Reevaluations Required every 3 years or sooner at the discretion of the IEP Team Your school psychologist must be consulted prior to any meeting. (The psychologist may or may not need to attend the actual meetings) Make note of all reevaluation due dates for students on your caseload. Reevaluation Plan meetings should be conducted during the semester PRIOR TO the due date. For example, Reevaluation Plan meetings due in the spring should be held in the fall prior to their due date. However, reevaluation meetings should not be done more than 6 months in advance of their due date. The due date is the date that all planning, assessment and review of results must be completed. 1. Set up IEP/reevaluation meeting with IEP Team. Excent>Process>Meeting Letters>Add New Letter complete tabs: “purpose”, “attendees”, “response” 2. Prior to the meeting, begin entering in data regarding the student’s goals, interventions, progress toward goals, team members, and other pertinent information on the Data Review for Reevaluation. Excent>Evaluation>Data Review for Reevaluation>Add New Plan complete tabs: "review” and “team members” 3. At meeting, document team recommendations in Excent. Excent>Evaluation>Data Review for Reevaluation>Add New Plan complete tab: “determination” 4. All team members sign. If no additional assessments are requested, 1. Provide parent with Prior Written Notice (no additional testing needed) Excent>Process>Prior Written Notice>Add New Notice If parent did not participate in the meeting, send home Follow Up Letter Excent>Process>Meeting Letters>click on date of meeting letter, print, check “Follow Up letter to IEP Meeting”, print If additional assessments are requested- go to Excent>Process>Notice and Consent for Reevaluation>Add New Notice 1. Complete and print Notice and Consent for Reevaluation, get parent signature 2. Provide parent with Prior Written Notice (to do additional testing) Excent>Process>Prior Written Notice>Add New Notice If parent did not participate in the meeting, send home Follow Up Letter and Notice and Consent for Reevaluation See above for Follow Up Letter, Excent>Process>Notice and Consent for Reevaluations Permission to Reevaluate must be received from the parent before formal reevaluation testing can occur. Each reevaluation which calls for additional assessments must result in a meeting when all assessments have been completed. Repeat step 1 under “Reevaluations”, indicating all areas of discussion planned for the meeting. Conduct the meeting to review results of evaluation. 1. Complete “Data Review for Reevaluation” Excent>Evaluation>Data Review for Evaluation>Results Following the meeting, send Prior Wrtitten Notice, and if the evaluation results in a change of identification and/or change in services be sure to include change of disability label and/or change of amount of services. Excent>Process>Prior Written Notice>Add New Notice Revise IEP if needed. If parent did not participate in the meeting, complete “Follow Up to Reevaluation Review” and send home. Excent>Process>Follow Up to Reevaluation Review>Add New Notice The Case Manager is responsible for completing all of the above paperwork. • • • • • • • • Send to the District Office as one packet: Meeting Letter to conduct reevaluation plan (if parent does not respond, you must document two attempts to contact) Reevaluation Plan IEP Meeting Notes If no additional assessments were requested: IEP Meeting Notes Excent Update Request If additional assessments were requested: Notice and Consent for Reevaluation signed by parent Meeting Letter to review results of evaluation (if parent does not respond, you must document two attempts to contact) Multidisciplinary Team Report (if needed) provided by School Psychologist or Speech Therapist • • • Revised IEP signature page (if needed) IEP Meeting Notes Excent Update Request (print out and place on top) For Speech-only students, maintain all records at the school. Submit an Excent Update Request electronically to your school’s special ed. secretary. Revised 5-8-2013 DH