NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL BOROUGH COUNCIL OF KING’S LYNN AND WEST NORFOLK KING’S LYNN AND WEST NORFOLK AREA MUSEUMS COMMITTEE Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee held on Monday 2 December, 2002 at 2.30pm in Council Chamber, Town Hall, King’s Lynn PRESENT: Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Councillor P R Richards - Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Councillor B A Seaman - Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Councillor A M J Tyler - Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk County Councillor Mrs H Bolt (Chair)- Norfolk County Council County Councillor Mrs J Eells - Norfolk County Council Mr D Higgins - Friends of King’s Lynn Museums Councillor A J Dobson - Officers present: Mr R Hanley - Mr T Hall - Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service Heritage Officer BCKLWN Apologies for absence were received from Councillor L V Wilkinson, Mr R Quinn, Dr A Lane and Ms V Trevellyan. 1 MINUTES The minutes of the Meeting held on 9 September 2002 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 2 KING’S LYNN MUSEUMS REPORT A report by the Head of Museums and Archaeology on the King’s Lynn Museums for the period September to November 2002 was presented by Robin Hanley, Area Museums Officer. In presenting the report he drew attention to a number of events and activities which had been or would be taking place at the Museums. The current exhibition at Lynn Museum “On the Ball City!”, previously on show at Norwich Castle, had been given a strong local focus using material loaned by local collectors. There had been good media 1 coverage and there had been a positive response to the exhibition, which runs until 4 January 2003. A small maritime display was mounted at the Town House Museum as part of the Borough Council’s Maritime Festival from 20 – 27 October. The displays were complemented by a series of craft workshops “Junk Junks” were held at the Lynn Museum in which children were able to make and sail model boats. In response to a question it was explained that all such events are expected to be self financing. A fee is charged to the participants and some events attract external funding. Reference was made to a display on the Marshland Project, which had been mounted in the foyer at the Council offices at King’s Court. The Project had also been publicised through the Borough Council’s Members’ Bulletin. It was explained that this is a new idea to raise awareness of events and exhibitions being run by the Museums Service. A programme of training for Museum Assistants will be starting early in the New Year. These will be held at the Norwich Museum involving assistants from King’s Lynn and other museums in the County. It was reported that membership of the Friends of King’s Lynn Museums has increased and that a new membership leaflet has been produced. As well as providing practical support, Friends also help with funds to purchase items for the Museums Service, which is greatly appreciated. A survey of the training needs of members of the King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Heritage Partnership had been undertaken and external funding is being sought to meet the cost of training. Reference was made to the West Norfolk Heritage Strategy and Action Plan, the final draft of which is currently awaiting confirmation by the Borough Council. Members of the Committee indicated a wish to be given the opportunity to look at the approved action plan and it was agreed that a report be prepared for the next meeting. Attention was drawn to the successful children’s events run by the Lynn Museum. SRB6 funding enabled schools in the Marshland area, which do not normally use King’s Lynn Museums Service, to be targeted through an outreach programme of “Fairy Tale Fun” sessions which involved some 400 children. Summaries showing the breakdown of visitors to Lynn Museum and Town House Museum from April to October 2003 compared with the same period in the previous year were received. It was noted that the main reason for the fall in visitor numbers at the Town House Museum is due to the reduction in the number of school visits. Both sites are struggling to attract new visitors, although temporary exhibits are helping to maintain visitor numbers. Attention was drawn to Best Value Performance Indicator BVPI 170, which gives a better reflection of the 2 level of activity within the service as figures shown include enquiries and outreach statistics. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. 3. POTENTIAL NMAS INVOLVEMENT IN MANAGEMENT OF THE GREEN QUAY, KING’S LYNN The report of the Head of Museums and Archaeology was presented by Robin Hanley. Members of the Committee were reminded that at its meeting on 17 June 2002 it was reported that NMAS had been invited by the Borough Council to explore the principle of taking over the management of the Green Quay Wash interpretation centre, subject to agreement by relevant partners. A business plan was developed, in consultation with staff at the Green Quay and Borough Council Officers, and was presented to Green Quay trustees on 20 September 2002. Trustees subsequently decided not to pursue the NMAS management option, as they wished to retain the independence of the centre and explore other development opportunities. Members of the Committee expressed their thanks to Robin Hanley for the work which had been done in preparation of the business plan, which had subsequently proved to be abortive. RESOLVED: That the report be noted. 4. LYNN MUSEUM DEVELOPMENT SCHEME Reference was made to the previous meeting when the Committee had been advised that the Borough Council had been unable to support the proposed partnership capital development scheme for those heritage and museum services currently delivered by the Borough Council, Norfolk Museums and Archaeology Service and the Borough Archives. The Committee had resolved that an initial report on the development of a project for the Lynn Museum should be considered at this meeting. A report providing outline details of the proposed capital development scheme for the Lynn Museum was presented by Robin Hanley. The report detailed the key elements within the new project, and it was explained that the project attempts to include as many elements as possible from those originally envisaged in the partnership scheme. 3 It was reported that as the project costs are estimated to be less than £1 million, the project would be eligible for an application to be made from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Under this scheme, 10% matched funding is required and funding would be sought from Norfolk County Council and other sources of external funding. Within the project, a 3 year Outreach Officer post and a 1 year Digitisation Officer post are proposed, for which external funding would be sought. The provisional timetable for the project application and implementation, subject to funding being in place, was noted. In considering the report, Members of the Committee received clarification on a number of issues, including how and with whom public consultation would be conducted, and improved access to collections. Members of the Committee expressed disappointment that the original proposed partnership capital development scheme had not been supported, and welcomed the proposals for the Lynn Museum now detailed. RESOLVED: 5. 1. That the Committee supports the proposed project for the Lynn Museum and the preparation of funding bids to the Heritage Lottery Fund and other external funders. 2. That a detailed progress report on the development project for the Lynn Museum be considered at the next meeting. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP It was reported that Dr Andrew Lane, who represents Museums in Norfolk Group, will leave his post at Trues Yard Museum at Christmas and that Catherine Morrison has been appointed to replace him. It was reported that the Youth Representative, Miss G Cousins, no longer lives in the area and is unable to attend meetings of the Committee. It was agreed that a replacement representative should be sought as soon as possible. If the constitution and terms of reference for the Committee permits, it was suggested that a second youth representative might also be co-opted onto the Committee. It was indicated that the College of West Anglia would be an appropriate body to approach in this respect. RESOLVED: That nominations be sought for 2 Youth Representatives to be co-opted onto the Committee, subject to this number being permissible within the constitution and terms of reference of the Committee. 4 6. DATE OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: That the next meeting be held on Monday 31 March 2003 at 2.30 pm at the Lynn Museum. The meeting closed at 4.00pm 5