Technological Sector Research (2000

The principal function of the institutions in the Technological Sector is the provision of
vocational and technical education and training for the economic, technological, scientific,
commercial, industrial, social and cultural development of the State with particular regard to the
requirements of a knowledge-driven economy and the regions served by individual institutions.
They are widely dispersed across the country and have a significant regional focus. The
objective of this sub-measure is to support and strengthen the research capability of the sector
through enabling the institutions to focus on research projects based on the core strengths of
the institutions individually or of the sector as a whole. The sub-measure comprises three
Strand I
Postgraduate R&D Skills Programme
Strand II
Enterprise Platform Programme
Strand III
Core Research Strengths Enhancement
Strand III: Core Research Strengths Enhancement
The institutions in this sector have, over time, developed strengths in particular areas of
research activity. The purpose of this strand is to provide support for research, institutionally
strategic or, more broadly, sectorally strategic through collaboration within the sector, that will
enhance those strengths. It will be a competitive process based on proposals from institutions
that are targeted at developing the core research capability of the institutions in the sector
through a process of peer review.
This strand will be aimed at funding postdoctoral or other experienced researchers in addition
to postgraduate students and developing the expertise of existing academic staff in research to
build core strengths. Proposals will be judged on three criteria:
1. Strategic Relevance
2. Research Quality
3. Impact on Teaching Quality
There are 6 cycles for which Institutions may compete. Institutions are invited to put forward
project streams which they wish to develop. The maximum allocation within any cycle to any
stream of research within an institution should be €300,000.
Applications, therefore,
depending on the needs of the institutions should be for amounts up to €300,000 per stream.
The adjudication panel will have discretion to fund proposals for amounts up to €300,000 per
stream. There is no maximum on the number of streams, which may be submitted by an
Institute; but in any competition no Institute may be awarded more than one third of the funds.
Objectives of Strand III:
To enable a strategic and planned approach by Institutes of Technology to the longterm development of their research capabilities. Of particular importance is the
development of areas of core competence, which, while exhibiting some acknowledged
strengths, are not yet in a position to compete for funding under the PRTLI initiative.
Thus the funding should be seen as complementary to the latter initiative. A key
objective is the promotion of teams of researchers who will remain in their institutions;
rather than individual researchers who can easily move on and take the totality of their
expertise with them.
Promotion and building up of a research ethos appropriate to the differing roles played
by individual institutions.
To make a positive contribution to the quality of teaching in the institutions.
Guidelines for Funding
Proposals might include funding for some of the following:
Funding for postdoctoral or other experienced researchers
Reduction of lecturing load of key research leader(s)
Funding for Researcher to spend significant period in a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in the
research area covered by the proposal (i.e. short term sabbaticals)
Funding for a specific facility/equipment/technology required to underpin the development
of a capability/expertise in a specific research niche or specialisation
Collaboration with other research centres/linkage with other research bodies
Multidisciplinary Aspect
Funding for postgraduate students or research assistants
Each stream submitted by an Institution should be submitted as a separate application by the
Institution and signed by the Director of that Institution.
Each application should not exceed 30 pages for the main section (appendices can be added)
and should be accompanied by the attached summary application form (Appendix II). The
main application should be divided into six sections. In responding to these sections the
Institute should be aware of the proposed marking scheme for proposals which is set out in
detail in Appendix I. Seven copies of each application and summary form should be submitted
together with original.
Section 1.
Institute’s Research Strategy and Relevance of Project Stream to this
Including a description of the research planning processes leading to the proposal and
evidence that the proposal will build on existing strengths; justification for proposal; extent to
which the proposal embraces the institutional capacity for applied Research and Development
and or technology transfer activities; evidence to suggest that the proposal will lead to
formation of a high quality research group; effectiveness of the proposed strategy in achieving
objectives; potential for added value; objective/external indicators (reports etc.) of importance
to research area.
Section 2.
Description of the Proposed Research
Including a description of the inherent significance and technical quality of the research itself;
the implementation of the work (construction, refitting, equipment purchase, staff and student
recruitment, progression of the research work, monitoring, reporting) on a six-monthly phased
basis; contribution of collaborators internal to and external to the institute; how the work can
strengthen and develop knowledge of the research topic among the staff members involved
and other staff members in the discipline through seminars, publications and other means; how
it helps to implement the institute’s strategy, develops (a) high quality self-sustaining research
team(s) and enhances the institute’s capacity for applied R&D and technology transfer; other
benefits of the research and its outcomes to the institute, industry and society.
Section 3.
Description of the Relevance of the Proposed Research to the Teaching
Mission of the Institute
Including related courses; quality assurance procedures in teaching programmes to facilitate
research techniques and outcomes enriching taught courses including project work, and
stimulating the development of new courses dealing with advanced technologies at all levels.
Section 4.
Achievements of the Researchers
Including a brief CV of each researcher involved, giving teaching experience; publications,
particularly publications relevant to the proposed research; research grants obtained and
research contracts completed; PhD and MPhil/MSc students supervised with dates of
completion; patents and technology transfers achieved; collaborative research experiences,
including collaborations external to the institute; exhibitions; other highlights. Key information
on each researcher should be limited to one page with additional information placed in an
Section 5.
Itemised Financial Plan for the Proposed Research
Including, by year, capital costs (construction, fees, furniture and fittings, special equipment of
over €12,000 per item; recurrent costs (staff replacement, postdoctoral fellows, postgraduate
student stipends, equipment of less than €12,000 per item, materials and consumables, travel,
publications, institutional overheads and others). Items of expenditure should be clearly linked
to a particular activity. All costs should be adequately justified.
Section 6
Describe Measurable Outcomes from the Project and Milestones that can
be used to measure progress
Each institution must ensure that project streams are properly managed to achieve the stated
outcomes. Regular technical and financial reports will be required to ensure a draw down of
Institutions Eligible
This measure is open to the thirteen Institutions approved under the Regional Technical
Colleges Act 1992 and to the Dublin Institute of Technology.
Appendix I
Strategic Relevance 35 points
 The quality of the strategic research planning processes in the institute/faculty including
evidence of their establishment and evaluation and extent to which they build on existing
Justification that the proposal submitted results from a prioritisation process based on the
Extent to which proposal enhances the Institutional capacity for applied R&D and
technology transfer activities
Evidence to support the case that the proposal will lead to the development of a high
quality research group/team (multiplier effect)
Likely effectiveness of the proposed strategy in achieving the stated objectives
Potential for additional ‘added value’ which might be achieved as result of this funding
Objective/external indicators (reports etc.) of importance to research area
Research Quality 40 points
 The technical quality of the research proposal and the ability of the proposal to strengthen
and develop the knowledge base of the relevant staff in the core area
The achievements of the relevant researchers including consideration of publications,
applied research contracts completed, evidence of achievements in technology transfer,
previous collaborative experiences, exhibitions, etc.
Impact on Teaching Quality 25 points
This criterion is concerned with the contribution that the proposal makes to the quality of
teaching at all levels in the institution. Specifically the proposal should demonstrate:
How it will interact with, inform and support the teaching programme and develop
programme quality. (Evidence of formal procedures).
Appendix II
Year 2005 Summary Application Form
For Office Use Only
Programme Code CRS/05
Please read General Guidelines and Conditions on the Core Research Strengths
Enhancement Programme prior to completing the Summary Application Form.
The Summary Application Form is to be accompanied by a full description of the
programme proposed (maximum 30 pages) and divided into six sections as set out in
the Guidelines.
This application form is available by e-mail from:
Closing date and time for applications for DIT’s internal assessment:
Friday, 30th September at 5.00pm.
Project Stream Contact: _____________________________________________________
Institute: __________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _________________________ Fax: _________________________________
e-mail: _____________________________________________________________________
Project Stream Title: _________________________________________________________
I hereby declare that the direct costs detailed in this application are not being funded from any
other source. Also, an application for funding for this programme will not be made to any other
programme or Institution while it is being evaluated under the Core Research Strengths
Enhancement Programme.
Signature of Principal Investigator/Co-ordinator
Date: ___________
Signature of Director
Date: ___________
Institute: ___________________________________________________________________
Summary Costs in Respect of Project Stream
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Research Workers
Costs of Teaching Relief for Key Researcher(s)
Equipment (over €12,000)
Materials (including equipment under €12,000)
Travel and Maintenance
External Consultancy
Other (please specify)**
Total Annual Cost of Project Stream
Total Project Stream Cost: ____________________________
over 3 years
Grant requested*: ______________________________
* Note the grant for any project stream in any one application cannot exceed €300,000
** Please note direct support will not be provided for taught postgraduate courses under this
Summary description of proposed project stream not to exceed 400 words.
A full description of the proposed Project Stream not exceeding 30 pages, should follow. This
proposal should be set out in 6 sections as outlined. Seven copies of this proposal should be
submitted together with the original.