Legend Hunters: Noah`s Ark

Legend Hunters
Episode One: Legend Hunters: the Holy Grail
The legend of the Holy Grail is the greatest unsolved mystery of the last two thousand years.
The cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper has inspired countless searches in numerous
countries by adventurers, knights and kings. Believed to confer power and immortality on those
who possess it, it has so far remained an elusive relic. But new evidence has turned up. We will
follow two of the world’s most experienced Holy Grail hunters, Graham Phillips and Henry
Lincoln, to stunning and remote locations in France and England. Supported by expert
interviews, we’ll learn that both adventurers have made startling new discoveries that
revolutionize the whole concept of an ancient and enduring legend.
Episode Two: Legend Hunters: Noah’s Ark
The story of Noah’s Ark is one of the most enduring tales of the Old Testament. Thought to rest
on the peak of Mount Ararat in Turkey, discovery of the Ark has been the focus of many explorers
throughout the ages. From mountaineers hauling advanced ground penetrating radar up the
mountain to satellite photo analysis, the search for Noah’s Ark has gone high-tech in the twentyfirst century. We will follow several individuals, men like Richard Rives, Dr. John Morris and Dr.
Charles Willis, who have made this search their life’s purpose and organizations such as Rex
Geissler’s Arc Imaging and LAND INFO that bring cutting edge technology to bear on the search
for this most ancient of holy artifacts.
Episode Three: Legend Hunters: the Holy Grail & Noah’s Ark (Above two episodes
The legend of the Holy Grail is the greatest unsolved mystery of the last two thousand years.
The cup used by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper has inspired countless searches in numerous
countries by adventurers, knights and kings. Believed to confer power and immortality on those
who possess it, it has so far remained an elusive relic. But new evidence has turned up. We will
follow two of the world’s most experienced Holy Grail hunters, Graham Phillips and Henry
Lincoln, to stunning and remote locations in France and England. Supported by expert
interviews, we’ll learn that both adventurers have made startling new discoveries that
revolutionize the whole concept of an ancient and enduring legend.
The story of Noah’s Ark is one of the most enduring tales of the Old Testament. Thought to rest
on the peak of Mount Ararat in Turkey, discovery of the Ark has been the focus of many explorers
throughout the ages. From mountaineers hauling advanced ground penetrating radar up the
mountain to satellite photo analysis, the search for Noah’s Ark has gone high-tech in the twentyfirst century. We will follow several individuals, men like Richard Rives, Dr. John Morris and Dr.
Charles Willis, who have made this search their life’s purpose and organizations such as Rex
Geissler’s Arc Imaging and LAND INFO that bring cutting edge technology to bear on the search
for this most ancient of holy artifacts.
Episode #4 – Bigfoot Hunters
Does an eight-foot-tall ape run wild in North America? Witnesses say they’ve seen it- even
captured it on film. Yet many still claim it is only a myth-a monster story. In this episode of
Legend Hunters we investigate the well known, yet strictly secret, “Monster Central” where our
hunters lead us in an exploration in a place, never before shown on film.
Episode #5 – Ghost Hunters
Thousands claim to have seen ghosts, yet their nature remains elusive. What are they exactly?
Why do they haunt certain places? Are they trying to communicate with us? In this episode of
Legend Hunters, we follow our investigators who, will try to put a name, and maybe even a face
to ghosts who have been haunting us for decades.
Episode #6 – Alien Hunters
Every year, thousands of people all over the world report seeing an unidentified flying object, or
UFO. There are also numerous and eerily similar stories of people being abducted by alien
creatures, reports of unexplained crop circles and cattle mutilations. This overwhelming body of
evidence leads our investigators to ask, "If it isn’t aliens, what is it?" In this episode of Legend
Hunters, we follow the world’s leading researchers in their quest to once and for all solve one of
the greatest mysteries of the modern world and perhaps prove that we are indeed not alone.
Episode #7 – Myths of the Iroquois
The Iroquois are a people whose history is steeped in folklore and legend. They are a nation of
storytellers. A nation of secrets. In this episode of Legend Hunters we follow author Mason
Winfield as he digs deep within this fascinating culture and uncovers the secrets behind the
legends. False Faces and Little People are only a few of the myths he examines while he
immerses himself in the Iroquois community. Little does he know that his research will lead him
to an ancient Iroquois burial ground and an exorcism that went horribly wrong.
Episode #8 – The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant
The legendary Ark of the Covenant, a golden chest that holds the original Ten Commandments,
has been missing for over 1000 years. In this episode of Legend Hunters, our hunters will try and
find it. By following archaeological clues and historical records, Graham Phillips believes he has
proven that the Ark of the Covenant was brought from historical Mount Sinai to England by the
Knights Templar following their expulsion from the Holy Lands during the Second Crusade. We
join him and his team in England where he examines and deciphers clues to the Ark's
whereabouts left by the Knights Templar themselves. Will they uncover the lost Ark of the
Covenant? Will they discover some other relics of biblical days?
Episode #9 – Sea Monsters
Since ancient times, water has been a source of fear. Humans cannot conquer it, cannot
understand it and can never hope to tame the legendary creatures hidden beneath the surface.
Until now. In this episode of Legend Hunters, we will follow an eye witness who has been hunting
the elusive creatures for over a decade. He and his team of divers and technical advisors will
travel to British Columbia, Canada to once and for all discover the truth behind the creatures of
the deep.