Queens Botanical Garden Learning Experiences New York State Core Curriculum in Science, and the New York City K-8 Science Scope and Sequence Education Department, Queens Botanical Garden, Flushing, NY GSW = GreenSchool Workshop; PDW = Professional Development Workshop Grade 7 7 7 7 7 NYC Scope & Sequence Unit Unit 1 – Geology Unit 2 – Interactions between Matter and Energy Unit 4 – Dynamic Equilibrium: Other Organisms Unit 4 – Dynamic Equilibrium: Other Organisms Unit 4 – Dynamic Equilibrium: Other Organisms Focus Question How is the earth structured? What is photosynthesis and how is important to life on earth? What are plant structures and how do they function? How do botanists use microscopes to view plants? How do botanists use dichotomous keys? NYS Major Understandings NYC Core Science Materials Unit PS 2.1d The majority of the lithosphere is covered by a relatively thin layer of water called the hydrosphere. SEPUP – Issues and Earth Science LE 6.2a Photosynthesis is carried on by green plants and other organisms containing chlorophyll. LE 6.2c Green plants are the producers of food which is used directly or indirectly by consumers LE 1.1f Many plants have roots, stems, leaves, and reproductive structures. LE 5.1d Producers, such as green plants, use light energy to make their food. LE Skill 1 manipulate a compound microscope to view microscopic objects LE Skill 3 prepare a wet mount slide GS Skill 6 Develop and use a dichotomous key Guided Programs and Exhibits Conceptual Focus Earth’s surface is shaped in part by the motion of water (including ice) and wind over long times… Plants use the energy from light to make sugars from carbon dioxide and water…Plant One of the most general distinctions among organisms is between plants, which use sunlight to make their own food, and animals, which consume energy-rich foods. Microscopes are used to view object too small for the naked eye Dichotomous keys are used to sort and identify organisms Glencoe New York Science FOSS – Chemical Interactions Glencoe New York City Delta Customized Kit: Investigations with Protozoa, Plants, and Snails Delta Customized Kit: Investigations with Protozoa, Plants, and Snails Delta Customized Kit: Investigations with Protozoa, Plants, and Snails QBG / Education Plant Propagation Biomes – rainforest, desert, urban environment Interdependence Biomes – rainforest, desert, urban environment Trees and Our Environment Plant Propagation Most Garden Exhibits DRAFT Feb 08 Grade 8 8 8 8 8 8 NYC Scope & Sequence Unit Unit 1 – Reproduction, Heredity, and Evolution Unit 1 – Reproduction, Heredity, and Evolution Unit 1 – Reproduction, Heredity, and Evolution Unit 1 – Reproduction, Heredity, and Evolution Unit 1 – Reproduction, Heredity, and Evolution Unit 2 – Humans in their Environment Focus Question NYS Major Understandings How do plants grow and develop? LE 4.3e Patterns of development vary among plants. In seedbearing plants, seeds contain stored food for early development. How do botanists use microscope to view plants? LE Skill 1 Manipulate a compound microscope to view microscopic objects How do scientists analyze patterns? GS Skill 4 Recognize and analyze patterns and trends What is sexual reproduction in plants? LE 4.1c Methods of sexual reproduction depend upon the species. All methods involve the merging of sex cells to begin the development of a new individual. What adaptations do plants exhibit in the desert and rainforest? LE 3.1b Changes in environmental conditions can affect the survival of individual organisms with a particular trait… What affect does pollution have on wetlands? LE 7.2d Since the Industrial Revolution, human activities have resulted in major pollution of air, water, and soil…. NYC Core Science Materials Unit Science and Life Issues: Unit F (Evolution) Glencoe NY Science Unit 1 Guided Programs and Exhibits Plant Propagation Trees and Our Environment Honeybees and Pollination Biomes – rainforest, desert, urban environment All Garden Exhibits Science and Life Issues: Unit F (Evolution) Glencoe NY Science Unit 1 Science and Life Issues: Unit F (Evolution) Glencoe NY Science Unit 1 Science and Life Issues: Unit F (Evolution) Glencoe NY Science Unit 1 Science and Life Issues: Unit F (Evolution) Glencoe NY Science Unit 1 How to Make Your Science Project Scientific Glencoe NY Science QBG / Education What Makes a Scientist – Dr. George Washington Carver Plant Propagation Honeybees and Pollination Perennial Garden, Greenhouse, Bee Garden, Rose Garden, Pinetum Biomes – rainforest, desert, urban environment Plant Propagation All Garden Exhibits Round and Round It Goes Visitor and Administration Building and Landscapes Wetland Garden Biomes – urban environment Conceptual Focus Various organs and tissues function to serve the needs of all cells for food, air, and waste removal… Microscopes are used to view object too small for the naked eye Use inductive reasoning to construct, evaluate, and validate conjectures and arguments, recognizing that patterns and relationships In sexual reproduction, a single specialized cell from a female merges with a specialized cell from a male Similarities among organisms are found in internal features and patterns of development The environment may contain dangerous levels of substances that are harmful to human beings… DRAFT Feb 08 Grade 8 NYC Scope & Sequence Unit Unit 2 – Humans in their Environment Focus Question How does habitat destruction impact our health and environment? NYS Major Understandings LE 7.2c Human activities can bring about environmental degradation… IPS 1.1 Analyze science / society problems and issues at the local level and plan and carry out a remedial course of action. NYC Core Science Materials Unit How to Make Your Science Project Scientific Glencoe NY Science QBG / Education Guided Programs and Exhibits Biomes – rainforest, desert, urban environment Trees and Our Environment Round and Round It Goes Interdependence Conceptual Focus In agriculture, as in all technologies, there are always tradeoffs to be made… DRAFT Feb 08