Post School Psychological Services (PSPS)

PSPS Update: March 2005
Angus Pathfinder Progress Report : April - July 2004
Angus Council Educational Psychology Services (EPS) successfully secured a bid from
the Scottish Executive to develop post school psychological services from April 2004 April 2006. 0.3 FTE was made available from April 2004 - August 2004, with 0.5 FTE
available from September 2004 - April 2006. Angus EPS is one of 12 Pathfinder
authorities and aims to develop services both at local level and at cluster level linking
initially with Tayside partners (Perth and Kinross and Dundee City) but also looking to
develop cluster links with other Psychological Services e.g. Fife, in the future.
One educational psychologist is carrying out the work in the post school area, with the
EPS's Partnership Group acting as a steering group for the project.
Initial Audit of Stakeholders/Clients Groups
The main stakeholders of post-school psychological services as identified in the National
Development Officer's Interim Report, are Careers Scotland, Further Education Colleges,
Scottish Enterprise Training Providers and young people themselves.
In order to share and disseminate information about Educational Psychology Services and
to consider issues and potential PSPS targets, the main stakeholder organisations in Angus
were visited.
During each visit the roles of educational psychologists were discussed and stakeholder
views, as described in the National Development Officer's Stakeholders Survey, shared. It
was made clear during the visits that the purpose of the meetings were to gather and share
information and that services would not necessarily be delivered to that organisation
during the two year Pathfinder period.
(i) Careers Scotland
Arbroath Careers Centre was visited and meetings took place between a team leader and a
careers assistant.
The Arbroath Careers Centre covers the Angus area and holds sub-offices in the main
towns (Forfar, Brechin, Montrose, Carnoustie). They provide careers advice and guidance
for people of all ages and work closely with local colleges and training providers to help
place school leavers in appropriate post-school placements.
A main target for Careers Scotland nationally is to reduce the number of young people not
in education, employment or training (the NEET group). Inclusiveness Projects were
developed to provide extra support for this group in 2001 and the Scottish Executive have
developed plans to mainstream these projects from 2004 onwards. Locally, issues for this
group include a lack of opportunities (e.g. limited number of training providers), rural
isolation and travel to work difficulties. Another potential difficulty is the nature of work
available in Angus. For example, some young people will pick up temporary employment
when they leave school in the summer e.g. farm work, berry picking, but will become
unemployed in the winter.
Potential PSPS Target
Careers Scotland (Angus) would be interested in action research which helped further
identify who the NEET group are locally, why they drop out of placements (or indeed
why they frequently drop in and out of a range of placements), what their attitudes to
work and learning are and what their short and long term aspirations are (both at school
and post-school level).
(ii) Angus College
A meeting took place with the Student Services Manager at Angus College. Student
Services provide support, welfare and guidance to all students. They deal with a wide
range of issues, from supporting disabled students to physically access learning, to
supporting students with mental health or homelessness difficulties. As access to FE
widens so does the range of students with varying needs.
Angus College will be running a pilot for S3 and S4 pupils to access vocational areas
(construction, land based services, hairdressing or engineering) from August for half a day
per week. Working with younger students has meant that different issues, such as child
protection arise.
Potential PSPS Target
Within Student Services is a Student Development Team which supports students with
Support for Learning needs, e.g. basic skills, dyslexia, study skills and literacy/numeracy
difficulties. The Student Services department would be keen for PSPS to link in with the
Student Development team to support them with their literacy/numeracy strategy, help
develop common transition forms/planning and make links with the Local Enterprise
Company (LEC) Contracts Team in the college.
(iii) Scottish Enterprise Training Providers
Scottish Enterprise, through the Local Enterprise Companies (LECs), provide funds for
training providers to deliver training. Training providers bid annually to be awarded
contracts to deliver training through programmes such as Get Ready for Work (a
programme which support young school leavers to develop the skills necessary to enter
the labour market), Skillseekers (an "apprenticeship" type programme for young people
who require vocational skills for a particular job) and New Deal (for longer term
unemployed adults to develop labour market skills).
Careers Scotland provided an overview of all the training providers in the Angus area and
suggested contacting the two main training providers in the area - Angus College and
Angus Council.
Angus College - LEC Contacts Team
The LEC Contracts Team at Angus College oversee the students who are on training
courses at the college. Some of these students will attend college full time (e.g. on the
college-run Get Ready for Work programme) whilst others will attend for day or block
releases as part of the Skillseekers programme (e.g. four days per week with an employer,
learning on the job and one day per week at college working towards vocational
The main issues for the team are the high turnover of trainees, their poor
literacy/numeracy skills and travel to work difficulties when vocational placements are
organised for them.
Potential PSPS Target
The staff who work with trainees often have good employment backgrounds but are often
not experienced in supporting young people. As a result they often 'burnout'. They would
benefit from key educational psychology roles such as consultation and training and
The Contracts Manager would benefit from advice on the college's literacy/numeracy
strategy and how it could be best used to support trainees and would be interested in
developing links at a strategic level with Student Services.
Angus Council Training Services
Angus Council have approximately 130 young people on Skillseekers programmes
between 6 and 10 on Get Ready for Work and about 15 on New Deal. They provide a
variety of placements (motor vehicle, engineering, administration, child care, retail and
leisure). Development Officers support young people in their placements. The majority
of young people on Skillseekers are employed by companies and get permanent
employment at the end of the programme.
The main issues for Development Officers centre round trainees' motivation, self-esteem
positive image, recognising skills and realistic job expectations.
Potential PSPS Target
Angus Council would be interested in consultation and training and development to help
support Development Officers on the issues mentioned above.
(iv) Young People
At a recent Partnership Group meeting it was suggested that the next step for PSPS would
be to track a group of school leavers to help define their issues, hopes and aspirations.
The aim of this would be to help identify young people's needs and any potential shortfall
in resources.
Links with the Tayside Cluster
The Tayside Cluster have met on two occasions; in April through a Scottish Executive led
Pathfinder launch and in July facilitated by the Strategic Officer link.
At this stage, discussion has centred around the initial audit of stakeholders and other
relevant agencies such as Community Education and the Social Work Future Needs Coordinators. The development of common materials such as a flyer to disseminate to
Stakeholders during initial visits was agreed. As time goes on and tasks become clearer
the cluster will build on and evolve the Cluster Development Plan.
Pathfinder workers will meet on a fairly regular basis, with Principal Psychologists
joining the group when decisions need to be made on moving forward. Fife are also keen
to develop links between themselves and Tayside where cross-boundary working is
Angus Council Pathfinder - PSPS Progress Report 2
July – September 2004
Since the first Progress Report was produced in July 2004, further links have been
developed with Stakeholders in order to progress the development of a school leaver's
survey. The Educational Psychology Service's Partnership Group have advised on the
development of a structure and interview schedule for the survey and young people have
been willing participants thus far.
The Tayside Cluster Pathfinder Workers have met on a regular basis to share experiences
and examples of good practice and have developed a leaflet for Stakeholders on the PSPS
Pathfinder project.
Development planning has occurred at both local (through the Partnership Group) and
cluster (through the Tayside Cluster Group) levels. Information has been shared with
Principal Psychologists, Education Directorate and the Scottish Executive Strategic
Officer, where appropriate, in order to clarify and make explicit, PSPS processes.
Ongoing Links with Stakeholders
This quarter has seen developments in linking with the main Stakeholders. As well as
previous links strengthening through the development of the school leaver survey, new
links have been made, in particular, with Training Provider Development Officers, Careers
Scotland staff and Student Services staff (Angus College) who have offered practical
advice and information on the issues facing school leavers.
In addition to individual meetings with Stakeholders, the Pathfinder Worker has attended
the Angus Get Ready for Work Forum and has been invited to participate in the Post
School ASN Focus Group. These groups allow for the raising of the PSPS profile and the
chance to share issues and information.
School Leaver Survey
At a Partnership Group meeting in June 2004, it was suggested that young people should
be consulted on their views of leaving school, the aim being to help identify young
people's needs, any shortfall in resources and, ultimately, to help develop PSPS targets. It
was agreed that recent school leavers should be interviewed individually and/or through
Focus Groups.
A letter for school leavers and a semi-structured interview (attached) were developed and
meetings were arranged with Stakeholders to explore how best to contact young people.
To date, nine young people have been interviewed, three Skillseeker trainees from Angus
Council Training Services, one Skillseeker from Angus College and five Get Ready for
Work (GRfW) trainees from Angus College. Two of the GRfW trainees were known to
EPS at school. In all cases, Stakeholder staff contacted the young people directly and
invited them to participate. For example, at Angus College, young people were invited to
Skillseeker GRfW reviews, after which they were interviewed for PSPS. At Angus
Council Training Services, a Development Worker took the Pathfinder Worker on work
place visits.
Further interviews/focus groups are scheduled in October through Careers Scotland (for
young people not in employment, education or training) and through Angus College (for
Tayside Cluster
The other Tayside Cluster workers (two in Dundee, one in Perth) have been in post since
September and the Tayside Cluster Group have met on two occasions since then. The
meetings have provided the opportunity to share ideas on developments at both local and
cluster level and have offered collegiate support in this new initiative. As such, it has been
suggested within the group that regular fortnightly meetings should occur at this stage in
the project – seen by all as an induction phase. The Scottish Executive Strategic Officer
will attend meetings on request and Principal Psychologists will join the group when
Cluster decisions need to be made.
One of the first tasks of the group has been to develop a flyer for use on initial visits to
Stakeholders (see attached draft). An initial development plan has emerged and will be
built on over time, following this initial induction period.
Meetings are minuted and disseminated to each Council EPS as well as the Strategic
Education Department – Information Links
PSPS planning and discussion of practice and development issues occurs through the EPS
Partnership Group. The Education Directorate will be kept informed of developments
through quarterly Progress Reports.
Next Steps
School leaver interviews/Focus Groups will continue through October and November with
a report being made available by Christmas. Ongoing links with Stakeholders will be
made (eg PALS project) and other support agencies (eg Social Work Disabilities Team)
Some discussion has occurred in the Partnership Group as to next steps. Information from
Stakeholders and young people will help to inform future targets.
Angus Council Pathfinder – PSPS Progress Report 3
October - December 2004
This quarter (October - December 2004) has seen a range of developments within the
Pathfinder project at local (Angus), area (Tayside) and national levels. A school leavers'
survey report has been produced which will help to inform developments in the next
quarter and beyond. The Tayside cluster has made links with local stakeholders in
conjunction with the Scottish Executive Strategic Officer and has begun to make links
with Fife PSPS Pathfinder. Stakeholders continue to be consulted and service delivery
models are shaping up. Links have also been made with other relevant agencies within
Angus Council in order to promote partnerships within schools and at the transition from
school and beyond.
This report summarises the work of Angus Council PSPS Pathfinder over the last
School Leaver Survey
Between September and November 2004 a number of young people were surveyed on
their experiences of leaving school and the issues they have faced since. Young people
were accessed via the main Stakeholders and participated in either one to one semistructured interviews or focus groups. Through this process a range of issues were
highlighted and implications for the future development of the Pathfinder project were
identified. A separate report is available and this is currently being disseminated within
the Education Department to key Stakeholders, the Tayside Cluster and the Scottish
All parties are currently considering the implications for their own organisations and it is
likely that this will inform partnerships with Angus Council PSPS Pathfinder over the
coming months.
Ongoing Links with Stakeholders
This quarter has seen a firming up of service delivery models with the key Stakeholders.
To this end, the Pathfinder Worker has begun to attend team meetings with a view to
exploring issues leading to focused service delivery outcomes. These include:
 PALS (Get Ready for Work) Project
Consultation has occurred which has led to training on Rules, Rewards and
Consequences and information dissemination on ADHD.
 Angus College Local Enterprise Company (LEC) Contracts Team
A meeting with the team has led to the opportunity to work-shadow a Gateway to Work
programme with a view to offering information or in-service training on some of the
issues which arise.
 Careers Scotland and Angus College
Both organisations have considered the implications of the School Leavers' Survey and
are looking to improve their information flows to young people (e.g. Angus College see
the need to consider more creative ways of disseminating information about Student
Services. Careers Scotland would like to increase awareness of their all-age guidance
The Pathfinder Worker will attend team meetings for both organisations in January to
consider partnership working in 2005.
Area/National Links
The Tayside Cluster (Pathfinder workers from Angus, Dundee City and Perth & Kinross
Councils) continue to meet on a fortnightly basis to consider joint working
opportunities. Links have been made with the ERGO project, which is based in Dundee
but has trainees from both Angus and Dundee. Discussions have taken place with the
manager to look at service delivery at local (Dundee) level e.g. consultation, area
(Tayside) level, e.g. training in Person Centred Planning, evaluation of some ERGO
initiatives by Educational Psychologists in Training (EPiTs) and national levels via the
Strategic Officer and the PSPS Psychologists' Network.
Links have also been made with Fife PSPS Pathfinder and a meeting recently took place
between Fife and Tayside Pathfinders to share good practice and consider joint working
opportunities. Such meetings have now been scheduled to take place on a quarterly
The Scottish Executive have been kept up to date with the Angus Council Pathfinder via
the Strategic Officer and this quarter also saw a meeting between the Scottish Executive
and Angus Council Education Department through which further links were suggested,
e.g. with the Determined to Succeed project at both local and national levels.
The Tayside Cluster have also linked in with Tayside training providers via a series of
national events run by the Scottish Executive. The Strategic Officers are currently
providing a series of Solution Focused training events across the country. The Tayside
Cluster Pathfinder workers briefly attended a Dundee event which helped to raise the
profile of the Cluster and make links with the local providers.
Links with Angus Council Partners
A meeting took place in November between the Social Work Future Needs Coordinators and the Pathfinder Worker to share information about roles and remits and to
explore common issues. Future links are likely via transition planning for young people.
In December, a meeting occurred between the Education Department's Development
Officer for Enterprise in Education and the Staff Tutor for Enterprise to consider the
Determined to Succeed strategy and possibilities for joint working in areas such as
raising motivation and self-esteem. The implications of the School Leaver's Survey
were shared and a presentation to the Enterprise and Education Strategic Partnership
Group was agreed.
Next Steps
The School Leaver Survey will be shared via presentations at Stakeholders' team
meetings, a Head Teachers meeting, a Guidance Steering Group and the Enterprise and
Education Strategic Partnership Group.
The Director of Education has agreed in principle to the setting up of a Transition
Working Group and it is likely that a start-up meeting will occur in the next quarter.
The Tayside Cluster are meeting to plan the outcomes of such a group via a Person
Centred Planning PATH and are keen to help facilitate the start-up meeting.
The Tayside Cluster will present to the LEC Get Ready for Work forum in February and
will continue to link with organisations such as ERGO and with Fife PSPS Pathfinder.
The Pathfinder Worker will continue to seek work shadowing opportunities to develop
contextual knowledge and will continue to link with Stakeholders to develop service
PSPS Update: March 2005
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
PPS service(s) delivered
Secondary schools (three mainstream; one special, severe
and profound learning difficulties); Secondary Schools
Support Service.
1. Pilot transition arrangements, with schools, to:
a) identify pupils with additional support needs
twelve months before they leave school.
b) arrange “transition meetings” to discuss their needs
post school with service providers.
Develop a “transition information form” for schools to
complete in order to pass information to post school
service providers.
Transition meetings have been held for a number of pupils
and their post school support needs identified.
The process being developed is expected to extend in
session 2005-6 to include all pupils with additional
support needs.
A draft transition information form has been produced and
is being discussed with schools and with the further
education college.
Outcomes (including timelines)
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
PPS service(s) delivered
Review and revise formal Future Needs Process.
(See also input to adult social work service and special
All pupils with Records of Needs, together with others for
whom the process is deemed helpful, now have their first
Future Needs Assessment, and a meeting with all the
agencies involved, in time for there to be a review of plans
a year later, before they leave school.
All pupils identified by the child care social work service
as being “disabled” are brought to the attention of adult
social work services in time for their needs for support
post school to be identified well before they leave school.
Outcomes (including timelines)
Future Needs Process.
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
PPS service(s) delivered
Review and revise the format of school and psychologist
assessment and reporting in the context of the future needs
Return to work completed in 1993 (Trickey and Kennedy:
SEED 1993) and pilot a revised form of the competencies
checklist developed then.
Detailed checklist of competencies being completed by
school and psychologist for first future needs assessment
of all pupils in the special school, and reviewed annually.
This is done in close collaboration with the young person
and parents.
The checklist is used to identify long and short term
targets and linked to the IEP process.
Outcomes (including timelines)
Special School (severe and profound learning difficulties)
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
PPS service(s) delivered
Adult Social Work Services.
Outcomes (including timelines)
See services described under stakeholder focus
“future needs
See services described under stakeholder focus
“special school”.
The way in which the future needs process now
operates ensures that adult social work services are
informed in plenty of time of the need to have
supports available for a young person when they
leave school or college.
Discussions have now started with adult social work
services aimed at producing a shared framework for
assessment to be used by schools, psychologists and
social work staff relating to all young people with
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
PPS service(s) delivered
Meetings have been held with the Manager of the Cultural
and Community Services to identify ways in which input
from the Post School Psychological Service would be
Outcomes (including timelines)
Further arrangements have been made to meet with the
project co-ordinator of “New Approaches” (a training
provider) and with the team leader in the council’s
Training and Learning Centre, to identify in detail what
services can be delivered.
One aim of discussions will be to link these services more
closely with the processes in secondary schools to identify
school leaver’s with additional support needs.
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
PPS service(s) delivered
Outcomes (including timelines)
Community Education
Clackmannan College of Further Education.
Links established with various key personnel
including the principal.
2. Regular consultancy services in place with support for
learning and special needs staff.
3. Individual work undertaken with a small number of
The college is now deriving more relevant and detailed
information for the future needs process relating to
students who will proceed to the special needs “extension”
A shared framework of assessment between special school
and college, relating to students with severe learning
difficulties, is in the process of development.
Process of individualised planning for young people on
extension and “work step” courses has been improved.
A review system is now in place for young people
identified as having additional support needs which
ensures appropriate input from social work services and
the “supported employment” scheme post college.
The college has been supported in establishing a child
protection policy and guidelines.
Work has been planned to assist the senior management of
the college in their decision making process.
PSPS Update: March 2005
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Dundee Educational Psychology Service
St Ninian’s Primary School
Dochart Terrace
Tel: 01382 432980
Elizabeth A Holmes – Pathfinder Educational
Ian Barron – Pathfinder Educational Psychologist
Les Meade – Principal Educational Psychologist
Stakeholder focus
Further education – Dundee College
Careers Scotland
Local Training Providers
PPS services delivered or
planning to be delivered
Negotiating service level agreements and developing a
plan for partnership working
Membership of:
 Tayside cluster group
 Dundee community guidance group
 Dundee College/ Dundee Educational Psychology
Partnership Group
 Dundee City Council transition group
 Person-centred planning educational department
 Local Get Ready for Work Forum
 Discussion about methods for assessing literacy
(Ergo – Helm Training)
 In dialogue about the development of a literacy
support group for young adults (Ergo – Helm
 Assisting in the process of reviewing policy
guidelines for Child Protection, Dyslexia,
Inclusiveness (Dundee College)
Assessment and Intervention
 In discussion about the use of video to help staff
reflection on communication (Careers Service)
Training and development
 Planning for delivery of training in solution-focused
approaches (Ergo – Helm Training)
 In discussion about training in challenging
behaviour, developmental disorders, dyslexia,
learning styles, motivation, anger management
(Dundee College)
 Awareness-raising, interactive presentations to
Dundee College and GRFW about the role of the EP
and developing partnership working
Projects and Action research
 In the process of evaluating the use of person-centred
planning for secondary school transition processes (in
liaison with EPiT)
 Negotiating case study project – tracking the
experiences of young people through the transition
process from school to post-school (in liaison with
 In discussion about a survey of young people’s views
about the transition process and the world of
PSPS Update: March 2005
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
PPS service(s) delivered
Outcomes (including timelines)
City of Edinburgh Psychological Services
Anne Renwick, Anne Mallinson and Hatty Chick
154 McDonald Road, Edinburgh, EH7 4NN
0131 469 2800 email
Stevenson Further Education College, Telford Further
Education College, Jewel and Esk Further Education
College, Local Inclusion Projects (i.e.15-24, 20:20), local
secondary schools and local special schools, training
provider forum, local Social Work, Careers Scotland
 Inset to 15-24 Keyworkers (Introduction to
 Consultation to cluster transition working group
for mainstream students with moderate learning
difficulties for pilot in Edinburgh
 Co-ordination and facilitation of multi-agency
parental drop in ‘transition’ sessions in one
particular secondary school.
 Established transition interest group in City of
Edinburgh Psychological service
 Consultation with group established for looked
after and accommodated young people returning to
foster parents at time of transition
 Consultation and links with Through-care and
 Presentation at training providers forum
 Establishment of links with stakeholders involved
with the transition to post school provision of
young people with severe and complex additional
support needs
 Links and dialogue established with 15-24 keyworkers, consideration of revision of referral
process for this service, ongoing exploration
development opportunities with careers March
2006 and ongoing
 Psychological service input into new initiative
impacting on mainstream students with moderate
learning difficulties in Edinburgh : August 2005
initial pilot established
 Piloting of transition form for students from one
particular secondary school to one Further
Education College. Dissemination event regarding
this pilot to be held with FE colleges in June 2005
Consultation around transition in the light of the
Additional Support Needs Act as part of
development of mainstream service. November
2004 and ongoing
Link and dialogue established with group for
looked after and accommodated young people.
Input from our service acknowledged as useful and
for future reference: March 2005 and ongoing
Link and dialogue established with Through-care
and After-care team March 2005 and ongoing
Links made with training providers April 2005 and
Further research to be undertaken regarding best
practice for transition of young people with severe
and complex additional support needs in an attempt
to impact on current system across several
stakeholders March 2005 – March 2006
PSPS Update: March 2005
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
PPS service(s) delivered
Outcomes (including timelines)
Falkirk Council Psychological Service
Graeme King, Park Street, Falkirk. FK1 1RE. 01324
Transition documentation (inc. CSPs), mental wellbeing,
Information sharing.
Consultation and advice to Training Providers, Falkirk
College, Social Work Services, Careers Scotland,
Voluntary Agencies. Staff Development and Training –
ADHD, Dyslexia, Mental Health First Aid, Managing and
Controlling Stress.
Phase 1 Initiation August 1 2004 to November 30
Make contact with representatives of other agencies
Design prospectus
Gather evidence base (Staff training and
development needs in other agencies, existing
transition arrangements)
Identify key areas for action
Maintaining working links with strategic officers
from Scottish Executive
Establish steering group from within Falkirk Council
Psychological Service
Maintain working links with existing networks
(Beattie, PSPS, PDP)
Phase 2 Planning December 1 2004 to May 31
Create overview of work allocation / remit
Negotiation with representatives of other agencies
Refine evidence base
Refine key areas for action
Phase 3 Implementation December 1 2004 to July
30 2006
Offer staff training and development
Deliver projects in at least two areas ASL Act,
Adolescent Mental Health, Transition documents,
(other topics may arise from 2 above)
Pilot and evaluate Coordinated Support Plans
Phase 4 Evaluation August 1 2005 to July 30 2006
Evaluate services provided by the Post School
Psychological Service
Report on evaluation to PSPS steering group, SEED,
Falkirk Council, other agencies
PSPS Update: March 2005
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Fife Council Psychological Service
Auchterderran Resources Centre
Woodend Road
Fife KY5 0NE
01592 414752
Stakeholder focus
PPS service(s) delivered
Outcomes (including timelines)
At present the Service is aiming to consolidate, and to
some extent systematise, existing practice, particularly in
relation to FE Colleges. New links with Training Providers
are being developed through the Fife Enterprise managed
Get Ready For Work Network. We need to develop
increased awareness and links with other agencies outwith
this sector who are working with vulnerable young people
at the post school stage.
We have continued to offer FE Colleges the range of
services previously identified, derived from the roles
described in the literature. With the GRFW network there
has been a more specific emphasis on issues raised by
Challenging Behaviour, and an initial request for training
in this area has been developed as an audit of practice,
problems and training needs. As a result of this the
development and delivery of a more structured training
programme, in collaboration with others, is being
Key targets and outcomes at present relate to;
 Establishing a development plan for post school
work, as one theme within the next Service
Development Plan. This will be completed by
summer 2005.
 Mapping and establishing links with all agencies and
service providers working with the post school
population. This is ongoing work.
 Auditing training requirements in the post school
sector, identifying key areas where the Service can
contribute independently or collaboratively. Phase 1
of this activity, focusing on the GRFW network to be
completed by summer 2005.
PSPS Update: March 2005
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Glasgow City
Brenda Wallace Area Principal Psychologist North East
Stakeholder focus
Training Providers
Young People
Educational Psychologists
The focus is on the disengaged within mainstream schools
and therefore there is a need for involvement of all staff
within the service. There is a link psychologist within each
area team who meet as a group to develop aspects of this
new service.
PSPS service(s) delivered
Audit of Training Providers – report in preparation.
Development of Transition Passport for use by young
This is currently being piloted, along with SELF (Social
and Emotional Learning Frame). This was described and
distributed at the PSPS Network meeting in February.
Action research on motivation and client engagement in
the EVIP cohort (Enhanced Vocational Inclusion
Collation of Resources for all psychologists.
Seminar for all staff planned for August 2005 to share
developments and discuss transition arrangements within
all secondary schools.
Outcomes (including timelines)
Report of Training Providers audit Easter 2005
Ongoing development of Transition Passport ie
assessment framework
Portfolio of resources in each quadrant.
PSPS Update: March 2005
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Midlothian Council
Psychological Service
Greenhall Centre
EH23 4PE
01875 823699
Stakeholder focus
PPS service(s) delivered
Outcomes (including timelines)
Pan Lothian Cluster Group
Jewel & Esk College, Dalkeith
Midlothian Training Services
Careers Scotland/15-24 Project
Midlothian High Schools/Special Schools
Social Work Services
Eight weekly liaison group with Edinburgh and West
Lothian Pathfinder psychologists; joint publications
and training events
Planning with all local Stakeholders for transition
event/day in September 2005
Audit of training needs with Midlothian Training
Services completed; Service Level Agreement in draft
Audit of 15-24 Project completed
Audit of transition information from all Midlothian
High Schools + Special Education underway
Liaison with Social Work Services, specifically the
Through Care & After Care initiative underway
Draft Pathfinder brochure completed; eight weekly
meetings diaried; training event arranged for 20/4/05
 Midlothian Stakeholders training event diaried for
September 2005
 Midlothian Training Services Service Level
Agreement agreed 3/05; first training session with
under 16s programme staff arranged for 23/05/05.
Transition project with post 16s staff started 1/05 – to
be completed 7/05
 Information from High School audit to provide basis
for Midlothian transition event – to be completed 2/05
to 5/05 for event in 9/05
Link with Through Care & After Care initiative to be
developed 3/05 to 7/05
PSPS Update: March 2005
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
PPS service(s) delivered
Perth & Kinross
Careers Scotland
Perth College
Transition reference Group set up to include all key
stakeholders including Education, Social Work, Health,
FE, PSPS etc; DTS rep asked on for next meeting; agreed
need to ‘train’ depute head teachers with responsibility for
ASL on transition procedures/new transition form and
Careers Scotland
Video Enhanced Communication training to Careers
Scotland Team Manager offered.
Continuation of VEC work with Include workers carried
out by SO’s offered as part of peer supervision support.
Perth College
Development of transition form.
Selected case studies to be followed through transition
Ongoing consultation service.
Outcomes (including timelines)
PSPS Update: March 2005
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
South Lanarkshire Council Psychological Service
1. Audit of the transition process in all South
Lanarkshire Council secondary schools.
2. In-service training at South Lanarkshire College
3. Development of an index of Inclusiveness in FE
4. Development of a local strategy to prevent young
people entering the NEET group.
5. Consultation with Additional Supports needs staff at
South Lanarkshire College.
6. Consultation with Careers Scotland.
7. Contact with Community Learning Disability Group
PPS service(s) delivered
1. All colleagues were invited to contact key personnel
in each secondary school, including specialist
provision, to give them an introductory paper prior to
contact being made by the PSPS Group. A
questionnaire has been devised and interviews are
currently being conducted by the three Educational
Psychologists in the PSPS Group in all of the schools.
2. An introductory presentation on solution focused
approaches has been given; two others were planned
but have been postponed.
3. A draft paper to assist FE staff in evaluating the level
of Inclusiveness in FE has been produced and is
currently being trialled with all the Additional needs
Support staff at South Lanarkshire College.
4. Preliminary ideas for this project have been discussed
by the PSPS Group.
5. Meetings are being held every 6-8 weeks and one
presentation has been made to the College
Management Team to promote further work in the
College concerning Inclusiveness and developments
by the College to become involved with the NEET
group of young people.
6. Regular meetings have been arranged with the
Inclusiveness Project team [ Positive Futures ] and the
Keyworkers have a Consultation proforma from the
PSPS Group with an open invitation for contact by
phone, letter or email. Contact has been made with
careers Advisors who work in specialist schools for
regular meetings.
7. One member of the PSPS Group attends the meetings
which take place every six weeks.
Outcomes (including timelines)
It is expected that a preliminary analysis of the
questionnaire/interview responses will started on
Monday 4th April 2005. It is planned that a draft
document comprising best features/desirable practices
in transitions will be available for consultation with
key stakeholders in July 2005 and a final report
produced in October 2005.
Very favourable evaluation comments were received
from the participants.
A draft paper has been produced by one of the PSPS
Group and an Educational Psychologist in Training as
part of the course requirements for the M.Sc. Course
at Strathclyde University. Staff development
requirements resulting from this exercise will inform
the In-service action plans for one member of the
PSPS Group.
A written project proposal will be produced by a
member of the PSPS Group by 1st October 2005
A dialogue has been established with the Vice
principal at the College and research reports have
been forwarded to him by a member of the PSPS
The offer for Consultation has not yet been taken up
by colleagues from Careers Scotland.
One member of the PSPS Group has participated in
developing a training package for staff working with
people who have learning disabilities; this has been
carried out with colleagues from South Lanarkshire
PSPS Update: March 2005
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stirling Council
Jenni Barr, Psychological Service, Langgarth, Viewforth,
FK8 2HA, 01786 442530,
Stakeholder focus
Council –Children’s services education, SW and
Community services
Training providers
College (1 of 2 to date)
Support agencies
PPS service(s) delivered
1. Helped reframe the Transitions forum to assist
youngsters with a disability in gaining access to adult
Invited to set up a strategic group for Transition issues
involving key personnel in Children’s Services –
Education and Social Work and Community Services
3. Organising Council development day for 50 invitees
(council personnel, representatives from all Secondary
schools, Careers, colleges, service providers, health)
One of a series of 3 planned days to look at enhancing
the Staged Intervention process in the schools for
identification and transition planning for vulnerable
young people and to enhance liaison with the postschool sector. Secured joint funding from Education
and Community Services.
4. Key task with social work colleagues and others to
create flow-charts that show how decisions are taken
when young people are identified to be vulnerable at
transition. A structure that is now proving useful for a
number of purposes – clarifying and sorting areas
where decisions have been unclear; supporting with
more detailed flowcharts at points where clarification
required; laying out the structure so it can be used in
training with other agencies etc.
5. Ongoing regular consultancy to the Compass
partnership (which co-ordinates several support
agencies in working with vulnerable young people)
6. Specific training events for Compass, and more
planned for college and training providers
7. Consultancy to college over ASN Bill and proposed
college merger (focus on services for vulnerable
Outcomes (including timelines)
Revision of the structure completed end February.
New role as consultant in the new forum – ongoing.
2. Council Strategic group being established March 2005.
3. Training days set for May, Sept 2005 and Feb 2006
4. First drafts complete. To complete by May 2005.
5. Dates to meet with Compass team set to August 2005
6. One training delivered, 2 more in planning
7. Regular dates for meetings set with one college, the
other looking to offer invitations (already working
with another pathfinder psychologist)
PSPS Update: March 2005
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
West Lothian Psychological Service
Blackburn Local Employment Scheme
PPS service(s) delivered
Staff session on Solution Focused approach.
Work with management team on interviewing young
Outcomes (including timelines)
Follow up session with staff team to look at examples of
problems and best practice. Feed this into W L Transition
working group
Pathfinder Service
(including contact details)
Stakeholder focus
West Lothian Psychological Service
Oatridge College of FE
PPS service(s) delivered
Following discussion with management, meeting with
group of 15 teaching staff to identify training needs and
discuss my role.
Outcomes (including timelines)
A range of themes emerged. Presently arranging several
short sessions around these, including problem-solving
framework, proactive rather than reactive interviewing,
ADHD, managing young people with ASN in range of
learning situations. Menu of inputs to be offered.
Complete this work by June