Spanish I: Unit 2 - School Life Language Course/level Targeted Proficiency Level Thematic unit Unit length Spanish Spanish I Novice-Mid School Life about 6 weeks Stage 1: Desired Results Standards: Check as many as apply. Enduring Understanding(s) Essential Question Guiding Questions __X__1.1 Interpersonal communication __X__1.2 Interpretive communication __X__1.3 Presentational communication __X__2.1 Cultural practices and perspectives __X__2.2 Cultural products and perspectives __X__3.1 Connections to other disciplines _____ 3.2 Acquiring new information __X__4.1 Language comparisons __X__4.2 Cultural comparisons School systems reflect their culture. How is school an important part of my life? Why do I go to school? How are school schedules different? What is my school day like? How do concepts of time differ culturally? How do I succeed in school? At the end of this unit learners can describe and compare school schedules, classes, and Learning goals school supplies in both their own school and schools in Spanish-speaking countries. Learners can also express opinions about their classes, teachers, and school. They can describe and sequence their class schedule and extracurricular activities. They can identify and locate classroom items. Finally, learners can ask and answer questions about school life. Functions Knowledge What can learners do? What context, structure and culture will learners need to show their knowledge? Functions Context Structure Culture describe schedule, classes, class subjects nouns school schedules and and teachers classes schedules adjectives school environment adjectives gender ask questions and give opinions question words comparisons question formation negation agreement gustar identify/locate classroom items classroom items prepositions of location estar plurals articles sequence class schedule cardinal and ordinal numbers transitions tener (que) ir (a) social register school and class schedules describe school and extracurricular activities activities sports -ar, -er, -ir present tense verbs poder jugar activities sports tell time 24-hour clock time 24-hour clock ser Stage 2: Assessment Evidence Summative Performance Assessments Listen to/read and comprehend a school schedule and class descriptions Interpretive Students discuss and interview each other about school. Interpersonal Students write a blog entry about their school day. Presentational Formative Assessments Other Summative Assessments time and numbers quiz classes and classroom vocabulary quiz verb quiz Stage 3: Learning Activities Interpersonal surveys/interviews about classes, schedules, school, and extracurricular activities exchange text messages with a friend about after school plans Interpretive read and interpret school schedules listen to descriptions of students’ schedules view and interpret Realidades videos Other Learning Activities practice verb activities preposition activities draw and label classroom items research school life in Spanish-speaking countries Resources District Resources-Realidades 1 Para empezar Unit 1 (adjectives, negatives) Unit 2 (school life) Unit 3 (-er, -ir verbs, tener, ir a + inf.) Unit 5 (ser vs. estar) Other resources Internet maps professional organizations websites – advocacy Presentational create a presentation about your school life and extracurricular activities leave a voicemail describing what you are going to do tomorrow