Permit Reviewer:

14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro MD 20772.
Permit Reviewer:
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
Brooke Larman
(301) 952-5548
(301) 952-4141
November 4, 2008
Spanish Church Of God/Lot 3 & 4
The following comments were generated from permit review. Any questions or concerns regarding the
following should be directed to the reviewer at the phone number provided above. Further comments
may be generated when the appropriate information has been submitted.
1. This permit application is for a church in the C-A Zone. The subdivision plat submitted is
inadequate for review. A site plan, drawn to scale, must be submitted in accordance with
Section 27-254 of the Prince George’s County Zoning Ordinance. A site plan for prior permits
1204-2005-U and 21176-2004-U was submitted but put on hold. 12-11-08 Comment
Partially Satisfied. Need to have a general notes section demonstrated on the site plan
which consists of owner information, lot and block numbers, subdivision name, zone of
property, existing use and proposed use, square footage’s, parking information, etc. 0205-09 Comment Satisfied. A general notes section is submitted per Section 27-254. BEL
2. Prior permit comments for permits 1204-2005-U and 21176-2004-U still apply. A site plan was
submitted although the site plan must be revised to address the following comments:
3. The applicant has submitted a building location plan prepared by Kris Consultants, LLC.
However this plan does not contain any general notes, off street parking, zoning, proposed uses,
gross floor area, parking schedule, building dimensions, street right-of-ways, parking spaces,
etc., required per Section 27-584 of the Zoning Ordinance. One site plan must be submitted
with all required information. Since the building was built prior to 1970 (building built 1955
per tax assessments records), all regular parking spaces must be dimensioned at either 10’ x 20’
or 9’ x 22.25’. The parking ratio needs to meet Part 11 of the Prince George’s County Zoning
Ordinance which is 1 parking space for every 4 seats in the main auditorium plus 1 parking
space for every 4 seats in other rooms occupied at the same time. If other uses/tenants will be
at the location you will need to demonstrate the parking for there use per Part 11 and the
location within the building of each use. 12-11-08 Comment Partially Satisfied. Need to
demonstrate the handicap spaces at 16’x19’ for a van and 13’x19’ for a regular handicap
space. Also need to demonstrate a parking schedule on the site plan to include the
number of seats and the parking ratio demonstrated at 1 space for every 4 seats. If this
can not be met you will need to apply for a Departure from Parking and Loading Spaces
(DPLS) with Edward Holley at 301-952-3215. 02-05-09 Comment Partially Satisfied. A
parking schedule and parking spaces dimensions are demonstrated but it appears not enough
parking spaces are provided. Per the applicant and site plan note a DPLS will be applied for
with Edward Holley at 301-952-3215 and once this plan is approved and certified you will
need to submit one copy to my office for further review. BEL
4. A copy of the deed must be submitted since part of Lots 3 and 4 are shown. 12-11-08
Comment Satisfied. Deed submitted. BEL
14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive, Upper Marlboro MD 20772.
5. The height of all existing fences must be provided on the site plan. 12-11-08 Comment
Satisfied. Fence height shown at 3’4”. BEL
6. Additional comments will be generated after the above comments are addressed and revised
plans are submitted.
11-04-08-Comments faxed to Charles Hodge at 443-341-6893. BEL
11-20-08-Same plan submitted so same Comments apply. Comments faxed to Charles Hodge at
443-341-6893. BEL
12-11-08-Comments faxed to Charles Hodge at 443-341-6893. BEL
02-05-09-Comments faxed to Charles Hodge at 443-341-6893. BEL