13/11/2006 Bachelor of Environmental Management / Bachelor of Laws 2007 Dual Degree Program Structure It is important that you read and understand the following information. To be eligible to enrol in a dual degree program you must ensure that you satisfy the entry requirements for both programs. Once enrolled it is your responsibility to ensure that you complete all the requirements for each section of this dual program in order to graduate with both degrees. The following information is designed to help you plan your enrolment to meet this goal. Further information can be found in the Official rules and Course lists under the Program requirements link for each program in the Programs and courses website: http://www.uq.edu.au/study/ A Bachelor of Environmental Management/Bachelor of Laws dual degree is offered in two fields of the Bachelor of Environmental Management: Bachelor of Environmental Management (Natural Systems and Wildlife) – Available at St Lucia Campus with some content offered in distance education mode from UQ Gatton. Bachelor of Environmental Management (Sustainable Development) – based at St Lucia Campus Program lists are published in the University Handbook and you are not required to submit a separate program plan for approval. However, if you have any questions or concerns about meeting degree requirements, especially when you are nearing the end of your program, please contact the relevant Faculty for advice. Please note: Students exiting early with one component of a dual degree must complete the single degree requirements of that component. Students will then be required to follow the single degree rules to complete the remaining component from that dual degree. PROGRAM GUIDELINES A student is required to obtain #104 comprising #86 from the BEnvMan/LLB List for the chosen plan; and #18 for level 5 electives from the LLB List (not including LAWS5134). For the Bachelor of Environmental Management component of this dual degree, prospective students should consult the Faculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Veterinary Science website at http://uq.edu.au/nravs/ or make direct contact with the faculty. 13/11/2006 BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (NATURAL SYSTEMS & WILDLIFE) / BACHELOR OF LAWS DUAL PROGRAM STRUCTURE You can use this outline to plan your program structure. BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (NATURAL SYSTEMS & WILDLIFE) Please consult your Academic Adviser in the Faculty of NRAVS for course selection BACHELOR OF LAWS TOTAL UNITS # COURSES YEAR ONE TOTAL UNITS # YEAR ONE Semester 1 Semester 1 AGRC1001 Agricultural & Environmental Biology I 2 LAWS1000 Torts A & Legal Method 2 ENVM1501 Introduction to Environmental Management 2 LAWS1001 Contract Law & Practice A 2 Semester 2 Semester 2 AGRC2010 Agricultural & Environmental Biology II 2 LAWS1002 Torts B 2 GEOS1100 Environment & Society 2 LAWS1003 Contract Law & Practice B 2 YEAR TWO YEAR TWO Semester 1 Semester 1 AGRC1015 Knowledge Management in Natural & Agrifood Systems 2 LAWS2004 Criminal Law 2 GEOM2000 Introduction to Remote Sensing of Environment 2 LAWS2005 Constitutional Law A 2 Semester 2 Semester 2 ENVM1512 Agricultural & Ecological Economics 2 LAWS2006 Criminal Procedure & Sentencing 1 ERTH1000 Planet Earth: Its Global Environments 2 LAWS2007 Constitutional Law B 1 LAWS2008 Introduction to Legal Theory 2 YEAR THREE YEAR THREE Semester 1 Semester 1 STAT2701 Biometrics I 2 Semester 2 ACCT1101 Accounting for Decision Making 2 LAWS3009 Law of Property A 2 LAWS3010 Equity 2 Semester 2 AGRC2014 Problem Solving in Natural & Agrifood Systems 2 LAWS3011 Law of Property B 2 ENVM2503 Environment & Community 2 LAWS3012 Law of Trusts 2 YEAR FOUR YEAR FOUR Semester 1 Semester 1 AGRC2019 Ecology of Natural & Agricultural Systems 2 LAWS4013 Civil Procedure 2 LPWM3001 Cultural Heritage Management (Landscapes) 2 LAWS5134 Environmental Law 2 LAWS4014 Law of Evidence 2 LAWS4017 The Legal Profession 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS elective 2 Semester 2 Semester 2 LAND2002 Soil Resources 2 YEAR FIVE YEAR FIVE Semester 1 Semester 1 GEOM2001 Geographical Information Systems 2 LAWS5017 Law of Companies 2 LPWM2003 Principles of Wildlife Management 2 LAWS5018 Administrative Law A 2 LAWS5019 Law of Insolvency 1 LAWS5020 Administrative Law B 1 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS elective 2 Semester 2 Semester 2 LPWM3003 Tropical Natural & Rural Systems Tour 4 YEAR SIX YEAR SIX Semester 1 Semester 1 LPWM4001 Contemporary Case Studies (Year Long) 2 Semester 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS Elective 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS elective 2 RBUS3904 Professional Practice Management 2 Semester 2 ENVM3521 Industrial Placement (Natural & Rural Systems) 4 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS elective 2 LPWM4001 Contemporary Case Studies (Year Long) 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS elective 2 YEAR SEVEN YEAR SEVEN Semester 1 Total Semester 1 #44 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS elective 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS elective 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS elective 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS elective 2 Total #60 13/11/2006 Note: This program requires a workload of typical of a six and a half year program. Students may undertake additional course(s) in some semesters to complete requirements in six years. 13/11/2006 BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT) / BACHELOR OF LAWS DUAL PROGRAM STRUCTURE You can use this outline to plan your program structure. BACHELOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT (SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT) Please consult your Academic Adviser in the Faculty of EPSA for course selection BACHELOR OF LAWS COURSES TOTAL UNITS # YEAR ONE TOTAL UNITS # YEAR ONE Semester 1 Semester 1 2 LAWS1000 Torts A & Legal Method 2 2 LAWS1001 Contract Law & Practice A 2 2 Semester 2 Semester 2 2 LAWS1002 Torts B 2 LAWS1003 Contract Law & Practice B YEAR TWO 2 YEAR TWO Semester 1 Semester 1 2 LAWS2004 Criminal Law 2 2 LAWS2005 Constitutional Law A 2 Semester 2 Semester 2 2 LAWS2006 Criminal Procedure & Sentencing 1 2 LAWS2007 Constitutional Law B 1 LAWS2008 Introduction to Legal Theory 2 YEAR THREE YEAR THREE Semester 1 Semester 1 2 Semester 2 ACCT1101 Accounting for Decision Making 2 LAWS3009 Law of Property A 2 LAWS3010 Equity 2 Semester 2 2 LAWS3011 Law of Property B 2 2 LAWS3012 Law of Trusts 2 YEAR FOUR YEAR FOUR Semester 1 Semester 1 2 LAWS4013 Civil Procedure 2 2 LAWS5134 Environmental Law 2 LAWS4014 Law of Evidence 2 LAWS4017 The Legal Profession 2 RBUS3904 Professional Practice Management 2 Semester 2 Semester 2 2 YEAR FIVE YEAR FIVE Semester 1 Semester 1 2 Semester 2 LAWS5017 Law of Companies 2 LAWS5018 Administrative Law A 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS electives 2 Semester 2 2 LAWS5019 Law of Insolvency 1 2 LAWS5020 Administrative Law B 1 2 YEAR SIX YEAR SIX Semester 1 Semester 1 2 Semester 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS electives 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS electives 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS electives 2 Level 5 LAWS electives 2 Semester 2 2 LAWS5xxx 2 2 YEAR SEVEN Semester 1 Total Semester 1 #44 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS electives 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS electives 2 LAWS5xxx Level 5 LAWS electives Total 2 #60 Note: This program requires a workload of typical of a six and a half year program. Students may undertake additional course(s) in some semesters to complete requirements in six years.