Chemical and Biochemical Silica Surface Modifications for the Development of Medical Analyses Submitted by Ivo Kretzers BSc, MSc, to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Biosciences, September 2009. This thesis is available for Library use on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without I. M. J. Kretzers proper acknowledgement. I certify that all material in this thesis which is not my own work has been identified and that no material has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other University. Abstract This report can be divided into two parts. The first part studying the aggregation kinetics for citrate-reduced 15 nm gold nanoparticles at the native silica and modified silica-water interfaces. At the native, negatively charged silica-water interfaces a two-phase adsorption is observed: a pseudoLangmurian adsorption phase and, after an acid wash to remove the citrate ligand from the adsorbed particles, a further pseudo-Langmurian adsorption phase. A kinetic analysis of these phases shows an average adsorption rate constant of (2.0 ± 2.5) 105 M-1 s-1 with no measurable desorption. The second part of this report describes protocol development for tethering DNA onto gold nanoparticles and the development of hybridization procedures. 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide/N- Hydroxysuccinimide (EDC/NHS) activation of a thioctic acid monolayer on a gold nanoparticle shows the most promising method. 2 Acknowledgement I would like to thank my supervisor for help and guidance regarding my research over the last 2 years. Thanks also to Rouslan Olkhov for his help and amusement in the laboratory. I would also like to thank Andy Murray for his SEM measurements and analyses. 3 Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 5 1.1 Evanescent Wave Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy (e-CRDS)........... 6 1.2 Gold Nanoparticles - colloidal suspensions ........................................ 9 1.3 Surface Plasmon Resonance ........................................................... 11 1.4 Adsorption Kinetics ........................................................................... 14 1.5 References ....................................................................................... 16 2 Experimental Methods ............................................................................ 19 2.1 The e-CRDS Instrument ................................................................... 19 2.2 Cavity Design .................................................................................... 19 2.3 Flow cell ............................................................................................ 24 2.4 References ....................................................................................... 26 3 Chemically Induced Assembly of Gold Nano-aggregates on Silica Oxide Surfaces......................................................................................................... 27 3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 27 3.2 Experimental Methods ...................................................................... 31 3.3 Results .............................................................................................. 33 3.4 Discussion ........................................................................................ 45 3.5 Conclusions ...................................................................................... 46 3.6 References ....................................................................................... 48 4 DNA Hybridization .................................................................................. 50 4.1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 50 4.1.1 Current trends in DNA biosensors .............................................. 50 4.1.2 Kinetics....................................................................................... 52 4.1.3 DNA............................................................................................ 52 4.1.4 Binding Strategies ...................................................................... 54 4.2 Experimental Design ......................................................................... 58 4.2.1 The sequence ............................................................................ 58 4.2.2 sDNA adsorption to gold surfaces using EDC/NHS coupling ..... 59 4.3 Results .............................................................................................. 59 4.3.1 Adsorption and hybridization of sDNA onto gold nanoparticles .. 60 4.3.2 sDNA adsorption to gold surfaces using EDC/NHS coupling ..... 63 4.4 Discussion ........................................................................................ 66 4.5 Conclusions and Future Work........................................................... 66 4.6 References ....................................................................................... 67 4 1 Introduction A major problem in the field of chemical biology is, at the moment, the understanding of complex systems. The human genome consists of 20,000 to 25,000 genes of which some are expressed in a single human cell. 1 Each expressed gene produces a protein which has a role in either the metabolism or the structure of the cell. Owing to the large number of chemical reactions involved in the metabolism of the cell, the need for research into rapid analyses of low concentrations of molecules has increased in recent years. The ability to detect molecules in small quantities (attogram amounts) can provide a useful tool in fields ranging from medical to environmental science. The 2D Attogram Surface Plasmon Imaging project seeks to produce a new basic technology that will enable screening of large numbers of molecules at low concentrations and, importantly, label free.2 Many other more sensitive techniques exist for detecting molecules, including multi-photon ionization (MPI) detection3 and fluorescence detection.4 These techniques are capable of detecting 10 molecules per cm 3, however all these alternatives require complex detection schemes. The confocal microscope is one of the most powerful techniques that is available. It is able to detect single molecules within a biological system.5 Most of these rapid analysis techniques are, at the moment, based on fluorescence measurements of a tagged molecule. 6 The disadvantage of this is that for all molecules that will be eventually targeted, all chemistry needs to be developed. Eventually this project should produce standardized functionalized surfaces which have no need for fluorescence tagging. However, these surfaces should be produced in such a way that small quantities of molecules can be measured, perhaps even a few hundred molecules.7 The Attogram project2 will use surface plasmon imaging as its principal technique to produce a label-free screening technology. A surface plasmon is 5 an electromagnetic wave that propagates along a metal surface. This wave is excited by laser light. The plasmon has an associated plasmon field which penetrates above the surface and is therefore very sensitive to changes in local refractive index. Therefore, molecule binding events at or near the surface, may be detected by observing a shift in resonance frequency of the electromagnetic wave.8, 9 This chapter will provide a theoretical background to the investigations that were carried out during these previous two years. 1.1 Evanescent Wave Cavity Ring-down Spectroscopy (eCRDS) Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) is an ultra-sensitive laser absorption technique that has evolved from previous spectroscopic techniques, used to measure mirror reflectivities.10 CRDS has a number of advantages as a direct absorption technique when comparing it with traditional absorption techniques.11 In principle CRDS is immune to variation in laser intensity. The technique also benefits from an immensely long effective path length, which may be achieved in a comparatively simple bench-top instrument. The technique relies on the fact that a molecular sample can absorb electromagnetic radiation. This can be generated by a laser (at a particular wavelength). Figure 1-1 gives a schematic representation of an eCRDS setup. High reflectivity Cw diode laser PMT mirrors Ring down decay wave observed by PMT Dove prism prism Wave plate Figure 1-1: Diagram showing the basic principles of cavity ring-down spectroscopy. 6 The use of a continuous wave laser is preferred over the use of a pulsed, tunable laser. The laser pulse yields sufficient signal levels inside the cavity to be measured at the detector. This enables very high-reflectivity mirrors to be used with a resulting ringdown time of 230 μs.12 The equivalent path length that corresponds to this ringdown time is 69 km, resulting in very high sensitivity.12 Cavity-locked cw CRDS produces the most sensitive version of the technique, with sensitivity levels within a factor of 10 of the ultimate shotnoise limit being achieved.13, 14 Cavity-locked cw-CRDS uses two orthogonally polarised laser beams from a single external cavity diode laser (ECDL). 13 The first laser beam is used to continuously lock a high finesse external cavity to the output of the ECDL. The second laser beam is used to measure the ringdown time of the cavity.13 This experimental setup is more difficult to set up. It does however show a significant reduction in the shot-to-shot noise levels in the ringdown time as well as a decrease in the optical feedback to the laser.13 Utilizing this Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy instrument (described above) makes it possible to perform highly sensitive measurements of molecules in the gas phase.15, 16, 17 A recent development is to use CRDS to probe surfaces, thin films and condensed material using a standard CRDS setup that incorporates an intra-cavity total-internal reflection (TIR).17, 18, 19 TIR enables us to absorb molecules directly at the interface between silica and the medium above (see Figure 1-2). 7 Figure 1-2: Diagram showing a total internal reflection event within a stable cavity. When liquid is introduced directly into the cavity, absorption and scattering losses make the ringdown time too short. This is a direct result of a high density of molecules in the liquid (typically 1019). The liquid causes a reduction in the Q-factor but introducing the TIR element preserves the Q of the cavity. The only limit is scattering that is a result of surface roughness, under the assumption that non-specular losses can be neglected.20 TIR creates an evanescent wave at the silica interface. This wave decays exponentially and has a certain penetration depth into the medium. Any molecules present inside this evanescent field will absorb the radiation and this will cause a decrease in ringdown time. The use of evanescent waves for probing surface chemistry forms the basis of attenuated total internal reflectance (ATR) spectroscopy.21 This has also been enhanced by including metals on the surface which produces a Surface Plasmon (called surface plasmon resonance, SPR). 22 By utilizing TIR and the deposition of gold nanoparticles on the silica surface, it is possible to produce an instrument that is able to observe reactions and molecule binding regardless of whether the molecule of interest absorbs at the laser wavelength or not due to the surface plasmon properties of the metal nanoparticles (see section 1.3). Molecules (specifically proteins) can also be labelled with fluorophores targeted at the wavelength of interest. 8 1.2 Gold Nanoparticles - colloidal suspensions The particles that were used for all experiments were gold nanoparticles, which are relatively easy to prepare. In solution these particles are finely dispersed and the charged layer around them prevents them from aggregating together. Derjaguin, Verway, Landau and Overbeek put a theory forward that dealt with colloid stability in the 1940’s (DVLO). 23 The DVLO theory states that the stability of a colloid system is determined by the sum of the double layer repulsive and van der Waals forces that particles experience when they approach each other. The theory speaks of an energy barrier that is the direct result of these repulsive forces therefore keeping them finely dispersed in the solution. However if colloid particles collide together with sufficient energy to overcome this barrier then the attractive force will result in pulling them together, thus forming precipitates that are irreversible (see Figure 1-3). Double Layer Repulsive Force Energy Net Energy Van der Waals Attracive Force Particle Separation Figure 1-3: Diagram showing relationship between attractive/repulsive forces and particle separation.24 The electric double layer that surrounds the metal nanoparticle is the result of the development of a net charge at the particle surface that affects the distribution of ions in the surrounding interfacial region.25 This net charge will result in an increased concentration of counter ions (ions of opposite charge to that of the particle) close to the surface. This electric double layer exists 9 around each particle.25 The liquid layer around the nanoparticle consists of two parts (see Figure 1-4): An inner region (Stern layer) where the ions are strongly bound. And an outer region (which is diffuse) where binding is less firm. Figure 1-4: Diagram of charge associated with a single nanoparticle.26 The slipping plane is a notational boundary that exists in the diffuse layer. The electric potential of this boundary is called the zeta potential, which provides stability to the colloid.27 The zeta potential is the overall potential energy of particles in solution.27 The higher the zeta potential is (negative or positive) the more stable the colloid is. A high negative or positive value will result in a higher repulsion of each particle from each other. This means that the lower the zeta potential, the lower the repulsion from each other is and the higher the chance that flocculation will occur. A dividing line between stable and unstable colloids is given to be +/- 30 mV.28 History shows that gold colloids have been used for medical applications due to their appearance.29 The red colour matched that of blood; however you would expect a gold metallic colour. Michael Faraday 29 was the first person to 10 attempt to explain the red colour of gold colloids as well as being the first to produce aqueous dispersions of gold colloids. The paper that he published in 1857 explains a procedure in which he was able to reduce a gold salt, HAuCl4 (yellow in colour), using a two-phase reaction mixture. The reducing agent he used was white phosphorus in diethyl ether. He observed a colour change from pale yellow to deep red and was also able to characterize a rough estimate of the particle size of the gold dispersion.29 He hypothesized that the gold particles were spherical in shape and about 5-10 nm in diameter.29 Turkevich established the first standard protocols for the preparation of metal nanoparticles.30 The protocol he developed was the reduction of HAuCl4 using sodium citrate, in which 20 nm gold nanoparticles were formed. This is the method that has become a standard for making gold colloids with a narrow size distribution. Other protocols for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles are available as well. These include the use of organic solvents such as tetrahydrofuran (THF) 31, THF/MeOH 32, organometallics 33, surfactants 34 and long chain alcohols.35 Recently other protocols have been developed such as intracellular synthesis by an alkalotolerant actinomycete,36 in which the result was gold nanoparticles in the cell wall and on the cytoplasmic membrane of about 5 – 15 nm.36 1.3 Surface Plasmon Resonance Nano-metal particles with dimensions smaller than visible wavelengths exhibit a wealth of phenomena directly related to geometry-dependent surface plasmon resonances that can be excited when electromagnetic fields are directed towards them.37 The characteristic red colour associated with gold colloid suspensions is due to large scattering cross sections of plasmon resonances. Colours associated with colloidal suspensions of gold and silver are due to large scattering cross sections (SCS’s) of plasmon resonances. In a continuous metal surface, plasmons are waves that propagate along the surface of a conductor at the interface between a metal and a dielectric material (see Figure 1-5). 11 Figure 1-5: Diagram showing surface plasmons at the interface between a metal and a dielectric.38 The surface plasmon (electromagnetic wave) is excited when photons are made incident upon this metal/dielectric interface and induce a resonant charge density oscillation at that surface, creating a propagating wave (a surface plasmon).8, 9 For metallic nanoparticles, their small size leads to an intense absorption in the visible/near-UV region. The conduction electrons show a characteristic collective oscillation, which leads to a plasmon band being observed near 530 nm for nanoparticles in the 5-20 nm range. This is known as localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR).9, 39 The plasmon resonance frequency of the nanoparticle depends on the local refractive index. A change in refractive index will result in a shift in the oscillation frequency and will therefore result in refractive index sensitivity (RIS).40 If for instance, the surface of a nanoparticle is immersed in an aqueous buffer and subsequently is immersed in a solution with a higher refractive index, then this causes an increase in refractive index, which is detected by a shift in the SPR (and extinction) of the nanoparticles (see Figure 1-6). 12 Increase Increaseininabsorbance extinctionat at selected selectedwavelength wavelengthdue duetoto shift shiftininplasmon plasmonresonance resonance band band Extinction Absorbance Extinction at Absorbance at selected wavelength wavelength Wavelength Figure 1-6: Diagram showing how a shift in the surface plasmon band will affect the particle extinction at a specific wavelength. Figure 1-6Error! Reference source not found. can also be interpreted as a binding event onto the nanoparticle. This sensitivity to binding events also makes nanoparticles suitable for functionalizing them using, for example antibodies and turning them into bio-specific sensor particles, which makes nanoparticles suitable for use in the field of biomedical science.7, 8 The sensitivity of LSPR is dependent on particle morphology (size and shape), dielectric environment (coating, surrounding medium, supporting substrate), interparticle coupling (state of aggregation)41 and the sensitivity of the evanescent cavity ring-down technique. SPR sensors can be divided into two major classes42, those that use wavelength interrogation and those that use angle interrogation. The BIACORE43, 44 (made by Biacore AB) uses angle interrogation and works at a fixed wavelength, by employing photo detectors that allow tracking of the angle of reflectance minimum. The other type or SPR keeps the angle of incidence fixed and monitors the spectral changes. 13 1.4 Adsorption Kinetics Quantifying adsorption and desorption rates and constants is a major part of this report, because this can help us to eventually investigate more complex biochemical reactions quantitatively. The signal change of adsorption experiments generally shows the following trend (see Figure 1-7). 0,6 Extinction/10-2 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time/s Figure 1-7: Example of experiment done that seems to follow the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The levelling off of the signal shows that equilibrium is reached, meaning that there is a balance between adsorption and desorption (according to Langmuir’s model). Reaching this balance is a typical outcome that can be modelled using the Langmuir adsorption equation.45, 46 (see Equation 1-1) dθ n1 n2 k a Col 1 θ k d dt Equation 1-1 dθ n1 n2 k a Col 1 θ k d The symbols in dt Equation 1-1 mean the following: ka (M-1 s-1) is the adsorption constant, kd (s-1) is the desorption constant, [Col] is the colloid concentration, t is time, θ is the surface coverage, n1 and n2 (n1 and n2 are 1 in the Langmurian model) 14 are values that are used to model co-operative binding, allowing the adsorption kinetics to depend in a non-linear way on the particles already on the surface and in solution.46 The Langmurian model was fitted to experimental data (obtained in the lab) by solving the differential equation numerically using the Runga Kutta method, which gave, as a result, values for the model parameters ka and kd. The colloid concentration is calculated using The Beer-Lambert law. The values for surface coverage lie in between 0 and 1. When 1 is reached, then a monolayer is formed. Previous research (performed in our laboratory) showed that the concentration of the monolayer (for gold nanoparticles of diameter 15 nm) on the prism surface is 364 μM. This value was determined based on particle and surface size and the assumption that one layer is a closely packed layer of nanoparticles. This MPhil report will focus on the results that were obtained during the past two years. The experimental setup that was used for all experimental work will be explained in chapter 2. Chapter 3 will present results on the aggregation of gold nanoparticles on a silica surface to act as localised particle plasmon sensing surfaces. Chapter 4 will also provide a literature review of the process of DNA hybridization that was used as a measure of the sensitivity of the plasmon surface to molecular binding events: preliminary results will be presented in this chapter. 15 1.5 References 1. html#seventh 2. 3. 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A Dove prism is introduced into this cavity to introduce a TIR element into the cavity allowing for biosensing to occur at the TIR surface whilst preserving the optical alignment of the cavity, whilst maintaining that light path allowing for a number of different measurements on top of this surface. The free-running Dove Cavity implementation of evanescent wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy (e-CRDS) has previously been developed in this laboratory and has been further used as the platform for detection of various adsorption and binding reactions in this thesis. This chapter will describe the development of the experimental methods that were used during all experiments 2.2 Cavity Design An optical e-CRDS cavity was constructed by placing two high reflectivity mirrors opposing each other (R = 0.9995, Layertec), centred at a wavelength of 635 nm. A fibre-coupled laser transfers the radiation to the cavity and the laser intensity may be modulated at a frequency of 6 kHz . The rise-time of the laser is less than 10 ns and does not affect the ring-down exponential trace and hence the determination of the ring-down time, . The radiation that exits the fibre passes through a collimating lens at the end of the 19 fibre prior to entry into the cavity. When the laser radiation passes through the collimating lens it results in a collimated laser beam that matches the width of the cavity mode in the centre of the cavity. Immediately after the collimating lens the laser radiation passes through a λ/4 quarter-wave plate to ensure the vertical orientation of the light polarisation is optimal. This is needed because the AR-coating on the Dove prisms is optimized for p-polarised light. The light is launched into the back of a flat, high reflectivity mirror (R = 0.9995). The other mirror that is mounted at the end of the cavity is a concave, high reflectivity mirror (R = 0.9995, radius of curvature = 1 m) to collect the light and produce a stable optical cavity (see Figure 2-1).1 High reflectivity Cw diode laser PMT mirrors Ring down decay wave observed by PMT Dove prism prism Wave plate Figure 2-1: Schematic drawing of e-CRDS setup. According to literature reports a stable optical resonator is formed when the length of the cavity (which is 86 cm in this case) is shorter than the radius of curvature of the mirror (in this case 1 m).2 The mirrors that were used in the experimental setup were purchased from Layertec Optical Coatings with reflectivity equal to 0.9995 and a transmission of 0.08% at 633 nm. The optimal ringdown time that can be obtained in the free-running cavity mode of operation (no prism) is 7.00 ± 0.02 µs with / being 0.6% (σ is the standard deviation of the sample, which in this case is the ring-down time). The ringdown time can be defined according to Equation 2-1. 20 τ= tr / 2 (1 R ) Equation 2-1 Where tr is the round trip time (ns) and R is the reflectivity of the mirrors For the 86 cm cavity the round trip time is 5.72 ns and the mirror reflectivity is 0.9995. Substituting these numbers into equation 2.1 will give 5.72 µs as the ring-down time for an empty cavity. The difference between the quoted number of 7 µs and 5.72 µs is caused by very small changes in the mirror reflectivities. Light must overlap with at least one mode to be trapped in the cavity. The bandwidth of the laser is large enough to overlap more than one cavity mode (actually about 104 modes) in the free-running configuration. Therefore light that enters the cavity will build up to an intensity that is determined by the Qfactor (see Equation 2-2).2 Q= 2π τ tr Equation 2-2 Although the wavelength of the laser is considered to be 635 nm (the bandwidth is ± 5 nm according to the manufacturer), in this report there will always be a certain range in wavelength which is called the bandwidth. When radiation of the laser overlaps one or more cavity modes, it will start to interfere with itself.2 In the cavity, this can lead to standing waves between the two mirrors. Standing waves are two waves with identical frequencies that interfere with themselves while travelling in opposite directions inside the same medium. These standing waves form a set of discrete frequencies known as the longitudinal modes of the cavity.3 The result is that all other frequencies are being suppressed by this interference and therefore, these longitudinal modes are the only self-generating frequencies of light that are allowed to oscillate within the resonant cavity. Overlapping of more than one cavity mode by a cw laser requires that the laser light bandwidth should be greater than the free spectral range (FSR). The FSR ( δν ) of a cavity can be determined by Equation 2-3:4 21 δν = c 2l Equation 2-3 where l is the length of the cavity and c is the speed of light The FSR for the cavity which was used for experimentation is 172.8 MHz. Equation 2-4 shows how to calculate the full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) of each cavity mode, which is related to the Finesse of the cavity.4 FWHM FSR Finesse Equation 2-4 The diode laser has a bandwidth of 5 nm centred at 635 nm and overlaps with the longitudinal modes of the Dove cavity. The wavelength of the cavity modes is given by Equation 2-5:5 λ = 2l n Equation 2-5 Where n is the mode number, λ is the wavelength of the mode and l is the length of the cavity. When, for the experimental setup, the parameters are substituted into Equation 2-5, the laser overlaps about 1.7 104 longitudinal cavity modes, therefore the cavity is always in resonance and light always enters the cavity. Each ring-down time value corresponds to the decay of light in each of the 1.7 104 cavity modes overlapped by the laser and so is an average. This ringdown time varies a little due to the bandwidth of the mirror reflectivity. If mirror reflectivity is assumed to be constant, then the large number of cavity mode values (τ) provides for a large sample set. This large sample set improves the confidence of τ, however the practical limit of variation of / ~ 1%, may be improved.6 The first improvement in / shows an increase with the number of shots averaged (signal averaging). The laser is switched off at a repetition 22 rate of 6 kHz and the radiation intensity in the cavity decays with a ring-down time, , determined similarly by the Q-factor (see Equation 2-2). The decrease in τ is calculated using the following equation.7 τ= tr 2 ((1 R ) + (1 T ) + (1 AR) + Lsurf + σ l ) Equation 2-6 where, T is the transmission loss through the silica, Lsurf is the diffraction losses at the prism surface per roundtrip, σl is the absorption of light when the beam enters the silica at the interrogation wavelength and AR is the antireflection coating losses per round trip.8 Increasing the sensitivity of the cavity can therefore be achieved by minimizing the Lsurf and σl. If zero is taken for these than the maximum τ will be around 600 s, when T is 0.9975, AR is 8×10-3, R is 0.9995 and tr is 6 ns.8 The penetration depth of the evanescent field into the medium above the Dove prism may be calculated using Equation 2-7. dp = λ 2 π (( sin( )) 2 Equation 2-7 1 2 2 12 n ) Calculation of the penetration depth (dp) can be done by using the ratio of the refractive indexes (n12) of the two media and the angle of incidence of the refracting radiation. The dp for 635 nm is 189.2 nm (in which n12 is 1.4677 at 635 nm).9 The absorption of light can be calculated based on the results obtained during an experiment (decrease in ring down time). Equation 2-8 shows how to do that.9 Abs = Δτ t r 2.303 τ 0τ 2 Equation 2-8 23 Where, Δτ is the change in τ due to absorbance and τ0 is the ringdown time of the empty cavity. The results are then converted to base 10 logarithms for comparison with the Beer-Lambert expression for comparison (see Equation 2-9).9 Abs = ε [C ]l Equation 2-9 The extinction and concentration profile at the interface is directly related to the change in Δτ. The extinction coefficient (ε) can therefore be determined by using a known concentration of nanoparticles and Δτ and counting the particles using the SEM (scanning electron microscope). [C] is the concentration of the adsorbed material on the prism surface and l is the length of the sample.9 The light after the second mirror is focused onto a Hamamatsu PMT module (H7732MOD, containing a R4632 PMT). The signal is digitised on a Lecroy Waverunner oscilloscope (LT262, 8 bit 350 MHz sampling rate). 256 traces are averaged on the oscilloscope and then passed to the computer interface routine. This routine was written in-house for analysis purposes, using the LabView interface software. The routine fits the resulting ring-down time to a single exponential by correcting for the base line and then fitting the logarithm of the trace to a least-squares fit to a straight line. Real-time calculations of and / are derived from the fitted slope parameter and baseline correction (using a nonweighted Levenburg-Marquart non-linear least squares fitting routine averaging over 4 shots). 2.3 Flow cell On the TIR surface of the prism, a single-pass flow cell made of polytetrafluoroethene (PTFE) was constructed. The flow channel has a width of 10 mm when it is placed on the underside of a specially constructed PTFE 24 block. Once everything is clamped to the prism surface, the flow cell is 1 mm thick using a nitrile ‘O’-ring, the total volume of the flow cell was 190 l. Samples were flowed through the flow cell at a rate of 4 ml per hour using a syringe pump (see Figure 2-2). This corresponds to a maximum linear flow velocity of 0.14 mm s-1. Flow in Flow out Volume is approx. 0.2 ml Cross section O-ring is approx 8mm x 1mm Prism Mounted into a holder Figure 2-2: Schematic drawing of the flow cell. The flow through the flow cell determines the rate of transfer of molecules to the surface. A measure of the rate of transfer is Reynolds Number. This number represents a measure for the flow regime present within the flow cell and can be calculated according to Equation 2-10.10 Re = ρ×u ×d μ Equation 2-10 where, ρ is the fluid density, u is the flow velocity, d is the characteristic flow dimension and µ is the fluid viscosity. This calculation assumes that the fluid viscosity and density are equal to those of water at 25 °C (0.8909 × 10-3 N s m-2 and 998 kg m-3 respectively). With a cell dimension of 1 mm, the Reynolds Number for this experimental setup is 0.16. Therefore, diffusion-limited flow conditions should prevail. 25 2.4 References 1. Atkins, P., de Paula, J. Elements of physical chemistry. Fourth edition. Freeman and Company. 2. Berden, G., Peeters, R., Meijer, G. Int. Reviews in Physical Chemistry 2000, 19, 565. 3. Demtröder, W. Laser Spectroscopy 3rd Edition, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 2003. 4. Gryezynski, I., Gryezynski, Z., Lakowicz, J., R. Analytical Biochemistry 1997, 247, 69. 5. O’Keefe, A., Deacon, D., A., G. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1998, 12, 2544 6. Pipino, A., C., R. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1999, 83, 3093. 7. Chen, C., Cheng, S., Chau, L., Wang, C., R., C. Biosensors and bioelectronics 2006, 22, 568. 8. Xu, H., Kall, M. Sensors and Actuators B 2002, 87, 244. 9. Fisk, J., D., Rooth, M., Shaw, A., M. J. Phys. Chem. C, 2007, 111, 2588. 10. Rott, N. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 1990, 22, 1. 26 3 Chemically Induced Assembly of Gold Nanoaggregates on Silica Oxide Surfaces 3.1 Introduction Aggregates of metal nanoparticles on silica surfaces show enhanced optical effects leading to surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) 1, 2 and surface enhanced absorption spectroscopy (SEAS).3 Our group recently reported non-linear protein adsorption kinetics4 for binding proteins to an 800nanoparticle cluster showing sensitivity to attogram ml-1 of protein binding to surface sites, also demonstrating an extreme sensitivity enhancement compared with the conventional nanoparticle surface. The conventional surfaces previously utilized by our group are single nanoparticles adsorption onto silica surfaces. The electric field between the surface roughness features or aggregated nanoparticles is enhanced, coupling the radiation to the nanoparticle optical scattering5, 6 properties, allowing the nanometre-scale structure to act as a local optical aerial. The enhancement effect is not however completely explained by the physical association of a molecule to the enhanced region but there appears to be a chemical component relating to the structure of the molecule.2, 7 The electric field enhancement appears to be localised to a region within a few nanometres of the surface, suggesting an ideal separation and perhaps optimum geometry of the touching particles. 8 The effects of the field enhancement have been monitored using the total optical extinction of the nanoparticles with contributions from Rayleigh scatter and the localised plasmon. Excitation of the localised particle plasmon has been used as an alternative to continuous gold surfaces for detecting biological processes bound to the gold surface. The localised plasmon field penetrates approximately one particle radius into the medium above the particle and is sensitive to the local refractive index (RI). Protein adsorption to the surface and protein-antibody binding has been observed by monitoring the change in the extinction of the metal nanoparticle using a number of techniques including evanescent wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy9-11. The 27 nanoparticle surfaces appear to be less sensitive to the refractive index in the plasmon, detecting changes of 10-4 in the local refractive index, although this depends on the wavelength of interrogation. The RI sensitivity may be compared with 10-6 routinely achieved with continuous gold surface plasmon instruments. Improving the refractive index sensitivity of nanoparticle sensor surfaces has been directed towards fabricating particles of controlled geometry12 to maximise the interaction with the interrogating radiation, leading to an optical aerial. Nanoparticle synthesis of triangles, squares, spheres and octagons have been reported.5, 13-15 but these show little improvement in the bulk RI sensitivity. Growing rods with controlled aspect ratios is usually a two-step process: the first is to prepare a seed solution of small spherical nanoparticles, typically of 4 nm in diameter, and then to use a surface acting ligand or capping agent to induce asymmetric growth, probably via a surface energy specific interaction.16 The ligand, however, remains on the surface of the particle and prevents interaction with binding proteins and so it must be removed after synthesis and before it is adsorbed to the sensor surface. The ligand on the surface of the nanoparticle synthesised in solution is responsible for maintaining the colloidal phase and in the case of the citrate reduced colloids17 the ligand provides a charged interface. Adsorption of the nanoparticle to a sensor surface such as a native silica surface or a modified silica surface requires the stabilised particle to preferentially bind to the surface. Binding kinetics have been observed previously to a native silica surface18 for the citrate-reduced gold nanoparticles, indicating a strong attachment to the negatively charged silica surface. The native silica surface has two Si-OH per nm2 which de-protonate as a function of the bulk pH producing a negatively charged surface with a surface potential of -125 mV when fully dissociated.10, 19 The charged surface attracts a bilayer of positively charged counter-ions, balancing the negative charge and producing a large concentration enhancement above in the interface. The charged bilayer around the nanoparticles may be reduced by the bulk ionic strength, ultimately leading to the instability and the aggregation of the colloid. The same 28 destabilisation appears to occur at the charged silica interface, resulting in a nanoparticle structured biosensor surface. Two different mechanisms for aggregation were utilized. The first mechanism was aggregation of nanoparticles in salt-destabilised solution to generate the fractal clusters that demonstrated the non-linear response to protein binding observed previously. Control of the aggregation process in solution is however, difficult as the kinetic process accelerates when nucleation around the seed particles occurs. Some interesting structures have been trapped during aggregation, including chains and cluster aggregates but the interface offers a more controllable environment in which it moderates the growth of the aggregates. The second mechanism for aggregation was to first chemically modify the OH-groups on the silica surface. This was done using an aminosilane. The aminosilane that was used aminopropyltrimethoxysilane to modify the (3-APM). Figure prism 3-1 surface gives a was 3- schematic representation of the surface chemistry of the prism surface when it is treated with 3-APM. 29 Ethanol Ethanol NH2 OHHO OHHO OH HO OH HO OH Si O Si Si Si O Si O O O Si O O O O Si Si O O O O O O Si O O O O O O Si Si Si Si O O O O Si O O Si Si O O NH2 NH2 O O O HO NH2 NH2 NH2 H2O Water + O O O O O O O O Si O O O O O O O Si O O O O Si O O O O Si Si O O O O O O O O O O Si O O Si Si Si Si O O Si Gold Colloid Si NH3 NH3 O O O O Si Si Si Si Si O + + NH3 NH3 O Si O O NH3 + + NH3 NH3 Si Si + + NH3 O O + NH3 + + NH3 O Figure 3-1: Schematic representation of reaction of 3-APM with the prism surface and gold adsorption onto this aminated surface. In Figure 3-1, 3-APM reacts with the OH groups on the prism surface. The hydrolysis of one or more alkoxy groups results in 3-APM covalently binding to the prism surface (see top part of the scheme). The pKa value (pKa=log([NH2][H+]/[NH3+])) of organic -NH3+ is about 9 which means that below pH 9 it favors the protonated form. At pH 7, which is two orders of magnitude lower, the majority of amino groups are protonated, hence the positive surface charge (see bottom part of the scheme). Functionalizing a prism surface like this can effectively be used to build up interesting nano-level structures. 20 The aminated prism surface is called a functionalised surface. Aminating a surface like this is also interesting because afterwards biomolecules can be attached to it. This aminosilane had three ethoxy groups. One, two or three of these groups can bind to silica oxide. The ethoxy groups that can be left after 30 binding may cross link to each other. A similar approach can be used to absorb silver nanoparticles to the Dove prism surface. 21 In this chapter a series of aggregation experiments with citrate-reduced 15 nm gold nanoparticles adsorbing to the native silica is presented. The extinction of the surface has been observed in real time using evanescent wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy and the adsorption and aggregation kinetics have been observed directly. The aggregates have been imaged using SEM and tested for its sensitivity using bulk refractive index changes. The results in this chapter were used as a basis for a publication that was recently accepted by J. Phys. Chem. C.22 3.2 Experimental Methods The e-CRDS technique has been described in detail elsewhere 10 and in chapter 2 and will therefore only be briefly described here. Two highreflectivity (R=99.95%) mirrors are mounted onto an optical table at a distance of 81 cm: one mirror is planar and the other mirror has a radius of curvature of one metre forming a stable optical cavity. Radiation from a continuous wave diode laser (635 nm, 5 nm bandwidth) is introduced into the cavity and passes through a wave plate to control the plane of polarisation and enters the cavity through the back of the planar mirror. A photomultiplier tube is mounted behind the concave mirror to collect the ring-down signal. The diode laser is pulsed at a frequency of 6 kHz and the bandwidth is sufficient to overlap more than one cavity mode, allowing maximum intensity to build up within the cavity, determined by the cavity Q factor. The radiation intensity in the cavity decays when the laser is switched with a ring-down time, τ, determined by the Q factor. To create a total internal reflection (TIR) event, a Dove prism (fused silica) is introduced into the cavity with a fixed-angle 450 and anti-reflection coating 31 optimised for 635 nm on both ends to minimize the loss of light and maintain the Q-factor of the cavity. The TIR creates an evanescent wave at the interface between the silica surface of the prism and the rarer medium above. The evanescent wave decays exponentially with a 1/e penetration depth of 186 nm, fixed by the angle of incidence at the reflecting surface and the wavelength of the radiation. Molecules present within the evanescent field that scatter or absorb at the wavelength of the radiation will cause a decrease in the Q of the cavity and hence a decrease in τ. The evanescent wave can also excite the localized surface plasmons (LSP) in metal nanoparticles and the change in extinction monitored as a function of gold surface chemistry. The quality of the prism surface is determined by the cleaning procedure. We found out that day to day variations could be minimized by using the following cleaning procedure; the Dove prism was washed in aqua regia (25% v/v of HNO3 and 75% v/v of HCl) for an hour, after which, the prism was rinsed with excess Decon90 water and a sequence of water, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and dried with lens tissue. The prism was then placed into an optical mount and the flow cell (volume of 190 μl) secured above the reflecting surface. Further surface preparation continued in situ with more washes with IPA, water and finally sodium citrate (8.2 mM), the colloid buffer. The surface preparation continued until the ring-down time stabilised before starting the aggregation experiments. A citrate-reduced colloid was prepared using the Turkevich-method described in detail in chapter 1.17 The protocol was as follows: 100 ml of 1 mM HAuCl4 was reduced using 10 ml of 90 mM of sodium citrate. The HAuCl4 solution was heated to 95 oC and the citrate was injected whilst stirring vigorously. The colloid was cooled to room temperature, after which, the absorbance spectrum was measured, from which max = 523 nm indicates a colloid with 15 nm diameter particles.18 The colloid solution was diluted with 8.2 mM sodium citrate to reduce the concentration to 0.35 nM before use in the aggregation experiments. 32 The diluted solution was introduced into flow cell and the adsorption kinetics monitored in real time as a change in the ring-down of the cavity. Once adsorbed onto the surface, a washing cycle of sodium citrate, HCl (pH=2) and water was used to remove the citrate ligand from the surface of the nanoparticle. The refractive index sensitivity was measured by measuring the change in extinction at 635 nm when the bulk solvent was changed from water to IPA. A second colloid adsorption step was then allowed by introducing the colloid into flow cell until the ring-down time stabilised. Wash and adsorption cycles were repeated until the extinction exceeded the dynamic range of the cavity i.e. the ring-down time became too short. SEM imaging was performed at each stage of the surface aggregation. The experiments using 3-APM used only one adsorption step and utilized a different protocol. The first step was to coat the prism surface using a 0.34 nM 3-APM solution (dissolved in methanol) for 1 minute, before the adsorption experiment was performed. RIS sensitivity was determined in the same way as with the multi-phase adsorption experiments. 3.3 Results The ring-down times are converted to extinction for each experiment and the absorbance rate constants determined by fitting them to first order differential rate law given in Equation 3-1: dθ = k a (θ m - θ ) dt Equation 3-1 Where θ is the surface coverage at time t, θm the maximum surface coverage and ka is the adsorption rate constant. The dissociation rate is assumed to be negligible. The refractive index sensitivity of the surface at each stage in the surface aggregation was monitored by determining the change in associated with the switch in the refractive index from IPA to water, n = 0.0445. The refractive index sensitivity (RIS) is then determined from Equation 3-2: 33 RIS = 0.0445 σ y Equation 3-2 ΔYwater / isopropano l Where σy is the standard deviation in and Ywater/isopropanol is the difference in between water and IPA. However at each stage there is increasing gold nanoparticle coverage and normalized refractive index sensitivity (nRIS), Equation 3-3, is used to remove the day-to-day variations in the cavity and surface coverage: nRIS = ΔYwater / isopropano l Equation 3-3 Ywater Ywater is the average extinction value of water during each adsorption phase of the experiment; Ywater/isopropanol is the difference between water and IPA. Multiphase adsorption experiments were performed for the gold colloid solutions (nanoparticles of diameter 15±3 nm) as can be seen in Figure 3-2. 34 100 90 80 (c) Extinction/10-4 70 60 50 (b) 40 30 20 (a) 10 0 -10 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 Time/s Figure 3-2: Adsorption of citrate reduced gold nanoparticles (pH 7) onto the silica surface; (a) first phase adsorption; (b) second phase adsorption after the HCl wash at pH 2; (c) third phase adsorption after the second HCl wash showing an increased adsorption rate compared to the other phases. From Figure 3-2 three distinct adsorption phases can be distinguished: (a) is the adsorption of the initial colloid solution to the surface followed by the extensive water, IPA and HCl washing phases; (b) is the second phase addition associated with the formation of the nanofunctionalised surface; and (c) shows the onset of a more rapid aggregation process. SEM images were taken for each of the phases (a-c) and are presented in Figure 3-3. 35 (a) (b) 500 nm 500 nm (c) 500 nm Figure 3-3: SEM images corresponding to phase (a), (b) and (c) presented in Figure 3-2. Figure 3-3 (a) shows a uniform distribution of single particles adsorbed to the surface with only occasionally pairs of particles. Figure 3-3 (b) shows a less dense region of the surface. On this surface more pairs, triplets and aggregates can be distinguished. Finally, Figure 3-3 (c) shows a larger surface coverage with some well developed surface clusters and aggregates. Figure 3-4 shows the distribution of the particles in each of the different phases of the experiment presented in Figure 3-2. The different categories that were identified were: 1; single particles 2; two particles attached to each other 3; three particles attached to each other 4; four particles attached to each other linear shaped aggregates circular shaped aggregates 36 1 Normalized values of amount of particles 0.9 A B C 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 2 3 4 Linear shaped aggregates Circular shaped aggregates Definition of different aggregates Figure 3-4: Distribution graph in which, on the x-axis, 1 to 4 means the amount of citrate reduced gold nanoparticles aggregated to each other in linear shape onto the silica surface, larger linear shaped aggregates; more than 4 nanoparticles and circular shaped aggregates; island formation of nanoparticles onto the silica surface; the yaxis consists of the normalized values for these different aggregates. A, B and C are each of the phases that we identified when performing these experiments. The experiment shown in Figure 3-2 was repeated and the results are shown in Figure 3-5 and Figure 3-6. 37 90 80 70 (b) Extinction/10-4 60 50 40 30 (a) 20 10 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Time/s Figure 3-5: Adsorption of citrate reduced gold nanoparticles onto a silica surface; (a) multiple adsorption steps using the previously described rinsing procedure ultimately leading to (b) linear kinetics. In Figure 3-2 two initial adsorption phases were observed before the onset of the aggregation phase. Figure 3-5 can be divided into two parts, part a and part b. In part a four adsorption phases (experiments), without the onset of linear aggregation kinetics, were performed. Part b consists of the onset of aggregation. In this chapter a total of four experiments are presented and the gold colloid solution that was prepared and used was, in each of these experiments, taken from the same stock solution. Figure 3-6 shows the third aggregation experiment done using this gold colloid solution. 38 70 60 Adsorption 5 50 Adsorption 4 Extinction/10-4 40 30 Adsorption 3 20 Adsorption 2 Adsorption 1 10 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 -10 Tim e/s Figure 3-6: Five adsorption phases with the same rinsing procedure described previously. Figure 3-6 shows five adsorption phases without aggregation of gold nanoparticles on the silica surface. Figure 3-6 also shows the water-IPA switches. These switches are shown here because it was difficult to distinguish the different adsorption phases in the trace of this experiment, also no aggregation occurred in this experiment. The colloid solution that was used came from the same stock solution as the previous experiments, presented in Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-5. Figure 3-7 shows a comparison between an experiment with an aminated surface and the aggregation phases in Figure 3-2 and Figure 3-5. 39 6 c 5 Extinction/10-3 4 b 3 a 2 1 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Time/s Figure 3-7: Comparison of aggregation kinetics using different methods; (a) aggregation kinetics taken from Figure 3-2, (b) aggregation kinetics taken from Figure 3-5 and (c) aggregation kinetics using 3-APM to chemically modify the surface of the prism. What can be seen in Figure 3-7 is the kinetics of these different methods are very similar. A kinetic analysis using Equation 3-1 was performed for each of the adsorption steps and these data are collected in Table 3-1, Table 3-2 and Table 3-3; a linear kinetics fit was performed on the aggregation step for all of the data collected. At each of the deposition stages, the refractive index sensitivity was measured for all of the surfaces, using both expressions described by Equation 3-2 and Equation 3-3. 40 Table 3-1 Values for RIS, nRIS and ka corresponding to experimental results in Figure 3-2. All determined values using labview had an error of less than 1%. RIS nRIS kax103 Mol-1.s-1 Adsorption step 1 0.61x10-3 0.51 74.80 Adsorption step 2 0.54 x10-3 0.54 20.50 Adsorption step 3 0.27 x10-3 0.31 29.60 Values belonging to figure 1 Table 3-2: Values for RIS, nRIS and ka corresponding to experimental results in Figure 3-5. All determined values using labview had an error of less than 1%. RIS nRIS kax103 Mol-1.s-1 Adsorption step 1 1.43x10-3 0.66 118.00 Adsorption step 2 0.84x10-3 0.55. 40.90 Adsorption step 3 0.74x10-3 0.52 894.00 Adsorption step 4 0.60x10-3 0.49 101.00 Adsorption step 5 0.23x10-3 0.35 227.00 Values belonging to figure 2 Table 3-3: Values for RIS, nRIS and ka corresponding to experimental results in Figure 3-7. All determined values using labview had an error of less than 1%. RIS nRIS kax103 Mol-1.s-1 Adsorption step 1 1.62x10-3 0.75 51.40 Adsorption step 2 0.79x10-3 0.71 451.00 Adsorption step 3 0.59x10-3 0.63 410.00 Adsorption step 4 0.62x10-3 0.54 54.20 Adsorption step 5 0.62x10-3 0.50 80.10 Values belonging to figure 3 In Figure 3-8 the average values of ka is plotted against each of the adsorption steps to see the reproducibility of these experiments and whether there is any identifiable trend that can be recognized. Any overlap in standard deviation automatically means that there is no significant difference between the two points. 41 Figure 3-8: A plot of observed average adsorption rate, ka (mol-1 s-1) plotted against each of the adsorption steps. Figure 3-8 shows much overlap meaning that there is no significant difference in ka values with increasing aggregation of particles on the silica surface. Figure 3-9 gives the nRIS of each adsorption step for all three experiments that are described previously. If more aggregation of nanoparticles improves the sensitivity of the surface (so the shift in ringdown time from water to IPA) then the values for nRIS should increase with each phase of all three experiments shown in Figure 3-2, Figure 3-5 and Figure 3-6. 42 Figure 3-9: In this graph all nRIS values are given for each adsorption step. Each line nRIS = was calculated based on Equation ΔYwater / isopropano l Ywater 3-3 and the results of figure 3-2 (▲), 3-5 (●) and 3-6 (■). Figure 3-10 gives the RIS values for each adsorption step of all three experiments. 43 Figure 3-10: In this graph all RIS values are given for each adsorption step. Each line RIS = was calculated based on Equation 3-2 nRIS = 0.0445 σ y ΔYwater / isopropano l ΔYwater / isopropano l Ywater Equation 3-3 and the results of figure 3-2 (▲), 3-5 (●) and 3-6 (■). From Figure 3-9 and Figure 3-10 the observation can be made that the refractive index sensitivity of the first adsorption phase seems to be the highest in all performed experiments. The nRIS values seem to decrease when significant aggregation is observed, showing lower refractive index sensitivities of 0.31 ± 0.12. RIS values are decreasing as well when linear kinetics are observed at typical value of RIS is 0.6 ± 0.4 10-3. The surfaces with increasing particle load show remarkably constant RIS values with the same range. 44 3.4 Discussion Adsorption onto the silica surface at neutral pH is dominated by the interaction of the negatively charged surface with the incoming adsorbing nanoparticle. The surface has a surface charge and hence surface potential of approximately – 50 mV at pH 7 and this is responsible for the structure of the charged interface.10 The gold nanoparticles are negatively charged23 with a charge of approximately 1500 e and yet they bind to the interface. The shape of the adsorption curve in Figure 3-2 is consistent with a Langmuir-type adsorption isotherm reaching a maximum density which is within the dynamic range of measurement. SEM images indicate that less than 20 % of the silica surface is covered.22 The nanoparticles are negatively charged, as is the surface at the pH of the colloidal solution, so the particles are attracted to the positive counter-ion concentration in the bilayer. The particles form a pseudoionic lattice on the surface, minimizing the interaction energies by maximizing the separation between the particles.22 The packing into the available sites on the surface therefore depends on the surface charge, the concentration of the counter-ions in the bilayer, the charge on the nanoparticles and the surface morphology.22 The latter may favour adsorption and aggregation at the surface, preferentially along a defect such as a polishing scratch.22 The second adsorption phase at the surface is then facilitated by removing the citrate ligand from the surface of the nanoparticles by the acid, water alcohol washes. The particles are then free from the ligand and a new ioniclattice of adsorbing particles is allowed to form with essentially the same rate constant but with the additional mechanism of aggregation. The number of pseudo-lattice phase adsorptions depends on the aggregation efficiency and the random processes leading to dimer and aggregate formation. A clear transition occurs however when the aggregation contribution dominates and near-linear kinetics are observed as the colloid becomes unstable at the interface and flocculates. Colloid stability in solution is controlled by the ionic strength of the solution and hence the Debye length of the charge bilayer around the particle which controls the interaction separation of the particles.24 45 The surface charge increases with the increasing number of nanoparticles at the interface, the ionic strength increases, inducing the colloidal instability and aggregation.22 The proposed mechanism of interfacial aggregation is supported by the observation of the aminated surface aggregation kinetics. The aminated surface is positively charged at the pH of the colloid solution which attracts the negatively charged nanoparticle leading to rapid attraction to the interface and the subsequent interfacial ionic strength-induced aggregation. The proposed mechanism is also corroborated by the concentration dependence of the surface coverage.22 At high colloid concentrations (undiluted from the stock solution) the colloid aggregates spontaneously on the surface, forming multilayers up to three layers in thickness (based on the extinction). 18 The increased concentration at the interface of charged particles and counter ions increases the ionic strength, causing aggregation of the nanoparticles.22 The refractive index sensitivity of the aggregated surface shows only a small improvement over the low coverage surfaces and the nanoparticles present in solution.22 This indicates that the surface does not contain pairs or aggregates of particles that are sufficiently close to one another to produce the enhanced field and hence the enhanced scattering properties responsible for the SERS and SEAS effects.22 This is in contrast to the aggregates prepared in solution and then deposited on the surface. Here larger aggregates form in solution containing several hundred nanoparticles which are then deposited on the surface. Washing of the aggregate may remove the ionic bilayer, resulting in aggregate annealing decreasing the separation between the aggregate features and increasing the sensitivity.22 3.5 Conclusions Nanofabricated surfaces may be formed at the silica-water interface where the interfacial concentration of counter ions increases the ionic strength and destabilises the colloid. Aggregation at the interface is characterised by a sharp increase in the rate of adsorption and hence the rate constant. The 46 small clusters formed in the interfacial mechanism do not show significant non-linear plasmon sensitivity to external refractive index changes. 47 3.6 References 1. Nie, S., Emory, S. R. Science 1997, 275, 1102. 2. Xu, H., Aizpurua, J., Käll, M., Apell, P. Physical Review E 2000, 62, 4318. 3. Osawa, M., Ataka, K. –I., Yoshii, K., Nishikawa, Y. Applied Spectroscopy 1993, 47, 1497. 4. O’Reilly, J. P., Fisk, J. D., Rooth, M., Perkins, E., Shaw, A. M. PCCP 2007, 9, 344. 5. Jana, N., R., Gearheart, L., Murphy, C., J. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2001, 105, 4065. 6. Kelly, K. L., Coronado, E., Zhao, L. L., Schatz, G. C. J. Phys. Chem. B 2003, 107, 668. 7. Garcia-Vidal, F. J., Pendry, J. B. Physical Review Letters 1996, 77, 1163. 8. Murray, C. A., Allara, D. L., Rhinewine, M. Physical Review Letters 1981, 46, 57. 9. Shaw, A. M., Hannon, T. E., Li, F., Zare, R. N. J. Phys. Chem. B 2003, 107, 7070. 10. Fisk, J. D., Batten, R., Jones, G., O’Reilly, J. P., Shaw, A. M. J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 14475. 11. Pipino, A. C R. Physical Review Letters 1999, 83, 3093. 12. Chen, C., Cheng, S., Chau, L., Wang, C., R., C. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2006, 22, 568. 13. Perez-Juste, J., Pastoriza-Santos, Liz-Marzan, L., M., Mulvaney, P. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 2005, 249, 1870. 14. Murphy, C., J., Sau, T., K., Cole A., M., Orendorff, C., J., Gao, J., Gou, L., Hunyadi, S., E., Li, T. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2005, 109, 13857. 15. Huang, C., Wang, Y., Chiu, P., Shih, M., Meen, T. Materials Letters 2006, 60, 1896. 16. Jana, N. R., Gearheart, L., Murphy, C. J. Phys. Chem. B 2001, 105, 4065. 17. Turkevich, J., Stevenson, P. C., Hillier, J. J. Discussion Farady Society 1951, 11, 55. 18. Fisk, J. D., Rooth, M., Shaw, A. M. J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 2588. 48 19. O’Reilly, J. P., Butts, C. P., I’Anson, I. A., Shaw, A. M. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 1632. 20. Arslan, G., Ozmen, M., Gunduz, B., Zhang, X., Ersoz, M. Turk J Chem 2006, 30, 203. 21. Frattini, A., Pellegri, N., Nicastro, D., de Sanctis, O. Materials Chemistry and Physics 2005, 94, 148. 22. Kretzers, I., M., J., Parker, R., J., Olkhov, R., V., Shaw, A., M. J. Phys. Chem. C. 2009, 113, 5514. 23. Schumacher, G. A., Ven, T. G. M. v. d. Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society 1983, 83, 75. 24. Israelachvili, J. Intermolecular and Surface Forces, Second ed., Academic Press London, 1992. 49 4 DNA Hybridization 4.1 Introduction Even though there has been extensive investigation of the physico-chemical properties of DNA, much work is still needed in order to understand its complex behaviour inside the cell.1, 2 Therefore, DNA is an important analytical tool in molecular biology, in which most of the techniques that are utilized depend on a hybridization event in which the target is identified by a probe.3 Commonly used DNA techniques are based on fluorescence labelling, which is time consuming, expensive and not sensitive enough.3 PCR is the standard method for DNA sequencing. The PCR method has disadvantages. The first one is that during the process of multiplying DNA, specific target bases are labelled using a fluorophore. 4, 5 It is well known that this interferes with (de)hybridization of DNA (the melting temperature).4, 5 The second problem is non-specific binding of fluorophores to bases. This will also interfere with the melting temperature.4, 5 The melting temperature of DNA is the temperature at which the double strand de-hybridizes. The previously mentioned disadvantages of using DNA techniques based on fluorescence labelling could make e-CRDS a good analytical tool for DNA hybridization. Using DNA of different strand lengths tethered to nanoparticles will result in a biological measurement of sensitivity. 4.1.1 Current trends in DNA biosensors A major trend in the development of novel diagnostic systems is the concept of DNA chips (or microarrays). By using different techniques, sensor surfaces are functionalized using different printing techniques. This results in very high microband sensor arrays coated with different DNA probes (with or without label) on the chip.6 This paragraph will give a short review on the current developments of optical analysis techniques that eventually should be utilized on these arrays. 50 The optical methods that are currently being developed can be broadly divided into four categories. These categories are; optical fibers, SPR, gold nanoparticles and quantum dots.7 An optical fiber is generally utilized by placing a probe (in this case sDNA) to the end of the optical fiber after which hybridization with the complementary strain takes place.8 Measurements can be done by a change in fluorescence intensity after hybridization.8 Previously, these measurements were performed using ethidium bromide as a hybridization indicator. Ethidium bromide is a carcinogenic compound and much development is focussed on finding a replacement of this chemical. Directing light waves to an interface between a metal and a dielectric will result in SPR. Literature shows the utilization of a DNA detection system by using an avidin coated surface with an immobilized biotinylated probe and further binding of the target-DNA.9 Systems like this show high specificity hybridization within 10 minutes at room temperature. 10 The use of functionalized gold nanoparticles provides for another label-free optical detection method for DNA hybridization, with the added advantage of less background noise than with fluorescence tagging.11 According to the literature7, gold nanoparticles are generally utilized in solution in which the formation of complex aggregates and the associated colour change during hybridization can be measured using photo spectroscopic methods. A recent reduction in background signal was developed by coupling gold nanoparticles to latex microparticles in which both particle types are linked to sDNA probes.12 Quantum dots are dots that consist of nanoparticles for fluorescence tagging of probe biomolecules.7 The difference compared to conventional organic fluorophores is that quantum dots are much brighter (higher quantum yield) and more photostable. An application of quantum dot-based DNA analyses is a surface plasmon enhanced fluorescence microscopy detection scheme in a microarray format.13 51 4.1.2 Kinetics Using sDNA strains of different length and different base composition might give us an understanding of the association/dissociation rates of DNA. Literature shows an association constant (kon) ranging from 3.7 × 104 M-1 s-1 to 2.5 × 105 M-1 s-1.14, 15 These numbers were determined using a simple association/dissociation model (Langmurian). Under the assumptions that the concentration of targets is in excess compared to the surface density of probes, the bulk concentration is uniform over the entire sensor area and that the dissociation rate is negligible.14 DNA hybridization was performed under room temperature condition.14, 15 The number of bases in the sDNA strains ranged from 15-20.14, 15 4.1.3 DNA DNA consists of 4 different bases, adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. The complementary base-pairs are adenine-thymine (A-T) and cytosineguanine (C-G) (see Figure 4-1).16 52 Purines O NH2 N N NH N N N N N NH2 NH2 ribose ribose adenosine guanine Pyrimidines O CH3 CH3 HN O NH2 N N ribose thymine O N ribose cytosine Figure 4-1: The four bases that make up DNA. Figure 4-2 shows the double helix formation of the different base pairs that can be formed. 53 HO OH P O H3C H O NH N OH H O N H H N N N N O O H O HO P O O NH H N O O N N H O O P O OH O N H O NH H N O O N N O P O H H HO CH3 H O CH3 H O O P O OH H N H N H N O N O N H O H HO O O P HO OH Figure 4-2: Structure of DNA. The strand on the left side has the following bases (from bottom to the top), adenine, adenine and thymine. The chain on the left side is the complementary strand. The DNA strand is held together with H-bridges that are formed between the primary amine groups in the structure of the bases, in which two H-bridges are formed between A and T and three H-bridges are formed between C and G. Therefore the C-G bond should be about 30% stronger then the A-T bond, which makes the A-T bond more sensitive to changes in temperature. 4.1.4 Binding Strategies Two different binding strategies have been used to tether DNA to gold nanoparticles. The first method consists of a direct binding to the gold nanoparticle by using sDNA with a thiol-group at the 3’-end of the strand. The thiol-group will directly bind to the gold nanoparticle, after which, the hybridization experiment could be performed (see Figure 4-3). The other strand is of course unmodified. 54 sDNA sDNA sDNA sDNA sDNA sDNA sDNA sDNA S S S S S S S S Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Au Figure 4-3: Schematic drawing depicting thiol-sDNA binding to a gold surface. The second strategy consisted of EDC/NHS coupling of an amine group to a carboxylic acid group already present on the gold nanoparticle. In the experiments that are presented in this chapter, the gold surface was modified by a self assembled monolayer (SAM), using thioctic acid (TOA) (see Figure 4-4). O HO O O HO HO O HO Thioctic acid S S S Au Au S Au Au Gold surface Figure 4-4: Schematic drawing depicting a SAM of TOA on a gold surface. EDC is a water soluble carbodiimide. Used on its own, EDC mediates amide bond formation between amine groups on proteins and a carboxylic acid group on the surface. It does this by forming an O-isourea group that readily reacts to form the amide bond (see Figure 4-5). The strains that were used during experiments were initially sDNA strains. The risk with performing the binding procedure using sDNA instead of DNA is that the primary amine 55 groups on the bases could just as easily bind to the activated surface. This will result in a strand that is bound base down on the gold nanoparticle so that hybridization will not occur. + R1 EDC H3C O N N OH CH3 N HCl + H CH3 H3C CH3 HN N N CH3 O Unstable Amine Reactive Intermediate O R1 sDNA NH2 O O sDNA R1 HCl CH3 + H3C NH NH NH N HCl CH3 Figure 4-5: Mechanism of EDC – amine coupling EDC is often used in conjunction with NHS.17 Using EDC and NHS together produces a more stable intermediate ester that is then able to react with amine groups to form an amide bond (see Figure 4-6). 56 EDC H3C NHS O N + R1 N OH + CH3 O N HCl N O HO CH3 H3C O O HN R1 O + N NH O O CH3 HCl N CH3 NH2 sDNA O sDNA R1 O + N NH O HO Figure 4-6: Mechanism of EDC/NHS –amine coupling. A molecule that is bound to the surface using the EDC/NHS coupling will be more greatly adhered as the bond strength of an amide bond is greater than physisorption due to electrostatic forces. 57 4.2 Experimental Design 4.2.1 The sequence The plasmon field of a gold nanoparticle is excited into its direct surroundings. The penetration depth of this field is about 20 nm. For the first experiments the strand was designed to stay in this field. Ten base pairs are about 3.4 nm long so 15 base pairs are about 5.1 nm long. Strands no longer then 15 base pairs were chosen because previous research in the literature shows that most strains that are used for hybridization are not much longer than 15 base pairs.14, 15 The primer sequence consists of 5 codons (or 15 bases). The sequence being used for these experiments is: 5’-TTTTAACCCGGGGAC-3’ The complementary sequence is: 3’-AAAATTGGGCCCCTG-5’ The modifications to the 3’-end of the strand were either a thiol- or aminogroup (see Figure 4-7). 5'-end 5'-end R R HO P O O NH H N O HO P H N H O N O H N H N NH H N O N N O O H2N HS 3'-end 3'-end Figure 4-7: Structure of the chemical modifications used during the experiments. The OH group on the ribose is replace by either SH or NH2. Figure 4-7 shows the modifications that were made. The R in the structure is followed by the rest of the sequence. 58 The thiol group would bind to the gold surface directly (see Figure 4-3) and the amino-group could be used after modifying the gold surface first (EDC/NHS coupling, see Figure 4-6). All strains were ordered at MWGbiotech. 4.2.2 sDNA adsorption to gold surfaces using EDC/NHS coupling A citrate-reduced colloid was prepared using the Turkevich method.18 This method is described in chapter 2 in more detail. The protocol was as followed; 100 ml of 1mM HAuCl4 was reduced using 10 ml of 90 mM of Sodium citrate. The HAuCl4 solution was heated to 95 oC and the citrate was injected whilst stirring vigorously. The colloid was cooled to room temperature, after which, the absorbance spectrum was measured, from which max = 523 nm indicates a colloid with 15 nm diameter particles.19 The colloid solution was diluted with 8.2 mM sodium citrate to reduce the concentration to 0.35 nM before use in the aggregation experiments. Surface equilibration was carried out using ethanol for 20 minutes. After that, a solution of 1 mM of thioctic acid (TOA) was introduced into the flow cell. To get a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) this was done for 45 minutes. The next step was to stabilize the SAM and to remove excess TOA using clean ethanol. SAM activation was performed by using a solution of Nhydroxysuccinimide (NHS) and 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC). The EDC/NHS solution (0.4 M/0.1 M) was injected across the surface for 1 hour. After 1 hour, clean water was injected to remove any remaining EDC/NHS solution. A new baseline was established using a phosphate buffer after which sDNA was flown across the surface. 4.3 Results The results presented here are preliminary and form an evolving series of experiments towards the objective of observing the hybridisation kinetics. 59 4.3.1 Adsorption and nanoparticles hybridization of sDNA onto gold The first set of DNA hybridization experiments that were performed used sDNA in which the 3’-end of the strand was modified in such a way that it ended with a thiol group. The theory was that this thiol-group should bind to gold nanoparticles, after which, the complementary strand could be hybridized to the single strand already present on the gold surface. This complementary strand did not have a thiol group at the 3’-end of its strand; therefore it would not bind to the gold surface (see Figure 4-3 for a schematic representation). The first step in these experiments was to create a surface of gold nanoparticles on the silica prism surface. In Figure 4-8, the first step is shown in these experiments. 4 3.5 Extinction/10 -3 3 2.5 B A 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Time/s Figure 4-8: This graph shows the adsorption of gold nanoparticles using the standard colloid solution that has been described previously. The experimental cut off point was chosen at about 3.5x10-3 at a wavelength of 635 nm. A and B are duplicate experiments. 60 The first phase of these experiments took about 5 minutes and the cut-off values for extinction was about 3.5 10-3 to allow for sufficient dynamic range in to perform the other experiments. The difference in kinetics that can be seen here is due to surface and colloid effects. The silica surface and the colloid vary slightly every day. The next step is absorbing sDNA with a thiolgroup on the gold nanoparticle surface the results of this can be seen in Figure 4-9. A B Figure 4-9: This step is adsorption of the first sDNA strand onto the gold surface (nanoparticle). A and B are duplicate experiments. Both experimental traces in Figure 4-9 show a Langmurian trend. The arrows in the graph show the switch to only PBS-buffer (with no sDNA). After that switch, the signal goes down. This is probably due to rinsing of excess sDNA. This means that all binding sites are occupied. 61 The third and last step in these experiments was the hybridization of the complementary strand. In Figure 4-12 the results can be seen from these experiments. 1 0.8 B Extinction/10 -3 0.6 0.4 A 0.2 C 0 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 -0.2 -0.4 Time/s Figure 4-10: Hybridisation of the sDNA strand to the tethered DNA. A and B are the signal changes corresponding to Figure 4-8 and C is the signal change corresponding with the control experiment. The signal changes in Figure 4-8 and Figure 4-9 could be attributed to adsorption of gold nanoparticles and binding of sDNA to the gold nanoparticle. Figure 4-10 however does not show that there is any complementary hybridization of the two sDNA strands. Also a control experiment was done to determine any non-specific binding of unmodified sDNA to the gold nanoparticle. 62 4.3.2 sDNA adsorption to gold surfaces using EDC/NHS coupling The last experiment that was performed involved absorbing a thioctic acid layer on the gold surface and activating it by using EDC/NHS coupling; after which sDNA was tethered to the activated surface. The results are described in this section. The next three graphs show the results of one single experiment. Figure 4-13 represents the signal change when gold is absorbed onto the silica surface. Again, the dynamic range of the experimental setup has to be taken into account or else there it will not be possible to measure the other chemical steps. 0.80 0.70 0.60 Extinction/10-3 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 -0.10 Time/s Figure 4-11: Adsorption of gold nanoparticles onto the silica prism surface using the eCRDS technique to measure the increase in adsorption of light at 635 nm. The first phase of these experiments took about 45-50 minutes. This is significantly longer than the adsorption phase in Figure 4-8. A reason for this 63 might be that the gold colloid is not as stable as was assumed (also in chapter 3 colloid stability seems to be changing). Figure 4-12 shows the signal change due to the deposition of TOA onto the gold surface. 0.18 0.16 0.14 Extinction/10-3 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 -0.02 -0.04 Time/s Figure 4-12: Signal change during the deposition of thioctic acid onto a gold nanoparticle surface. The second phase of these experiments was the deposition of thioctic acid (concentration) onto the gold nanoparticle. The deposition time was about 45 minutes as can be seen in Figure 4-12. After about 40 minutes the signal change seemed to level off at an extinction value of 0.15x10 -3. To check if the surface was deposited correctly pH switches were carried out. The pH shift will result in a change of the surface charge which will show as a shift in signal change. The pH range that was utilized to show TOA binding ranged from 3 to 64 12 using acetic acid for the acid value and sodium hydroxide for the base value. The next phase is activating this thioctic surface by using EDC/NHS coupling to connect the sDNA onto the thioctic acid monolayer. This step was repeated three times to show reproducibility. In Figure 4-13 the results of this phase are presented. 0.60 Extinction/10 -3 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Time/s Figure 4-13: Attachment kinetics of sDNA onto the thioctic acid monolayer using the EDC/NHS activation method. The activity of this method lasts very shortly. Also the concentration of the chemicals was very high. This might explain why the kinetics are so fast. The chemical binding between DNA and thioctic acid reaches a stable value after about 20 seconds. To exclude a shift in the surface plasmon due to a stability change in the cavity this experiment was done three times to confirm the results. 65 4.4 Discussion The experiments that were performed were designed following two phases. The first phase consisted of tethering sDNA onto gold nanoparticles. The strain that had a thiol group at its 3’-end bound to the gold nanoparticles, which is reflected in Figure 4-9. The second tethering strategy; the formation of a thioctic acid self assembled monolayer on the gold surface followed by the activation of the monolayer using EDC/NHS also resulted in the adsorption of sDNA onto the gold nanoparticles. The result can be seen in Figure 4-13. The second phase of these experiments was supposed to consist of complementary hybridization of the sDNA strands. This phase has been unsuccessful. The sequence of the two sDNA strands consisted of all four bases divided in five codons. There is a possibility that during the experiment these strands hybridized with themselves and that therefore no hybridization occurred. EDC/NHS activation of the thioctic acid surface makes it possible to bind with an amine group. This could have resulted in binding of the primary amine groups of the bases inside the sDNA strands onto the activated thioctic acid surface, meaning that the sDNA strands will have bound base down and that hybridization can therefore not occur. 4.5 Conclusions and Future Work From this chapter the conclusion can be drawn that both binding strategies seem to work. Binding sDNA directly to gold nanoparticles using a thiol group this has been shown in a duplicate experiment and for binding sDNA to an activated thioctic acid surface, this has been performed in triplicate. The best way to move forward with these experiments is to first bind double stranded DNA onto the gold nanoparticle, then de-hybridize it, followed by hybridization of the complimentary strand. If this works, then strands with varying G-C content can be tested to see whether or not there is a difference in binding kinetics. 66 4.6 References 1. Zhang, Z., H., Feng, C., L. Applied Surface Science 2007, 253, 8915. 2. 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