. Holmes (Chair), D. Allen, D. Alvarez, and R. Fleming; by the Advisory Board, composed of R. Bachman (Chair), S. Eder, R. Kirchner, E. Miranda, W. Petak, S. Rose and C. Tokas, has been crucial for the completion of this research. Systems.” National Fire Protection Association, 2010 Edition, Quincy, MA. Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (OpenSees) website, (2013): . PEER, Berkeley: University of California Rahmanishamsi, E., Soroushian, S., Maragakis, M., (2014) “Seismic Response of Ceiling/Piping/Partition Systems in NEESR-GC System-level Experiments”, ASCE/SEI Structures Congress, Boston, MA. Ryan, K. L., Coria, C. B., Dao, N.D. 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