Mr. Bruce`s Great Debate Syllabus

Mr. Scot Bruce
Great Debate Class Syllabus
Room 104
Contact me:
Feel free to contact me anytime during my conference period (4th Hr)
11:05-12:30 on Mon,Tues,Thurs. & Fri or 10:45-12:10 on Wed.
 E-Mail: (the best & fastest way to contact me)
 Phone: 586-493-5620 (Voice Mail Ext. 2528)
Needed Materials:
-1 inch (3 ring) binder (just for Great Debate-this will be referred to as your portfolio)
-8 tabs (dividers for topics)
-Pencil - needed for every class
Great Debate Class:
Welcome to Mr. Bruce’s Great Debate course. My goal is for you to enjoy our journey together this
quarter. Below are the guidelines to make this a successful time for all of us.
Course Description:
Discuss non-fictional situations and gather information to persuade others to share your point of view.
Hot topics like cell phone use in the classrooms or dress codes are the types of issues you will
debate. You may even debate world issues or issues related to music or sports. This is the only
class where you will actually be encouraged to argue (But still be RESPECTFUL). Get all your facts
in order to make your case.
General Classroom Expectations:
 BE RESPECTFUL of others (classmates, teachers, and guests). Treat others as you want to be
treated. There will be absolutely no bullying or negative comments made toward others.
 BE RESPONSIBLE! You have the responsibility to allow your classmates the opportunity to
learn. You are responsible for your own education, as well.
 Leave the room cleaner than when you arrived.
 You will be dismissed by me, not the bell. Stay in your seats until that occurs.
 If you are absent, you have one day for every day you were gone to make up the assignments you
missed. Check my website (, ask a classmate, or check the agenda
board to see what you missed.
 All rules and regulations found in the LCPS Student Code of Conduct apply in the classroom.
Start of Class Expectations:
You must be seated when the bell rings.
Copy the assignment information for the day in your agenda book.
View CNN News for a daily debate topic.
After CNN we will have a quick debate/discussion of the Day.
During Class Expectations:
 Whether you want to ask a question, contribute to the class discussion, or ask for help, raise your
hand and WAIT to be called on.
 If you must leave the classroom, you must use your agenda to do so.
 When you work with partners or in groups, you are expected to be attentive to the members of
your group, maintain eye contact, take turns, use SOFT voices, and stay on task.
 Individual work time means that you will work by yourself.
 If the teacher needs to speak to a student privately in the hallway, you will continue to work
quietly. Do not get out of your seat while the teacher is out of the room.
 If you finish an assignment early, you must independently read. Do not disturb others trying to
finish their work.
Grading and Evaluation Guidelines:
 Student grades will be based on informational reading and writing tasks as well as speaking and
listening skills. I will also keep notations on class participation both orally or written that will
influence grades. Students will be required to provide research notes (with sources provided)
along with graphic organizers/outlines to ultimately produce their formal argument to present to
the class.
 Grades are determined using a total point grading system. Each assignment that will be graded
will be given a point total. It is your responsibility to earn as many of those points as you can.
Your grade will be determined by dividing the total points you’ve earned by the number of total
points evaluated. A 70/30 weighted average will be used. 70% of your grade will be
assessments, 30% of your grade will be homework and other assignments. The majority of the
work in this class will be completed in class as long as class time is used efficiently.
 Assignments turned in on the due date will be given full credit. Assignments turned in late may
receive a lowered grade of a maximum of 80%.
This class will be debating multiple topics from multiple perspectives throughout the quarter.
Students need to engage in reflection and analysis while preparing to debate, during debates and
after debates.
We will be using 3-ring binders (portfolios) and 8-tabs (dividers) to organize the various topics we
debate. Each topic will have its own tab so that all debate preparation and reflection are with each
tab. These pieces will include articles read; notes taken; flow sheets generated, critiques of peer
performance, and so forth.
Class Participation – Citizenship:
Class participation means taking an active role in learning, and the learning of fellow classmates.
Students are expected to pay attention and be involved in class at all times. Their citizenship grade
will be determined as I look for some key indicators:
 Involvement in the discussion/activity?
 Do they stay on task?
 Following class procedures/rules?
 Are they prepared for class?
I look forward to a great year!
Mr. Scot Bruce