Balakrishnan, N - Sage Publications

Aitkin M, Francis B, and Hinde J., 2005, Statistical Modelling in GLIM4, 2nd Edition,
Oxford University Press, Inc. New York, $134.50, 557pp. ISBN 0-19-852413-7
Balakrishnan N. & Ng H.K.T., 2006 Precedence-Type Tests and Applications. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. 290pp ISBN 0471457205 $94.95 (#180)
Baxevanis, AD. & Ouellette, B.F. Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide to the Analysis of
Genes and Proteins, 3rd Edition, 2004, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 540pp. ISBN 0-47147878-4, $79.95 (#127)
Box GEP, Hunter JS, Hunter WG., Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation,
and Discovery. 2nd Edition. 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 633pp. ISBN: 0-47174813-0 $99.95 (#152)
Buncher CR, Tsay JY. Staistics in the Pharmaceutical Industry, 3rd Edition. 2006
Chapman Hall/CRC Press, 504pp. ISBN: 0824754697 $119.95 (#167)
Burzykowski T, Molenberghs G, Buyse M. (Eds.) The Evaluation of Surragate
Endpoints. 2005 Springer Verlag 416pp. ISBN: 0-387-20277-3 $74.95 (#151)
Dean A. & Lewis S., Screening: Methods for Experimentation in Industry, Drug
Discovery, and Genetics. 2006 Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc. 327pp ISBN:
0387280138 $79.95 (#183)
DeMets DL, Furberg CD, Friedman LM. (Editors) 2006, Springer-Verlag, New York,
Inc. 374pp ISBN 0-387-20330-3, $49.95 (#168)
Eidhammer I, Jonassen I, Taylor WR. Protein Bioinformatics: An Algorithmic
Approach to Sequence and Structure Analysis. 2004. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
336pp. ISBN: 0 470 848 39 1 $85.00 (#102).
Figeys D.(Editor) Industrial Proteomics : Applications for Biotechnology and
Pharmaceuticals. 2005. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 320pp ISBN 0471457140 $79.95
Giesbrecht FG, Gumpertz ML. Planning, Construction, and Statistical Analysis of
Comparative Experiments. 2004. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 660pp. ISBN: 0 471
21395 0 $115.00 (#104).
Good P, The Design and Conduct of Clinical Trials. 2nd Edition. 2006. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., 256pp. ISBN: 0 4717 8870 8 $79.95 (#179)
Good P, Permutation, Parametric, and Bootstrap Tests of Hypotheses, Third Edition.
2004, Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc. 315pp ISBN 0-387-20279-X $84.95 (#134)
Good P, Introduction to Statistics through Resampling Methods and R/S-PLUS®
2005, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 229pp. ISBN: 0-471-71575-1 $59.95 (#162)
Haines J.L. & Perical-Vance M.A. (Eds). Genetic Analysis of Complex Disease. 2006.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 485pp. ISBN: 0 471 08952 4 $99.95 (#181)
Hedeker D. & Gibbons R.D. Longitudinal Data Analysis. 2006 John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. 337pp. ISBN: 0 471 42027 1 $99.95 (#174)
Hancock JM, Zvelebil MJ. (Eds.). Dictionary of Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology. 2004. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 636 pp. ISBN: 0-471-43622-4 $99.95 (#116)
Hinkelmann K, Kempthorne O., Design and Analysis of Experiments: Advanced
Experimental Design. 2005. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 780pp. ISBN: 0-471-55177-5
$125.00 (#150)
Huzurbazar A.V. Flowgraph Models for Multistate Time-to-Event Data. 2005. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. 270pp. ISBN:0-471-26514-4 $94.95 (#130)
Knudsen S. Guide to Analysis of DNA Microarray Data, 2nd Edition. 2004. John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. 143pp. ISBN: 0 471 65604 06 $37.95 (#99).
Konopka A.K., Crabbe M.J.C. (Eds.) Compact Handbook of Computational Biology. 2004.
Marcel Dekker. 560pp. ISBN: 0-8247-0982-9 $195.00 (#132)
Krishnan V. Probability and Random Processes. 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 707pp
ISBN: 0-471-70354-0 $125.00 (#187)
Lawson A. B. Statistical Methods in Spatial Epidemiology, 2nd Edition 2006 John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. 424pp. ISBN: 0-470-01484-9 $130.00 (#191)
Lehman A, O'Rourke N, Hatcher L, Stepanski EJ. JMP for Basic Univariate and
Multivariate Statistics: A Step-by-Step Guide. 2005 SAS Publications. 481pp. ISBN:
1-59047-576-3. $61.95 (#153)
Lin DY, Heagerty PJ.(Eds.), Proceeding of the Second Seattle Symposium in
Biostatistics: Analysis of Correlated Data. 2004. Springer Verlag. 329pp. ISBN: 0387-20862-3 $79.95 (#147)
Lowen SD & Teich MC Fractal-Based Point Processes. 2005. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
618pp. ISBN: 0-471-3837-67 $99.95 (#166)
Martinussen T. & Scheike T.H. Dynamic Regression Models for Survival Data
(Statistics for Biology and Health). 2006 Springer-Verlag, New York 470pp ISBN:
0-387-20274-9 $84.95 (#185)
McLachlan GJ, Do K-A, Ambroise C. Analyzing Microarray Gene Expression Data.
2004. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 320pp. ISBN:0-471-22616-5 $89.95 (#115)
Montgomery D. C., Peck E. A., Vining G. G. Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis.
4th Edition. 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 612pp ISBN: 0-471-75495-1 $110.00
Moye LA. Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials: Fundamental for Investigators
2006 Springer-Verlag. 253pp. ISBN: 0-387-27781-1 $49.95 (#171)
Nagel S. (Editor). Cancer Bioinformatics: from Therapy Design to Treatment. 2006
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 287pp. ISBN: 0470863048 $130.00 (#178)
Nielson, R (Editor) Statistical Methods in Molecular Evolution. 2005. Springer Verlag.
520pp. ISBN: 0-387-22333-9 $89.95 (#148)
Piantadosi S, Clinical Trials: A methodological perspective, 2nd Edition. 2005, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. 687pp. ISBN: 0-471-72781-4 $110.00 (#163)
Prairie K, The Essential PROC SQL Handbook. 2005, SAS Publications, 588pp. ISBN:
1-59047-571-2 $64.95 (#158)
Saxton AM. (Ed) Genetic Analysis of Complex Traits Using SAS. 2004 SAS
Publications 312pp ISBN: 1-59047-507-0 (#154)
Silvapulle M.J., Sen P.K. Constrained Statistical Inference: Inequality, Order, and
Shape Restrictions. 2005. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 532pp. ISBN 0-471-20827-2
$89.95 (#129)
Stallard E, Manton KG, Cohen JE. Forecasting Product Liability Claims: Epidemiology
and Modeling in the Manville Asbestos Case. 2005, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.,
394pp. ISBN 0-387-94987-9 $84.95 (#128)
Sun J. The Statistical Analysis of Interval-censored Failure Time Data.
Springer-Verlag, New York. 270pp. ISBN: 0-387-32905-6 $79.95 (#188)
Ting N. (Editor) Dose Finding in Drug Development (Statistics for Biology and
Health). 2006 Springer-Verlag, New York. 247pp. ISBN: 0-387-29074-5 $79.95
Tramontano A. Protein Structure Prediction: Concepts and Applications. 2006 John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. 205pp. ISBN: 352731167X $69.95 (#175)
Tramontano A, The Ten Most Wanted Solutions in Protein Bioinformatics. 2005
Chapman Hall/CRC, 186pp. ISBN: 1-58488-491-6 $69.95 (#157)
Tsiatis A. A. Semiparametric Theory and Missing Data. 2006 Springer-Verlag, New
York. 392pp. ISBN: 0-387-32488-8 $84.95 (#189)
Weston P, Bioinformatics Software Engineering: Delivering Effective Applications.
2004, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 140pp. ISBN 0-470-85772-2 $65.00 (#146)
Wu H. & Zhang J.T. Nonparametric Regression Methods for Longitudinal Data
Analysis: Mixed Effects Modeling Approaches. 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
369pp. ISBN: 0471483508 $94.95 (#176)
Zelterman D. Models for Discrete Data: Revised Edtion. 2006 Oxford University
Press. 285pp. ISBN: 0-19-856701-4 $94..50 (#182)
Zhang W, Shmulevich I, Astola J, Microarray Quality Control. 2004. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. 125pp. ISBN: 0 471 45344 7 $69.95 (#100).
Zomaya A.Y. Parallel Computing for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 2006
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 782pp. ISBN: 0471748483 $125.00 (#177)