Effects of Cholesterol Feeding Periods on Blood Haematology and Biochemistry of Rabbits Fed High Cholesterol Diet Authors: Dr. Mohamed A. K. Abdelhalim and Dr. Hisham A. Alhadlak, King Saud University, College of Sciences, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Corresponding Author: Dr. Mohamed A. K. Abdelhalim E-mail: abdelhalimmak@yahoo.com Phone: 009660509649633 Fax: 0096614673656 P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451 Saudi Arabia Abstract An increasing number of studies report altered haematological and biochemical parameters to be associated with hyperlipoproteinemia, adverse dietary habits and other life-style factors. Moreover, controversy still remains as to the relevance of blood haematology and biochemistry to the development of arteriosclerosis; some investigators suggested that some haematological and biochemical parameters of blood plasma of rabbits fed high cholesterol diet increased in oppose to control rabbits, while others suggested the opposite. The effects of cholesterol feeding periods on blood haematology and biochemistry of rabbits fed high cholesterol diet have not been well documented. The aim of the present study was to elucidate these haematological and biochemical abnormalities in rabbits fed high cholesterol and saturated fat diet for feeding periods of 5, 10 and 15 weeks, i.e., to elucidate the abnormalities in total cholesterol (TC), lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC), triglyceride (TG), fibrinogen, haemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), platelet, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, and eosinophils levels. For this purpose, fifty five 12-week-old New Zealand white male rabbits were purchased, individually caged, and divided into either control group or cholesterol-fed group. The control-fed rabbits were subjected to blood analyses at feeding period of 15 weeks. The cholesterol-fed rabbits were subjected to blood analysis at feeding periods of 5, 10 and 15 weeks. It became evident from the results of the present study that TC, LDLC, TG, and platelets were significantly (p < 0.05) increased in cholesterol-fed rabbits as compared with control rabbits. WBC count was NOT significantly different between the cholesterol feeding periods 5 and 10 weeks and the control group, but it significantly increased at the cholesterol feeding period of 15 weeks as compared with the control rabbits. On the contrary, haemoglobin, hematocrit, and RBC count were significantly decreased in the cholesterol-fed rabbits as compared with the control rabbits. HDLC levels were significantly decreased in cholesterol-fed rabbits at the feeding periods 5 and 10 weeks as compared with control rabbits. However, it was NOT significantly different at the cholesterol feeding period 15 weeks. The fibrinogen levels increased at the feeding period 5 weeks, it decreased at the feeding period 10 weeks, and it showed no change at the feeding period of 15 weeks. Fibrinogen levels were NOT significantly different in cholesterol-fed rabbits as compared with the control rabbits. Lymphocytes percentage decreased at the feeding period of 5 weeks, and significantly increased at the cholesterol feeding periods 10 and 15 weeks as compared with the control rabbits. Neutrophils percentage increased at the cholesterol feeding period of 5 weeks, and significantly decreased at the cholesterol feeding periods 10 and 15 weeks as compared with the control rabbits. Monocytes percentage was NOT significantly different in cholesterol-fed group of rabbits as compared with the control rabbits. Eosinophils percentage significantly increased at the cholesterol feeding period 5 and 10 weeks, and it significantly decreased at the feeding period of 15 weeks of cholesterol. The present study demonstrates that the haematological and biochemical parameters in rabbits fed high cholesterol and saturated fat diet play the most important role during the development of atherosclerosis. Abbreviations used - total cholesterol (TC); low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDLC); high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLC); triglyceride (TG); white blood cells (WBC); red blood cells (RBC); adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Keywords: blood haematology; blood biochemistry; cholesterol feeding periods; rabbits; atherosclerosis. Introduction Atherosclerosis is the disease of large and medium-sized arteries, i.e., carotid artery, coronary artery and arteries of lower extremities. It is characterized by focal lesions of one of the following types; fatty streak, fibrous plaque and complicated lesion. A vast number of hypotheses to elucidate pathogenesis of atherosclerosis have been published. Some of them are lipid hypothesis, thrombogenic hypothesis and endothelial cell injury hypothesis. A great numbers of epidemiological studies have revealed that chronically elevated lipids levels and cholesterol levels are associated with an increased incidence of atherosclerosis (Abdelhalim et al., 1994). Evidence from experimental, clinical and epidemiological studies suggest, that several hemostatic and hemorheological factors (e.g., fibrinogen, plasma viscosity, hematocrit, red blood cell aggregation, total white cell count) might not only play an important role in the evolution of acute thrombotic events, but may also take part in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis (Wolfgang and Edzard, 1992). High TC and LDLC have been correlated with the increased risk of atherosclerosis (Martin et al., 1986). Triglyceride-rich lipoproteins of both intestinal and liver origin were considered atherogenic factor (Philips et al., 1993; Zilversmit, 1995). Activation of leukocytes is obligatory for inflammation and atherogenesis by adhering to the endothelium via specific ligands. There is a TG-specific increase of neutrophil counts and increased activation of monocytes and neutrophils, i.e., a pro-inflammatory situation that may correspond with increased adhesive capacity of these cells contributing to the inflammatory component of atherosclerosis (Van Oostrom et al., 2004). It has been hypothesized that higher neutrophil counts are associated with an increased incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events in patients with clinically advanced atherosclerosis (Markus et al., 2005). In patients with peripheral artery disease, only neutrophils counts, but not eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, or the total WBC count indicated a substantially increased risk for major adverse cardiovascular events (Markus et al., 2005). Although the underlying mechanisms of atherosclerosis and intimal hyperplasia remain unclear, the basal adherence of monocytes only was significantly elevated in atherosclerosis, resulting in increased adherence to endothelial cells (Dovgan et al., 1994). Fibrinogen concentration has been identified as independent atherosclerotic risk factors during the development of atherosclerotic plaques and thrombi (Ernst and Resch 1993; Danesh et al., 1998). Angiographic evidence of coronary artery disease was correlated with WBC, RBC count, and cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations in patients who underwent coronary arteriography and who did not have evidence of infection or recent myocardial infarction (John et al., 1984). Elevated plasma fibrinogen level is known to progress atherosclerosis and to be one of the risk factors for the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases (Yoshiyasu et al., 1996). Dietary cholesterol increased blood total leucocytes count, serum and liver total cholesterol concentrations, low-density lipoprotein concentration and induction of atherosclerotic plaques in the aorta and coronary arteries (Meijer et al., 1996). Thus, the effects of cholesterol feeding periods on the changes of blood hematology and biochemistry in rabbits fed a high cholesterol and saturated fat diet are considered to play the most important role during the development of arteriosclerosis. Materials and methods: Rabbits Twenty five 12 week-old, New Zealand white male rabbits, were purchased from Kitayama Lab. Ltd., Kyoto, Japan, individually caged, and divided into either control group or cholesterol-fed group. The control group (n = 10) was fed 100 g/day of normal diet, ORC-4 (Oriental Yeast Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) for feeding period of 15 weeks. The cholesterol-fed group (n = 15) was fed high cholesterol and saturated fat diet of ORC-4 containing 0.5% cholesterol plus 0.5% olive oil (100 g/day) for feeding periods of 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Collection of blood Blood samples (2 ml) were obtained from the rabbits via venepuncture of an antecubital vein. Blood was collected into two polypropylene tubes viz., one for serum and one for plasma. The blood for plasma was collected in heparin. Serum was prepared by allowing the blood to clot at 37 0C and centrifugation at 3000rpm for ten minutes. Fibrinogen concentration was measured by the thrombin clotting method using a Coagulex 700 analyzer (International Reagents, Kobe, Japan). Haemoglobin, RBC, WBC, platelet, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, and eosinophils levels were measured with ADVIA 120 Hematology System (Bayer Medical, Tarrytown, New York, USA). Serum TC and TG levels were analyzed by the enzymatic method used in the clinical laboratory centre of King Khaled Hospital. HDLC and LDLC concentrations were determined by the previously reported method (Lee et al., 1998 and Koenig et al., 1992). Statistical analysis The results of the present study were expressed as mean ± SE, statistical analysis for significant differences between the control group and the cholesterol-fed group was done with an ANOVA for repeated measurements and the significance was assessed at 5% confidence level. Concentration of total cholesterol (TC; mg/dl) Results TC (mg/dl), LDLC (mg/dl), HDLC (mg/dl) and TG (mg/dl) data of control and cholesterol-fed rabbits are summarized in Figs. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Fig. 1 represents TC concentration in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. Fig. 2 represents LDLC concentration in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. 1000 * (15) * (15) 800 * (15) 600 TC; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits 400 200 (10) 0 Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 1 represents TC (mg/dl) concentration in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Concentration of LDLC (mg/dl) 800 * 700 (15) * (15) * 600 (15) 500 400 300 LDLC; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits 200 100 (10) 0 Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 2 represents LDLC (mg/dl) concentration in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Fig. 3 represents HDLC concentration in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. Fig. 4 represents TG concentration in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. In Figs. 1, 2 and 4, TC, LDLC and TG levels were significantly increased in cholesterol-fed rabbits as compared with control rabbits. Concentration of HDLC (mg/dl) 140 * (15) HDLC; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits 120 * (15) 100 80 60 40 (15) (10) 20 0 Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 3 represents HDLC (mg/dl) concentration in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Concentration of triglyceride (TG; mg/dl) 550 TG; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits * 500 * 450 (15) (15) 400 350 300 250 (15) * 200 150 100 50 (10) 0 Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 4 represents TG (mg/dl) concentration in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. In Fig. 3, HDLC levels were significantly decreased in cholesterol-fed rabbits at the feeding periods 5 and 10 weeks as compared with the control rabbits. However, it was NOT significantly different at the cholesterol feeding period 15 weeks. Fig. 5 represents hematocrit (%) levels in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. In Fig. 5, hematocrit (%) levels were significantly decreased in the cholesterol-fed rabbits as compared with the control rabbits. 46 (5) 44 Hematocrit; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits Hematocrit (%) * (15) 42 * 40 (15) * (15) 38 36 34 Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 5 represents hematocrit (%) in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Platelets (K/UL) levels Platelets; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits 580 560 540 520 500 480 460 440 420 400 380 360 340 320 300 280 260 * (15) * (15) * (15) (10) Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 6 represents platelet (K/UL) levels in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Fig. 6 represents platelet (K/UL) levels in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. In Fig. 6, platelet (K/UL) levels were significantly increased in the cholesterol-fed rabbits as compared with the control rabbits. Fig. 7 represents the concentration of fibrinogen (mg/dl) levels in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. In Fig. 7, although the fibrinogen levels increased at the feeding period 5 weeks, it decreased at the feeding period 10 weeks, and it showed no change at the feeding period of 15 weeks. Fibrinogen levels were NOT significantly different in cholesterol-fed group of rabbits as compared with the control rabbits. Concentration of fibrinogen (mg/dl) 360 (15) 340 Fibrinogen; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits 320 300 280 (15) (10) 260 240 220 200 180 (15) Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 7 represents fibrinogen (mg/dl) in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Concentration of haemoglobin (g/dl) 14.0 (5) Hemoglobin; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits 13.5 * 13.0 * (15) (15) 12.5 * (15) 12.0 11.5 11.0 10.5 Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 8 represents haemoglobin (g/dl) levels in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. White blood cells count (WBC; (K/UL) Fig. 8 represents haemoglobin (g/dl) levels in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. In Fig. 8 concentration of haemoglobin were significantly decreased in cholesterol-fed group of rabbits as compared with the control rabbits. Fig. 9 represents WBC count (K/UL) in control and cholesterol-fed groups of rabbits. In Fig. 9, WBC count was NOT significantly different between the cholesterol feeding periods 5 and 10 weeks and the control group, but it was significantly increased at the cholesterol feeding period of 15 weeks as compared with the control group. 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 (15) * WBCs count; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits (15) (15) Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 9 represents WBCs (K/UL) count in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Red blood cells count (RBCs; (M/UL) 6.5 (10) RBCs count; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits 6.0 (15) 5.5 (15) * * (15) 5.0 4.5 4.0 Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 10 represents RBCs (M/UL) count in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Fig. 10 represents RBC count (M/UL) in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. In Fig. 10, RBC count (M/UL) was significantly decreased in the cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks as compared with the control rabbits. 85 80 75 (15) Lymphocytes; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits * Lymphocytes % 70 65 (15) * 60 55 50 45 (10) (15) 40 35 30 25 Control 5 weeks 10 weeks 15 weeks Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 11 represents Lymphocytes % in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Fig. 11 represents lymphocytes % in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. In Fig. 11, Lymphocytes decreased at the feeding period of 5 weeks, and significantly increased at the cholesterol feeding periods 10 and 15 weeks as compared with the control rabbits. 70 65 (10) (15) Neutrophils; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits Neutrophils % 60 (15) 55 * 50 (15) 45 * 40 35 Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 12 represents neutrophils % in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Fig. 12 represents neutrophils % in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. In Fig. 12, neutrophils % increased at the cholesterol feeding period 5 weeks, and significantly (* p < 0.05) decreased at the cholesterol feeding periods 10 and 15 weeks as compared with the control rabbits. Fig. 13 represents monocytes % in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. In Fig. 13, monocytes %, monocytes % decreased at the feeding period 5 and 10 weeks, and it showed no change at the feeding period of 15 weeks. Monocyte % was NOT significantly different in cholesterol-fed group of rabbits as compared with the control rabbits. Fig. 14 represents eosinophils % in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits. In Fig. 14, eosinophils % significantly increased at the cholesterol feeding period 5 and 10 weeks, and it significantly decreased at the cholesterol feeding period of 15 weeks. 3.4 3.2 Monocytes; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits 3.0 Monocytes % 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 13 represents monocytes % in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. 3.2 3.0 Eosinophils; Mean ± SE; (* P < 0.05) (n) number of rabbits (15) * 2.8 Eosinophils % 2.6 2.4 (10) (15) 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 (15) * 1.4 1.2 Control 5W 10 W 15 W Cholesterol feeding periods (weeks) Fig. 14 represents Eosinophils % in control and cholesterol-fed rabbits versus cholesterol feeding periods 5, 10 and 15 weeks. All data of Figs (1~ 14) are summarized in Table 1. Table 1 – Changes in TC, LDLC, HDLC, TG, hematocrit, platelets, fibrinogen, hemoglobin, WBC, RBC, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, and eosinophils in the blood of control rabbits fed on normal diet for feeding period of 15 weeks, and cholesterol fed rabbits fed on high cholesterol diet for feeding periods of 5, 10 and 15 weeks. Group Control 15 weeks (10) Group (1) 5 weeks (15) Group (2) 10 weeks (15) Group (3) 15 weeks (15) Total Cholesterol (TC; mg/dl) Low density lipoprotein (LDLC; mg/dl) High density lipoprotein (HDLC; mg/dl) Triglyceride (TG; mg/dl) Hematocrit (%) 54.625 ± 16.4 841.3 ± 45.4* 837.4 ± 21.5* 708.7 ± 14.8* 36 ± 10.1 677.7 ± 38.5* 677.2 ± 11.01* 608.7 ± 24.1* 18 ± 6.6 131.3 ± 5.0* 77.8 ± 26.09* 26 ± 4.0 50.1 ± 3.6 161.5 ± 4.2* 410.2 ± 54.9* 406.0 ± 120.03* 43.82 ± 1.04 38.74 ± 1.7* 40.225 ± 2.6* 35.5 ± 5.1* Platelets (K/UL) Fibrinogen (mg/dl) 358.79 ± 85.75 471.0 ± 27.5* 490.75 ± 60.5* 419.66 ± 78.8* 248.33 ± 30.8 347.0 ± 0.0 186.0 ± 8.0 264.66 ± 35.02 Hemoglobin (g/dl) 13.36 ± 0.3 12.22 ± 0.5* 12.55 ± 0.7* 10.83 ± 1.5* WBC (K/UL) count 13.78 ± 1.76 13.34 ± 2.52 13.75 ± 3.21 20.93 ± 4.51* RBC (K/UL) count 6.21 ± 0.12 5.7 ± 0.28* 4.90 ± 0.30* 4.28 ± 0.93* Lymphocytes % 39.4 ± 8.96 34.8 ± 5.54 57.75 ± 3.27* 60 ± 2.0* Neutrophils % 57.8 ± 9.94 62.4 ± 6.79 41 ± 4.88* 36.33 ± 18.83* Monocytes % 2.33 ± 0.33 2.12 ± 0.11 1.5 ± 0.64 2.33 ± 0.88 Eosinophils % 2.0 ± 0.57 2.15 ± 0.3 2.66 ± 0.66* 1.33 ± 0.66* ( ) is the number of rabbits; Mean ± SE (* P < 0.05) Discussion The effects of hypercholesterolemia are not only confined to the deposition of lipids in the atherosclerotic lesions and produce primary endothelial injury, but it produced abnormalities in blood haematology and biochemistry of rabbits fed high cholesterol diet. A high-cholesterol diet elevated level of plasma TC and LDLC to be incorporated into the atherosclerotic plaques. When LDLC is oxidized by macrophages in lesions, it becomes toxic to the endothelium, and thereby could injure endothelial cells. Serum LDLC and HDLC levels have effects on blood viscosity and correlate with increased risk of atherogenesis (Sloop and Garber, 1997). The present study demonstrated that TC, LDLC and TG levels significantly increased in cholesterol-fed rabbits as compared with control rabbits. On the contrary, HDLC levels significantly decreased in cholesterol-fed rabbits at the feeding periods of 5 and 10 weeks. Low HDLC levels are associated with an elevated blood viscosity, and this rheological abnormality contributes to cardiovascular risks (Thomas et al., 1999). It has been reported that serum hypercholesterolemia accelerates atherogenesis and contributes to symptomatic atherosclerosis by increasing blood viscosity and disturbing the mechanical fragility of atherosclerotic plaques making them vulnerable to rupture and thrombosis (Gregory, 1999). The Hemorheological-hemodynamic theory suggests that the increased blood viscosity associated with serum hypercholesterolemia accelerates atherogenesis (Sloop, 1996). Hemorheological or haemostatic mechanisms that might promote thromboatherogenesis include the predisposition to thrombosis via a hypercoagulable state, the enhancement of atherosclerosis by fibrinogen and its metabolites, and finally the reduction of blood flow through various rheological effects (e.g., increase in plasma viscosity and red cell aggregation, or leukocyte activation). Deeper insight into the mechanisms involved might lead to new preventive strategies as well as to therapeutic procedures in the management of atherosclerosis and associated thrombotic events (Wolfgang and Ernst, 1992). Hypercholesterolemia modulates homeostasis by altering the expression and/or function of thrombotic, fibrinolytic and rheologic factors (Rosenson et al., 1998). Platelet aggregation studies in vitro demonstrated that hypercholesterolemic patients were more sensitive to aggregatory agents than platelets from normocholesterolemic (Corash et al., 1981; Di et al., 1986). LDL bonded directly to the platelet glycoprotein receptor which serves as the binding site for several agonists including fibrinogen, fibronectin, thrombospondin and vitronectin (Hantgan et al., 1990; Plow et al., 1985; Parise et al., 1986). The present study demonstrated that fibrinogen levels were NOT significantly different in cholesterol-fed rabbits as compared with control rabbits. Fibrinogen levels are elevated in familial hypercholesterolemia patients (Di et al., 1986), and in a population study, fibrinogen concentration is weakly, but positively associated with LDLC (Koenig et al., 1992). Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)induced fibrinogen binding to platelets is increased in a dose-dependent manner by LDL (0.5-2.0 mg/dl protein), and resulting in faster aggregation and formation of larger platelet aggregates without a change in thromboxane B2 production (Di et al., 1986). The present study demonstrated significantly increase in WBC count at the cholesterol feeding period of 15 weeks as compared with the control group, this lead to the adherence of leukocyte to the endothelium which represents one of the early responses to injury. Among the cells, the basal adherence of monocyte only was significantly elevated in atherosclerosis, resulting in increased adherence to endothelial cells (Dovgan et al., 1994). This study suggested that monocyte level was NOT significantly different in the cholesterol-fed group of rabbits as compared with the control rabbits. Moreover, lymphocytes significantly increased at the cholesterol feeding periods of 10 and 15 weeks as compared with the control rabbits and eosinophils level significantly increased at the cholesterol feeding period of 5 and 10 weeks, but it significantly decreased at the cholesterol feeding period of 15 weeks. On the contrary, neutrophils level significantly decreased at the cholesterol feeding periods of 10 and 15 weeks as compared with the control rabbits. In conclusion, these results strongly suggested that rabbits fed high cholesterol and saturated fat diet have impaired blood rheology and elevated circulating TC and LDLC and TG concentrations compared with control rabbits The elevation of TC and LDLC and TG concentrations may be associated with the pathophysiology of the atherosclerotic process in hypercholesterolemic rabbits and may be responsible for the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The progress of atherosclerosis may be related to the changes in cholesterol metabolism, increased rheology of blood and/or, most likely, free iron concentration and oxidized lipoproteins are a major contributing factor in atherosclerosis. 15-Lipoxygenase is the principal enzyme that can oxidize polysaturated fatty acids present in intact lipoproteins, and in membrane phospholipids in situ. It has reported that 15-Lipoxygenase levels in heart, aortic adventitia, and lung, but not in liver, were increased up to 100-fold in rabbits fed an atherogenic diet containing 1% cholesterol for 14 weeks above controls (Martin et al., 1986; Bailey et al., 1995). The elevation of plasma viscosity is considered a predictor of atherosclerotic vascular disease as well as a potential mechanism for increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Further studies are required to investigate whether lipid lowering therapies may improve impaired rheology in rabbits with hypercholesterolemia to prevent cardiovascular disorders. Acknowledgements This research work was kindly supported by College of Science-Research center project (Phys/2006/41), College of Science, King Saud University. References 1. Abdelhalim M.A., Sato M., Ohshima N. 1994. Effects of cholesterol feeding periods on aortic mechanical properties of rabbits. JSME International Journal 37 (1), 79-86. 2. 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