Final Exam Part 2 Ecology

Name _________________________ Date__________
Biology Final Exam Part 2: Ecology Project
The final exam is worth 10% of your grade for biology this semester. The final exam will be worth 120 points
total. This project will be worth 50 points out of the 120 points. This project will be due on 6/9/2014 for
full credit. It will be marked off 10% per day if late. The absolute last day the project will be accepted is
6/11/14. All students will be given time to work in the computer lab on Monday 6/2 and Tuesday 6/3.
Project Guidelines:
You will choose an organism to research. Based on your chosen organism, you will research the taxonomy (family,
genus, species), place in the ecosystem (habitat, niche, predators, prey, etc.), food source, reproduction, and importance
in the ecosystem. Also, identify any threats that may exist for the species. A general outline is below:
Include the following topics:
___/(4pts) 1. Description of your species family, genus, and species.
___/(4pts) 2. Description of physical appearance, anatomy and physiology of the organism. (Must include a picture)
___/(4pts) 3. Description of habitat and niche (niche is the role the organism plays in the community).
___/(4pts) 4. Include organisms that the organism lives with harmoniously and organisms that compete for resources.
(symbiotic relationships within the ecosystem, mutualism, commensalism, parasitism)
___/(4pts) 5. What does the organism consume for energy and what organisms prey upon it (if any)?
___/(4pts) 6. How does the organism reproduce, how often, and how many offspring at one time?
___/(4pts) 7. Explain why the reproductive strategy is beneficial for species survival.
___/(4pts) 8. Describe threats or environmental hazards posed for the organism.
___/(4pts) 9. Describe threats that the organism may pose to other organisms.
___/(4pts) 10. Explain why the organism is important to the environment.
 Bibliography of books, websites, and illustrations (5 points)
 You may add more information to your project; however, the guidelines provide an outline of the minimum
Product: Once you have gathered your information, you will create one of the following:
1. Discovery Ed. Board - includes pictures or video. Each topic must have an appropriate heading.
2. Flyer/Typed Report (including pictures) that will be copied to the class blog page. Must be put together
NEATLY, fully typed and attractive. Each topic must have an appropriate heading.
3. If you have any other ideas for a project, check with Mrs. Carp for approval.
Either option will need to be emailed to Mrs. Carp at or saved to a flash drive to give to Mrs.
Carp during flex. If you choose to email the project include a subject line of Final Exam Part 2 (Name of Student).
Grading Breakdown
 ______/40 points - 4 points per section as listed above.
 ______/ 5 points - Project is typed and is submitted/shared on or before the deadline.
 The project must be neat. Each topic must be labeled and easy to find.
 ______/5 points - Project includes sources for all research and pictures/media.
 ______/50 Points total
Name _________________________ Date__________
Once you have chosen your organism check with Mrs. Carp to make sure it has not been chosen. Only one
species per person will be allowed. Remember, even if you already know something about your organism,
you must still find a source that includes the information that you know.
___/(4pts) 1.
Identify organism family, genus, and species:
a. ___________________ ______________________ _________________
___/(4pts) 2.
Description of physical appearance, anatomy and physiology (include picture)
___/(4pts) 3.
Habitat (description of where an organism lives) and Niche (the role of the
organism within its community)
___/(4pts) 4.
Symbiotic Relationships
___/(4pts) 5.
Source of Energy for organism. What eats it? What does it eat?
___/(4pts) 6.
Reproduction: How? How often? How many offspring?
___/(4pts) 7.
Reproductive benefits for survival
___/(4pts) 8.
Threats or environmental hazards to the organism
___/(4pts) 9.
Threats that the organism may pose to other organisms
___/(4pts) 10.
Importance of Organism
Resources: include specific URL’s, book titles, page numbers etc.