All Saints Sunday Yr B, 1/11/2015 Rev 21:1-6a Rev. Garth Wehrfritz-Hanson “Remembering the saints, both the living and the dead” Today we celebrate All Saints Day. According to some scholars, this celebration began when Christians faced persecution in the Roman Empire, and many Christians died a martyr’s death rather than submit to Caesar as god. In the early church, there was a calendar that marked the celebration of saint days—these were folks who became somewhat famous in the church. However, there was no day in the church calendar to remember ordinary, less famous Christians, like you and I. So the church established a way of remembering the faithfully departed. Some scholars believe this began in the fourth century, and other scholars claim that it was not until the early seventh century. Originally, the date for celebrating All Saints Day was set for May thirteenth, which interestingly enough, was the day that I was ordained as a pastor. However, according to some scholars, it was around the year 735 that the date was changed to November first, and has remained the same ever since. At any rate, on this day we continue the tradition of remembering those among us— family, friends, neighbours, residents—who have died since last year’s All Saints Day. When we speak of saints, what do we mean? Well, different Christian traditions have differing definitions of who or what a saint is. My favourite definition is twofold: A saint is a forgiven sinner—hence, that means everyone here today, all who are baptized into the Christian faith. And a saint is someone who makes it easier for others to believe in God. With this last definition though, I think we need to be careful, since it can lead us to the misguided belief that a saint is so holy that other human beings cannot 1 even think of obtaining such holiness. This misunderstanding leads people to believe that saints live a rather sheltered life, and they don’t have real struggles and temptations in life, like the rest of us. On one occasion, C.S. Lewis wrote, “How little people know who think that holiness is dull. When one meets the real thing, it is irresistible.” So how do we come to the place where it becomes irresistible to us and we accept our call to holiness? It begins, I suspect, with discovering that even the greatest of saints was a real person. Learning about their lives should convince us that they were real people with real struggles. It should convince us of their humanity. What does it mean to be one of God’s saints? Mother Teresa who died in 1996 was often referred to as a living saint. In 1982, during a visit to San Francisco to mark the 800th anniversary of the birth of Francis of Assisi, the diminutive nun was asked how it feels to be called “a living saint.” “Possibly, people see Jesus in me,” she replied. “But we can see Jesus in each other. Holiness is meant for all people.”1 “Holiness is meant for all people.” In our passage from Revelation, we are given a beautiful vision of perfect holiness, a holiness that you and I, and I would hazard to guess, every human being longs for. A holiness according to the visionary writer John, who was exiled on the island of Patmos, where he envisioned a new heaven, a new earth, and a new holy city of Jerusalem. The vision describes this new, holy city of Jerusalem being like a bride adorned for her husband. This description of a bride adorned for her husband is symbolic, apocalyptic language, which may refer to the church or the people of faith as the bride, and the husband may refer to Christ, the church’s bridegroom. At a marriage, everyone is dressed up in their best, and everyone beholds the beauty of the wedding party, especially the beauty of the bride and groom. 2 Magnify that beauty about a zillion times and you will be in awe of the beauty of the new, holy city of Jerusalem, God’s faithful people, and the beauty of our triune God. Or, to employ a phrase of one of the Psalms, “the beauty of holiness.” You and I, along with a host of others will behold and become part of that beauty. You and I, who don’t always think of ourselves as having much beauty and holiness, will reflect the beauty and holiness that comes with our God making all things new. A beauty where there will be no more tears, no more death, mourning, crying and pain—they will all pass away, be removed, gone forever! So those of you who are in wheelchairs or who walk with walkers will no longer need them, you will be able to walk and jump and run for joy. Those of you who suffer now from sickness, disease, and pain will be given a complete bill of health—your sickness, disease, and pain will be gone forever! Those of you who suffer from sadness and depression because you have lost so much and so many of those you loved, your family, friends, neighbours and other residents—your sadness and depression will be traded in for joy. Have you ever experienced loneliness and homesickness? Loneliness so incapacitating that you feel as if you are alone against the whole world. Homesickness so intense your thoughts and emotions are fixed on knowing and trusting that only at home can you be your true self and share your most intimate of thoughts and feelings because at home you are loved and accepted unconditionally. On All Saints Day, we remember the vision of John writing in exile on the island of Patmos. The vision of the beauty of holiness, where, one day, we shall be reunited with our loved ones, the saints who have gone ahead of us to that place where “the home of God is among mortals.” Our true home, where loneliness and homesickness shall be exchanged for the perfect “communion of saints.” 3 Until then, we have some visual reminders of the saints who have gone before us. For example, alongside some churches there are graveyards, and you may even have to walk through the graveyard to reach the church. As you walk through the graveyard, you may read the names of the saints on the headstones. You may also have noticed that in the chancel area of some churches the communion rail is in the shape of a half-circle, where the saints living gather to receive the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. The invisible other half of the circle reminds us of the saints who have gone before us, now in heaven. One day the circle shall be complete and all of God’s family of saints shall be united to share a perfect communion. So, on this All Saints Day we remember and long for those who have gone ahead of us to their eternal reward; those who were examples to us of the beauty of holiness; those who inspire us to move ahead in faith by loving and serving God and our neighbour so that something of that perfect beauty of holiness may reach out into every corner of the church and the world. 1 Ann M. Smith, “All Saints, Year B: Living <>. 4 Saints,” at: