Ali stair Gibson MVB, MRCVS Associate Veterinary Surgeon Alistair graduated from Dublin University in 1986, and started his career working in England. He has been with the team at Earlswood from 2006, accepting referrals in cardio-respiratory medicine and surgery, multisystem ultrasonography and vascular anomalies. Alistair has served as president of the North of Ireland Veterinary Association. Alistair has pioneered the development of interventional surgery (minimally-invasive treatment of a variety of vascular disorders using fluoroscopic guidance) in Ireland. The services he offers include balloon valvuloplasty, amplatz insertion to treat patent ductus arteriosus and intrahepatic shunts. Alistair studied cardiology in Ontario Veterinary College and at Cornell. He has over 20 years of experience in cardio-respiratory medicine and regularly provides CPD to vets, nurses and breeders in Ireland, the UK and Europe. He is an external consultant for UCO. Alistair's ultrasonography skills extend to most body systems and he is proficient in guided biopsy techniques. He has been trained in laparoscopy and thoracoscopy and provides a comprehensive range of minimally invasive diagnostic and surgical procedures. Alistair is available for advice and ECG interpretation via telephone or e-mail. www. earlswoodvets. corn