. 31 THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Minutes of the meeting of the Senate held in the Senate Room, The University of Western Australia, Crawley on Monday, 26 August 2013 PRESENT: The Chancellor (Dr M Chaney) in the Chair, the Pro Chancellor (Dr P Flett), the Vice-Chancellor (Professor P Johnson), Mr C Barnes, Mr J W Biggs, Ms G Bothe, Dr S Boyd, Mr F Cooper, Mr R Cooper, Mr S Dawkins, Ms M Dolin, Ms E Greeney, Dr L Hayes, Dr S Juniper, Professor N Laing, Professor A McKinley, Dr J O’Shea, Ms H Silbert. By Invitation: Acting Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Professor A Cameron) Secretariat: University Secretary (Ms D de Souza) Executive Director (Academic Services) and Registrar (Mr P Curtis) APOLOGIES: Professor J Cordery, Dr A Howarth, Mr J Inverarity. 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST - REF F4815 Mr Frank Cooper declared his role as Chair of the West Australian Football Commission in relation to ongoing negotiations between the West Coast Eagles and the University on the proposal to locate the West Coast Eagles training and administrative facilities at UWA Sports Park. Ms Hilary Silbert declared her membership of Graduate Women in relation to Item 8.1.2 UWA Academic Dress. Dr Jamie O’Shea and Dr Sato Juniper declared their interest as members of staff in Item 12 UWA 2020: Preparing for Success. The meeting noted that the declaration was in relation to perception of conflict only. Whilst elected members of staff they were not at meetings to represent those who had elected them, but to contribute to discussions and decisions which would be in the best interests of The University. 2. MINUTES RESOLVED – 43 that the minutes of the meeting of the Senate held on 24 June 2013 be confirmed. 3. APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS AND AWARDS OF TENURE In accordance with Senate Resolution 274/00 the information on appointments, promotions and awards of tenure detailed in Attachment A to Item 3 of the agenda was noted. 4. CONFERRAL OF DEGREES, DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES In accordance with Statute 14 clause (2)(2) made under the University of Western Australia Act 1911, members noted that on 22 July 2013 the Vice-Chancellor conferred the respective degrees, graduate diplomas and graduate certificates on the graduands listed at item 4 of the agenda. . 32 5. SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES 5.1 Report of the Chancellor’s Committee – Ref F746 Members noted the report of the meeting of the Chancellor’s Committee held on 13 August 2013. 5.2 Report of the External Environment Committee – Ref F11443 Members noted the report of the meeting of the External Environment Committee held on 7 August 2013. 5.3 Report of the Strategic Resources Committee held on 6 August 2013 – Ref F2586 Membership – Co-opted Member – Ref F13795 It was noted that Ms Julie O’Neill had been co-opted to the Strategic Resources Committee for a term of two years. 6. CONFERRING OF DEGREES, DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES 6.1 Conferring of Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates RESOLVED – 44 to confer their respective degrees, diplomas and certificates on the candidates listed at Item 6 of the agenda. 7. REPORT OF THE ACADEMIC BOARD Emeritus Professor – Ref F12209 On recommendation of the Academic Board it was RESOLVED – 45 that the title of Emeritus Professor be conferred upon Winthrop Professor Izan H Y Izan and Winthrop Professor Richard Mizerski from the date of their respective retirements from the University. 8. REPORTS OF THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL 8.1 Report of the Academic Council taken by Circular dated 9 May 2013 8.1.2 Statute 11 - UWA Academic Dress – Ref F18312, F10959, F35047 It was noted that in light of the introduction of New Courses a review of the University’s academic dress had been undertaken. The review of academic dress addressed the following: Colours for new awards: Advanced Diploma in Legal Studies Advanced Diploma in Medical and Aboriginal Health Sciences Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Commerce Bachelor of Design . 33 Bachelor of Science Bachelor of Philosophy and Master of Philosophy Changes to the form of the University’s academic dress for the: Graduates of undergraduate degrees, certificates, diplomas and advanced diplomas Graduates of an undergraduate honours degree PhD graduates and Higher doctorate graduates The Academic Council had endorsed the recommendations and amendments to Statute 11. In response to a question, the Registrar confirmed that the Director, Student Services had given early advice to “Graduate Women” (a supplier of academic regalia) with regard to impending changes, together with an assurance of being invited to tender as a supplier of the new regalia. RESOLVED – 46 to approve the recommended colours for the new awards, changes to the academic dress and proposed amendments to Statute 11 and forward the proposed amendments to Statute 11 to Convocation in accordance with prescribed procedure. 8.2 Report of the Academic Council by Circular dated 4 July 2013 8.2.1 Faculty of Arts – Rescission of Doctor of Arts – Ref F5380 RESOLVED – 47 to approve the rescission of the Doctor of Arts with immediate effect, subject to students currently undertaking a course leading to this award being able to complete their course and have their award conferred in accordance with the relevant rules and policies. 8.2.2 Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences – Rescission of Doctor of Physiotherapy – Ref F12663 RESOLVED – 48 to approve the rescission of the Doctor of Physiotherapy effective 2014, subject to students currently undertaking a course leading to that award being able to complete their course and have their award conferred in accordance with the relevant rules and policies. 8.2.3 Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences – Rescission of the Graduate Diploma in Neurological Rehabilitation and the Master of Paediatric Neurological Rehabilitation – Refs F37342, F37341 RESOLVED – 49 to approve the rescission of the Graduate Diploma in Neurological Rehabilitation and Master of Paediatric Neurological Rehabilitation effective 2014, subject to students currently undertaking courses leading to those awards being able to complete their courses and have their awards conferred in accordance with the relevant rules and policies. 8.2.4 Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences – Rescission of the Graduate in Pharmacy Practice – Ref F34316 Certificate RESOLVED – 50 to approve the rescission of the Graduate Certificate in Pharmacy Practice effective 2014, subject to students currently undertaking a course leading to that award being able to complete their course and have their award conferred in accordance with the relevant rules and policies. . 34 8.2.5 Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts – Introduction of the Master of Landscape Architecture – Preliminary – Ref F51925 RESOLVED – 51 to approve the introduction of the Master of Landscape Architecture - Preliminary effective 2014. 8.2.6 Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics – Introduction of the Graduate Certificate in Executive Engineering and Master of Executive Engineering - Refs F1146, F5241 RESOLVED - 52 to approve the introduction of the Graduate Certificate in Executive Engineering and the Master of Executive Engineering effective 2014. 8.2.7 Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences – Introduction of the Doctor of Medicine Ref F50675 RESOLVED - 53 to approve the introduction of the Doctor of Medicine effective 2014. 8.2.8 Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences – Introduction of the Graduate Certificate in Manual Therapy - Ref F52203 RESOLVED – 54 to approve the introduction of the Graduate Certificate in Manual Therapy effective 2014. 8.3 Report of the meeting of the Academic Council held on 7 August 2013 8.3.1 Faculty of Education – Rescission of the Graduate Diploma in Curriculum Leadership; Graduate Diploma in Language and Literacy; Graduate Diploma in Educational Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation; Master of Education (Human Movement) by thesis and Coursework; Master of Education (Human Movement) by Coursework; Master of Education in Applied Linguistics (by Thesis and Coursework); Master of Education in Applied Linguistics (by Coursework); Master of Educational Psychology (by Coursework) – Refs F1059, F1188, F18227, F6551, F18229, F9554 RESOLVED – 55 to approve the rescission of the Graduate Diploma in Curriculum Leadership; Graduate Diploma in Language and Literacy; Graduate Diploma in Educational Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation; Master of Education (Human Movement) by thesis and Coursework; Master of Education (Human Movement) by Coursework; Master of Education in Applied Linguistics (by Thesis and Coursework); Master of Education in Applied Linguistics (by Coursework); Master of Educational Psychology (by Coursework) effective 2014, subject to students currently undertaking a course leading to that award being able to complete their courses and have their awards conferred in accordance with the relevant rules and policies. 8.3.2 Faculty of Law – Rescission of Master of Public Administration (by coursework) – Ref F14294 RESOLVED - 56 to approve the rescission of the Master of Public Administration (by coursework) effective 2014, subject to students currently undertaking a course leading to that award being able to complete their course and have their award conferred in accordance with the relevant rules and policies. . 35 8.3.3 Faculty of Science – Rescission of Master of Food Science – Ref F27780 RESOLVED - 57 to approve the rescission of the Master of Food Science, with immediate effect, subject to students currently undertaking a course leading to that award being able to complete their course and have their award conferred in accordance with the relevant rules and policies. 9. REPORT OF THE LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE 9.1 Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences – Sally Joyston-Bechal Study Group Prize Amendments to Regulations – Ref F7628 RESOLVED - 58 to approve that the regulations for the Sally Joyston-Bechal Study Group prize be amended as recommended effective 2014. 9.1.1 Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences – Dr Allan Bennie Wilson Memorial Fund Amendment to Regulations – Ref F8049 RESOLVED - 59 to approve that the regulations for the Dr Allan Bennie Wilson Memorial Fund be amended as recommended effective 2013. 9.1.2 Rescission of Prize Regulations – Conversion of Prize Regulations to Prize Conditions – Refs F5123, F15330, F2103, F1741 RESOLVED - 60 to approve that the regulations for the following prizes be rescinded with a view to their re-establishment as prizes governed by conditions: • • • • • • Emele Bradshaw Vance Prize in Physiology Hlavacek Prize Ian G Thorburn Prize Tom E Scott Memorial Prize in Prosthodontics Australian Dental Association (WA Branch) Prize G.D. Henderson Prize in Oral Surgery 10. REPORT OF THE VICE-CHANCELLOR Members had before them the report of the Vice-Chancellor dated 26 August 2013. The ViceChancellor provided additional comment as follows: The University has improved its position to number 91 in the Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), overtaking the University of Sydney to be 4th ranked in Australia. The Premier visited the University on 16 August 2013 when he confirmed additional funding for the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR). UWA will benefit from $12 million in new money for health and medical research jointly with CSIRO and Curtin as announced in the election and a further $18 million will be re-prioritised from existing health budgets to create $30 million over 4 years. Attendance at Open Day activities was estimated to have been approximately 20,000. Thanks are due to the 2000 staff and student volunteers who contributed their time to ensure the success of the event. . 36 Recent announcements in relation to changes in Local Government boundaries have been welcomed as they will ensure that the Crawley Campus, QEII, Hollywood and Nedlands Campus will fall within the City of Perth. The meeting briefly discussed the impact of proposed changes in metrics on the University’s future ARWU ranking. The Vice-Chancellor also commented on the impact of the use of results from the Course Experience Questionnaire on UWA’s ranking in the Good Universities Guide. The meeting noted the success of various UWA Gives Back Projects by the Faculties and that others will be undertaken in the coming months in regions such as the Kimberley and Kalgoorlie. Confirmed CHAIR / /