MEMO TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Regional Directors and Regional Coach Representatives Christy Yaremczuk – Regional Programs Wednesday July 10, 2013 Learn to Train and Fundamentals Regional Camp Funding Application Process For the 2013/2014 season, Swim Ontario will provide funding support to those regions choosing to offer a Learn to Train and or Fundamentals Camp in their respective region. Eligible Camp Type: Learn to Train Camp and or Fundamentals Camp Ages 13&Under Available Funding: Up to a maximum of $2,000 per camp per region to a maximum of *two camps. *A region may submit two learn to train or two fundamental or one learn to train and one fundamental camp application. Application Deadline: Regions must submit applications no later than September 15th, 2013. Camp Dates: In order to be eligible for funding camps must be held between August 31st 2013 and December 1st, 2013 Camp Application Process: Determine a *date within the Swim Ontario time frame. *If requested, Swim Ontario will work with each region on facility and or pool rental on a date that suits the region. Create and submit to Swim Ontario a selection criteria based on the Swim Ontario LTT Selection Guidelines. Camp Application Process continued: a. b. c. Create and submit to Swim Ontario a LTT Camp Schedule including: Camp content with Swim Ontario skills tracking and physical literacy best practices *Mentor coach Guest presenters as outlined in the Swim Ontario LTT Camp Template *In September 2012 Swim Ontario hosted a physical literacy workshop for identified regional mentor coaches in each region. This workshop was lead by Dean Boles, Ontario Provincial Mentor Coach, and two sport science experts that have been working with Swim Ontario on programming: Steve Topham, a strength and conditioning expert, and Allan Rigley, a bio-mechanist expert. These three leaders led the regional mentor coaches through a variety of activities on how to develop an “eye” for coaching and how to implement best practices in physical literacy and stroke analysis. In 2013/2014 LTT Camp applications, either these mentor coaches or a recommended lead mentor coach needs to be identified as implementing the physical literacy best practices at the LTT Camp and throughout the region. A Swim Ontario staff member will also attend the camp in some capacity at no expense to the region. Create and submit a *budget breakdown of the LTT Camp *ONLY THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE ELIGBLE FOR FUNDING: a. Pool rental fees b. Facility/room rental fees c. Equipment fees d. Honorariums for lead mentor coach (as approved by Swim Ontario) e. Honorariums for guest presenters (as approved by Swim Ontario) Provide a post-camp report No later than 15 days following the camp, the lead mentor coach will provide a post-camp report including: a. Attendance of clubs, coaches, athletes b. Skills data collected during the camp c. Any guest presenter presentations d. All receipts and invoices for eligible expenses Along with this memo I have attached a Learn To Train Camp Template that each region can use as a guide in selection criteria for the camps, and organizing and managing the camp delivery. Please note that Swim Ontario will work with each region to adapt the camp template where necessary to address various demographic and/or geographic issues or any other items that may arise in organizing the camp. Please feel free to contact or email me at any time to discuss further.