AGENDA ITEM 11 (i) CARING FOR THE COTSWOLDS - CONTRACT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERACTIVE INTERPRETATION KIOSKS Summary: To receive quotations for the development of interpretation kiosks as part of the Caring for the Cotswolds Project and accept a suitable quotation, subject to confirmation of the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) Author: John Tabor, Project Manager - Caring for the Cotswolds Recommendation: That the quotation of StardotStar of 22 Lever Street, Manchester, M1 1EA for the creative development, design, production and deployment associated with 6 interactive, interpretation kiosks and software in the sum of £117,500.00, including VAT, subject to confirmation of the Heritage Lottery Fund, be accepted. Background 1. The Constitution of the Conservation Board requires that any contract or agreement with a total value in excess of £50,000 be submitted to the full Board for approval (Article 6.03 refers). 2. Accordingly this report informs the Conservation Board of the results of quotations received from specialist companies responding to a brief (Appendix A) to procure interactive computer driven interpretation kiosks as a central part of the Caring for the Cotswolds Interpretation theme. The cost of the proposed work is £117,423.62, including VAT. Proposal 3. Interpretation is a major theme of the Caring for the Cotswolds Project. The objective of the theme is to inform residents, and those who live in communities that surround the AONB, of the need to conserve this protected landscape, how this relates to land management, why the landscape looks the way it is and the produce produced. It will also show how the landscape has evolved and demonstrate a number of ‘what ifs’, for example to show the impacts on the AONB landscape if farming changed radically, or became entirely arable or if forestry expanded across the AONB. 4. Proposals for the delivery of the Interpretation theme, agreed with Heritage Lottery Fund will deliver a programme of exhibitions to tour the AONB and will also provide interpretation in the café area at the Cotswold Heritage Centre, Northleach as part of the refurbishment programme during 2006. Interpretation methods to be used include traditional visual exhibitions and a programme of illustrated guided walks. The Interpretation programme also proposes cutting edge, high tech form of delivery using computer driven interactive kiosks capable of being sited at a number of locations. These kiosks will be aimed to attract those who do not regularly visit the countryside or understand its workings; it will encourage a broader understanding of the need to conserve and enjoy the AONB landscape and foster an appreciation of the countryside management whilst raising awareness of local foods. A major element of the theme is the commissioning of 6 interpretation kiosks which will form the basis of informing these audiences. 5. This work is very specialised requiring the writing and development of software, and hardware and kiosk development. In late 2005 a brief was developed, a copy of which is appended, to deliver the objectives agreed with HLF. Following desk top research, including consultation with the Corrinium Museum, seven companies were invited to submit a quotation, responding to the brief: Box of London Centre Screen Productions of Manchester Channel TV, of the Channel Islands E3media of Bristol Mook of London NYKRIS of London Stardotstar of Manchester 6. Of these companies, four, Centre Screen Productions, Channel TV, NYKRIS and Stardotstar, responded to the brief, the other three did not submit a quotation. After receiving quotations NYKRIS ceased trading. 7. The remaining quotations received were scored against an 80:20 quality, price matrix, shown on the appendix, as a result of which StardotStar was assessed as offering the best package of value, innovation and overall approach to the brief. Funding 8. Interpretation within the Caring for the Cotswolds Project has a total eligible cost of £317,231 and a HLF grant of £158,616. The Caring for the Cotswolds project budget has been compiled and agreed on the basis that HLF contributes 50% of the cost with the other 50% being funded from other sources – landowners, and other grant making organisations. This approach has been successfully applied to deliver the Project’s other work grasslands, dry stone walling and local distinctiveness. 9. However Interpretation has proved to be unattractive to a range of potential funders and therefore, in March, in consultation with HLF, to take account of the current position over two years into the five year life of the Project, the Project budget was revised to reflect actual spend and achieve a contribution in excess of 50% from HLF towards the Interpretation proposals. 10. The re-drafted budget highlighted a grant under spend of £83,926, achieved as a result of: Lower than expected costs of: Producing publications Undertaking dry stone wall community survey work Savings on staff costs 11. HLF has been asked: Whether this figure can be used as a 100% contribution to fund Interpretation without affecting the overall HLF grant or the delivery of other work of the Project. This approach would not increase the overall grant originally awarded, it enables full utilisation of the grant to benefit all elements of the Project. The figure would be used to match HLF funding of £158,616, available for interpretation. The over achievement in match funding grassland project work of £92,275 can be used to match the proposed interpretation work. 12. HLF’s response to this request will be reported at the meeting 13. In addition, an application for £15,000 has been made to the Gloucestershire Environmental Trust Company seeking a grant towards the cost of the kiosk to be located in the refurbished café at the Cotswold Heritage Centre. 14. The current cost profile of the proposed work assuming an Entrust award is: Total cost of 6 Interactive Kiosks and software: £117,500 To be met by: Match funding from elsewhere in the Project Glos. Entrust HLF Grant Total: £43,750 £15,000 £58,750 £117,500 Timescale 15. The interpretation scheme and in particular the interactive kiosks are planned to be launched in July 2006. All companies submitting quotations show time lines for the work which will achieve this timescale. 16. One of the six kiosks will be located within the refurbished café area within the Cotswold Heritage Centre, due to re-open in summer of 2006. Risk 17. The Conservation Board’s accountant has appraised the scheme and is satisfied with the submission, assessment criteria and scoring matrix (Appendix B). A financial check of StardotStar has been requested, the results will be reported at the meeting. 18. In terms of payment profile of the work, it is proposed to phase payments linked to the development of the software, satisfactory commissioning of the software in the kiosks and, following testing, commissioning on site. With a contract for this amount it may be necessary to pay a percentage up front, this will be explored with the company appointed; however, in accordance with the Conservation Board’s Constitution, a retention contingency of 20% will be held as final payment. Phasing payments as proposed will monitor the progress of the work and limit the extent of the Board’s financial exposure at any one time to specified outcomes.