Programme Specification

Programme Specification
Foundation Degree Fashion, Theatrical and Media Hair and Make up
Awarding Institution/Body
Teesside University [TU]
Teaching Institution
Leeds City College
Collaborating Organisations
(include type)
Delivery Location(s)
[if different from TU]
Programme Externally
Accredited by (e.g. PSRB)
Award Title(s)
FdA Fashion, Theatrical and Media Hair and Make
Lead School
Schools of Arts and Media
Additional Contributing
FHEQ Level
[see guidance]
Bologna Cycle
[see guidance]
Short cycle (within or linked to the first cycle)
JACS Code and JACS
Mode of Attendance
[full-time or part-time]
Full time, part-time
Relevant QAA Subject
Benchmarking Group(s)
QAA ‘Foundation Degree qualification benchmark, May
2010’ (ISBN 978849791113)
Relevant Additional External
Reference Points
(e.g. National Occupational
Standards, PSRB Standards)
National Occupational Standards for Hair and Beauty, in
partnership with Habia (Foundation Degree Sectoral
Frameworks for Hairdressing Industry (2006) and Beauty
Industry (2006);
Date of Production/Revision
November 2013
Criteria for Admission to the
(if different from standard
University criteria)
A typical offer is likely to be 2 x D at A level, or a Merit
profile in a BTEC National Diploma/Certificate, together
with a number of GCSE’s, or equivalent, grades at C or
above including Maths and English.
International qualifications will be assessed against
Leeds City College – Printworks Campus
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these criteria. Speakers of other languages need to have
an IELTS score of at least 6.0 or a recognised level 2
English qualification.
All students are expected to present a creative portfolio
and supportive academic text. This is considered at
interview or through correspondence for distance
learning applicants. However factors such as previous
experience and performance can support the
In the absence of formal qualifications Leeds City
College welcomes applications from mature candidates
who may not have met the academic criteria, but can
demonstrate relevant work experience, including work in
a voluntary capacity. Candidates in this category will be
interviewed to assess their suitability for the course and
may be asked to provide a portfolio of evidence to
support their application. The course structure actively
supports claims for Accreditation of Prior Certificated
Learning (APCL) and Accreditation of Prior Experiential
Learning (APEL).
All students must be able to demonstrate either by
qualifications or testing that they have the required
literacy and numeracy skills to complete the course.
Part-time students are expected to be employed or have
previous experience in the fashion/hair and beauty/make
up industry.
Full-time students are expected to undertake relevant
work related learning experience as part of the
programme of study. The length or type of work
experience is not prescribed.
It is expected, in order to meet industry expectations,
that students will be required to purchase a professional
equipment kit.
Educational Aims of the Programme
The overall aims of the programme are to:
Develop knowledge, understanding and application of theories and concepts of the
vocational sector area of Fashion, theatrical media hair and make-up.
Develop a range of relevant professional and vocational skills appropriate to the
requirements dictated by the occupation of Fashion, Theatrical and Media Make
Develop personally and professionally within contexts appropriate to the vocational
sector, whilst developing and increasing independence in learning.
Develop reflective skills with which to academically and professionally reflect and
learn from workplace experiences by applying relevant theory and creative skill to
practical based projects.
Enhance the employability and career prospects of learners within the world of
fashion, theatrical and media make up.
Meet the needs of industry using practical applied approaches to content
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delivery, assessment briefs, case studies and portfolio building.
Learning Outcomes
The programme will enable students to develop the knowledge and skills listed below. On
successful completion of the programme, the student will be able to:
Knowledge and Understanding
K1 Demonstrate detailed knowledge of essential theoretical knowledge in Fashion,
Theatrical and Media Hair and Make-up contexts.
K2 Critically review a variety of ideas, context and frameworks associated with the
Fashion, Theatrical, Hair and Media Make-up industry.
K3 Plan, undertake and evaluate a negotiated, self-managed vocational industry related
Cognitive/Intellectual Skills
C1 Analyse, apply and interpret evidence from a variety of sources.
Employ balanced, logical and supported argument in order to explore facets of
practice, within the Fashion, Theatrical and Media Hair and Makeup industry.
C3 Identify key areas of problems and choose appropriate tools/methods for their
resolution in a considered manner, in a variety of settings, circumstances and
environments found within the fashion, theatrical, media hair and makeup industries.
C4 Demonstrate intellectual and creative flexibility and openness to new ideas, contexts
and approaches related to Fashion, Theatrical and Media Hair and Make Up
C5 Demonstrate the ability to re interpret narratives and to conceptualise design ideas
into a proposal and develop a strategy to fully realise the design concept through
Practical/Professional Skills
P1 Act with increasing autonomy with reduced need for supervision and directives
within defined guidelines.
P2 Operate ethically in situations of varying complexity and predictability requiring the
application of a wide range of techniques, approaches and skills associated with the
Fashion, Theatrical and Media Hair and Makeup industry.
P3 Evidence considered and creative developmental approach to work related briefs.
Fulfil creative briefs by applying confident use of relevant equipment, skills and
processes to meet a given brief.
P5 Professionally produce work collaboratively and communicate in a manner that
reflects individual ideas, skills and career aspirations to sector specialists and nonspecialists.
Key Transferable Skills(insert additional rows as necessary)
T1 Select and use a range of communication methods appropriate to the context.
Prepare, deliver and evaluate presentations to an audience.
T2 Reflect systematically on performance to further develop learning.
Demonstrate a realistic match between career aspirations and personal aptitudes,
interests and motivations
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Key Learning & Teaching Methods
The Teaching, Learning and Assessment strategy aims to provide learners with an
academic and work based knowledge focus, the skills and development for their future
careers and a curriculum of applied learning relevant to the Theatrical, Media Make Up
There is an emphasis towards practical workshop learning, which underpins both
context and industry relevant topics
The lecture programme and skills-based delivery will impart the necessary principles
and concepts
The seminars will be a mixture of student and tutor led sessions considering practical
examples of the principles and concepts introduced in the lecture programme, which
will support learning through an experiential approach
Group work will allow students to develop their research, communication and
teamwork skills
Tutor and peer led reflective feedback form the basis of student learning programmes
in the form of personal and professional action planning
Tutorials will take the form of individual support and feedback for student guidance
Opportunities will be provided to work within the creative industries using our strong
links with working professionals and industry partners
In addition students will be encouraged to independently find work experience and
teaching staff have industry contact which may be useful in this respect. There will be
opportunity for some students to gain relevant work experience in the college’s own
learning environments and through the use of industry contacts.
The period of work experience will not be prescribed by the guidelines as we have had
very different requirements for timetabling work experience opportunities. Potential work
experience will be judged on quality of work undertaken rather than the number of hours
spent in the workplace.
Key Assessment Methods
Both formative and summative assessment methods shall be adopted within the
Formative assessment and feedback is embedded throughout the module in response to
embedded learning activities within class, thus informing learning development. Such
activities include, group discussions, direct and indirect questioning, creative practical
development, deciphering set project briefs and meeting employer requirements /
expectations, and research tasks for instance. Formative assessment is also on-going
through a structured 1:1 tutorial system, by module tutors.
Summative assessments have been designed to reflect employability skills and
occupationally-related project briefs. The names given to assessments have generally
been based upon occupationally-related skills and tasks where there is an expectation to
demonstrate the relevant vocational and employability skills, as well as reflective practice
and academic writing. Assessment methods adopted on the programme include:
Professional discussions/Forums (formative)
Reflective log
Practical work /Photographic evidence
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Written report
Essay writing
Research folder
Supporting statements
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Programme Modules
Level 4 Semester 1
Special Effects Make Up
Pathology for Special Effects Make Up
Professional Development (PD)
Level 4 Semester 2
Historical Influences in Hair and Make Up
Creative Hair and Make Up Design
Level 5 Semester 1
2D and 3D Body Art
Introduction to Prosthetics and Casting
Creative Postiche
Level 5 Semester 2
Work Related Learning
Managing the Creation of a Showcase
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22. Programme Structure
Overview of structure of the modules across the academic year.
Level 4:
The delivery of the proposed modules, at level 4, is structured to provide you with the
underpinning understanding of the subject disciplines, and concepts related to the essential
practical workings and in order to take an active part in employment opportunities within the
sector. As well as the front loading of creative skill in order to ensure continuing creative
application and professional development.
Full Time
Level 4
15 weeks per semester x 3 hours per week per module
Historical Influences in
Hair and Make Up
This module will enable you
to interpret historical
periods through the
perspective of hair and
You will be encouraged to
apply theoretical principles
of anatomy and
physiology, relating to
specific visual physical
The purpose of this
module is to enable
you to acquire and
develop a range of
skills including
academic and
subject specific
skills that will enable
them to succeed in
their chosen area of
20 credits
20 credits
20 credits
Special Effects Make Up
The purpose of this module
is to introduce you to the
creative application of
special effects make up.
Enabling you to develop
both a theoretical and
practical understanding of
the process of its
Creative Hair and Make Up Design
The purpose of this module is to introduce you to
the techniques of creative hair and make-up
design. This will allow students to develop an
understanding of the processes of constructing
and exhibiting artistic and harmonious hairstyles
and make-up effects; whilst understanding the
relationship and necessity of applying both hair
and make-up skills to create a comprehensive
20 credits
40 credits
You will be required to
respond to contemporary
concepts through the use of
historical research.
Pathology for Special
Effects Make Up
This module will enable
you to acquire and
develop knowledge and
understanding of
Pathology and its
association with accurate
creative techniques.
Level 5:
At this level you will be increasingly challenged to becoming independent learners, to further
apply theoretical aspects and creative skill. Specific real life work related projects will link further
with your learning and individual development of independent application, encouraging you to
demonstrate your understanding of underpinning principles and concepts to the practical
workings and employment opportunities. Focus is given to you preparing for the world of work,
through actively preparing your portfolio to support at networking events.
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Full time
15 weeks per semester x 3 hours per week per module
Level 5
Semester 2D and 3D Body Art
Introduction to
The purpose of this module is to Prosthetics and Casting
introduce you to the techniques The purpose of this module
of 2 and 3D body art, creative
is to introduce you to the
theory and the application of
techniques and application
skill and design to support body of prosthetics and casting.
art designs. This module will
This will allow students to
allow you to experiment with
develop an understanding
various mediums and explore
of the processes and
the potential of experimental art effects of applying creative
and skin additions.
prosthetic and casting
This will allow you to develop
techniques in a variety of
the required understanding of
industry environments.
the processes and effects of
applying creative body art and
You will be expected to
reflecting upon the concept of
contextualize theoretical
the body form as a canvas,
elements to their own work
developing your identity as a
makeup designer.
20 credits
20 credits
This module
introduces you
to the research,
design and
application of
wigs and
postiche in
order to meet a
set client brief
within a chosen
context. You will
investigate the
creative design
and realisation.
You will develop
of the different
requirements of
dressing and
wigs and
hairpieces using
20 credits
Semester Managing the Creation of a
The purpose of this module is to
enable you to acquire and
develop knowledge and
understanding of key principles
and concepts of managing the
creation of a showcase.
Involvement in managing the
creation of a showcase is one
that needs meticulous
preparation, as well as
commitment and hard work; it is
also a team effort. The purpose
of this module is to enable you
to acquire and develop
Work Related Learning
You will be provided with opportunities to use
theory to inform practice and demonstrate
achievement of the learning outcomes with
reference to the make-up industry.
In addition you will be encouraged to critically
reflect on your overall learning experience
thus facilitating refining of employability skills
in line with your individual career aspirations.
40 credits
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knowledge and understanding
of key principles and concepts
when managing the creation of
a showcase event.
20 credits
Part-time route:
A part-time route is an option, over two years, studying 4 hours per week on one weekday
evening, aimed at those individuals who have full-time employment in the occupational-sector.
Each module will include 5 weeks delivery, with some assessments submitted at the end of a 10
week semester. Other forms of assessment will be scheduled into the scheme of work. Each 10
week semester will include 2 modules.
In order to support students, group and individual tutorials will be scheduled, as well as support
offered through the use of on-line resources; Moodle activities, forums, blogs, for example; and
also Adobe Connect for seminar and theory delivery (where required).
All students (full-time and part-time) will be allocated an academic sector specific module in order
to support the contextualisation of theory to the workplace, as well as application to vocational.
Part time
10 weeks @ 5 hour
sessions per week.
Weeks 1- 10
Historical Influences
in Hair and Make
Weeks 11 – 21
Development (PD)
Weeks 22 - 32
Creative Hair and Make
Up Design
40 credits
20 credits
20 credits
Special Effects
Make Up
20 credits
Part Time
10 weeks @ 5 hour
sessions per week.
Weeks 1-10
Pathology for
Special Effects Make
20 credits
Weeks 11 - 21
Weeks 22 - 32
2D and 3D Body Art
Introduction to
Prosthetics and
Managing the Creation
of a Showcase
20 credits
20 credits
20 credits
Creative Postiche
Work Related Learning
20 credits
40 credits
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Support for Students and Their Learning
The award adopts the approach to student learning support as identified in the scheme
programme specification
Tailored induction support begins before students arrive with the admissions team, and is
reinforced at the detailed induction programme by the course leader with support from
Student Services.
A robust communications system functions to give students access to lecturers and
management; this includes e-mail, the VLE and course notice board.
All necessary information about the programme is provided by means of the student
handbook, module handbooks and the VLE.
Each student is allocated a tutor for regular tutorials and personal development planning.
This is implemented in the first term and continued throughout the two years of study
For Part-Time students, and modules adopting a blending-learning methodology, a robust
support system will be in place to provide students with seminar recordings / notes,
tutorial information, on-line activities, blogs, forums, quizzes, etc. This will involve the use
of the VLE and Adobe Connect.
There is an extensive range of learning resources in the Library, supported by specialist
Librarian who can support effective research by students
The College provides an extensive range of services for students, including support for
those with special and additional learning needs or in receipt of DSA
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24. Distinctive Features
This Foundation Degree provides a fully integrated programme of personal and professional
development skills with access to specialist resources at a standard highly appropriate to the
target industries. Situated in the Studio of Inkwell Hair and Beauty Spa at Printworks Campus in
Leeds, in preparation for a career as a practitioner in fashion, hair and make-up design
industries, where there is an increasing requirement to be versatile and flexible responding to the
convergence of fashion with time-based media, new technologies and platforms.
This specialist programme combines workshop studio practice, photography studio and the
opportunity to study within a cross-disciplinary environment designed to promote student
interaction and shared learning, together with well-established links between the make-up fashion
industries and the College supporting the programme via creative curriculum development and
inspirational delivery, access to industry research, product support, visiting speakers, events and
work experience opportunities.
The importance of teamwork will be explored through collaborative projects alongside
independent work to develop skills and personal styles in preparation for the competitive world of
work. The practical skills together with broader academic studies provide a contemporary and
historical understanding of creative discipline within the wider perspectives of make-up fashion,
society and the environment. Research skills, both visual and academic, to underpin creative
practice and develop analytical skills and critical awareness will be developed in preparation for
further honours’ level study.
Employers have been consulted at the earlier stages of the programs development, and as such
have influenced curriculum design. Those employers have expressed an interest in maintaining
collaborative relationships, throughout the programs delivery, in order to enrich module content
and provide real life working experiences
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Stage Outcomes (Foundation Degrees)
Please give the learning outcomes for interim stages of the programme for each named pathway or award, e.g. for Honours degrees
programme, Stage/Level 4(1) outcomes, and Stage/Level 5(2) outcomes and for Foundation Degrees, Stage 1/Level4 and programme
outcomes. Separate Stage/Level 6(3) outcomes are not required as it is assumed that these are consistent with the programme outcomes I the
programme specification. (If there have been no significant changes made to the programme outcomes as part of the review, then the stage
outcomes from the original programme documentation can be included). Please add additional rows where necessary.
K = Knowledge and Understanding C = Cognitive and Intellectual P = Practical Professional T = Key Transferable [see programme specification]
Programme Outcome
Critically apply the use of key elements of essential theoretical
knowledge, practical application and key concepts of the media
make up discipline, in a variety of industry related contexts.
Critically review a variety of ideas, context and frameworks
associated with the Fashion, theatrical, hair and media make up
Plan, undertake and evaluate a negotiated, self-managed
vocational industry related project.
Analyse, apply and interpret evidence from a variety of sources.
Stage/Level 4(1)
Demonstrate an understanding of key essential theoretical
knowledge, practical application and key concepts of the media
make up discipline, in a variety of industry related contexts.
Describe and explain ideas, context and frameworks
associated with the fashion, theatrical, hair and media makeup
Plan and undertake and evaluate a negotiated vocation
industry related project.
Gather, record and describe, with guidance, evidence from a
range of sources.
Employ balanced, logical and supported argument in order to
explore facets of practice, within the Fashion, Theatrical and
Media Hair and Makeup industry.
Identify key areas of problems and choose appropriate
tools/methods for their resolution in a considered manner, in a
variety of settings, circumstances and environments found
within the fashion, theatrical, media hair and makeup industries.
Demonstrate intellectual and creative flexibility and openness to
new ideas, contexts and approaches related to Fashion,
Theatrical and media make Up Industries.
Justify conclusions that explore facets of the fashion, theatrical,
hair and media make up industry in defined and limited
Apply given tools / methods accurately and carefully to a welldefined problem and begin to appreciate the complexity of
associated issues.
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Recognise the provisional and changing nature of knowledge
within the fashion, theatrical, hair and media industry.
Demonstrate the ability to re interpret narratives and to
conceptualise design ideas into a proposal and develop a
strategy to fully realise the design concept through research
Act with increasing autonomy with reduced need for supervision
and directives within defined guidelines.
Demonstrate the ability to translate and create ideas to meet
given brief requirements.
Operate ethically in situations of varying complexity and
predictability requiring the application of a wide range of
techniques, approaches and skills associated with the Fashion,
Theatrical and Media Hair and Makeup industry.
Evidence the application and technical understanding of
applying creative approaches with which to meet the
expectations of given work related briefs.
Operate ethically in predictable and defined contexts that
require use of a specified range of standard techniques.
Fulfil the requirements of industry related creative briefs by
confidently applying the most appropriate use of relevant
equipment and application of skill.
Complete given briefs by applying the use of a range of
equipment and skills to produce technically appropriate
creative outcomes
Professionally produce work collaboratively and communicate in
a manner that reflects individual ideas, skills and career
aspirations to sector specialists and non-specialists.
Operate effectively within a team recognising the ideas and
skills of others.
Select and use a range of communication methods appropriate
to the context. Prepare, deliver and evaluate presentations to an
Reflect systematically on performance to further develop
Identify and use writing skills appropriate to the context.
Communicate appropriately through speech, during group
discussions and as an individual.
Identify own learning strengths and needs using feedback from
assessments. Develop and implement a personal development
plan to improve own learning.
Demonstrate a realistic match between career aspirations and
personal aptitudes, interests and motivations
Identify and articulate personal skill, ability, interests and
motivations and relate these to career opportunities.
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Act with limited autonomy, under direction or supervision,
within defined guidelines.
Evidence the ability to consider and apply the required
approaches with which to meet and develop the realisation of
given briefs
Map of Outcomes to Modules
Please provide a map for each named pathway or separate award. Insert outcomes key across the top of each column, adding in additional
columns where necessary, insert module names in the left of the grid and place an “A” in the box where the programme outcome is assessed.
For Undergraduate programmes please provide a map for each Stage, e.g. Stages 1 and 2 and programme outcomes for Honours
degrees, and Stage 1 and programme outcomes for Foundation Degrees.
Module Name
Level 4
Historical Influences
in Hair and Make Up
Special Effects Make
Pathology for
Special Effects Make
Creative Hair and
Make Up Design
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Module Name
Level 5
Introduction to
Prosthetics and
2D and 3D Body Art
Creative Postiche
Work Related
Managing the
Creation of a
C5 P1
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