American Revolution Project Guide

American Revolution Project
Students will have a choice of doing three different types of projects; ABC Book, 3-D
Model, or Historical Trading Cards.
Due date:
You will have one month from the day that this is assigned to turn it in to me for full
credit. Every day that you are late will be -10 points off of your project grade. I will not
accept projects after the fifth day.
Extra credit:
IF you would like to present your project to the class you will receive 10 bonus points
towards your grade. The presentation must be no longer than 5 minutes but no shorter
than 3. You are not allowed to read your report to the class and your presentation should
show to me and the class that you are knowledgeable in your subject area.
Project Option
Alphabet Book
As part of your study of the American Revolution, you will create an
“Alphabet Book” which explains many of the complex terms, people, events,
places, and concepts associated with this dramatic era of history. You are to
use meaningful words and phrases from the materials used in class, as well as
from assigned readings and in-class notes.
Alphabet Book Requirements
For each letter of the alphabet, you will need one entry. You will have 25
Entries, (Do not use X) which contain the following:
6 concepts (Big ideas, i.e. causes of the war, effects of the war)
3 significant people
3 key events
3 geographical locations
The remaining are your choice
For each entry write at least 1 to 2 sentences which provide an explanation or
definition of the entry’s significance to the American Revolution.
For at least 10 entries, you must include an original visual (political cartoon,
diagram, drawing, etc.). Make sure that your visuals depict how your entry
reflects the American Revolution. You do not have to print these out; you can
save them to a disc or burn to a CD and bring them in. This will save you ink.
Each page is worth 8 points each.
2 point - picture of what represents your word
2 point – explanation of the word and its significance
2 point – actual word, with letter representing in a large font
2 point – for neatness
3-D Model
Your second choice for American Revolution project is creating a 3-D model.
You need to pick an important event during the “Road to the Revolution” or
the “Revolutionary War.” After you choose the event, then you need to create
a model of what happened, and you will also need to have a one page written
or typed summary of the event. Some of your choices could include, but are
not limited to: Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, Battle of Bunker Hill,
Valley Forge, and Yorktown.
Scoring Guide:
_______ 40points – Neatness
_______ 80 points – Explanation – minimum of one page, neatly done
What is it?
When did it occur?
Where was it used or taking place?
How was it built? Step by step processes
Why was this item or event so important?
________ 40 points – Is it accurately depicted?
________ 40 points – Creativity, is it unique or well thought out?
________ 200 points total
Historical Trading Cards
Your last choice for the project is 10 historical trading cards. The cards
should resemble baseball cards; you’ll need a picture on the front and a short
biography (4 to 5 sentences) on the back of the card. Information should
come from only chapter 5 and 6.
-3 cards over people
-3 cards over battles
-3 cards over taxes
-Last is your choice
Scoring Guide
________/100 pts. 10 trading cards have picture on the front and biographical
information on the back.
________/100 pts Neat, Historically Accurate, Creative, Presentation