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The Sportivate & Satellite Club Awards – Project/Club and Participant of the Year 2015
In November/December 2015 Sport England will hold the fourth annual Sportivate Awards
alongside the second annual Satellite Club Awards. These awards will recognise the community sports clubs that are making
sport happen via satellite clubs and the individual young people benefiting from them.
The Awards will feature two separate categories:
The Satellite Club of the Year
This category celebrates clubs who are establishing satellite clubs and inspiring young people to sustain their participation in
sport. The top three satellite clubs of the year nationally will receive a prize of sports equipment vouchers which can be spent on
equipment for the club and will be presented with their awards at a prestigious national awards ceremony in London during
November/December 2015.
Regional winners will also be selected and receive awards at special ceremonies hosted locally by CSPs.
The Satellite Club Participant of the year
The category celebrates the positive effects that satellite clubs are making to individual young people. The top three participants
will be presented with their prizes at a prestigious national awards ceremony in London during November/December 2015.
Regional winners will also be selected and receive awards at special ceremonies hosted locally by CSPs.
The application process
Each county sport partnership (CSP) or national governing body (NGB) can nominate one satellite club and up to three
participants. Entrants should complete the nomination form (with support from the CSP/NGB if required) to demonstrate how they
successfully meet the criteria, as detailed below. Satellite club nominations can score a maximum of 20 points while individual
nominations can score a maximum of 15 points.
Photographs and/or videos can be submitted to support a nomination, however only the nomination form will be scored.
The satellite club must have started after 1st April 2014 and be sustained by 31st March 2015.
The satellite club participant of the year entrant must have agreed to have their story shared with media and must be
willing to be interviewed if they are selected as one of the top three participants. The satellite club participant should
have taken part in a satellite club between 1st April 2014 and 31st March 2015.
From the nominations, a panel comprising of representatives from Sport England will select an outstanding satellite club and
participant from each region. Each regional winner will be presented with a trophy in recognition of their achievements. CSPs
and NGBs whose satellite clubs feature as a regional winner will receive a template press release and will be encouraged to
publicise their winners during October and November 2015. Any events held by CSPs in support of regional winners may be
attended by Sport England colleagues dependent upon availability.
Satellite Club of the Year Nominations
Nominations should be submitted using the nomination form below.
Nominations should provide a brief introduction to the satellite club, explaining why it is exceptional and any other interesting
information, such as examples of outstanding coaches, inspirational participants, overcoming challenges and unusual elements
of the satellite club.
Satellite clubs should demonstrate their innovation and success in one or more of the following categories on which it will be
Sustain (5 Points)
Sustainability of participation (compulsory)
 How has the satellite club/hub club ensured that it is sustainable and/or that participants transition into appropriate
exit routes?
 What has the satellite club/hub club done to make it easier for the participants to sustain their participation in sport?
Engage (5 Points)
Engaging participants and ensuring they attend regularly (compulsory)
How has the satellite club/hub club created an unmissable experience to ensure that as many participants as
possible attend and continue to attend?
How has the satellite club/hub club made it convenient for young people to take part?
Inactive (5 Points)
Reaching the correct target audience (compulsory)
 How has the satellite club/hub club targeted inactive or inconsistently active young people?
 Has the satellite club/hub club considered activities that meet the needs of this target group of young people?
Wider Impact (5 Points)
Examples of demonstration wider impact may include:
Youth Insight;
 Has the satellite club reflected the attitudes and behaviours of the young people in their delivery?
Working with underrepresented young people e.g. women and girls, disabled young people or older age groups;
 Has the project targeted a particular group of participants? If so what strategies did the satellite club/hub club
employ to engage them and market the club?
Partnership working;
 Has the hub club engaged new partners in the delivery of the satellite club? Who did they involve and how did they
involve them
Nominations for Participant of the Year
Nominations should be submitted using the nomination form below along with its attached permission slip. Nominations will be
assessed based on their demonstration of how satellite clubs can help sustain young people into long term participation in sport,
have a demonstrable personal or social impact and also their newsworthiness.
Personal Stories (10 Points)
Nominations should provide a brief description of the young person and how the satellite club and sport has positively impacted
on their life. This should include a description that shows that the young person comes from the correct target group i.e. that they
were not participating regularly in sport prior to attending the satellite club and that they have continued to participate regularly
Some examples of stories which may be newsworthy include a young person who:
- has changed their sporting behaviour due to a satellite club
- was inactive but recognised the benefits of sport as a motivation to become active
- was unhappy or lacked confidence and has found self-belief through sport
- having shown a talent for the sport, has progressed on to the talent pathway
- was inspired by the satellite club/hub club and has become a
- was facing personal/social challenges which attending the satellite club has helped to
- has found a sport that suits them having come from an inactive/irregularly active
External factors which affected their involvement (5 Points)
Nominations should provide a brief description of the satellite club and how it helped the young person to get hooked on sport?
Why did they choose to participate in the satellite club? Why did they enjoy the sport? What was it about the experience that they
enjoyed so much?
Please note that each section on the nomination forms has an allotted word count which must be adhered to. To make the
nomination process fair, points will be deducted from the nomination form’s overall score during peer review where the word
count is exceeded.
How to submit a nomination for Satellite Club and/or Participant of the Year
Nomination forms must be submitted by nominees through their respective CSP or NGB. Where CSPs or NGBs have more than
the required number of nominations for each category they will be expected to undertake their own internal assessment of the
nominations before selecting satellite clubs for consideration at the national peer review.
Recognition for the top three satellite clubs:
Sport England will reward the top three outstanding satellite clubs nationally with vouchers to the value of £750 for first prize,
£500 for second prize and £250 for third prize (details TBC). These can then be used to buy equipment for the club. Sport
England will also support CSPs and NGBs with any media and communications work undertaken for either regional winners or
national finalists.
Recognition for the top three participants:
The top three participants nationally will receive a prize TBC. Sport England will also support CSPs and NGBs with any media
and communications work undertaken for either regional winners or national finalists.
Travel Expenses – national final
Sport England will cover same-day travel expenses for finalists and a CSP or NGB representative attending the national awards
ceremony in London. All bookings will be made by CSPs who will then invoice Sport England for the necessary costs. Further
details will be provided when the three national finalists are notified.
Satellite Club Awards 2015 Nomination Form – Satellite Club of the Year
Satellite club ID (from portal):
Satellite club name (optional):
Satellite club venue:
Hub club:
Organiser and contact Details:
Setting and context:
Target age or demographic:
Number of engaged participants:
Bring your club to life (200 word limit)
You should provide a brief introduction to the satellite club, explaining why it is exceptional and any other unique or interesting
information such as examples of engaging delivery, inspirational participants, challenges overcome and any unusual or
interesting elements of the satellite club.
Please complete the following areas:
Strategies employed for sustaining the transition into long term participation in community sport (5 points). Why have
they worked? (100 word limit)
How has the satellite club/hub club ensured that it is sustainable and/or
that participants transition into appropriate exit routes?
What has the satellite club/hub club done to make it easier for the
participants to sustain their participation in sport?
Engagement strategies employed and the results (5 points). Why have they worked? (100 word limit)
How has the satellite club/hub club created an unmissable experience to
ensure that as many participants as possible attend and continue to
How has the satellite club/hub club made it convenient for young people
to take part?
Targeting Inactive Young People (5 points). How did they create an unmissable experience? (100 word limit)
How has the satellite club/hub club targeted inactive or inconsistently
active young people?
Has the satellite club/hub club considered activities that meet the needs
of this target group of young people?
Wider Impact including use of the youth insight in the planning and development of the satellite club, personal and
social outcomes achieved and partnership working (5 points, include any relevant quotes) (100 word limit)
Youth Insight;
Has the satellite club reflected the attitudes and behaviours of the young
people in their delivery?
Working with underrepresented young people e.g. women and girls, disabled young people or older age groups;
Has the project targeted a particular group of participants? If so what
strategies did the satellite club/hub club employ to engage them and
market the club?
Partnership working;
Has the hub club engaged new partners in the delivery of the satellite
club? Who did they involve and how did they involve them?
Please note the allotted word count for each section must be adhered to. Points will be deducted from the overall score where
this is exceeded.
Satellite Club Awards 2015 Nomination Form – Participant of the Year
Satellite club ID (from portal):
Participant name:
Satellite club location:
Hub club name:
Prime hub/satellite club contact details:
Why are you nominating this participant as the satellite club participant of the year? 10 points (200 word limit)
Please explain:
How the participant is exceptional;
How they have changed as a result of getting involved in sport;
Any challenges they have overcome etc.
Nominations should provide a brief description of the young person and how the satellite club and sport has positively
impacted on them. This should include a description that shows that the young person comes from the correct target
group i.e. that they were not participating regularly in sport prior to attending the satellite club and that they have
continued to participate regularly afterwards.
Some examples of stories which may be newsworthy include a young person who:
- has changed their sporting behaviour due to a satellite club
- was inactive but recognised the benefits of sport as a motivation to become
- was unhappy or lacked confidence and has found self-belief through sport
- having shown a talent for the sport, has progressed on to the talent pathway
- was inspired by the satellite club/hub club and has become a
- was facing personal/social challenges which attending the satellite club has
helped to overcome
- has found a sport that suits them having come from an inactive/irregularly
active background.
Which satellite club did the participant attend? How did it help the young person get involved in sport? 5 points (150
word limit)
Nominations should provide a brief description of the satellite club and how it helped the young person to get hooked
on sport? Why did they choose to participate in the satellite club? Why did they enjoy the sport? What was it about the
experience that they enjoyed so much?
Please note the allotted word count for each section must be adhered to. Points will be deducted from the overall score where
this is exceeded.
I can/cannot confirm that the participant has given their consent to be nominated and, if they are a winner, to be
interviewed (please delete as appropriate) and for their personal details and story to be published via electronic and
traditional media and press.
If the nominated participant is under the age of16 at the time of application I can/cannot confirm that the parent or
guardian has given consent for the participant’s personal information to be used in the way described above and that
we have a wet copy of the participant or parent/guardian’s signature on record should this be required.
CSP/NGB satellite club lead name: