A MULTIVARIATE OPTIMAL INTERPOLATION SCHEME FOR DATA ASSIMILATION IN A GLOBAL OCEAN GENERAL CIRCULATION MODEL. A. Bellucci, S.Masina and P. Di Pietro (Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy) We present the development and first applications of an ocean data assimilation (ODA) system based on a reduced order multivariate optimal interpolator (OI) scheme combined with a global ocean general circulation model (OGCM). The present ODA system – developed within the framework of the EU ENACT (Enhanced Ocean Data Assimilation and Climate Prediction) Project and undergoing further extensions within the EU ENSEMBLES Project - has been used to produce an extensive set of analyses, for different data stream lengths and by assimilating vertical temperature and salinity profiles. The impact of assimilating observed hydrographic data on the ocean mean state and temporal variability is assessed. A special focus of the present work is on the ODA system skill in reproducing a realistic ocean salinity state. In particular the salinity sensitivity analysis to the horizontal and temporal resolution of the EOF data set will be investigated. performed experiments are summarised in Table 1. 1. The ODA system. The reduced order optimal interpolation SOFA 3.0 scheme (De Mey and Benkiran, 2002) is used to 2. The impact of assimilation on the model assimilate observed vertical temperature and mean state and time variability. salinity profiles from the ENACT in situ data set The impact of temperature assimilation on the (Ingleby and Huddleston, 2006). Order reduction is model mean state and temporal variability is achieved by projecting the state vector onto modelsummarized in figures 1-2, where results from an derived bivariate (temperature and salinity) vertical analysis for the 1962-2001 stream obtained by empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) and then assimilating only temperature, but correcting truncating the EOF expansion to the dominant 10 salinity as well through EOF-derived correlations modes. In the EOF computation a domain splitting (hereafter OI(T)) are shown. Levitus climatology approach has been adopted, consisting in the will be adopted as an observational reference. partition of the global ocean domain into 21 subregions characterised by homogenous dynamical regimes. The guess error correlation is based on a space-time analytical Gaussian model, with isotropic and homogenous correlation radii of 300 Km and 7 days for all modes. The observational error is assumed to be uncorrelated in space and time. The SOFA is combined with a global OGCM (OPA 8.2;Madec et al. 1998) having a 2° horizontal resolution everywhere, except for the 20N-20S latitude belt, where the meridional grid-spacing is progressively decreased to 0.5°. The present ODA system has been used to produce an extensive set of global ocean analyses covering two different periods: the 1962-2001 stream, and a shorter 1990-2001 stream. In order to evaluate the impact of the assimilation on the ocean state, a control run, where the model is simply forced with atmospheric fluxes but without assimilating any data, has also been performed. For each numerical experiment (assimilation and control), the surface temperatures are relaxed to Reynolds daily temperatures (Reynolds, 1988) with a 12 days restoring time scale (for a 50 m mixed layer thickness), while for surface salinity no Figure 1. OI(T)-Levitus (top panel) and CTRL-Levitus relaxation has been used. On the other hand a full (bottom panel) differences for climatological depth 3 years relaxation to Levitus climatology is temperature at 100 m (oC). applied both on temperature and salinity. The Temperature residuals with respect to Levitus, at 100 m, appear to be considerably reduced after assimilation has been applied (figure 1). Experiment Control OI(T) OI(T+S) OI(T+S)-HR Assimilated data No assim. T T,S T,S Integration/EOFs period (regions) 1962-2001 1962-2001 (21) 1962-2001 (21) 1990-2001 (195) Table 1. List of experiments. In the left column, the experiment label is indicated. In the mid column, the type of assimilated data is specified, with T and S denoting temperature and salinity, respectively. In the right column, the integration time interval (or, equivalently, the period over which the EOFs have been computed) is indicated, together with the number of regions used in the EOFs computation (in brackets). The impact of assimilation is particularly evident in the Northern Hemisphere, due to the higher data coverage. Temperature variability in the analysis is assessed against observations in the Tropical Pacific region. In figure 2 we show the analysis (and control) minus observations (collected from TAO moorings) root-mean-square (rms) as a function of depth, in the Nino3 and Nino4 areas. The largest deviations from observations are detected in the thermocline region, at about 100 and 200 meters depth, for the Nino3 and Nino4 areas, respectively. Figure 2: Vertical profiles of OI(T) (solid) and control (dashed) minus TAO observations rms for temperature in the Nino3 (red) and Nino4 (blue) areas. The rms profiles have been obtained by collecting all TAO data available in [160E,210E, 5S,5N] (Nino4) and [210E,270E, 5S,5N] (Nino3). The assimilation of vertical temperature profiles reduces the rms deviation from observations below 1 oC, with a sensible improvement with respect to the control experiment. If the benefits on the model temperature deriving from the assimilation of thermal profiles are evident, the impact on salinity state appears to be more problematic. The climatological surface salinity patterns diagnosed from the analysis and the control experiment, are compared to Levitus climatology (not shown). The analysis residuals computed with respect to Levitus exhibit a basin scale fresh anomaly extending over the subtropical and tropical North Atlantic areas of about 2 PSU, while discrepancies in the control show an overall smaller size anomaly in the same region. These results indicate that the corrections on salinity implied by the model T/S EOF statistics are not concurring to generate an improved (compared to the control experiment) surface salinity mean state. Deviations from salinity observations progressively decrease with depth, both in the control and the assimilation experiment. 3. Improving salinity representation by direct assimilation of vertical salinity profiles. A first step towards a better representation of salinity can be performed by including the available salinity observations in the assimilation hydrographic data set. However, since temperature observations numerically exceed the amount of salinity profiles, the resulting salinity analysis will be still partly depending upon the bivariate EOF statistics, whereby only temperature data are available. In order to test the impact of direct salinity assimilation on salinity analysis, an additional experiment assimilating both temperature and salinity profiles for the 1962-2001 stream has been performed, and it will be hereafter indicated as OI(T+S). In figure 3, the analysis-Levitus sea surface salinity residuals are shown for the two analyses in the North Atlantic. Climatological fields for the assimilation experiments have been computed over the entire stream length. Here we focus on the North Atlantic area, where the effects associated with the direct assimilation of salinity are particularly evident. The model surface salinity bias in the Gulf Stream region is sensibly reduced when salinity observations are assimilated. The long term variability of the upper ocean salt content is tested against salinity observations collected at Bermuda Hydrostation (BH) in the subtropical North Atlantic (64.5W, 32N). In figure 4 we show the salinity rms differences with respect to BH observations for OI(T), OI(T+S) and the control, at different levels in the top 500 meters. The occurrence of a strong freshening signal starting on 1995, deteriorates the representation of salinity in OI(T+S) and, to a lesser extent, OI(T) analyses. Hence we select two different periods for the rms computation, with and without the 19952001 tail. Figure 4: Vertical profiles of analysis (and control) minus observations root-mean-square for salinity at Bermuda Hydrostation (64.5W, 32N; in psu). The displayed curves refer to OI(T) (green), OI(T+S) (black) and control (red) experiments, for the 1962-1995 (solid) and 1962-2001 (dashed) periods. 4. Salinity analysis sensitivity to spatial and time resolution of the EOF data set. Figure 3: Analysis-Levitus sea surface salinity differences (PSU) in the North Atlantic region for the assimilation experiments (top) OI(T) and (bottom) OI(T+S). When only temperature is assimilated, salinity increments produce a sensible reduction of the salt content in the upper layers compared to observations, resulting in larger than 0.3 psu rms differences. After salinity assimilation is included, the departure from the observations in the rms sense reduces to less than 0.1 psu values before 1995, also improving the salinity representation with respect to the control experiment. The midnineties freshening, however, increases the OI(T+S) salinity deviation from the observations, with rms differences for the full length 1962-2001 stream sensibly larger than in the control experiment in the upper 150 meters. Two distinct causes seem to concur to create the mentioned late-90s freshening detected in OI(T+S) experiment. First it must be mentioned that most of the salinity data from Bermuda station did not pass the quality check from approximately 1995 onward, and therefore were not included in the assimilation data set. This in turn implies that salinity corrections in the last segment of the OI(T+S) time series are entirely based on the T/S EOFs. The inaccuracies associated with the salinity analysis then suggest that the T/S relationships embodied in the EOFs do not correctly parameterize the background error statistics. A further step towards a better salinity representation can be done by enhancing both the spatial and time resolution of the bivariate EOFs. For this purpose, a new experiment, indicated as OI(T+S)-Hr, is designed which makes use of a higher resolution domain partition for the EOF computation. In the new partition the domain is split into 195 regions, hence increasing by one order of magnitude the number of regions adopted in the first set of experiments. Using the high resolution partition, a new set of EOFs has been diagnosed from the control experiment, but only for the 1990-1999 time period. The new EOFs have been tested by producing an analysis starting from January 1990 initial conditions from OI(T+S) experiment, and covering the 1990-2001 period. Prediction) and ENSEMBLES (ENSEMBLE-based Predictions of Climate Changes and their Impacts) EU projects. References. De Mey, P. and M. Benkiran: A multivariate reducedorder optimal interpolation method and its application to the Mediterranean basin-scale circulation, In Ocean Forecasting: Conceptual basis and applications, Edited by N. Pinardi and J. D. Woods, Springer Verlag, 2002. Ingleby B. and M. Huddleston: Quality control of ocean temperature and salinity profiles: historical and real-time data, to appear on Journal of Marine Systems, 2006. Figure 5. Left panel: Mean salinity profile at Bermuda from OI(T+S) (black), OI(T+S)-Hr (magenta), control (red) and BH observations (blue). Right panel: As in figure 4, but for OI(T+S) (black), OI(T+S)-Hr (magenta) and the control (red). The statistics have been computed for the January 1990-December 2001 period. This particular decade was selected so as to correct the 90s North Atlantic freshening detected in the OI(T+S) experiment. The impact of the high resolution EOFs is evaluated by looking at the analyses and control statistics in Bermuda, for the 1990-2001 time interval. In figure 5 (left panel) we show the mean salinity profile at the BH location. A bias affecting salinity in both the control and OI(T+S) over most part of the water column appears to be reduced in the OI(T+S)-Hr analysis. Also, the mid-nineties freshening, responsible for the sub-surface salinity maximum breakdown in OI(T+S), is absent in the high resolution analysis (not shown). The improved EOF representation does not only impact on the mean salinity state, but it also concurs to sensibly reduce the distance from the observations in the rms sense (figure 5, right panel), with deviations of smaller amplitude compared to the control run. 5. Final remarks. The present results suggest that an improved representation of the ocean salinity state can be achieved by increasing the spatial and temporal resolution of the EOFs used to parameterize the background error covariance. A natural extension of this approach – currently under way - will be to increase the EOF spatial resolution up to the gridpoint scale and to use time dependent EOFs. Acknowledgements. The present work has been supported by ENACT(Enhanced Ocean Data Assimilation and Climate Madec, G., P. Delecleuse, M. Imbard, and C. Levy, 1998: OPA, release 8.1:Ocean general circulation model reference manual.LODYC/IPSL Tech. Note 11, Paris, France, 91 pp. Reynolds, R.W., 1988: A real-time global sea surface temperature analysis. J. Climate, 1, 75-86.