Black Belt Paper

KTeam Karate
The Black Belt Paper is a major portion of your Black Belt Test and is required of
all students prior to testing for Black Belt. The opportunity to research and write
this paper will enhance your ability to understand the Martial Arts more
completely. Give it your very best! Open your mind – Use your imagination.
 Rough draft is due 6 weeks prior to test (expect to make changes or additions).
 12 & under – 4 page minimum (Instructors Discretion).
 13 & older – 6 to 10 pages.
 Final copies must be typewritten or computer printed.
 Papers must be enclosed in a soft or hard binder (Plastic, Folder, etc…).
 Title page ( Paper name & Student name).
 Bibliography should be final page (2 source minimum).
 Proper spelling, punctuation, grammar and neatness is expected.
 Photo illustration may be used.
 Children may accept minimal help from parents is areas such as spelling or
helping the student make a sentence or paragraph make sense. Student should
always write the initial rough copy in their own words, prior to any outside help.
 5 copies (1 copy for yourself & 1 copy for each board member).
Use all reference opportunities. Some are; Library books, Martial Arts Magazines,
Non-Martial Arts Magazines, Instructor, Black Belts (KTeam or other schools),
Internet, or other Black Belt Papers.
Other students may be allowed to read your paper for general content and
guidelines from time to time. If you wish to keep your paper private, you must
discuss the reason with your instructor.
 American Karate History and Development of. What is it? How did it come
about? (American Karate is the style taught at KTeam Karate). American
Karate seems to be the most difficult subject for students to write about for lack
of written material on the subject. Most students submitting their first copy are
asked to research and write more on this subject. Your best source will be your
instructor, other students, & Black Belts, oral interviews are the best. There is
some written material on American Karate in newer editions of popular Martial
Arts Magazines.
 Tae Kwon Do History and development of. What is it? How did it come about?
At least one other Martial Art of your choosing Pick one that interests you.
Possibly you have had experience in another art or know someone who has.
At least one page will contain:
Current photo of student. (Action or stationary photo) (Write signature under
or near photo)
Current Name, Birth Date, & address of student.
Date student started training at KTeam Karate
Date student tested for each belt level attained.
Number of lessons completed at each Belt level.
Number of Assistant Instructional Hours at each belt level.
Grand Total Assistant Hours and Lessons to date.
Dates and Results of tournaments participated in, if any.
The KTeam Karate Board of Directors has a certain need to know a potential Black
Belt representative of KTeam Karate on a more personal basis. Therefore, each
student should write a section in their paper containing personal experiences, thoughts,
views, and achievements you have made through the course of your training. Write
about any physical or mental experiences you have had relating to Martial Arts here at
the Karate school, work, home, school, tournaments, etc…
Write about the philosophies involved with becoming a Black Belt at KTeam Karate.
What are your future goals in your training, teaching, competing, schooling, career, etc.
Basically we (KTeam Karate Directors) need to know if the student understands the
Martial Arts and its ways enough to become a true Black Belt with KTeam Karate.
How to submit your Black Belt Paper
 It is suggested that the student starts working on their paper at red belt or
before to avoid any testing delays.
 Paper is actually due 6 weeks prior to Test. (Expect changes)
1. Step #1. Upon completing a rough draft of your paper& before
submitting it to your instructor for review, the student should have a
friend or parent read the paper for any errors or statements that seem
unclear and make any necessary changes. The student should also review
their paper asking themselves if every statement made will make sense
and be clear to others who read it.
2. Step # 2. Do Not send your paper to any Board member until your
instructor has proof read and suggested any changes to be made.
Proofreading and corrections shall be made by individuals in this order:
Self, friend, or family member, Instructor, Board of Directors. The
Directors expect a final copy to be final in every way. Do not send until
you have discussed all parts of your paper with your instructor.
3. Step #3. Upon attaining approval from your instructor, make 5 copies (1
for yourself and 1 for each of the 4 Board members).
4. Step #4. Send 1 copy to each of the Board members. (Mailing addresses
may be obtained through your Instructor). It is the students obligation to
send a copy of your paper to each individual Board member.
5. Step #5. Allow Board members approx. 2 weeks to review paper and
suggest any changes. Your instructor will inform you of any changes the
Directors would like made.
6. Step #6. Make any changes ( if any ) and resubmit prior to testing.