Review for China Test

Review for China Test
o Confucius during Zhou dynasty
o Mencius- Built upon Confucius principles
o All people are good—Education cultivates goodness
o Based on 5 relationships
Older sibling-younger sibling
o Analects (and other literature)
o Benevolance (kindness is key)
o Filial Piety- Respect for parents
Ancestral worship
o Importance of education in leadership
Civil Service Examinations
Memorizing texts
3 day test
Only Boys
Daoism (Taoism)
o Laozi (other spellings) during the Zhou
o Upset by turmoil of the Zhou dynasty and leaves
o May be a fictional character
o Daodejing outlines Dao (The way)
o Nature takes its course
Wu-Wei (not acting against nature)
o Opposes hierarchy of Confucianism
o More a spiritual philosophy
o Developed into a religion
o Yin-Yang
o Qi (energy)
o Arts (acupuncture acupressure feng shui)
o Han Feizi
o All people are bad
o Severe consequences
o Harsh government to keep people in line
o Shi Huangdi
First Chinese emperor
Implemented legalism
Short-lived dynasty
People revolted
Xia 2100-1800 BCE
o Not a dynasty but a early civilization
o Bronze and stone tools
o Not know until 1959
Shang 1650-1027
o 1st Dynasty
o Polytheism
o Oracle Bones (messages read by oracle on bones)
o Irrigation and farming
o Developed writing
3000 symbols
Only upper class could write
o Proficient with bronze
Zhou 1027-221BCE
o Beginning of Mandate of Heaven
o Much the same as Shang without sacrifices
o Daoism, legalism and Confucianism developed during this time
Qin 221BCE-207BCE
o Shi Huangdi
o Established Legalist Principles
o Established Uniform weights and measure
o Beginning of great wall (forced peasant labor)
o Network of roads (forced peasant labor)
Han 202BCE-220CE
o More trade along silk road
o Confucianism
o Buddhism spreads to China
o Universities built
o Civil Service exam- merit-based leadership
o Innovations: Better calendar, seismograph, paper, sundial, water clock, ag methods, medical
methods (blood circulation)
Tang and Sung (Golden Ages) 618-1279
o More trade
o Seagoing trade
o Arts and Literature
o Invention of Printing allowing more access to books and education
Yuan (Mongol rule) 1279-1368 CE
o Kublai Khan
o Marco Polo- European explorer who reported the magnificence of China to Europe and
contributed greatly to history
o Roads to rule
o Got rid of Confucianism
o Grand canal
Ming 1368-1644CE
o Zhu Yuanzang is a peasant who revolts and expels the Mongols
o Confucianism revival
o Building of forbidden city and great wall (As we know it today)
o Naval expeditions and more contact with Europeans
o Sudden isolation
o China begins to lose ground to the advancement of the west
Qing 1644-1911CE
o Manchus take over
o (Think about the movie of Kang Xi and the forbidden city)
o Beginning of trade with Europeans (see below)
Relations with the west
Early trade with Portuguese
o China restricts
o China belief of superiority
Long-nose barbarian
o East India Company
Wants silk, porcelain and tea
Begins going broke
Opium to China
Opium Wars
Treaty of Nanjing
Hong Kong
Free trade
Compensation for opium
o Other European Powers
Japan, France, Russia, Germany, Britain
Spheres of influence
Open Door Policy
McKinley and Hay ask for free trade (open door notes)
Boxer Rebellion (1901)
Want to expel foreigners
US and Europe put down revolt
US keep presence in China and gain trade rights
Leading up to Communism
1911 Ci Xi dies and China becomes a republic
o End of dynasties
Some transitional governments
Chiang Kai Shek—Nationalist Party
o Backed by West and Elites in China
Mao Zedong
o Backed by Peasants (majority of Chinas population)
Chiang Kai Shek, with the help of West drive Mao and peasants into mountains
o Long March- 6000 miles and majority dead
1931 Japanese take Manchuria
o Need raw materials from Manchuria, rich with resources, to help drive the war machine
1937 Japanese invade and take China
o Chinas surrender leads to many atrocities committed by the Japanese against civilians
1945, After WWII ends, Mao and Kai-Shek join to expel the Japanese
Mao, on October 1, 1949, establishes the Peoples Republic of China
Peoples Republic of China
Gives land to peasants
Soviets support Mao
Communist but declared “republic”
Eventually Soviets withdraw support
Mao starts “Great Leap Forward”
o Modernization to catch up with world
Backyard furnaces to melt steel
Close planting of crops
Removal of peasants from land
All land taken by state
Communes of 20-40 families set up
Roads, bridges, etc built by peasants
Famine, starvation due to crop failure
Not enough farmers
Insects due to killing of sparrows
Close planting takes all nutrients from soil
After failure of Great Leap Forward Mao starts “Cultural Revolution”
o All old ideas gotten rid of
o Red Guard (youth groups) denounce old, artists, teachers, parents and anyone who opposes
Mao’s ideology
o Propaganda
Little Red Book --- “Quotes from Chairman Mao”
o Many persecuted, imprisoned and killed
o Helped to end the old feudal systems (over past thousands of years) to make way for new
o Helped to unite the country
1976—Mao Dies
Deng Xiaoping becomes new leader
o 4 Modernizations
Modernizing Agriculture
Building China’s defenses
Expansion of Industry
Focus of Science and Technology
o Increase foreign trade
Focused more on “light industry”
Training overseas
Responsibility System- Crops farmed for household use (subsistence) and surplus sold to
Government at a set price
Tiananmen Square Massacre
o People upset
Not enough reforms by Deng Xiaoping—Students and intellectuals
Too many reforms by Xiaoping—Industry workers
o Military is called in to stop protests
o 100,000+ protestors
Hunger strikes
Calls for reform
Calls for talks with government
o Eventually military is called in
Blocked by students
Military dragging and beating students
100s up to 7000 dead
One-Child Policy
o Reasons for this policy
Mao pushing for more births and Xiaoping trying to slow them
Overpopulation, not enough good land to support the people
o Results
Child black market
Cruel policies of forced abortions
Lack of help on the rural farms
Lack of equality
Demographic Problems
Too many men
Too many old people
Pollution, Taiwan Question and Media restrictions