1 Professor Lupovitch History 181 Introduction to Jewish History I: From Biblical Origins to 1492 This course will survey the history of the Jews from biblical antiquity until the Expulsion from Spain. The course will explore a wide variety of topics, but will focus around three themes: the emergence of rabbinic Judaism and the Jewish life in the diaspora out of the religious and social matrix of ancient Israelite religion and society; the challenges to the primacy of Torah Judaism by Hellenistic culture; and the disparities between Jewish life under Christianity and Islam. Although primarily a lecture course, students are strongly encouraged to participate by asking and answering questions in class. Required Reading: Barnavi, Eli, Atlas of the Jewish People Hallo, William, Ruderman, David, and Stanislawski, Michael Heritage, Civilization, and the Jews: Source Reader (HCJ) Shiffman, Lawrence, From Text to Tradition Stillman, Norman, The Jews of Arab Lands Kenneth Stow, Alienated Minority Tanakh: The Holy Scriptures These books are available at the campus book store and are on reserve in the library. Lecture Topics and Reading Assignments: 9/6 Introduction 9/8 The Mythical World of the Hebrew Bible Reading: HCJ, 1-16 Shiffman, 17-32 Tanakh: Genesis 12, 22; Exodus 19-24; Leviticus 19, Numbers 16, Deuteronomy 6:1-9, 26. 9/11 The Tribal Confederation Reading: HCJ, 16-18 Tanakh: Judges 18-21, I Samuel 1, 4-6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 9/13 The Kingdom of David and Solomon Reading: HCJ, 18-23 Tanakh: II Samuel 5-7, 11-12, I Kings 3-6, 8, 10-11, Proverbs 5-6 9/15 The Divided Monarchy Reading: HCJ, 23-29, 30-31 2 9/18 Tanakh: I Kings 12 The Age of Prophecy Reading: HCJ, 29 Tanakh: I Kings 17-19; Isaiah 6, 36-39; Hosea 1-3,; Amos 1-2, II Chronicles 32 9/20 The Reforms of Josiah Reading: HCJ 35-36; Tanakh: II Kings 22-25, Jeremiah 1, 7, 26, Deuteronomy 22, II Chronicles 34 9/22 The Decline and Fall of the First Commonwealth Reading: HCJ, 31-37 Tanakh: II Kings 21-25; Job 1-3, 38-42. Ecclesiastes 1,3 9/25 Exile and the Return to Zion Reading: HCJ, 39-46, 50-51 Tanakh: Psalm 130 ; Lamentations 1; Ezra 1, 9-10 9/27 The Diaspora Reading: Shiffman, 33-59. HCJ, 47-49 Tanakh: Jeremiah 29; Daniel 1-2; Esther 9/29 The Challenge of Hellenism Reading: Shiffman, 60-72 HCJ, 52-54 9/2 The Maccabean Revolt (and the real story of Hanukkah) Reading: Shiffman, 72-79 HCJ, 55-56 Biale, 11-33 10/4 The Second Commonwealth Reading: Shiffman, 98-103 HCJ, 56-57 10/6 The Reign of Herod Reading: Shiffman, 139-149 10/9 Yom Kippur – no class 10/11 Jewish Sects: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes Reading: Shiffman, 103-137 HCJ, 59-61 10/13 Midterm Examination 3 10/16 Fall Break – no class 10/18 The Great Revolt Reading: Schiffman, 157-171 HCJ, 57-59 10/20 Masada, Bar Kochba, and the End of the Zealot Tradition Reading: HCJ, 64-65 Shiffman, 171-176 10/23 Jesus, Paul, and the Great Schism Reading: Schiffman, 149-156 Stow, 10-17 HCJ, 61-62, 73-75 Tanakh: Isaiah 53; Jeremiah 31 10/25 Philo and the Jews of Alexandria Reading: Shiffman, 94-96 HCJ, 66-67 10/27 The Beginnings of Rabbinic Judaism Reading: Shiffman, 177-200 HCJ, 68-73 10/30 Roman Law and the Limits of Christian Tolerance Reading: Shiffman, 201-213 Stow, 17-29 HCJ, 75-82 11/1 The Mind of the Rabbis Reading: Shiffman, 200-264 Biale, 34-55 11/3 Mohammed and the Dhimmi Reading: HCJ, 82-87 Stillman, 3-21, 113-118, 145-151, 159-162, 169-170, 201-203 11/6 Exilarchs, Ga’onim, and the Karaite Schism Reading: HCJ, 87-93 Stillman, 22-53, 176-182, 189-191, 198-199 11/8 Convivencia: The Golden Age of Spanish Jewry Reading: Stillman, 53-63, 211-213, 217-225 4 HCJ, 95-112 Hand-out: “The Legend of the Four Captives” 11/10 Yehuda Halevi, Maimonides, and the end of the Golden Age Reading: HCJ, 112-122 Stillman, 233-246 11/13 Ashkenazic Jewry from Charlemagne to the Eve of the First Crusade Reading: Stow, 41-64; 88-101 HCJ, 93-94, 122-124 11/15 The Crusades Reading: Stow, 102-120 HCJ, 124-129 11/17 Rabbinic Culture and the Medieval Jewish Community Reading: Stow, 135-209 HCJ, 144-148 11/20 “Serfs of the Chamber” Reading: Stow, 210-230, 273-280 11/22 - 11/26 Thanksgiving Holiday – no class 11/27 Popes, Friars, and Jews Reading: Stow, 243-281 Hand-out: The Fourth Lataran Council 11/29 Jews in the Medieval Imagination: Reading: Stow, 231-242 HCJ, 129-136 12/1 The Age of Expulsions Reading: Stow, 281-308 Term-Paper due in class 12/4 The Jews of Christian Spain to 1391 Reading: HCJ, 136-144, 12/6 The Jews of Christian Spain, 1391-1492 Reading: HCJ, 148-154 12/8 Conclusion: 1492 and Beyond 5 Grading You will evaluated essentially based on three grades: a midterm, final, and a term paper. Although class participation is not required, it will be rewarded. There will be no formal class discussions, but consistent contributions in class – meaning asking and answering questions – can count as much as 20% of your final grade. Depending on your level of participation, your grade will be calculated in one of the following two ways: Midterm Examination Final Examination Term-Paper (8-10 pages) 30% 40% 30% or Midterm Examination Final Examination Term-Paper (8-10 pages) Class Participation 25% 35% 20% 20% The midterm examination will take place in class on October 20. The final examination will be distributed at the last scheduled class meeting, and will be due at 4:00p.m. on the scheduled examination date. The term-paper will be due in class December 1. Late papers and exams will not be accepted. Office Hours Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10:30-11, a..m., and by appointment 251 Miller Tel: Ext. 3054 E-Mail: h_lupovi@colby.edu