Conference Planning Kit for New Customers

2012 Planning Kit
Compliance 360 Customer Conference
March 26-29, 2012 - Atlanta, GA
[Compliance 360 customers are encouraged to use this conference planning kit to help maximize the potential value
of the 2012 Customer Conference. Based on customer feedback, we believe that you can easily take full advantage
of the learning and networking opportunities if you are well prepared with a plan. This template is intended to provide
you with a tool for quickly preparing your individual plan. Simply fill in the blanks with your specific areas of interest,
delete any items that are not relevant for you, as well as instructions denoted by [ ], and add any items that are not
already included. This tool may also be valuable to share with your management to aid your approval to attend. If
you have questions, please contact us at]
Primary Conference Objectives
1. Learn from experienced customers that have “been there and done that” so that we can avoid the
same mistakes and issues and benefit from their successes.
2. Learn about Compliance 360 applications through demonstrations, presentations and QA sessions.
3. Learn about the ongoing architectural changes to the system that will enable customization beyond
what is possible today.
4. Learn about the new reporting system features with new customization and report creation
5. Take advantage of One-on-One consulting and product feedback opportunities.
6. Take advantage of networking opportunities to establish and strengthen personal relationships
a. Early users of the latest C360 applications, in order to learn what they have done to ensure
successful implementations and how they are benefiting from the new features.
b. Established users, especially those with applications we would like guidance on, in terms
of optimization, configuration, execution and reporting.
c. C360 Support and Services personnel with whom we deal with over the phone and via
emails, so that our future interactions are that much more effective and productive.
d. C360 Product Managers with whom we can request specific product functionality and
technologies that could directly benefit our company’s business model in the near future.
7. Attend breakout sessions to learn best practices, tips and tricks from Compliance 360 staff and
other users. See session plan details that follow…
2012 Planning Kit
Compliance 360 Customer Conference
March 26-29, 2012 - Atlanta, GA
[The chart below can be used to identify the sessions that are most relevant to your objectives listed above. Simply
keep the ones you plan to attend, delete the sessions that are not relevant and update or replace your personal
objectives. For an up to date listing of session topics and descriptions, please visit ]
Key sessions I plan to attend
Conference Session
My Objectives
Breakout Demonstration:
Policy Management
For new customers and a refresher for others – This session
will provide an overview of the key capabilities with tips and
tricks for optimized management and distribution of your
policies and procedures.
Policy Management will be one of the key applications
for us and this session will help to validate our approach
and allow me to validate our approach with the C360
experts and other users
Breakout Demonstration:
Compliance Workspace
This session, for new customers and a refresher for others,
will focus on the latest enhancements as well as tips and
tricks for streamlining the set up and access to laws and
Compliance Workspace will also will be one of the key
applications for us, helping us to ensure compliance with
new and changing regulations. This session will also
help to validate our approach and allow me to validate
our approach with the C360 experts and other users
Breakout Demonstration:
Introduction to the Report Writer
This session will provide an overview of the Report Writer
and the many new capabilities for modifying current reports
and creating new ones.
The session will provide training and insight into the new
reporting system and new capabilities for customizing
current reports and creating new reports from scratch.
With this knowledge, we’ll have much more flexibility in
reporting from Compliance 360.
Breakout Demonstration:
New Universal Assessment Capabilities
The surveys and assessments capabilities have just
been enhanced with the new Universal Assessments
module. This session will demonstrate how the system
can be used to conduct ad-hoc and random
assessments that include enhanced report
customization support and automated scoring of the
Come explore advanced capabilities for testing and
monitoring the effectiveness of your compliance controls and
other processes. These include built-in scoring and enhanced
Breakout Demonstration:
Automating the Seven Elements of Effective Compliance
Learn how to subscribe to and use the new tool for
automating compliance assessments based on the Seven
Elements of Compliance and Ethics Programs. Also, learn
how to provide your input as this tool is revised and updated
going forward.
Breakout Demonstration:
Employee On-Boarding and Management
Compliance 360 provides multiple options for adding new
employees and managing existing employees in the system.
This session will include best practice recommendations and
live demos to illustrate how-to examples.
This new content set that is available free-of-charge to
all Compliance 360 customers may help us streamline
our self-assessments and preparation for audits and
reviews. I plan to learn how other customers are using
this and provide input for future versions.
These new capabilities in the system can be used to
minimize overhead by streamlining user maintenance. I
plan to learn how we can best utilize these new
productivity features.
2012 Planning Kit
Compliance 360 Customer Conference
March 26-29, 2012 - Atlanta, GA
Conference Session
My Objectives
Breakout Demonstration:
3rd Party Risk Management
The Contract Management functions in C360 have been
expanded to include proactive monitoring of risks
created by vendors and other business partners. This
session will show how these enhancements can be
used to perform risk assessments and proactively
address potential contract issues and other risks.
Learn how one customer is doing much more than just
contract management with the Third Party Risk Management
application, to ensure compliance and minimize vendor risks.
Breakout Demonstration:
Learn how one customer is using the Incidents module to
identify, track and remediate issues including hotline tips,
fraud and abuse allegations, audit findings, legal cases and
Best Practices Session:
Using the Virtual Evidence Room to Streamline
Regulatory Reviews
Learn how one customer is using Compliance 360 to reduce
overhead burdens and streamline audits and reviews.
Breakout Training:
Claims Auditor
This session will include RAC, MIC audits and SemiAutomated Reviews as well as an update on the ICD-10 and
5010 updates. The Claims Audit Gateway will also be
In this session, I can learn how experienced customers
are using the Incidents module to manage all reported
issues ranging from minor accidents to allegations of
In this session, I will learn how Compliance 360
customers are using the Virtual Evidence Room to
reduce the risk of audit findings and failures and
demonstrate to our regulators that our compliance
program is effective.
In this session, I will learn how the Claims Auditor is
being used to manage all types of claims audits
including the new Medicaid RAC Audits.
[The chart below can be used to identify the Pre-and Post-Conference Training Classes that you would like to attend.
Please note that these classes are very affordably priced at only $150 per class and offered concurrently with the
Customer Conference to help you keep travel costs to a minimum. In the list below, simply keep the classes you
plan to attend, delete the classes that are not relevant and update or replace your personal objectives. For an up to
date listing of session topics and descriptions, please visit ]
Pre- and Post-Conference Training Classes
Pre-Conference Training Class
My Objectives
Compliance 360 System Administration Basics
Because we are new to Compliance 360, this class is
very important to help ensure that we get off to a good
start and lay the foundation for minimal issues in the
For organizations new to Compliance 360 (<1 year), this is
your opportunity to learn the fundamentals of the core
system administration functions of the system and ensure
that you are on the right track to success. This is also your
opportunity to network with your peers and learn from their
experiences as well as best practice recommendations from
experienced instructors.
2012 Planning Kit
Compliance 360 Customer Conference
March 26-29, 2012 - Atlanta, GA
[The chart below can be used to identify the individuals that are most important in support of your networking
objectives for the conference. For more information on key individuals at the conference, please contact us at
Key contacts I plan to meet
Bob McGowan –
VP, Product Management
Compliance 360
Learning about the new architecture,
customization capabilities and new
reporting capabilities.
Natalie Cheney –
VP Professional Services
Compliance 360
Preparing for new product
implementation and optimization
services for our applications.
Gregg Gibbs –
Manager, Customer Support
Compliance 360
Discuss our current questions and
outstanding feedbacks
Other Customers
Best practices in using the Virtual
Evidence Room to streamline reviews
and audits.
Other Customers
Recommendations for managing
Other Customers
Recommendations for managing
multiple audits using Claims Auditor
2012 Planning Kit
Compliance 360 Customer Conference
March 26-29, 2012 - Atlanta, GA
Trip Report
[Use this portion of the document to provide a recap of your attendance at the conference for your manager and
others within your organization.]
Conference Highlights
[Describe the overall highlights of your experience at the 2010 Customer Conference.]
Primary Conference Objectives Achieved
1. [Describe objective and result here]
2. [Describe objective and result here]
3. [Describe objective and result here]
Session Objectives Achieved
Objectives, Learnings and Takeaways Achieved
Session Title
[Describe objective and results here]
Session Title
[Describe objective and results here]
Session Title
[Describe objective and results here]
Pre-Conference Training Class Objectives Achieved
Pre-Conference Class
Objectives, Learnings and Takeaways Achieved
Compliance 360 System Administration Basics
[Describe objective and results here]
Networking Objectives Achieved
Objectives, Learnings and Takeaways Achieved
Key Contact Name and Title
Company Name
[Describe objective and results here]
Key Contact Name and Title
Company Name
[Describe objective and results here]
Key Contact Name and Title
Company Name
[Describe objective and results here]