Plant-Regulated Soil N Retention in Temperate Forest Ecosystems: an Experimental Test Project Summary Human alteration of global nitrogen (N) cycling calls for the mechanistic understanding of N retention at different spatial and temporal scales. This proposal addresses the plant-soil-microbial ecosystem and terrestrial N retention. The proposal builds on the current ecological information that soil is the largest sink for N deposition, that plants exert pivotal controls on soil N transformations and transfers, and that large spatial and temporal variations exist in terrestrial N retention that require mechanistic explanation. It is hypothesized in this proposal that 1) by driving upward hydrological movement in soil, plants reduce downward water movement and therefore N output via leaching, 2) by regulating soil microbial activities through rhizodeposition, plants modify processes of microbial N immobilization, mineralization, and nitrification, and 3) by providing recalcitrant carbon as structural materials for humus formation, plants regulate abiotic N assimilation into soil organic matter. Thus in addition to plants’ direct assimilation of N through biomass increment, plants can indirectly regulate N retention in soil. Each of the above hypotheses will be experimentally tested in greenhouse, with field-monitoring studies planned to provide a framework to interpret the results of the greenhouse-based studies. This work will contribute to the broader effort of understanding the hierarchy of controls on N retention in temperate forest ecosystems. The experimental approach proposed herein contrasts with the more common approach involving large-scale comparative studies for understanding patterns of forest N retention. The experimental approach should identify the factors and conditions which control complex N transformations, transfers and retention in coupled plant-soil-microbial systems. The mass balance approach and isotope pulse-labeling approach proposed in this study should enhance each other’s findings and better explain not only which pools serve as N sinks and at what scale, but also how N enters into a particular pool and the controlling mechanisms involved. A mechanistic understanding of N retention will contribute to our general knowledge of terrestrial N biogeochemistry and allow us to predict N transfers and transformations under globally elevated N conditions. The fact that temperate forests are broadly distributed throughout the industrialized world (as well as developing countries in Asia), subject to large inputs of atmospheric N deposition, and are the most familiar and accessible ecosystems to the general public, makes the proposed study having broader impacts beyond purely academic interest. The proposed research projects will be integrated into the PI’s education efforts in the affiliated institution, and various student involvement can simultaneously benefit both research and education goals of this study. This project will demonstrate the ecosystem value of secondary growth forests in controlling non-point source N pollution, countering global CO2 increase, and regulating hydrological and nutrient outputs from the local terrestrial ecosystems.