RISK-ADJUSTING HOSPITAL MORTALITY USING A COMPREHENSIVE ELECTRONIC RECORD IN AN INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE DELIVERY SYSTEM: QUANTIFYING HIDDEN SEVERITY Gabriel J. Escobar, MD, Marla N. Gardner, BA, John D. Greene, MA, David Draper, PhD, Patricia Kipnis, PhD WEB APPENDIX FOR INTERESTED READERS All SAS code used for this project’s data processing or analysis is available to interested readers. Number Description Pages 1 Characteristics of study hospitals 1-3 2 Grouping of ICD Codes into Primary Conditions 4-5 3 Laboratory Acute Physiology Score, version 2 (LAPS2) 6-13 4 COmorbidity Point Score, version 2 (COPS2) 14-25 5 Statistical modeling strategy 26-27 6 Analysis results using 30-day mortality as outcome 28-29 7 Calibration curves in validation dataset 30-42 8 Changes in standardized mortality rates (SMRs) by hospital unit as a function of increasing clinical detail 43-45 9 Standardized mortality rates (SMRs) and Hospital Ranking 46-50 10 Beta coefficients for study predictive models (entire dataset) 51-80 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 1 APPENDIX 1: CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDY HOSPITALS Northern California Kaiser Permanente (KPNC), a group-model integrated healthcare delivery system, is the largest of Kaiser Permanente’s semi-autonomous regions. The Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc. (KFHP) covers approximately 30-35% of the insured population in Northern California. Under a mutual exclusivity contract, the 7,000 physicians of The Permanente Medical Group, Inc. (TPMG) provide care for 3,300,000 KFHP members at facilities owned by Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, Inc. TPMG physicians provide most primary and specialty care for health plan members at 21 hospitals and 56 outpatient clinics located in Northern California. These facilities handle approximately 17 million outpatient and emergency department (ED) visits, 270,000 overnight hospitalizations and 270,000 outpatient surgeries each year. KPNC maintains integrated information systems using a common medical record number, which permits linking multiple data types (e.g., hospitalization data can be combined with electronically assigned severity of illness scores based on vital signs and laboratory data). All 21 KPNC hospitals (whose characteristics are summarized in the two tables and the figure below) and 56 clinics employ the Epic electronic medical record, which has been adapted for Kaiser Permanente and is known as KP HealthConnect. Lastly, all KPNC facilities are under the jurisdiction of a single Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects. TABLE 1A: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE KPNC HOSPITALS IN THIS STUDY Number of medical/surgical beds < 200 200 12 9 Total number of acute care beds 1,532 1,981 Average number of overnight hospitalizations per year per hospital 5,211 10,424 Total number of overnight hospitalizations per year for group 62,532 93,819 Average number of hospital admissions per year per hospital 6,125 12,057 Total number of hospital admissions per year 73,500 108,512 Total number of ICU beds for group 171 223 Average number of ICU admits per year per hospital 807 1,809 9,686 16,281 Number of hospitals Total number of ICU admits per year for group The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 2 Table 1B: DATA FOR ALL 21 HOSPITALS IN THE VALIDATION DATA SET Hospital Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 N of hospitaliza- 1,624 2,342 2,371 3,182 3,405 4,015 4,111 4,128 4,435 4,571 4,672 4,698 5,431 6,004 6,557 6,723 7,697 7,936 8,434 9,349 9,970 tions N of Inpatient Deaths (%) 41 (2.5) 89 (3.8) 93 (3.9) 74 (2.3) 104 (3.1) 126 (3.1) 88 (2.1) 135 (3.3) 126 (2.8) 143 (3.1) 125 (2.7) 142 (3.0) 147 (2.7) 132 (2.2) 176 (2.7) 214 (3.2) 246 (3.2) 171 (2.2) 317 (3.8) 347 (3.7) 292 (2.9) N of 30-Day 73 Deaths (%) (4.5) 129 (5.5) 165 (7.0) 143 (4.5) 165 (4.8) 229 (5.7) 238 (5.8) 204 (4.9) 247 (5.6) 234 (5.1) 205 (4.4) 298 (6.3) 259 (4.8) 190 (3.2) 291 (4.4) 379 (5.6) 441 (5.7) 294 (3.7) 519 (6.2) 591 (6.3) 438 (4.4) Median LAPS2 (IQR) 51 (62) 58 (70) 58 (56) 44 (62) 45 (64) 44 (59) 49 (61) 45 (62) 54 (60) 57 (65) 47 (59) 59 (59) 49 (60) 35 (51) 54 (64) 53 (57) 49 (58) 38 (57) 42 (62) 48 (64) 50 (65) Mean LAPS2 (± SD) 55.8 ± 39.6 63.1 ± 43.9 64.1 ± 38.7 53.6 ± 39.8 54.5 ± 40.4 51.3 ± 37.6 56.9 ± 38.5 53.5 ± 39.4 58.7 ± 39.1 62.6 ± 40.4 54.3 ± 38.0 65.1 ± 41.1 57.8 ± 39.9 46.8 ± 36.4 59.2 ± 40.0 60.0 ± 39.5 56.5 ± 38.8 49.6 ± 38.3 53.2 ± 40.7 55.5 ± 39.0 58.0 ± 40.9 Median COPS2 (IQR) 18.5 (49) 14 (47) 23 (54) 15 (45) 16 (46) 20 (44) 18 (46) 15 (39) 21 (46) 21 (50) 20 (48) 28 (61) 21 (50) 21 (41) 15 (45) 15 (47) 21 (50) 19 (43.5) 15 (41) 21 (47) 21 (48) Mean COPS2 (± SD) 39.1 ± 41.0 38.7 ± 42.9 41.9 ± 41.3 37.5 ± 40.4 37.9 ± 41.2 36.8 ± 38.1 36.8 ± 37.5 34.0 ± 37.0 38.9 ± 39.8 40.3 ± 41.7 40.1 ± 43.8 46.9 ± 46.9 40.7 ± 42.7 36.0 ± 37.5 37.8 ± 41.3 38.8 ± 42.9 40.3 ± 43.0 36.9 ± 39.2 35.9 ± 39.4 38.0 ± 38.3 39.6 ± 42.0 % Not Full Code at Hospital at Entry 11.1 12.6 15.2 7.6 11.5 19.0 16.4 13.1 15.8 14.0 12.1 13.4 12.3 7.5 11.7 12.2 18.2 9.0 12.3 14.6 12.7 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 3 Figure 1C: Percent not “full code” at Hospital Entry Time for all 21 hospitals in the validation dataset The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 4 APPENDIX 2: GROUPING OF ICD CODES INTO PRIMARY CONDITIONS We combined Health Care Utilization Project (www.ahrq.gov/data/hcup) single-level diagnosis clinical classification software (CCS) categories to cluster all possible ICD admission diagnosis codes into 30 groups, which we refer to as Primary Conditions. The HCUP single-level diagnosis CCS categories were grouped based on biologic plausibility (i.e., relative similarity from a disease standpoint) and on the observed mortality rate because, for modeling purposes, it was desirable to have ~30 patient groupings with at least 30-40 deaths in the derivation dataset. The table below shows our 30 groupings with their corresponding HCUP category numbers. Primary Condition Name Sepsis HCUP single-level diagnosis clinical classification software (CCS) category number(s) 2 Fluid and electrolyte disorders 55 Coma; stupor; and brain damage 85 AMI 100 Cardiac arrest 107 CHF 108 Acute CVD 109 CAP 122 GI bleed 153 UTI 159 Hip fracture 226 Residual codes 259 Renal failure (all) 156, 157, 158 Less severe cancer 11-16, 18, 20-26, 28-32, 34, 36, 37, 44-47, 207 Endocrine & related conditions 48-51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 200, 202, 210, 211 Miscellaneous GI conditions 137-140, 155, 214 Other cardiac conditions 96-99, 103-105, 114, 116, 117, 213, 217 HCUP Hyper Group 1 101, 102, 106 HCUP Hyper Group 2 HCUP Hyper Group 3 0, 10, 141, 144-146, 147, 154, 160-166, 168-196, 201, 215, 218-224, 241-243, 255, 256, 258, 650-652, 654-663, 670, 999, 2601-2621 115, 129, 131, 249 HCUP Hyper Group 4 127, 128, 130, 132, 133 Hematologic conditions 59-64 Ill-defined signs and symptoms 250-253 Liver and pancreatic disorders 151, 152 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 5 Primary Condition Name Highly malignant cancer HCUP single-level diagnosis clinical classification software (CCS) category number(s) 17, 19, 27, 33, 35, 38-43 Miscellaneous neurological conditions Problems with nutrition 79-84, 93-95, 110-113, 216, 245, 653 Other infectious conditions 1, 3-9, 76-78, 90, 92, 123-126, 134, 135, 148, 197-199, 201, 246-248 86-89, 91, 118-121, 136, 142, 143, 167, 203, 204, 206, 208, 209, 212, 237, 238, 254, 257 205, 225, 227-236, 239, 240, 244 Miscellaneous surgical conditions Trauma 52, 58 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 6 APPENDIX 3: DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF VERSION 2 OF THE LABORATORY-BASED ACUTE PHYSIOLOGY SCORE (LAPS2) The LAPS2 is a physiology-based score using data from the 72 hours preceding physical entry into a hospital unit other than the emergency department. It includes laboratory tests (albumin, anion gap, arterial pH, bicarbonate, bilirubin, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, hematocrit, lactate, PaCO2, PaO2, sodium, troponin I, total white blood cell count), vital signs (temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, pulse oximetry, and neurological status checks), and some interaction terms (e.g., the shock index, heart rate ÷ systolic blood pressure). The methodology we developed for extracting, cleaning, and formatting vital signs, including neurological status checks, from KP HealthConnect is described in a recent paper by us1, and our SAS code for data cleaning is available to interested readers from these investigators. The LAPS2 was developed in a manner similar to that of LAPS, as described in the web appendix to our original report2; LAPS has been validated externally3 and has been used for other studies4,5. In brief, the LAPS2 is similar to many existing severity of illness scores, but it has an important difference with respect to imputation, where it employs two steps for point assignment. In the first step, a simple model, detailed below, is used to subdivide the population into two risk groups, those with a predicted mortality risk of < 6% and ≥ 6%. Among patients with a predicted risk of death of < 6% using the simple model, missing data are imputed to normal, as is the customary convention in many severity scores. However, for patients with a predicted risk of death ≥ 6%, points are assigned for missing data for the following score components: arterial pH, lactate, white blood cell count, troponin I, and neurological status checks. Neurological status checks from nursing flow sheets, including those found in the Glasgow Coma Scale, were categorized as follows: missing, normal, ambiguous, abnormal, extremely abnormal. In addition, because lactate values cannot be assumed to be independent of arterial pH, lactate and pH are scored using a grid. In those situations where multiple results were available in the 72 hour time frame, the worst (showing the greatest physiologic derangement) result was employed. We developed LAPS2 using the derivation dataset described in the main text (“validation dataset” in this appendix refers to the validation component of the derivation dataset described in the main text). Preliminary logistic regression model In the first regression model (LAPS2 Preliminary Model), we employed a patient's age, sex, admission type (via emergency department or not), ratio of blood urea nitrogen to serum creatinine, sodium, and ratio of the anion gap to the serum bicarbonate to predict in-hospital death. We then divided patients into two groups based on their predicted mortality: low (< 6%) or high ( 6%). In this model, if a laboratory test was missing, we imputed a normal value. When more than one laboratory test result was available, we employed the test result taken closest to hospital entry. The LAPS2 Preliminary Model had a c statistic of 0.76 in the validation dataset and was well calibrated. The logistic regression coefficients for its components are shown in Table 3A below. Its performance characteristics in the validation dataset with respect to the 6% vs. 6% distinction are shown in Table 3B, below. The two risk groupings were retained for imputation purposes for the final LAPS2 Model. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 7 TABLE 3A: LABORATORY SCORE PRELIMINARY MODEL COEFFICIENT ESTIMATES (DERIVATION DATASET) Risk Factor Range Intercept Coefficient Estimate -4.31678 Age at Admission 18 - 39 40 - 64 65 – 74 75 - 84 85+ Reference -0.25234 0.25894 0.48826 0.87647 Sex Male Female 0.27430 Reference Emergency Room Visit Yes No 1.39670 Reference BUN / Creatinine Ratio <8 8 - 15.9 16 – 23.9 24+ 0.26988 Reference -0.22465 0.39858 Sodium < 129 129 – 131 132 – 134 135 – 145 146 – 148 149 – 154 155+ 0.11980 -0.06801 -0.30494 Reference -0.02560 0.42071 0.58891 Anion Gap / Serum Bicarbonate Ratio < 200 200 – 399 400 – 599 600+ -0.20038 Reference -0.11174 0.70227 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 8 TABLE 3B: LABORATORY SCORE PRELIMINARY MODEL (DERIVATION DATASET) Number of inpatient deaths Number of patients Predicted mortality risk stratum Low risk (< 6%) High risk ( 6%) 245,580 34,349 Predicted Observed 5,100 5,048 3,391 3,443 Second logistic regression model Once we defined the high risk cohort for imputation purposes, we tested multiple models using varying cutoffs for the included variables. We selected the best-performing model and then employed the logistic regression coefficients from this second model to assign point values to specific test results. The point scoring scheme resulting from the second regression is shown in Tables 3C and 3D. Note that missing data get their own risk band for certain measurements (lactate, arterial pH, total white blood cell count, troponin I, and neurological status checks); for the remaining measurements, missing data are imputed to normal (zero points). The LAPS2 is thus a continuous variable that can range between a low of zero and a theoretical maximum of 414, although < 0.05% of patients in our cohort had LAPS2 exceeding 228 and none had a LAPS2 > 294. The final LAPS2 model had a c statistic of 0.84 in the validation dataset. Figure 3E shows the relationship between the LAPS2 and inpatient mortality as well as the distribution of the LAPS2 in the entire cohort. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 9 TABLE 3C: LAPS2 POINT ASSIGNMENT, PART I Lactate – arterial pH point assignment grid Arterial pH 7.20 – 7.34 < 7.20 7.35 – 7.44 Lactate (mM/L) 7.45 or missing and patient in high risk group < 2.00 13 5 0 12 2.00 – 3.99 or missing and patient in high risk group 19 15 12 15 25 26 30 4.00 34 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 10 TABLE 3D: LAPS2 POINT ASSIGNMENT, PART 2 Laboratory test or vital sign Range Points Assigned to LAPS2 SODIUM (mEq/L) < 129 129 - 134 135 - 145 146+ 14 7 0 4 TOTAL SERUM BILIRUBIN (mg/dL) < 2.0 2.0 - 2.9 3.0 - 4.9 5.0 - 7.9 8.0+ 0 11 18 25 41 BLOOD UREA NITROGEN (mg/dL) < 18 18 - 19 20 - 39 40 - 79 80+ 0 11 12 20 25 CREATININE (mg/dL) < 1.00 1.00 - 1.99 2.00 - 3.99 4.00+ 0 6 11 5 BUN / CREATININE < 25 25+ 0 10 ALBUMIN < 2.0 2.0 - 2.4 2.5+ 31 15 0 SERUM GLUCOSE (mg/dL) < 40 40 - 59 60 - 199 200+ 10 10 0 3 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 11 Laboratory test or vital sign Range Points Assigned to LAPS2 HEMATOCRIT (%) < 20.0 20.0 - 39.9 40.0 - 49.9 50.0+ 7 8 0 3 < 5.0 5.0 - 12.9 13.0+ Missing and in high risk group 8 0 11 32 ARTERIAL PaCO2 (mm Hg) < 35 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 65+ 7 0 11 13 12 ARTERIAL PaO2 (mm Hg) < 50 50 - 119 120+ 8 0 12 0 0.01 - 0.19 0.20 - 0.99 1.00 - 2.99 3.00+ Missing and in high risk group 0 8 17 19 25 9 < 96.0 96.0 - 100.4 100.5+ 20 0 3 Heart Rate (beats per minute) < 60 60 - 109 110 - 139 140+ 7 0 7 10 Respiratory Rate (breaths per minute) < 20 20 - 29 30+ 0 11 21 WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT (1000s/mm3) TROPONIN I (pg/mL) Temperature (°F) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 12 Laboratory test or vital sign Range Points Assigned to LAPS2 Systolic Blood Pressure (mm Hg) < 75 75 - 89 90 - 119 120 - 139 140 - 159 160+ 22 13 5 0 8 14 Shock Index (heart rate ÷ systolic blood pressure) < 0.65 0.65 - 0.84 0.85+ 0 8 17 Oxygen Saturation (%) < 90% 90 - 93% 94+% 22 12 0 Neurological Score Normal 0 Ambiguous or Missing, not in high risk group 16 Abnormal or Missing, in high risk group 21 Very Abnormal 36 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 13 LAPS2 Figure 3E Relationship between the Laboratory-based Acute Physiology Score, version 2 (LAPS2) and inpatient mortality and number of hospitalizations. Solid bars indicate the inpatient mortality rate among hospitalizations with a LAPS2 in the indicated range. White bars indicate the number of hospitalizations. REFERENCES 1. Escobar GJ, LaGuardia J, Turk BJ, Ragins A, Kipnis P, Draper D. Early detection of impending physiologic deterioration among patients who are not in intensive care: development of predictive models using data from an automated electronic medical record. In press, J Hosp Med, 2012. 2. Escobar G, Greene J, Scheirer P, Gardner M, Draper D, Kipnis P. Risk Adjusting Hospital Inpatient Mortality Using Automated Inpatient, Outpatient, and Laboratory Databases. Med Care 2008;46:232-39. 3. van Walraven C, Escobar GJ, Greene JD, Forster AJ. The Kaiser Permanente inpatient risk adjustment methodology was valid in an external patient population. J Clin Epidemiol 2010;63:798-803. 4. Oake N, Taljaard M, van Walraven C, Wilson K, Roth V, Forster AJ. The effect of hospital-acquired Clostridium difficile infection on in-hospital mortality. Arch Intern Med 2010;170:1804-10. 5. Wong J, Taljaard M, Forster AJ, Escobar GJ, van Walraven C. Derivation and Validation of a Model to Predict Daily Risk of Death in Hospital. Med Care 2011;49:734-43 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 14 APPENDIX 4: DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF VERSION 2 OF THE COMORBIDITY POINT SCORE (COPS2) The COPS2 was developed in a manner similar to that of COPS, as described in the web appendix to our original report1. Every month, the KPNC Management Information and Analysis (MIA) Department scans data from outpatient and inpatient encounters from the entire KPNC membership. Using the ICD codes from these encounters, the MIA department assigns patients to 70 possible Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCCs) using their inpatient and outpatient utilization during the 12 month period preceding each monthly scan. A given patient may have multiple HCC assignments. The ICD code categories used for these HCCs are those used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services2,3. We examined the relationship between having any of these 70 HCCs and inpatient mortality. Based on the mortality risk and biological plausibility, we grouped 43 of these 70 HCCs into 15 comorbidity groups and we retained the remaining 27 as individual HCCs, for a total of 42 comorbidity groups. For example, we grouped three HCCs related to Coronary Artery Disease (HCCs 81, 82 and 83) into a single comorbidity group, which we labeled Coronary Artery Disease, as is shown in Table 4A, below. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 15 TABLE 4A: EXAMPLE OF CMS HIERARCHICAL CONDITION CATEGORIES GROUPING IN THE DERIVATION DATASET CMS HCC 81 82 83 ___ 2 108 NAME Acute Myocardial Infarction Unstable Angina and Other Acute Ischemic Heart Disease Angina Pectoris/Old Myocardial Infarction Coronary Artery Disease (HCC81, HCC82, HCC83) N in cohort with & without the HCC Death rate if HCC is present or absent Mean length of stay (in hours) if condition present or absent 6,457 5.0% 114.6 273,472 3.0% 102.0 4,951 3.7% 100.7 274,978 3.0% 102.3 31,390 4.1% 106.3 248,539 2.9% 101.8 42,798 4.2% 106.9 237,131 2.8% 101.5 11,578 6.2% 150.5 268,351 2.9% 100.2 40,991 4.9% 114.5 238,938 2.7% 100.2 Septicemia/Shock Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease We employed these 42 comorbidity groups as dichotomous predictor variables in a logistic regression model using the derivation dataset. We then assigned a point value to each comorbidity group based on the coefficients from the regression model. This integrated all comorbidity information into a single continuous variable that can range from 0 to a theoretical maximum of 1,014 (however, few observations in our dataset had scores > 300). We then applied these point values to the validation dataset, which resulted in a model with a c statistic of 0.76. Table 4B, below, summarizes the 42 comorbidity groupings (HCC’s) we employed. The table, which is based on the entire dataset, shows the groupings, the point score assigned to that comorbidity, the mortality among hospitalizations where a patient did or did not have that The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 16 comorbidity, and the length of stay among hospitalizations where a surviving patient did or did not have that comorbidity. TABLE 4B: SUMMARY OF COMORBIDITY GROUPINGS EMPLOYED Comorbidity group name and points assigned to COPS if comorbidity is present NAME POINTS AMPUT Amputation 18 N of hospitalizations in cohort where the patient did not & did have the comorbidity Death rate (%) if the comorbidity was absent or present Mean length of stay (in hours) if comorbidity was absent or present 376,727 2.94 99.55 14,857 5.03 146.55 330,012 2.57 98.67 61,572 5.42 115.60 373,979 2.99 100.76 17,605 3.70 113.41 331,619 2.79 100.41 59,965 4.28 106.45 323,470 2.45 97.62 68,114 5.73 118.96 HCCs: 176, 177 ARRHYTHMIA Specified Heart Arrhythmias 19 HCCs: 92 ARTH Rheumatoid Arthritis 9 HCCs: 38 CAD Coronary Artery Disease 4 HCCs: 81, 82, 83 CHF Congestive Heart Failure 28 HCCs: 80 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 17 Comorbidity group name and points assigned to COPS if comorbidity is present NAME POINTS CIRRHOSIS Cirrhosis of Liver 54 N of hospitalizations in cohort where the patient did not & did have the comorbidity Death rate (%) if the comorbidity was absent or present Mean length of stay (in hours) if comorbidity was absent or present 387,701 2.99 101.16 3,883 6.21 117.98 334,806 2.68 99.23 56,778 5.04 113.74 365,099 2.70 99.27 26,485 7.39 129.75 380,898 2.95 100.68 10,686 5.42 124.49 380,160 2.86 99.64 11,424 8.45 157.46 379,980 2.97 100.54 11,604 4.58 127.20 HCCs: 26 COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 19 HCCs: 108 CRFAIL Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock 40 HCCs: 79 CVD Cardiovascular Disease 19 HCCs: 95, 96 DECUB Decubitus Ulcer of Skin 38 HCCs: 148 DIALYSIS Dialysis Status 29 HCCs: 130 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 18 Comorbidity group name and points assigned to COPS if comorbidity is present NAME POINTS DM Diabetes 11 N of hospitalizations in cohort where the patient did not & did have the comorbidity Death rate (%) if the comorbidity was absent or present Mean length of stay (in hours) if comorbidity was absent or present 286,574 2.85 97.69 105,010 3.48 111.27 381,066 3.00 100.76 10,518 3.74 121.99 365,071 2.97 99.20 26,513 3.62 130.62 389,023 3.01 101.17 2,561 5.00 125.36 384,719 2.94 100.73 6,865 7.39 135.12 386,048 3.02 101.24 5,536 2.64 107.69 HCCs: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 EYE Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy and Vitreous Hemorrhage 19 HCCs: 119 GI Gastro-intestinal Diseases 11 HCCs: 31, 32, 33 HEADINJ Head Injury 10 HCCs: 154, 155 HEMAT Severe Hematological Disorders 32 HCCs: 44 HEP Chronic Hepatitis 27 HCCs: 27 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 19 Comorbidity group name and points assigned to COPS if comorbidity is present NAME POINTS N of hospitalizations in cohort where the patient did not & did have the comorbidity Death rate (%) if the comorbidity was absent or present Mean length of stay (in hours) if comorbidity was absent or present HIPFX Hip Fracture / Dislocation 19 385,285 2.97 100.98 6,299 6.18 122.68 3.02 101.31 3.21 107.51 386,782 2.98 100.83 4,802 6.37 141.61 387,026 2.97 101.09 4,558 7.37 122.16 384,468 2.93 100.24 7,116 7.72 160.17 382,775 2.96 100.88 8,809 5.35 121.10 HCCs: 158 HIV 389,993 HIV / AIDS 33 1,591 HCCs: 1 IMMUNE Disorders of Immunity 25 HCCs: 45 LIVER_END End-Stage Liver Disease 61 HCCs: 25 LUNG Lung Diseases 22 HCCs: 107, 111, 112 LYMPH Lymphoma 31 HCCs: 9 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 20 Comorbidity group name and points assigned to COPS if comorbidity is present NAME POINTS MALNUT Malnutrition 35 N of hospitalizations in cohort where the patient did not & did have the comorbidity Death rate (%) if the comorbidity was absent or present Mean length of stay (in hours) if comorbidity was absent or present 379,831 2.83 99.69 11,753 9.26 154.49 376,058 2.80 100.48 15,526 8.32 122.05 382,709 3.02 101.21 8,875 2.86 106.46 312,462 2.84 97.93 79,122 3.71 114.76 HCCs: 21 METCA Metastatic Cancer 69 HCCs: 7 NEPHRITIS Nephritis 15 HCCs: 132 NEURO Neurological Diseases 9 HCCs: 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 OPPINFEC Opportunistic Infections 389,780 30 1,804 3.00 101.09 7.15 152.78 HCCs: 5 OTHCA Other Cancer 0 364,400 3.07 101.46 27,184 2.37 99.66 HCCs: 10 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 21 Comorbidity group name and points assigned to COPS if comorbidity is present NAME POINTS N of hospitalizations in cohort where the patient did not & did have the comorbidity Death rate (%) if the comorbidity was absent or present Mean length of stay (in hours) if comorbidity was absent or present OTHINFEC Bone/Joint/Muscle Infections/Necrosis 12 384,332 3.01 100.58 7,252 3.23 141.17 372,652 2.94 99.95 18,932 4.58 128.45 340,216 3.06 100.91 51,368 2.77 104.09 389,981 3.01 100.85 1,603 5.86 218.91 313,977 2.57 97.43 77,607 4.84 117.12 372,547 2.87 99.10 19,037 5.99 144.93 HCCs: 37 PARALYSIS Paralysis 21 HCCs: 67, 68, 69, 100, 101 PSYCH Psychological Disorders 9 HCCs: 54, 55 RESP Respiratory Diseases 37 HCCs: 77, 78 RF Renal Failure 18 HCCs: 131 SEPSIS Septicemia/Shock 18 HCCs: 2 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 22 Comorbidity group name and points assigned to COPS if comorbidity is present NAME POINTS SEVCA Severe Cancer 41 N of hospitalizations in cohort where the patient did not & did have the comorbidity Death rate (%) if the comorbidity was absent or present Mean length of stay (in hours) if comorbidity was absent or present 386,032 2.97 100.89 5,552 6.63 131.86 2.97 100.51 4.48 125.93 373,341 3.00 100.65 18,243 3.43 115.21 389,908 3.01 101.12 1,676 4.89 150.69 367,133 2.95 99.38 24,451 4.01 130.59 332,967 2.68 97.89 58,617 4.93 120.85 HCCs: 8 SKIN 378,889 Skin Diseases 28 12,695 HCCs: 149, 150 SUBST Substance Abuse 20 HCCs: 51, 52 TRANSPLANT Major Organ Transplant 28 HCCs: 174 TRAUMA Trauma 7 HCCs: 161, 164 VD Vascular Disease 19 HCCs: 104, 105 The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 23 Comorbidity group name and points assigned to COPS if comorbidity is present NAME POINTS N of hospitalizations in cohort where the patient did not & did have the comorbidity Death rate (%) if the comorbidity was absent or present Mean length of stay (in hours) if comorbidity was absent or present VERTB Vertebral Fractures without Spinal Cord Injury 20 384,753 2.97 101.01 6,831 6.00 119.56 274,783 3.58 107.63 116,801 1.69 86.52 HCCs: 157 NO_HCC No HCCs present 14 In 116,801 hospitalizations, none of the CMS HCCs were present. These are placed in the NO_HCC grouping, which contributes 14 points towards the COPS2. The characteristics of the 116,801 hospitalizations without HCCs are shown in table 4C, below. TABLE 4C:CHARACTERISTICS OF HOSPITALIZATIONS WITHOUT HCC ASSIGNMENTS Hospitalizations with Any HCC No HCC 274,783 116,801 Mean Age (Years) 68.4 55.2 % Male 46.4 42.8 % non-members 0.8 15.0 % KPNC members < 3 months 1.0 17.5 N Note that non-KPNC members who were treated at a KPNC hospital are included in our cohort. Figure 4D shows the relationship between the COPS2 and inpatient mortality and number of hospitalizations, while Figure 4E shows the relationship between the COPS2 and the modified Charlson comorbidity score. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 24 Figure 4D: Relationship between the COmorbidity Point Score version 2 (COPS2), inpatient mortality and number of hospitalizations. The COPS2 is based on a patient’s outpatient and inpatient utilization in the year preceding hospitalization. The COPS2 integrates information regarding these comorbidities into a single continuous variable that has a value that can range between a minimum of 0 and a theoretical maximum of 1,014 (in our dataset, however, patients with COPS2 values > 300 are uncommon). For example, experiencing end-stage liver disease in the year preceding hospitalization contributes 61 points to the total COPS2, while gastro-intestinal diseases contribute 11 points. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 25 Figure 4E: Relationship between COmorbidity Point Score version 2 (COPS2) and the modified Charlson score 4 based on present-on-admission (POA) coding. Note that the COPS2 is a longitudinal score reflecting diagnoses captured over the preceding 12 months, whereas POA coding only captures diagnoses assigned during a specific hospitalization. The figure shows the median, interquartile range and outlier values for COPS2 for patients with a given Charlson score. REFERENCES 1. Escobar G, Greene J, Scheirer P, Gardner M, Draper D, Kipnis P. Risk Adjusting Hospital Inpatient Mortality Using Automated Inpatient, Outpatient, and Laboratory Databases. Med Care 2008;46:232-39. 2. Li P, Kim MM, Doshi JA. Comparison of the performance of the CMS Hierarchical Condition Category (CMS-HCC) risk adjuster with the Charlson and Elixhauser comorbidity measures in predicting mortality. BMC Health Serv Res 2010;10:245. 3. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. http://www.cms.gov/MedicareAdvtgSpecRateStats/06_Risk_adjustment.asp#TopOfPage; accessed February 1, 2012. 4. Deyo RA, Cherkin DC, Ciol MA. Adapting a clinical comorbidity index for use with ICD-9-CM administrative databases. J Clin Epidemiol 1992;45:613-9. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 26 APPENDIX 5: MODELING STRATEGY We predetermined the independent variables to be included in the 5 models so that the variables added from one model to the next would be increasingly complex. This allowed us to assess the value of moving from models based on administrative data to more complex models based on data from a comprehensive electronic medical record (EMR). Table 6A shows the independent variables included in the 5 models. Table 6A Independent Variables Included in the Five Models Model Basic Independent variables Age, Gender, Admission Category, Administrative Primary Condition Age, Gender, Admission Category, POA Primary Condition Age, Gender, Admission Category, Enhanced Primary Condition, Comorbidities (past 12 months) Age, Gender, Admission Category, Primary Condition Vitals Comorbidities (past 12 months) Physiologic Status (laboratory tests, including lactate) Age, Gender, Admission Category, Primary Condition, Comorbidities (past 12 months) Physiologic Status (laboratory tests, Comprehensive including lactate) Vital signs (temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oximetry, and neurological status checks) Addition from Prior Model Comorbidities (POA) Physiologic Status (laboratory tests, including lactate) Vital signs (temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oximetry, and neurological status checks) Care Directives We constructed the models on the derivation dataset and assessed their performance on the validation dataset. The derivation dataset (admissions beginning in 2008 through 2010) consisted of 279,929 linked hospitalizations with 8,491 inpatient deaths (3.03%). The validation dataset (2011 admissions) consisted of 111,655 hospitalizations with 3,328 deaths (2.98%). Based on our prior research on predicting mortality1, we developed 30 separate sub-models, one per Primary Condition, for each of the 5 models. Given that the independent variables were all pre-specified, the modeling strategy consisted of determining possible variable transformations and interactions of these variables for the 150 sub-models. We first assessed possible nonlinear effects on mortality for the continuous variables (age, LAPS2(-), LAPS2 and COPS2) and each primary condition. We evaluated the contributions of spline functions and variable transformations of these variables by fitting 30 univariate logistic regressions and analyzing the distributions of their c-statistic, Nagekerke pseudo-R2, Hosmer-Lemeshow statistics, odds ratios and Log-likelihoods across the 30 Primary Conditions. We assessed possible grouping of the values of the categorical variables The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 27 (admission category, Charlson score, care directives) by tabulating the number of deaths for each value of the categorical variable and primary condition and computing a χ2 test. A log transformation of age and COPS2 and a cubic polynomial transformation of the LAPS2(-) and LAPS2 showed the best performance across all conditions. After examining the tabulations of the categorical variables we decided that, to guard the robustness of the models, it was best to collapse the admission category into 2 values: ED and non-ED admission; the Charlson score into three values: 0-1, 2 and >2 and the care directives into 2 values: full code and not full code. The same transformations of continuous and categorical variables were used for all of the relevant sub-models to simplify the reproducibility of these models. Using these transformed variables, we evaluated the effect of adding interactions to the models. We evaluated the models’ convergence, their c-statistics, Nagelkerke’s pseudo-R2 and HosmerLemeshow statistics across all 30 sub-models when adding three possible interactions to the enhanced, vitals and comprehensive models: Age and LAPS2, Age and COPS2 and LAPS2 and COPS2. Based on this analysis, only the LAPS2 and COPS2 interaction was added to the 30 enhanced, vitals and comprehensive sub-models. Lastly, we validated the predictive performance, discrimination and calibration of all 150 submodels and the 5 overall models on the validation data set using the Nagekerke’s pseudo-R2, cstatistic and Hosmer-Lemeshow tests. References 1. Escobar G, Greene J, Scheirer P, et al. Risk adjusting hospital inpatient mortality using automated inpatient, outpatient, and laboratory databases. Med Care. 2008;46:232–239. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 28 APPENDIX 6: OVERALL MODEL PERFORMANCE IN VALIDATION DATASET USING 30 DAY MORTALITY AS THE OUTCOME Table 6A: OVERALL MODEL PERFORMANCE IN VALIDATION DATASET USING 30 DAY MORTALITY AS THE OUTCOME Location of first hospital unit1 Ward ICA ICU Operating Room N=35,731 (32.0%) N=34,516 (30.9%) N=9,234 (8.3%) N= 32,174 (28.8%) All units Model2 Administrative POA Longitudinal Enhanced Vitals Comprehensive c R2 c R2 c R2 c R2 0.784 0.171 0.715 0.082 0.722 0.053 0.849 0.171 0.798 0.186 0.740 0.094 0.737 0.105 0.877 0.176 0.809 0.203 0.738 0.099 0.740 0.090 0.875 0.202 0.837 0.250 0.779 0.148 0.783 0.194 0.886 0.215 0.862 0.303 0.807 0.188 0.811 0.259 0.897 0.235 0.879 0.342 0.822 0.211 0.820 0.278 0.885 0.184 111,655(100%) c R2 0.807 0.190 0.822 0.207 0.824 0.214 0.853 0.262 0.873 0.304 0.884 0.329 Footnotes 1 Refers to the first hospital unit a patient entered after the emergency department (or after registration for a scheduled admission). Ward: general medical-surgical ward; ICA: intermediate care areas (telemetry or transitional care unit); ICU: intensive care unit. N(%) refers to the number (%) of hospitalizations in the validation dataset where a patient began the hospitalization at that unit. 2 Results shown are for inpatient mortality. The administrative model included age, sex, admission type, and diagnosis; the POA (present-on-admission) model added comorbidities; the enhanced model substituted longitudinally captured comorbidities for The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 29 POA comorbidities and also included laboratory test results; the vitals model included vital signs; and the comprehensive model added care directives in effect at the time of admission (categorized as “full code” and “not full code”). Model performance in this table is measured using the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (c-statistic) and the Nagalkerke pseudo-R2. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 30 APPENDIX 7: CALIBRATION CURVES IN VALIDATION DATASET The figures in the pages that follow provide a graphical illustration of the calibration of the various models we tested for both inpatient as well as 30 day mortality. These figures present information as follows. TOP LEFT: The X axis shows 10 mortality ranges (< 10%, 10 to < 20%, etc.), while the Y axis shows the actual observed mortality (with its associated 95% confidence interval) in the validation dataset for all observations with that predicted risk. The dotted line shows what would be found were calibration to be perfect. TOP RIGHT: This figure shows the distribution of observations with a given probability of mortality among hospitalizations where the patient survived (0, top) and those where the patient died (1, bottom). As can be seen by examining sequential figures of this type, as a model performs better, the “spread” between the two subsets will increase. BOTTOM LEFT: This figure splits all observations in the validation dataset into 10 deciles on predicted probability of death and shows the number of hospitalizations where the patient was expected to die (black bars) as well as the number of hospitalizations where the patient actually died (grey bars). BOTTOM RIGHT: The X axis shows 10 mortality ranges (< 10%, 10 to < 20%, etc.), while the Y axis shows the total number of hospitalizations that fell within each of these ranges. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 31 Administrative model for inpatient mortality (age, sex, admission type, diagnosis) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 32 POA model for inpatient mortality (administrative + present on admission) Charlson score) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 33 Longitudinal Model for Inpatient Mortality (Administrative+ COPS2) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 34 Enhanced model for inpatient mortality (includes laboratory tests but no vital signs or care directives) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 35 Vitals model for inpatient mortality (includes laboratory tests and vital signs but no care directives) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 36 Comprehensive model for inpatient mortality (includes laboratory tests, vital signs, and care directives) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 37 Administrative model for 30-day mortality (age, sex, admission type, diagnosis) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 38 POA model for 30-day mortality (administrative + present on admission Charlson score) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 39 Longitudinal model for 30-day mortality (administrative + COPS2) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 40 Enhanced model for 30-day mortality (includes laboratory tests but no vital signs or care directives) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 41 Vitals model for 30-day mortality (includes laboratory tests and vital signs but no care directives) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 42 Comprehensive model for 30-day mortality (includes laboratory tests, vital signs, and care directives) The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 43 APPENDIX 8: STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS BY LOCATION OF INITIAL HOSPITAL UNIT TABLE 8A: SMRs1 BY LOCATION OF INITIAL HOSPITAL UNIT – INPATIENT MORTALITY Location of first hospital unit2 Risk adjustment model3 Ward ICA ICU Operating room N = 128,531 (32.8%) N = 118,053 (30.1%) N = 32,943 (8.4%) N = 112,057 (28.6%) Administrative 0.90 (0.87 - 0.93) 0.73 (0.71 - 0.76) 2.01 (1.95 – 2.07) 0.73 (0.67 - 0.79) POA 0.94 (0.91 - 0.97) 0.72 (0.69 - 0.74) 1.90 (1.84 – 1.96) 0.77 (0.71 - 0.84) Longitudinal 0.91 (0.88 – 0.94) 0.72 (0.70 – 0.74) 1.98 (1.92 – 2.04) 1.98 (1.92 – 2.04) Enhanced 1.01 (0.98 – 1.04) 0.75 (0.72 - 0.77) 1.49 (1.44 – 1.54) 0.85 (0.78 - 0.92) Vitals 1.10 (1.06 – 1.13) 0.80 (0.78 - 0.83) 1.18 (1.14 – 1.22) 0.91 (0.84 - 0.99) Comprehensive 1.03 (1.00 – 1.07) 0.81 (0.78 - 0.83) 1.24 (1.20 – 1.28) 0.96 (0.88 – 1.04) Footnotes 1 See text for description of methodology for estimating observed to expected mortality ratios. 2 Refers to the first hospital unit a patient entered after the emergency department (or after registration for a scheduled admission). Ward: general medical-surgical ward; ICA: intermediate care areas (telemetry or transitional care unit); ICU: intensive care unit. N(%) refers to the number (%) of hospitalizations in the validation dataset where a patient began the hospitalization at that unit. 3 The administrative model included age, sex, admission type, and diagnosis; the POA (present-on-admission) model added comorbidities; the enhanced model substituted longitudinally captured comorbidities for POA comorbidities and also included laboratory test results; the vitals model included vital signs; and the comprehensive model added care directives in effect at the time of admission (categorized as “full code” and “not full code”). Numbers shown are observed to expected mortality ratios with 95% confidence intervals. See text for details on how ratios were calculated. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 44 TABLE 8B: SMRs1 BY LOCATION OF INITIAL HOSPITAL UNIT – 30 DAY MORTALITY Location of first hospital unit2 3 Risk adjustment model Ward ICA ICU Operating room N = 128,531 (32.8%) N = 118,053 (30.1%) N = 32,943 (8.4%) N = 112,057 (28.6%) Administrative 1.02 (1.00 – 1.04) 0.81 (0.79 - 0.83) 1.71 (1.66 – 1.76) 0.59 (0.54 - 0.63) POA 1.06 (1.04 – 1.08) 0.79 (0.77 - 0.81) Longitudinal 1.03 (1.01 – 1.06) 0.79 (0.78 – 0.81) Enhanced 1.11 (1.09 – 1.14) 0.81 (0.79 - 0.83) 1.31 (1.27 – 1.35) 0.68 (0.63 - 0.73) Vitals 1.18 (1.16 – 1.21) 0.85 (0.83 - 0.87) 1.07 (1.04 – 1.10) 0.73 (0.68 - 0.79) Comprehensive 1.10 (1.08 – 1.13) 0.86 (0.84 - 0.88) 1.15 (1.12 – 1.18) 0.79 (0.73 – 0.85) 1.61 (1.57 – 1.66) 1.68 (1.63 – 1.72) 0.62 (0.58 - 0.67) 0.64 (0.60 – 0.69) Footnotes 1 See text for description of methodology for estimating observed to expected mortality ratios. 2 Refers to the first hospital unit a patient entered after the emergency department (or after registration for a scheduled admission). Ward: general medical-surgical ward; ICA: intermediate care areas (telemetry or transitional care unit); ICU: intensive care unit. N(%) refers to the number (%) of hospitalizations in the validation dataset where a patient began the hospitalization at that unit. 3 The administrative model included age, sex, admission type, and diagnosis; the POA (present-on-admission) model added comorbidities; the enhanced model substituted longitudinally captured comorbidities for POA comorbidities and also included laboratory test results; the vitals model included vital signs; and the comprehensive model added care directives in effect at the time of admission (categorized as “full code” and “not full code”). Numbers shown are observed to expected mortality ratios with 95% confidence intervals. See text for details on how ratios were calculated. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 45 Figure 8C. Relationship between pseudo-R2 for risk-adjustment model and standardized mortality ratio (SMR), by hospital unit SMRs for four hospital units (general medical-surgical ward, intermediate care areas (ICAs), intensive care units (ICUs), and operating rooms (ORs)) as a function of the Nagelkelke’s pseudo-R2 produced by five risk-adjustment methodologies (ADM - administrative; POA administrative plus present-on-admission Charlson score; ENH - POA plus laboratory data; VIT - ENH plus vital signs; and FULL - comprehensive (VIT plus care directives), including the trend (regression) line for each hospital unit. This figure illustrates "hidden severity": note, for example, that the apparent SMR for ICUs under the risk-adjustment method ADM is quite high (approximately 2.0), but this is because the expected mortality rate in the denominator of the SMR (based only on predictors found in administrative data) is too low; when more detailed clinical information becomes available (moving from ADM to FULL), the expected mortality rate correctly rises and the SMR drops. See text for details on risk-adjustment methodology. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 46 APPENDIX 9: STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIOS AND HOSPITAL RANKING We calculated the average mortality rate and predicted mortality for each model and hospital. The SMRs were obtained as the ratio of the hospital’s observed mortality rate to the average predicted mortality or ri /n i , where ri is the number of deaths, ni is the number of admissions, x ij and x ij is the average predicted mortality at hospital i based on model j. We used Byar’s approximation1 to obtain confidence intervals for these ratios. Figure 9.1 shows the difference between the comprehensive and vitals models’ SMR ranks against the percent of patients who were not “full code” upon admission across all hospitals. Figure 9.1: Effect of inclusion of care directives on Hospital Ranks (Rank with Care Directives) - (Rank Without Care Directives) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% % of Patients Who Were "Not Full Code" The figure shows the relationship between the percentage of a hospital’s population that is “not full code” on admission (x axis) and the rank change when care directives are added to the model shown on the y axis. A low rank is associated with a lower SMR and is thus preferable to a high rank. On the y axis, a negative change (decreased rank) indicates that a hospital’s ranking would improve (hospital looks “better”), while a positive change indicates that a hospital would look “worse.” The change in rank is that observed when one subtracts the rank obtained using the vitals model (no care directives) from that obtained using the comprehensive model (includes care directives).. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 47 Table 9.1 shows the SMRs, their 95% confidence intervals and the percent of patients who were not “full code” upon admission for all hospitals and risk adjustment models. SMRs that are significantly lower than 1.0 are shown in italics and those that are significantly higher than 1.0 are bolded. The three hospitals with the lowest SMR and the three hospitals with the highest % of patients who were not “full code” are shaded to show the relationship between SMRs and % of patients not “full code”. The information in these appendices is for the benefit of the reviewers and interested readers and is not intended for publication save at the Editors’ discretion. 48 TABLE 9.1: STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIO (SMR) WITH CONFIDENCE INTERVALS AND SIGNIFICANCE LEVELS BY HOSPITAL AND MODEL Risk Adjustment Model Hospital O E T G C F M R P Q D L H Administrative1 0.86 (0.79,0.93) 0.81 (0.69,0.95) 0.87 (0.77,0.98) 0.84 (0.76,0.94) 0.9 (0.81,1) 0.99 (0.88,1.11) 0.8 (0.72,0.89) 1.04 (0.96,1.14) 0.96 (0.9,1.02) 1.02 (0.93,1.11) 0.99 (0.92,1.07) 1.04 (0.97,1.1) 1.1 (0.94,1.27) POA2 Enhanced3 Vitals4 0.87 0.87 0.89 (0.8,0.94) (0.8,0.94) (0.82,0.97) 0.79 0.81 0.86 (0.67,0.93) (0.68,0.95) (0.73,1.01) 0.84 0.78 0.86 (0.74,0.95) (0.69,0.88) (0.76,0.97) 0.84 0.89 0.87 (0.76,0.94) (0.8,0.99) (0.78,0.96) 0.88 0.95 0.91 (0.79,0.98) (0.85,1.06) (0.81,1.01) 0.95 0.91 0.88 (0.85,1.07) (0.81,1.02) (0.78,0.99) 0.79 0.87 0.88 (0.72,0.88) (0.78,0.96) (0.79,0.97) 1.01 1.03 0.94 (0.92,1.1) (0.94,1.12) (0.86,1.02) 0.95 0.95 0.94 (0.89,1.01) (0.9,1.01) (0.89,1) 1.03 0.96 0.94 (0.94,1.12) (0.88,1.05) (0.86,1.02) 0.97 0.94 0.94 (0.9,1.05) (0.87,1.01) (0.87,1.01) 1.02 1.01 0.95 (0.96,1.09) (0.95,1.08) (0.88,1.01) 1.1 1.08 0.98 (0.94,1.27) (0.93,1.26) (0.84,1.13) Comprehensive5 % Not Full Code 0.86 (0.79,0.93) 17.6% 0.86 (0.73,1.01) 10.0% 0.87 (0.77,0.98) 11.4% 0.89 (0.8,0.99) 9.4% 0.9 (0.8,1) 16.4% 0.9 (0.8,1.01) 8.4% 0.93 (0.84,1.03) 7.5% 0.94 (0.86,1.02) 11.7% 0.95 (0.89,1.01) 11.0% 0.95 (0.87,1.04) 13.9% 0.96 (0.89,1.03) 13.8% 0.96 (0.89,1.02) 12.2% 1 (0.86,1.16) 12.8% 49 A U J N B S I K 0.93 (0.85,1.01) 1.05 (0.99,1.11) 1.07 (0.95,1.2) 0.88 (0.78,0.99) 1.02 (0.93,1.12) 1.1 (0.96,1.26) 1.03 (0.97,1.09) 1.27 (1.2,1.33) 0.93 0.96 1 (0.85,1) (0.88,1.04) (0.93,1.09) 1.09 1.03 1.05 (1.03,1.15) (0.98,1.09) (0.99,1.11) 1.08 1.13 1.03 (0.96,1.21) (1,1.26) (0.92,1.16) 0.94 1 1.08 (0.83,1.05) (0.89,1.13) (0.95,1.21) 1.01 1.05 1.04 (0.92,1.1) (0.96,1.15) (0.95,1.15) 1.1 1.07 1.12 (0.96,1.26) (0.93,1.22) (0.97,1.28) 1.05 1.07 1.18 (0.99,1.11) (1.01,1.14) (1.12,1.25) 1.26 1.23 1.21 (1.2,1.33) (1.17,1.3) (1.15,1.28) 1.01 (0.93,1.09) 11.0% 1.03 (0.97,1.09) 16.7% 1.03 (0.92,1.16) 12.9% 1.04 (0.92,1.17) 18.6% 1.06 (0.96,1.16) 11.2% 1.12 (0.98,1.28) 15.3% 1.18 (1.12,1.25) 13.4% 1.19 (1.12,1.25) 12.8% Footnotes: 1. The administrative model included age, sex, admission type, and diagnosis. 2. POA (present-on-admission) model adds comorbidities to the administrative model 3. Enhanced model substitutes longitudinally captured comorbidities for POA comorbidities and also includes laboratory test results. 4. Vitals model adds vital signs to the Enhanced model. 5. Comprehensive model adds care directives in effect at the time of admission (categorized as “full code” and “not full code”). Relative to the fully adjusted model, the administrative model misclassifies a third of the outlying hospitals and 20% of the non-outlying hospitals. The POA, enhanced and vitals models misclassify a sixth of the outlying hospitals and 27%, 13% and 7% of the non-outlying hospitals respectively. While the addition of “full code” status results in a change of outlier status and ranks, the comprehensive SMRs are not correlated with % of patients who were “not full code”. Two of the hospitals with the highest % not “full code” also have a high comprehensive SMR. References 1. Breslow NE, Day NE. Statistical methods in cancer research. Volume II—the design and analysis of cohort studies. IARC Sci Publ. 1987:1–406 50 APPENDIX 10: BETA COEFFICIENTS FOR STUDY PREDICTIVE MODELS (ENTIRE DATASET) Note: these coefficients are available in either Excel or SAS format to interested readers. Table 10A: ADMINISTRATIVE MODEL (Inpatient Mortality Coefficients) HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit 0020 -10.7330 1.99732 -0.03429 0.26953 0550 -9.4602 1.39459 0.27080 0.30694 0850 -7.1571 1.12353 0.15061 0.19424 1000 -22.7972 4.26220 0.17154 1.34539 1070 -5.6390 1.22836 -0.25727 1.02649 1080 -11.8055 2.02734 0.08241 -0.03673 1090 -8.7961 1.55541 -0.05960 -0.27249 1220 -10.3399 1.77201 0.12476 -0.02110 1530 -10.3990 1.66589 0.17311 -0.44038 1590 -14.0609 2.34448 -0.02993 0.27213 2260 -25.1930 4.77565 0.68049 0.27314 2590 -11.7734 1.89558 0.19203 0.92805 ALLRF -13.5343 2.33317 -0.23340 0.95036 CANCER -11.4297 1.40977 0.58956 2.79348 ENDOC -19.1075 3.31544 -0.12040 1.12998 GIMISC -15.0509 2.42220 0.08717 1.55066 HART -11.8622 1.87093 -0.04825 0.91086 HCUP-HG1 -19.2691 3.33235 -0.06673 0.78572 HCUP-HG2 -18.5778 3.03225 0.21047 1.75585 HCUP-HG3 -8.7821 1.40386 -0.19773 1.54555 HCUP-HG4 -11.9213 1.96504 0.22547 0.53983 HEMAT -11.0968 1.50269 0.33043 1.03133 ILLDEF -15.2850 2.79867 0.28273 -0.04496 LIVPAN -13.2452 2.07898 0.39876 0.85979 MLG -4.7361 0.23132 0.14899 2.32481 NEURO -8.0784 0.83617 0.24482 0.29702 NUTRT -11.8654 1.39398 0.51898 3.11806 OTHINF -13.5447 2.13030 0.23075 0.76552 SURGCX -18.3678 2.78974 0.42613 2.19045 TRAUMA -16.6627 2.62493 0.64634 1.71490 51 Table 10B: POA MODEL (Inpatient Mortality Coefficients) ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 -0.05432 0.24485 -0.08981 0.05913 0.36989 1.37372 0.19074 0.31492 -0.08451 0.36143 0.28514 -6.4801 0.94684 0.10807 0.16218 0.04162 0.16548 0.40710 1000 -19.3544 3.35939 0.15871 1.37349 -0.60449 0.06844 0.86724 1070 -5.8750 1.27475 -0.25189 1.04501 0.22147 -0.09778 0.02078 1080 -12.3452 2.07643 0.06507 -0.04557 0.01200 0.24097 0.47934 1090 -8.7348 1.46453 -0.06821 -0.24470 0.28671 0.27221 0.46213 1220 -9.8782 1.66125 0.10680 -0.04695 -0.01033 0.03819 0.22004 1530 -8.8229 1.25696 0.09835 -0.45852 -0.24848 0.27480 0.86121 1590 -13.2379 2.14566 -0.08470 0.22408 -0.42372 0.21358 0.64284 2260 -25.0540 4.74196 0.51439 0.26040 -0.14184 0.30161 0.76778 2590 -10.3780 1.60720 0.14508 0.58429 0.07582 0.22736 0.60500 ALLRF -13.3503 2.22435 -0.26262 0.92625 -0.30808 0.36317 0.66806 CANCER -8.3196 0.66515 0.42856 2.43250 -0.39305 0.55921 1.06893 ENDOC -17.9452 3.06271 -0.20283 0.71743 0.26351 0.12628 0.82930 GIMISC -12.8283 1.91552 -0.01353 1.37193 0.07124 0.24839 0.83168 HART -9.7713 1.34131 -0.08586 0.86394 -0.32236 0.40525 0.80931 HCUP-HG1 -16.1072 2.59979 -0.15287 0.56285 -0.37755 0.41863 1.02418 HCUP-HG2 -13.8019 1.97579 0.08408 1.42185 -0.27719 0.55197 1.01589 HCUP-HG3 -8.5634 1.34659 -0.19628 1.52190 -0.05162 -0.02370 0.16922 HCUP-HG4 -11.1629 1.77173 0.20063 0.47517 -0.04853 0.10596 0.35810 HEMAT -9.6546 1.15779 0.26048 0.94326 -0.02276 0.06388 0.59118 ILLDEF -12.8628 2.19835 0.19300 -0.06322 -0.12162 0.45269 0.81011 LIVPAN -9.1872 1.05297 0.23577 0.85856 -0.65205 0.65837 1.14036 MLG -4.0770 0.05527 0.14649 2.27436 -0.08785 0.04910 0.32631 NEURO -5.4552 0.16572 0.15195 0.39494 -0.06589 0.47128 0.96447 NUTRT -11.1510 1.26338 0.39696 2.94287 -0.26712 0.18538 0.47442 OTHINF -11.6835 1.64093 0.17052 0.80624 -0.01215 0.22810 0.72985 SURGCX -14.2403 1.89405 0.31470 1.82801 -0.21101 0.17270 1.08000 TRAUMA -13.5688 1.95153 0.56645 1.52566 -0.10489 0.13189 0.83116 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male 0020 -10.1608 1.84954 0550 -9.4115 0850 52 Table 10C: LONGITUDINAL MODEL (Inpatient Mortality Coefficients) HCUP Super-Group Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 0020 -11.1986 1.90160 -0.06478 0.29088 0.23680 0550 -10.2162 1.41386 0.21845 0.31468 0.19239 0850 -7.7150 1.06907 0.12463 0.19523 0.21991 1000 -22.0911 3.86535 0.18492 1.37702 0.30435 1070 -5.7680 1.18523 -0.26064 1.04116 0.09607 1080 -12.8705 1.93335 0.05821 -0.02130 0.36628 1090 -8.6789 1.40540 -0.06561 -0.26427 0.16816 1220 -10.5074 1.67165 0.09797 -0.02149 0.17179 1530 -10.2400 1.14333 0.13933 -0.44433 0.59798 1590 -15.1038 2.22435 -0.11776 0.22454 0.44497 2260 -28.5097 5.07990 0.54985 0.32490 0.59312 2590 -12.0503 1.79694 0.16575 0.77980 0.23711 ALLRF -15.3017 2.20845 -0.22103 1.12068 0.55853 CANCER -11.4841 0.90985 0.42340 2.35007 0.74202 ENDOC -19.2847 3.06688 -0.15779 0.95609 0.39543 GIMISC -14.8869 2.08098 0.00415 1.43939 0.40634 HART -12.1824 1.45631 -0.07999 0.89327 0.59338 HCUP-HG1 -18.5542 2.76777 -0.07315 0.74260 0.51311 HCUP-HG2 -17.5422 2.29894 0.11599 1.49523 0.69775 HCUP-HG3 -8.8061 1.37491 -0.19863 1.53626 0.04215 HCUP-HG4 -11.9279 1.75643 0.20632 0.48410 0.25663 HEMAT -11.8654 1.39510 0.23039 1.01546 0.34671 ILLDEF -15.5455 2.45808 0.21904 -0.05118 0.49738 LIVPAN -13.2708 1.68174 0.29098 0.84468 0.51513 MLG -5.6771 0.13454 0.13898 2.29012 0.36172 NEURO -8.2829 0.43373 0.18494 0.24071 0.58860 NUTRT -12.5983 1.34033 0.41524 2.75247 0.37249 OTHINF -13.7495 1.67196 0.16687 0.82853 0.56351 SURGCX -17.1302 2.00394 0.29769 1.79689 0.72633 TRAUMA -15.7798 2.06938 0.57105 1.54428 0.50787 53 54 Table 10D: (Inpatient Mortality Coefficients) ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 LAPS2(-) LAPS2(-) Squared LAPS2(-) Cubed -0.11234 -0.62202 -0.04790 0.02161 0.15006 0.00092 0.000522609 -.000002369 1.04385 0.06739 -0.15683 -0.01039 0.30746 0.08705 -0.03490 0.001016881 -.000004268 -6.9816 1.03793 0.06342 -0.54882 0.07811 0.12122 0.21462 -0.00404 0.000442110 -.000001464 1000 -14.4716 2.29788 0.12113 1.03197 -0.38416 0.07161 0.49857 -0.06074 0.001618414 -.000008043 1070 -6.3582 1.34527 -0.12876 0.19693 0.25612 -0.23456 -0.17089 -0.02529 0.000983726 -.000005258 1080 -9.9911 1.51241 -0.01532 -0.67265 0.18021 0.22798 0.28326 -0.02625 0.001066413 -.000005355 1090 -5.4576 0.66011 -0.06888 -0.79535 0.40857 0.30071 0.25904 0.00058 0.000806410 -.000004889 1220 -7.7755 1.14463 0.07011 -0.60391 0.04634 0.01781 0.05024 -0.01327 0.000760932 -.000003921 1530 -6.5901 0.71411 -0.05206 -1.07443 -0.14120 0.19640 0.53972 -0.01687 0.000851860 -.000003692 1590 -10.0780 1.33839 -0.16190 -0.97072 -0.34614 0.14924 0.45831 0.02348 0.000139707 0.000000176 2260 -22.6092 4.17481 0.48259 -0.09456 -0.10473 0.28345 0.67538 0.01148 -.000122326 0.000002505 2590 -9.8778 1.44028 0.06041 -0.45055 0.14337 0.20302 0.35619 0.01196 0.000360430 -.000001708 ALLRF -12.2941 1.97153 -0.26082 0.27267 -0.26076 0.39348 0.53906 -0.02531 0.000716412 -.000002588 CANCER -7.8514 0.55837 0.32909 1.81131 -0.32126 0.60290 0.93317 0.00251 0.000303471 -.000000773 ENDOC -18.0267 3.09388 -0.19079 0.67923 0.30611 0.09360 0.72737 -0.03402 0.000762027 -.000002841 GIMISC -10.6090 1.30176 -0.05169 0.19489 0.13617 0.20289 0.65202 0.06345 -.000784003 0.000005012 HART -7.5381 0.82766 -0.16296 0.04900 -0.21931 0.32027 0.59196 -0.02323 0.001122063 -.000005815 HCUP-HG1 -11.6212 1.54435 -0.16789 -0.12048 -0.20277 0.38797 0.62227 -0.02504 0.001193215 -.000005695 HCUP-HG2 -10.7986 1.22072 0.00843 0.40624 -0.15900 0.48825 0.73556 0.01740 0.000405967 -.000002446 HCUP-HG3 -8.4165 1.29717 -0.18088 0.91921 -0.02091 -0.03423 0.05667 0.01555 -.000164711 0.000001493 HCUP-HG4 -8.8726 1.19384 0.14409 -0.32558 0.06760 0.07271 0.08794 0.00208 0.000500692 -.000002159 HEMAT -7.0926 0.42401 0.12761 0.13136 0.11960 0.02973 0.37592 0.02625 0.000150861 -.000000980 ILLDEF -10.3230 1.52118 0.09494 -0.79737 -0.01399 0.36612 0.54481 0.01656 0.000209805 -.000000559 LIVPAN -7.9613 0.74392 -0.00000 0.08022 -0.43344 0.44512 0.61395 -0.02902 0.001154178 -.000005257 MLG -2.5698 -0.29630 0.01567 1.85008 -0.05184 0.07068 0.28204 -0.01893 0.000793840 -.000003839 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male 0020 -8.1730 1.30059 0550 -8.1049 0850 55 ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 LAPS2(-) LAPS2(-) Squared LAPS2(-) Cubed 0.12427 -0.11995 0.01231 0.44262 0.78590 -0.00938 0.000653326 -.000002861 0.92926 0.33975 3.57043 -0.27441 0.19584 0.47130 -0.10941 0.002745359 -.000016622 -8.2314 0.78553 0.08740 -0.34664 0.10154 0.14386 0.43552 0.01283 0.000498801 -.000002448 SURGCX -11.0597 1.15595 0.21919 1.35886 -0.10645 0.15521 0.83641 -0.06448 0.002462142 -.000016301 TRAUMA -10.2917 1.10392 0.50974 0.45775 0.00227 0.07023 0.56653 0.05366 -.000523094 0.000003772 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male NEURO -3.9475 -0.18616 NUTRT -9.7447 OTHINF 56 Table 10E: ENHANCED MODEL (Inpatient Mortality Coefficients) HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 LAPS2(-) LAPS2(-) Squared LAPS2(-) Cubed 0020 -8.7240 1.28610 -0.12811 -0.57826 0.17670 -0.00149 0.000561007 -.000002525 0550 -8.2087 1.00438 0.07960 -0.16211 0.08385 -0.03629 0.001052640 -.000004435 0850 -7.4964 1.07561 0.06697 -0.55037 0.10857 -0.00333 0.000439198 -.000001433 1000 -15.3208 2.45238 0.15195 0.89981 0.08750 -0.05449 0.001614261 -.000008216 1070 -5.7059 1.16871 -0.15037 0.21355 0.04202 -0.02741 0.001001070 -.000005366 1080 -10.5710 1.46328 -0.02586 -0.62962 0.25667 -0.02656 0.001038652 -.000005078 1090 -5.2355 0.64043 -0.07249 -0.80692 0.05025 -0.00200 0.000859469 -.000005247 1220 -8.0504 1.13993 0.05974 -0.58595 0.08912 -0.01375 0.000760926 -.000003894 1530 -7.4039 0.55953 -0.02100 -1.07441 0.45378 -0.02023 0.000944433 -.000004157 1590 -11.5451 1.38493 -0.23072 -0.99096 0.36230 0.02618 0.000076418 0.000000680 2260 -25.4981 4.42618 0.51245 -0.10041 0.53232 0.01616 -.000202462 0.000003053 2590 -10.7196 1.53056 0.07298 -0.40201 0.10219 0.01744 0.000308582 -.000001489 ALLRF -14.0482 1.94554 -0.23897 0.37177 0.49804 -0.01924 0.000631156 -.000002206 CANCER -10.9810 0.83263 0.31984 1.84732 0.70177 -0.00562 0.000352220 -.000000495 ENDOC -19.0013 3.03010 -0.15671 0.81200 0.36379 -0.03366 0.000817943 -.000003156 GIMISC -11.8076 1.30834 -0.05442 0.16373 0.33104 0.07091 -.000878801 0.000005520 HART -9.2073 0.88646 -0.15008 0.05796 0.43197 -0.02244 0.001119556 -.000005756 HCUP-HG1 -12.5284 1.54407 -0.12337 -0.14981 0.23082 -0.01675 0.001176602 -.000005866 HCUP-HG2 -13.2678 1.36194 0.03303 0.40518 0.53670 0.02099 0.000368266 -.000002132 HCUP-HG3 -8.4742 1.30419 -0.18115 0.91604 0.00763 0.01588 -.000167314 0.000001510 HCUP-HG4 -9.0988 1.15233 0.14076 -0.30993 0.12809 0.00082 0.000505548 -.000002118 HEMAT -8.4786 0.56863 0.10572 0.15842 0.22239 0.02887 0.000083901 -.000000500 ILLDEF -11.8457 1.61638 0.10483 -0.84066 0.33855 0.01920 0.000203669 -.000000522 LIVPAN -9.5304 0.92960 -0.01312 -0.03737 0.25470 -0.02433 0.001157539 -.000005371 MLG -4.1130 -0.20382 0.01880 1.90477 0.33623 -0.02179 0.000812889 -.000003804 57 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 LAPS2(-) LAPS2(-) Squared LAPS2(-) Cubed NEURO -6.1571 0.03501 0.15743 -0.25935 0.44303 -0.01000 0.000700848 -.000003084 NUTRT -11.0257 0.97153 0.35208 3.33925 0.36317 -0.10670 0.002730773 -.000016774 OTHINF -9.4757 0.76427 0.08075 -0.30404 0.38434 0.01150 0.000523259 -.000002553 SURGCX -13.2077 1.21715 0.19938 1.31034 0.56373 -0.06594 0.002552120 -.000017033 TRAUMA -11.6706 1.16642 0.50309 0.45121 0.31840 0.05562 -.000530028 0.000003836 58 Table 10F: POA_LV MODEL (Inpatient Mortality Coefficients) ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed -0.16817 -0.96491 -0.05497 0.02656 0.21063 -0.03408 0.000462719 -.000001057 0.59615 -0.00581 -0.34884 -0.09291 0.29632 0.15327 -0.02708 0.000392016 -.000000783 -7.7408 1.14827 0.06956 -1.16881 0.02131 0.12096 0.24627 -0.00612 0.000235785 -.000000530 1000 -13.7966 1.94387 0.12192 0.54489 -0.25424 0.02069 0.41956 0.00436 0.000156632 -.000000307 1070 -6.6316 1.36570 -0.09976 -0.94725 0.23934 -0.22459 -0.14290 -0.00053 0.000198060 -.000000550 1080 -8.9466 1.22395 0.00521 -1.05535 0.05829 0.17378 0.33234 -0.02447 0.000558122 -.000001734 1090 -5.0474 0.42494 0.04525 -1.31883 0.39072 0.21161 0.12675 0.00334 0.000384740 -.000001391 1220 -6.7046 0.97326 0.05879 -0.85591 -0.00875 0.02064 0.13248 -0.02956 0.000435714 -.000001042 1530 -6.9854 0.49074 -0.08931 -1.67825 -0.12512 0.09225 0.41806 0.02118 0.000159170 -.000000539 1590 -9.0104 1.03765 -0.19654 -1.21589 -0.39179 0.17594 0.53584 0.00236 0.000195212 -.000000356 2260 -20.1857 3.45232 0.49379 -0.45142 -0.12532 0.27446 0.62886 0.03003 -.000157216 0.000000629 2590 -10.3879 1.42371 0.10034 -1.30392 0.04616 0.15783 0.37702 0.01624 0.000114667 -.000000320 ALLRF -11.1222 1.56393 -0.30699 -0.40600 -0.25215 0.38835 0.55597 -0.00160 0.000260846 -.000000726 CANCER -8.9730 0.60032 0.30686 0.95961 -0.27938 0.55837 0.88547 0.04842 -.000276858 0.000000925 ENDOC -17.4886 2.94668 -0.17190 -0.22810 0.30886 0.02985 0.64530 -0.00672 0.000239705 -.000000594 GIMISC -10.5524 1.05420 -0.08346 -0.31088 0.08682 0.20822 0.64055 0.05153 -.000225821 0.000000648 HART -7.6623 0.82836 -0.15570 -0.47529 -0.26902 0.29226 0.61492 -0.00407 0.000259505 -.000000644 HCUP-HG1 -11.0011 1.27326 -0.04709 -0.66963 -0.21958 0.31978 0.60630 0.00776 0.000208553 -.000000482 HCUP-HG2 -11.6336 1.29627 0.00082 -0.07082 -0.17795 0.46894 0.72040 0.02281 0.000071954 -.000000245 HCUP-HG3 -8.5417 1.20885 -0.18953 0.14380 -0.00387 -0.04224 0.10078 0.02522 -.000140941 0.000000469 HCUP-HG4 -8.2753 0.94485 0.10918 -0.87650 -0.01267 0.05281 0.16098 0.00317 0.000223160 -.000000566 HEMAT -8.0109 0.56393 0.18458 0.27938 0.05479 0.01465 0.39027 0.01469 0.000032776 0.000000079 ILLDEF -10.2317 1.23623 0.09582 -1.08426 -0.03092 0.33260 0.52054 0.03451 -.000086329 0.000000314 LIVPAN -8.4589 0.83503 0.00541 -0.51756 -0.37266 0.34382 0.48777 -0.00870 0.000401738 -.000001152 MLG -3.0480 -0.32896 -0.01253 0.71352 0.04622 0.11436 0.29491 0.01319 0.000168404 -.000000485 NEURO -4.7199 -0.15977 0.17518 -1.06955 -0.00528 0.38840 0.73088 0.02253 0.000059985 -.000000174 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male 0020 -6.2571 0.97905 0550 -6.0816 0850 59 NUTRT -10.1574 0.05761 0.24541 -0.06744 -0.29310 0.08171 0.46943 0.17854 -.001463496 0.000004285 OTHINF -7.7754 0.58905 0.08638 -0.64015 0.02188 0.12815 0.51995 0.00684 0.000207902 -.000000539 SURGCX -11.0966 0.95473 0.22607 -0.04884 -0.11808 0.13629 0.74495 0.03779 -.000039538 0.000000097 TRAUMA -11.0664 1.06061 0.51537 0.02592 0.02760 0.02390 0.47341 0.04568 -.000162161 0.000000482 60 Table 10G: VITALS MODEL (Inpatient Mortality Coefficients) HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed 0020 -6.9594 0.97422 -0.18386 -0.92795 0.20971 -0.03477 0.000466236 -.000001057 0550 -6.1846 0.55686 0.00860 -0.36289 0.08976 -0.02918 0.000423591 -.000000888 0850 -8.1958 1.16745 0.07420 -1.14047 0.11716 -0.00675 0.000242807 -.000000546 1000 -14.5633 2.05447 0.16019 0.52155 0.07596 0.00828 0.000149184 -.000000326 1070 -6.1425 1.17553 -0.12447 -0.93773 0.11387 -0.00221 0.000212354 -.000000593 1080 -9.4269 1.14102 -0.00672 -1.02112 0.27580 -0.02531 0.000557380 -.000001704 1090 -4.7179 0.39387 0.03643 -1.34911 0.00544 0.00295 0.000387996 -.000001398 1220 -7.0862 0.98536 0.05369 -0.84718 0.09438 -0.02920 0.000434008 -.000001042 1530 -7.5709 0.34733 -0.06397 -1.70078 0.39526 0.01789 0.000190823 -.000000613 1590 -10.4772 1.09938 -0.26322 -1.15028 0.36757 -0.00114 0.000226572 -.000000438 2260 -22.9656 3.69313 0.52918 -0.43522 0.49334 0.03383 -.000192731 0.000000739 2590 -11.2175 1.48528 0.11810 -1.28236 0.12348 0.01934 0.000103634 -.000000305 ALLRF -12.8636 1.52941 -0.29550 -0.26482 0.51577 0.00016 0.000241171 -.000000655 CANCER -11.8611 0.89918 0.32974 1.05510 0.61847 0.04247 -.000261923 0.000000978 ENDOC -18.3618 2.88008 -0.12844 -0.14707 0.32003 -0.00409 0.000233541 -.000000584 GIMISC -11.7828 1.08400 -0.06393 -0.32493 0.28148 0.05697 -.000256032 0.000000694 HART -9.2316 0.87295 -0.15052 -0.46493 0.41355 -0.00208 0.000239824 -.000000578 HCUP-HG1 -12.1542 1.34041 -0.00137 -0.67013 0.19774 0.01289 0.000199383 -.000000508 HCUP-HG2 -14.1848 1.48208 0.02396 -0.06636 0.48987 0.02619 0.000047687 -.000000170 HCUP-HG3 -8.6319 1.21750 -0.19144 0.13581 0.01671 0.02570 -.000143491 0.000000474 HCUP-HG4 -8.6341 0.91391 0.10842 -0.87309 0.15475 0.00261 0.000225242 -.000000563 HEMAT -9.3669 0.71039 0.16411 0.30201 0.19678 0.01792 -.000005324 0.000000219 ILLDEF -11.6628 1.32388 0.10663 -1.10736 0.30388 0.03652 -.000089307 0.000000308 LIVPAN -9.7702 1.01798 0.02257 -0.62437 0.14948 -0.00531 0.000400993 -.000001179 MLG -4.1965 -0.23626 -0.01567 0.74882 0.24590 0.01279 0.000161614 -.000000452 NEURO -6.9112 0.10699 0.20562 -1.15760 0.37003 0.02214 0.000064735 -.000000157 NUTRT -11.2845 0.13247 0.29312 -0.06853 0.32174 0.16812 -.001365138 0.000004000 61 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed OTHINF -9.1928 0.62123 0.08452 -0.63707 0.36952 0.00798 0.000198316 -.000000515 SURGCX -12.9045 1.02327 0.23602 -0.07023 0.43676 0.03825 -.000028599 0.000000032 TRAUMA -12.2372 1.13425 0.50947 0.03618 0.24590 0.04494 -.000141888 0.000000412 62 Table 10H: POA_LVE MODEL (Inpatient Mortality Coefficients) ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed Not Full Code -0.15027 -1.02991 -0.06599 0.02989 0.23176 -0.03765 0.000477205 -.000001074 -0.64414 0.05377 0.00804 -0.41411 -0.12918 0.31134 0.18321 -0.02924 0.000396265 -.000000784 -0.67183 -3.1316 0.29592 0.07364 -1.42888 0.01445 0.12115 0.25985 -0.00999 0.000255752 -.000000563 -0.88120 1000 -11.9547 1.58559 0.14241 0.47994 -0.26265 0.02631 0.41592 0.00672 0.000126042 -.000000215 -0.35896 1070 -3.3758 0.98625 -0.10532 -0.93141 0.24001 -0.21286 -0.14142 -0.00644 0.000233169 -.000000612 -1.57429 1080 -6.7190 0.80881 0.02803 -1.11703 0.04907 0.16962 0.33771 -0.02707 0.000577519 -.000001786 -0.42087 1090 -3.2744 0.10868 0.07182 -1.41155 0.39855 0.22139 0.13755 0.00400 0.000365942 -.000001325 -0.45018 1220 -3.4553 0.37518 0.09868 -0.97736 -0.00603 0.01185 0.14715 -0.02977 0.000417599 -.000000971 -0.74057 1530 -3.3369 -0.17556 -0.03118 -1.79412 -0.12429 0.08212 0.43705 0.01951 0.000158025 -.000000525 -0.84759 1590 -5.3464 0.33575 -0.18158 -1.46030 -0.40672 0.17725 0.55908 0.00719 0.000126449 -.000000136 -0.78720 2260 -17.8657 3.02717 0.52647 -0.49517 -0.11746 0.25412 0.61097 0.02826 -.000150478 0.000000613 -0.45775 2590 -8.0065 0.97609 0.13543 -1.41001 0.05938 0.15831 0.38247 0.01669 0.000101178 -.000000269 -0.55908 ALLRF -8.4640 1.07116 -0.28841 -0.48505 -0.25404 0.39092 0.55557 -0.00288 0.000259656 -.000000708 -0.55051 CANCER -7.7048 0.45108 0.31470 0.77938 -0.27428 0.56548 0.91456 0.05227 -.000340398 0.000001122 -0.71570 ENDOC -15.2015 2.53175 -0.15377 -0.30301 0.30344 0.04488 0.64894 -0.00810 0.000244079 -.000000594 -0.52876 GIMISC -10.0667 0.96572 -0.07376 -0.32716 0.08634 0.20786 0.64444 0.05174 -.000230073 0.000000660 -0.12706 HART -6.5868 0.65530 -0.13840 -0.52802 -0.26874 0.29788 0.61435 -0.00353 0.000248205 -.000000613 -0.35982 HCUP-HG1 -9.6346 1.02541 -0.02684 -0.70678 -0.21732 0.32052 0.60259 0.00774 0.000204082 -.000000471 -0.32459 HCUP-HG2 -9.5267 0.94629 0.04680 -0.13859 -0.15339 0.46268 0.71415 0.02352 0.000044723 -.000000136 -0.68477 HCUP-HG3 -4.3996 0.47684 -0.17230 -0.09431 -0.02482 -0.05002 0.16378 0.02236 -.000134673 0.000000493 -0.97745 HCUP-HG4 -5.1475 0.36660 0.14359 -0.97368 -0.01104 0.06969 0.18016 0.00273 0.000210670 -.000000512 -0.73439 HEMAT -7.2905 0.44414 0.19799 0.26224 0.05008 0.01786 0.39707 0.01422 0.000033311 0.000000079 -0.22966 ILLDEF -7.6317 0.76975 0.13280 -1.17687 -0.01810 0.33174 0.52692 0.03336 -.000086491 0.000000327 -0.66286 LIVPAN -6.2260 0.48540 0.02848 -0.65539 -0.33738 0.35539 0.44487 -0.01170 0.000430615 -.000001244 -0.71428 MLG -1.2441 -0.55936 0.05476 0.44125 0.11665 0.15117 0.32324 0.01295 0.000145304 -.000000378 -0.92555 NEURO -1.9803 -0.61793 0.21394 -1.23736 -0.00597 0.37834 0.75242 0.02451 0.000012853 0.000000007 -0.88112 NUTRT -6.9586 -0.54537 0.29303 -0.20262 -0.30117 0.10269 0.51270 0.17437 -.001408539 0.000004064 -0.80560 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male 0020 -3.4048 0.47225 0550 -3.1189 0850 63 HCUP SuperGroup ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed Not Full Code 0.12346 -0.69058 0.01284 0.13991 0.54727 0.00777 0.000187116 -.000000473 -0.53018 0.60799 0.24437 -0.17091 -0.12128 0.16030 0.74473 0.03907 -.000067855 0.000000185 -0.76135 0.67361 0.55375 -0.06586 0.04265 0.01874 0.47625 0.04623 -.000185246 0.000000559 -0.69773 Intercept Age at Admission Male OTHINF -6.0316 0.28270 SURGCX -8.8999 TRAUMA -8.7961 64 Table 10I: COMPREHENSIVE MODEL (Inpatient Mortality Coefficients) Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 Squared Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 Cubed Not Full Code Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 0020 -9.2701 0.44889 -0.16530 -0.87987 1.49148 0.03195 0.000194906 -.000000675 -0.01724 0.000067883 -.000000093 -0.60498 0550 -0.5281 0.05332 0.03059 -0.40845 -0.64912 -0.19330 0.002396987 -.000007403 0.04227 -.000516353 0.000001710 -0.64259 0850 -4.5895 0.35423 0.08736 -1.38691 0.34491 0.00143 0.000192374 -.000000369 -0.00337 0.000019539 -.000000057 -0.86733 1000 -14.3578 1.45558 0.19217 0.65776 1.02883 0.01831 0.000463353 -.000001858 -0.00746 -.000062065 0.000000384 -0.37144 1070 -5.8428 0.83283 -0.12502 -0.91717 1.01098 0.13604 -.001121110 0.000002836 -0.04649 0.000441811 -.000001125 -1.59384 1080 -11.2530 0.72770 0.01965 -1.03833 1.29493 0.07817 -.000390990 0.000001241 -0.02785 0.000259669 -.000000815 -0.40164 1090 -4.8045 0.02549 0.06678 -1.38941 0.70126 0.05148 0.000061895 -.000000647 -0.01672 0.000113360 -.000000267 -0.45132 1220 -6.6801 0.37936 0.09173 -0.92963 0.86471 0.04034 -.000106678 0.000000295 -0.01881 0.000140148 -.000000338 -0.73107 1530 -5.4836 -0.30393 -0.01688 -1.78430 0.78601 0.01099 0.000411572 -.000001171 0.00126 -.000059206 0.000000153 -0.75437 1590 -2.8196 0.54740 -0.23847 -1.36646 -1.04692 -0.11755 0.001121643 -.000002631 0.03611 -.000286010 0.000000714 -0.69642 2260 -24.6794 3.21337 0.56889 -0.37261 1.66547 0.18656 -.001811752 0.000005897 -0.04334 0.000452192 -.000001425 -0.43814 2590 -10.8316 0.97543 0.15669 -1.40139 0.84951 0.06456 -.000160210 0.000000191 -0.01483 0.000088282 -.000000169 -0.54424 ALLRF -5.6707 1.09801 -0.25700 -0.31070 -0.67552 -0.18799 0.001915719 -.000004659 0.04555 -.000407303 0.000000970 -0.48691 CANCER -13.6410 0.76848 0.34759 0.93177 1.38278 0.18821 -.001923854 0.000006237 -0.03934 0.000444465 -.000001408 -0.46600 ENDOC -18.9244 2.43754 -0.12523 -0.23426 1.18882 0.07435 -.000238301 0.000000036 -0.02350 0.000146595 -.000000218 -0.49892 GIMISC -13.2736 0.94231 -0.08500 -0.34723 0.93273 0.08296 -.000124519 -.000000612 -0.00891 -.000018505 0.000000305 -0.04851 HART -10.8885 0.58148 -0.12603 -0.40638 1.29808 0.04487 0.000110767 -.000000545 -0.01397 0.000046068 -.000000042 -0.32592 HCUP-HG1 -14.7054 0.98964 0.02766 -0.61529 1.48819 0.11395 -.000457536 0.000000765 -0.03068 0.000202180 -.000000402 -0.32825 HCUP-HG2 -15.0655 1.05427 0.03921 -0.16375 1.50475 0.09955 -.000397246 0.000000735 -0.02299 0.000143264 -.000000299 -0.63406 HCUP-HG3 -7.3400 0.48603 -0.17172 -0.08503 0.79764 0.10633 -.000867079 0.000002489 -0.02256 0.000195038 -.000000528 -0.96907 HCUP-HG4 -8.1292 0.28877 0.14449 -0.95385 0.94942 0.04513 0.000026590 -.000000173 -0.01290 0.000063168 -.000000128 -0.71300 HEMAT -8.0911 0.59969 0.17942 0.30270 0.07335 -0.06267 0.001269449 -.000004746 0.01944 -.000317065 0.000001246 -0.18331 ILLDEF -13.0644 0.81768 0.14319 -1.14492 1.48474 0.13108 -.000751672 0.000001818 -0.02787 0.000195511 -.000000447 -0.60791 LIVPAN -6.9583 0.56509 0.08022 -0.66525 0.19085 -0.08240 0.001361942 -.000003902 0.01758 -.000234636 0.000000672 -0.73669 MLG -4.4465 -0.48045 0.03124 0.48298 0.78839 0.08556 -.000508848 0.000001474 -0.01879 0.000166341 -.000000465 -0.85909 NEURO -7.4848 -0.35559 0.24298 -1.25565 1.32673 0.10497 -.000488208 0.000000877 -0.02411 0.000155374 -.000000277 -0.82459 NUTRT -22.6424 -0.56244 0.32121 -0.41490 4.54137 0.60543 -.005261574 0.000014955 -0.12390 0.001117587 -.000003183 -0.76865 OTHINF -12.4161 0.24889 0.12132 -0.59904 1.65108 0.13215 -.000831748 0.000002527 -0.03020 0.000242109 -.000000703 -0.45918 HCUP SuperGroup 65 Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 Squared Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 Cubed Not Full Code HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 SURGCX -13.7703 0.45728 0.25488 -0.21042 1.66093 0.11213 -.000285650 0.000000366 -0.02416 0.000104391 -.000000178 -0.72721 TRAUMA -12.9205 0.57689 0.55625 -0.09325 1.45191 0.10559 -.000312584 0.000000316 -0.02153 0.000082463 -.000000061 -0.68616 66 Table 10J ADMINISTRATIVE MODEL (30-Day Mortality Coefficients) HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit 0020 -13.1985 2.67401 0.04235 0.18690 0550 -12.1269 2.23115 0.42013 0.22691 0850 -10.4784 2.08586 0.10334 -0.04942 1000 -27.1499 5.54986 0.19891 0.48716 1070 -5.8075 1.26467 -0.22426 1.06581 1080 -17.5207 3.46942 0.20444 -0.00157 1090 -14.8161 3.09775 -0.12491 -0.45210 1220 -14.9974 2.95005 0.13670 0.04179 1530 -13.7908 2.51285 0.10818 -0.09180 1590 -19.2874 3.81927 0.11161 -0.04323 2260 -26.3733 5.29719 0.57872 -0.05277 2590 -15.7672 3.02187 0.08132 0.83620 ALLRF -18.9710 3.67314 0.01214 1.20611 CANCER -12.8565 1.80626 0.69191 3.32116 ENDOC -20.8274 3.77134 -0.02731 1.57692 GIMISC -18.3014 3.27063 0.30354 1.61144 HART -14.1554 2.42808 0.05670 1.18192 HCUP-HG1 -22.4228 4.20484 0.01285 0.72529 HCUP-HG2 -21.5215 3.82798 0.23426 1.90745 HCUP-HG3 -11.7646 2.15709 -0.16002 1.56212 HCUP-HG4 -14.6536 2.74501 0.20452 0.46493 HEMAT -12.1349 2.03192 0.35891 0.61157 ILLDEF -16.9254 3.35090 0.34884 -0.08794 LIVPAN -15.5341 2.91077 0.39346 0.31834 MLG -9.2934 1.39916 0.18724 2.85761 NEURO -11.3331 1.77421 0.17179 0.31244 NUTRT -17.5640 3.09083 0.42762 2.79049 OTHINF -17.5909 3.26772 0.20267 0.63142 SURGCX -22.6088 3.91612 0.35855 2.32459 TRAUMA -19.5144 3.45726 0.50565 1.58881 67 Table 10K: POA MODEL (30-Day Mortality Coefficients) ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 0.02411 0.16310 -0.07939 0.09576 0.34660 2.24223 0.33698 0.22553 0.12093 0.22659 0.35957 -10.1040 1.98228 0.05747 -0.08776 -0.06092 0.22081 0.41418 1000 -23.9598 4.70918 0.18316 0.51856 -0.71767 0.19042 0.82962 1070 -6.0259 1.31048 -0.21987 1.08223 0.17351 -0.11648 0.00435 1080 -18.1576 3.55138 0.18937 -0.01041 0.04862 0.23880 0.40701 1090 -14.6639 2.98038 -0.14022 -0.42655 0.15489 0.30331 0.55720 1220 -14.6532 2.86667 0.11562 0.01403 -0.05294 0.07371 0.23327 1530 -12.6087 2.19414 0.03079 -0.09669 -0.28238 0.32757 0.85416 1590 -19.3197 3.82020 0.06365 -0.07714 -0.28185 0.09634 0.56917 2260 -26.1634 5.25596 0.44713 -0.08169 -0.04034 0.35833 0.52710 2590 -14.8672 2.84498 0.03465 0.53758 0.11059 0.19658 0.56168 ALLRF -19.1600 3.67395 -0.00705 1.19260 -0.26904 0.16809 0.51810 CANCER -10.3022 1.20502 0.55255 3.01990 -0.56136 0.44293 0.98533 ENDOC -19.9392 3.58753 -0.09400 1.22107 0.13165 0.30053 0.67435 GIMISC -16.7625 2.93022 0.21767 1.46989 0.01602 0.14913 0.69467 HART -12.3274 1.96098 0.02148 1.14706 -0.25931 0.38157 0.78758 HCUP-HG1 -19.4934 3.52878 -0.07744 0.50692 -0.39955 0.36670 1.02746 HCUP-HG2 -17.3910 2.92537 0.11760 1.61362 -0.32609 0.48643 0.92047 HCUP-HG3 -11.6811 2.13118 -0.15903 1.54832 0.01640 -0.04645 0.13149 HCUP-HG4 -13.9288 2.55935 0.17671 0.39964 -0.09415 0.12528 0.37212 HEMAT -10.8302 1.71998 0.27805 0.50888 -0.04955 0.28090 0.56637 ILLDEF -14.7864 2.82272 0.25941 -0.10750 -0.27855 0.41418 0.83605 LIVPAN -11.3801 1.83916 0.21112 0.31701 -0.78012 0.75577 1.36886 MLG -8.3732 1.18326 0.18532 2.80620 -0.33378 0.00301 0.22445 NEURO -9.4827 1.30789 0.08847 0.40909 -0.16176 0.39638 0.75916 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male 0020 -12.7471 2.55473 0550 -12.2138 0850 68 HCUP SuperGroup ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 0.36097 2.68035 -0.06917 0.19434 0.24022 2.96778 0.14803 0.66854 -0.09659 0.22209 0.59572 -18.9384 3.13180 0.23314 1.96324 -0.25532 0.27080 1.06172 -16.6669 2.84580 0.41804 1.39856 -0.26443 0.35271 0.78423 Intercept Age at Admission Male NUTRT -17.3968 3.07588 OTHINF -16.4687 SURGCX TRAUMA 69 Table 10L: LONGIT MODEL (30-Day Mortality Coefficients) HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 0020 -13.7990 2.59681 0.01032 0.20959 0.25198 0550 -13.1260 2.28081 0.35863 0.23471 0.22474 0850 -11.3221 2.08088 0.07461 -0.04983 0.24068 1000 -26.4976 5.12847 0.21319 0.52592 0.35081 1070 -5.9501 1.21715 -0.22786 1.08228 0.10594 1080 -18.9530 3.45966 0.17624 0.00789 0.36862 1090 -14.7169 2.88509 -0.13692 -0.44168 0.25895 1220 -15.3455 2.88371 0.10848 0.04083 0.18133 1530 -13.8187 2.02673 0.07026 -0.08669 0.60609 1590 -20.9174 3.85298 0.02845 -0.09012 0.42350 2260 -28.7410 5.51533 0.48340 -0.01858 0.43230 2590 -16.4131 2.95737 0.04670 0.66437 0.30469 ALLRF -20.9109 3.66697 0.02764 1.35689 0.48028 CANCER -12.9738 1.30649 0.53136 2.92211 0.75871 ENDOC -21.3760 3.49240 -0.07451 1.35479 0.54133 GIMISC -18.2673 2.98078 0.22766 1.51513 0.37817 HART -14.5726 2.07558 0.02839 1.17622 0.54730 HCUP-HG1 -21.8172 3.51007 0.00013 0.66493 0.70035 HCUP-HG2 -20.6501 3.15579 0.14637 1.67157 0.66676 HCUP-HG3 -11.8325 2.10437 -0.16211 1.54408 0.08330 HCUP-HG4 -14.8121 2.54311 0.18186 0.40414 0.29054 HEMAT -13.3162 1.93378 0.23422 0.58915 0.44809 ILLDEF -17.4917 3.01893 0.27881 -0.09515 0.57279 LIVPAN -15.8367 2.55034 0.28038 0.29588 0.55371 MLG -10.4516 1.30222 0.17913 2.84027 0.41855 NEURO -11.7807 1.38370 0.10213 0.25182 0.64514 NUTRT -18.2313 3.08304 0.34809 2.56194 0.26627 OTHINF -18.2519 2.93465 0.13973 0.70065 0.54392 SURGCX -21.6826 3.11417 0.20426 1.86818 0.84592 TRAUMA -18.7757 2.89125 0.41672 1.40063 0.56910 70 Table 10M: POA_L MODEL (30-Day Mortality Coefficients) ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 LAPS2(-) LAPS2(-) Squared LAPS2(-) Cubed -0.02105 -0.54361 -0.03929 0.07144 0.14718 -0.01234 0.000702806 -.000003166 1.93777 0.26104 0.02652 0.17953 0.18853 0.21694 -0.05072 0.001203978 -.000005317 -10.5295 2.06486 0.00927 -0.64658 -0.03641 0.20097 0.26865 -0.00729 0.000468423 -.000001771 1000 -19.5853 3.83491 0.16759 0.93509 -0.58576 0.22253 0.56875 -0.12690 0.002847496 -.000015244 1070 -6.5114 1.38246 -0.09426 0.25503 0.20195 -0.25483 -0.18689 -0.02751 0.001037263 -.000005599 1080 -15.8718 3.01802 0.12168 -0.52449 0.19584 0.23305 0.24033 -0.03218 0.001203351 -.000006668 1090 -11.6918 2.27119 -0.15210 -0.88483 0.24310 0.32888 0.40291 -0.00517 0.000807208 -.000004703 1220 -12.5133 2.36813 0.08207 -0.41464 -0.00637 0.05785 0.08838 -0.02945 0.001119185 -.000006400 1530 -10.1906 1.57624 -0.12241 -0.79403 -0.19145 0.25423 0.55511 -0.00194 0.000603144 -.000002513 1590 -17.0325 3.26611 0.01192 -0.80936 -0.22913 0.05327 0.46063 0.00732 0.000250973 -.000000630 2260 -23.6417 4.65816 0.41500 -0.52658 -0.00308 0.34011 0.43563 0.02357 -.000363877 0.000003854 2590 -14.6383 2.75625 -0.03352 -0.29641 0.15991 0.18457 0.38511 0.01643 0.000086354 0.000000119 ALLRF -18.4302 3.51036 0.00301 0.68917 -0.22954 0.19627 0.41239 -0.02435 0.000589295 -.000001619 CANCER -9.2848 0.95921 0.44416 2.20001 -0.47182 0.48652 0.82658 0.01403 0.000186492 0.000000110 ENDOC -19.7743 3.53705 -0.09646 0.70773 0.18098 0.25772 0.54363 0.00815 0.000041462 0.000000587 GIMISC -14.7344 2.38248 0.19102 0.48860 0.06915 0.11300 0.55485 0.05596 -.000772889 0.000005229 HART -10.3493 1.49152 -0.03849 0.37677 -0.16923 0.30770 0.60210 -0.00025 0.000517075 -.000002339 HCUP-HG1 -15.1569 2.52141 -0.09921 -0.06837 -0.25162 0.33886 0.68812 -0.02966 0.001260548 -.000006315 HCUP-HG2 -14.2275 2.13943 0.04245 0.61933 -0.22578 0.43278 0.67098 0.01924 0.000317595 -.000001766 HCUP-HG3 -11.4529 2.04867 -0.14506 0.75741 0.04039 -0.05599 0.03052 0.02973 -.000336772 0.000001878 HCUP-HG4 -11.8923 2.04970 0.12776 -0.30630 0.00230 0.10224 0.15295 0.00427 0.000398022 -.000001746 HEMAT -7.7709 0.92669 0.15447 -0.23240 0.08331 0.25836 0.37319 0.00211 0.000623864 -.000003540 ILLDEF -12.6496 2.26740 0.18539 -0.68850 -0.20221 0.35500 0.64691 0.01385 0.000127798 -.000000032 LIVPAN -10.4399 1.60890 0.00995 -0.55228 -0.64037 0.60373 0.96129 -0.02518 0.001132157 -.000005389 MLG -6.6829 0.77195 0.04967 2.18974 -0.31341 0.02056 0.17558 0.00690 0.000271938 -.000000599 NEURO -8.0232 0.97124 0.06265 0.00073 -0.09963 0.37316 0.61144 -0.01093 0.000573799 -.000001990 NUTRT -15.7920 2.67387 0.26579 2.25526 -0.06859 0.16500 0.22156 -0.01096 0.000586913 -.000002677 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male 0020 -10.9395 2.08642 0550 -10.7689 0850 71 HCUP SuperGroup ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 LAPS2(-) LAPS2(-) Squared LAPS2(-) Cubed 0.08259 -0.29456 -0.00642 0.16476 0.37855 0.01772 0.000174485 -.000000122 2.58951 0.15409 1.40142 -0.17931 0.25480 0.87781 -0.01107 0.000677860 -.000002376 2.14941 0.36594 0.58611 -0.19126 0.32034 0.59267 0.04108 -.000452808 0.000003657 Intercept Age at Admission Male OTHINF -13.5835 2.26218 SURGCX -16.6086 TRAUMA -13.8967 72 Table 10N: ENHANCED MODEL (30-Day Mortality Coefficients) HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 LAPS2(-) LAPS2(-) Squared LAPS2(-) Cubed 0020 -11.6188 2.08055 -0.03970 -0.49304 0.20195 -0.01469 0.000738505 -.000003300 0550 -11.1400 1.91811 0.27052 0.02158 0.13871 -0.05179 0.001236133 -.000005471 0850 -11.1997 2.10290 0.01783 -0.63824 0.15298 -0.00668 0.000463374 -.000001710 1000 -20.7936 4.02344 0.19620 0.77837 0.19166 -0.12106 0.002824210 -.000015262 1070 -5.8822 1.19985 -0.11539 0.29550 0.05354 -0.03036 0.001060948 -.000005729 1080 -16.8354 3.03492 0.10576 -0.47405 0.27622 -0.03269 0.001171056 -.000006343 1090 -11.6654 2.21447 -0.15480 -0.88422 0.17137 -0.00783 0.000860121 -.000004995 1220 -12.9099 2.37396 0.07325 -0.39748 0.10952 -0.02962 0.001116039 -.000006353 1530 -10.8793 1.37955 -0.09498 -0.79676 0.47211 -0.00534 0.000700917 -.000003019 1590 -18.4860 3.30540 -0.04407 -0.82678 0.37291 0.00754 0.000236490 -.000000416 2260 -25.7141 4.84084 0.44524 -0.52157 0.37636 0.02801 -.000444592 0.000004405 2590 -15.6875 2.82404 -0.03082 -0.24422 0.21054 0.01804 0.000080622 0.000000162 ALLRF -20.1208 3.51444 0.02489 0.77899 0.43636 -0.01982 0.000526291 -.000001334 CANCER -11.9390 1.10247 0.41272 2.21840 0.70738 0.00663 0.000206690 0.000000711 ENDOC -20.9090 3.40816 -0.08249 0.85578 0.49528 0.00076 0.000196062 -.000000113 GIMISC -15.6362 2.32826 0.18553 0.44972 0.32125 0.06140 -.000843264 0.000005632 HART -11.9221 1.54826 -0.02787 0.37449 0.40933 0.00087 0.000514327 -.000002286 HCUP-HG1 -16.5359 2.45491 -0.05396 -0.03215 0.46785 -0.02601 0.001259382 -.000006391 HCUP-HG2 -16.4026 2.22036 0.06189 0.62225 0.53013 0.02064 0.000309177 -.000001590 HCUP-HG3 -11.4745 2.01673 -0.14624 0.76385 0.04714 0.02906 -.000330303 0.000001862 HCUP-HG4 -12.3555 2.01942 0.12563 -0.29517 0.18258 0.00327 0.000398645 -.000001670 HEMAT -9.6415 1.09188 0.12299 -0.19245 0.33335 0.00571 0.000521711 -.000002837 ILLDEF -14.5521 2.35812 0.19386 -0.71654 0.45747 0.01499 0.000128215 0.000000062 LIVPAN -12.6035 1.89190 0.01460 -0.73262 0.34258 -0.01768 0.001112526 -.000005436 MLG -8.7136 0.89967 0.05227 2.26118 0.39876 0.00355 0.000307017 -.000000668 NEURO -10.0537 1.06535 0.07652 -0.07792 0.53462 -0.01515 0.000641375 -.000002234 73 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 LAPS2(-) LAPS2(-) Squared LAPS2(-) Cubed NUTRT -16.5378 2.67998 0.25631 2.12049 0.23717 -0.00820 0.000528480 -.000002337 OTHINF -14.8985 2.22612 0.07070 -0.23040 0.41401 0.01553 0.000200077 -.000000189 SURGCX -18.9134 2.56669 0.12775 1.33380 0.72314 -0.01439 0.000773846 -.000003087 TRAUMA -15.4613 2.16650 0.35627 0.57519 0.43577 0.04220 -.000458055 0.000003767 74 Table 10 O: POA_LV MODEL (30-Day Mortality Coefficients) ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed -0.05733 -0.87113 -0.04422 0.07582 0.19686 -0.040124 0.000504726 -.000001175 1.58021 0.20534 -0.32713 0.14473 0.16705 0.23452 -0.029912 0.000423787 -.000000957 -11.3631 2.18405 0.00744 -1.32888 -0.08439 0.19808 0.29150 -0.000642 0.000179107 -.000000421 1000 -17.6929 3.45217 0.17144 0.01745 -0.48082 0.17867 0.45147 -0.052057 0.000702496 -.000001924 1070 -6.5338 1.40335 -0.06748 -0.71567 0.17733 -0.25216 -0.15531 -0.015086 0.000327248 -.000000885 1080 -15.2625 2.85757 0.15184 -0.87673 0.10719 0.18875 0.28272 -0.022880 0.000495325 -.000001532 1090 -11.0587 2.06453 -0.06244 -1.43091 0.22505 0.26229 0.28370 -0.008919 0.000484672 -.000001670 1220 -11.8229 2.26791 0.07379 -0.76075 -0.05571 0.06100 0.15206 -0.029662 0.000448002 -.000001143 1530 -10.7930 1.40011 -0.16009 -1.24345 -0.19249 0.18031 0.47101 0.027271 0.000101571 -.000000414 1590 -15.9736 3.03356 -0.01063 -1.02134 -0.25464 0.05416 0.50594 -0.008050 0.000219465 -.000000409 2260 -20.9629 3.84074 0.42880 -0.91540 -0.01903 0.32971 0.37893 0.038808 -.000222814 0.000000824 2590 -14.9998 2.70878 -0.00474 -0.87706 0.09076 0.15837 0.41087 0.021301 -.000009083 0.000000055 ALLRF -17.1792 3.09125 -0.03379 0.03356 -0.23066 0.18246 0.43305 -0.000879 0.000234145 -.000000675 CANCER -10.3307 1.02304 0.43635 1.53512 -0.43162 0.44537 0.83020 0.038024 -.000103572 0.000000314 ENDOC -19.5492 3.43376 -0.07296 0.27003 0.17264 0.20792 0.50379 0.005666 0.000130006 -.000000383 GIMISC -14.7090 2.17374 0.17823 0.08588 0.02839 0.11816 0.54436 0.046812 -.000233970 0.000000678 HART -10.5109 1.47118 -0.02783 -0.10362 -0.20344 0.27884 0.60582 0.006900 0.000143448 -.000000366 HCUP-HG1 -14.4618 2.22307 0.00966 -0.69641 -0.27079 0.26838 0.65611 0.007463 0.000237117 -.000000682 HCUP-HG2 -15.0656 2.20310 0.03605 0.20290 -0.25485 0.42503 0.67049 0.026409 0.000028080 -.000000163 HCUP-HG3 -11.9847 2.00618 -0.14501 -0.05170 0.05604 -0.05861 0.06237 0.037438 -.000213482 0.000000563 HCUP-HG4 -11.5295 1.87817 0.10461 -0.75839 -0.07010 0.08465 0.21384 0.004574 0.000167711 -.000000394 HEMAT -8.7815 1.06754 0.19405 -0.24134 0.02845 0.23942 0.37758 0.004646 0.000211836 -.000000670 ILLDEF -12.5643 2.02283 0.18384 -0.96508 -0.21533 0.32344 0.62780 0.032484 -.000113920 0.000000379 LIVPAN -10.9519 1.72505 0.03849 -0.99655 -0.58770 0.54762 0.87349 -0.010891 0.000426936 -.000001306 MLG -7.4988 0.82817 0.03394 1.35637 -0.23735 0.05024 0.18760 0.016243 0.000165624 -.000000551 NEURO -8.2350 0.91472 0.09896 -0.82583 -0.11267 0.32546 0.55742 0.013213 0.000125970 -.000000346 NUTRT -15.2293 2.04949 0.31014 0.68904 -0.05990 0.12370 0.20540 0.094882 -.000713299 0.000002176 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male 0020 -9.2028 1.82637 0550 -9.1935 0850 75 HCUP SuperGroup ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed 0.08013 -0.64801 -0.06960 0.14844 0.43054 0.010868 0.000132971 -.000000301 2.29637 0.14957 0.34364 -0.19737 0.24866 0.82739 0.044354 -.000196141 0.000000703 1.99445 0.37033 0.13391 -0.17059 0.29198 0.50036 0.045329 -.000227933 0.000000758 Intercept Age at Admission Male OTHINF -12.7738 1.97509 SURGCX -16.2366 TRAUMA -14.1684 76 Table 10P: VITALS MODEL (30-Day Mortality Coefficients) HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed 0020 -10.0051 1.82820 -0.07610 -0.83034 0.22895 -0.040679 0.000506501 -.000001169 0550 -9.5583 1.56566 0.21502 -0.33822 0.13055 -0.031306 0.000449901 -.000001051 0850 -11.9399 2.20600 0.01792 -1.28740 0.15273 -0.001782 0.000189877 -.000000445 1000 -18.7474 3.59514 0.20189 -0.04009 0.16374 -0.049065 0.000692871 -.000001914 1070 -6.0937 1.20947 -0.09009 -0.69503 0.12767 -0.016619 0.000339627 -.000000924 1080 -16.0332 2.82309 0.13350 -0.83446 0.29248 -0.023850 0.000491880 -.000001485 1090 -10.9458 1.99880 -0.06808 -1.44942 0.13276 -0.009394 0.000489852 -.000001680 1220 -12.2792 2.28164 0.06982 -0.75023 0.11404 -0.029405 0.000447659 -.000001149 1530 -11.3710 1.22638 -0.13663 -1.26992 0.42956 0.024512 0.000130276 -.000000480 1590 -17.4369 3.08474 -0.06487 -0.98404 0.37565 -0.010460 0.000237112 -.000000445 2260 -22.7335 3.97283 0.45896 -0.89372 0.33157 0.042639 -.000258649 0.000000935 2590 -16.0418 2.76012 0.00080 -0.83641 0.22734 0.021764 -.000004513 0.000000042 ALLRF -18.8397 3.09216 -0.01592 0.16403 0.44343 0.000316 0.000217716 -.000000610 CANCER -12.8246 1.20873 0.43639 1.61039 0.64274 0.029018 -.000041959 0.000000183 ENDOC -20.5616 3.30989 -0.05412 0.36745 0.47054 0.001174 0.000178733 -.000000500 GIMISC -15.6305 2.14215 0.18739 0.07192 0.28419 0.049655 -.000245535 0.000000683 HART -11.9866 1.52297 -0.02193 -0.10454 0.37725 0.009253 0.000122271 -.000000299 HCUP-HG1 -15.9173 2.21328 0.05100 -0.64919 0.41853 0.009038 0.000238628 -.000000698 HCUP-HG2 -17.3655 2.33683 0.05632 0.20893 0.48929 0.028862 0.000006756 -.000000086 HCUP-HG3 -12.0122 1.97606 -0.14827 -0.04918 0.05256 0.036905 -.000209655 0.000000555 HCUP-HG4 -12.1040 1.85742 0.10513 -0.75290 0.20586 0.003945 0.000169301 -.000000385 HEMAT -10.5348 1.22357 0.16283 -0.18963 0.29910 0.007737 0.000167427 -.000000496 ILLDEF -14.3817 2.11444 0.19398 -0.97860 0.42509 0.033199 -.000112900 0.000000379 LIVPAN -13.0587 2.03233 0.07734 -1.16748 0.25336 -0.005509 0.000421295 -.000001334 MLG -9.2667 0.95768 0.03528 1.41190 0.33745 0.015384 0.000165645 -.000000541 NEURO -10.1135 1.02855 0.11084 -0.89637 0.46155 0.012362 0.000117905 -.000000259 NUTRT -15.8703 2.05431 0.30059 0.64592 0.21795 0.092399 -.000695446 0.000002144 77 HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed OTHINF -14.1276 1.96714 0.07208 -0.62272 0.39600 0.010883 0.000129669 -.000000288 SURGCX -18.3620 2.30608 0.13600 0.32468 0.63638 0.041328 -.000162902 0.000000587 TRAUMA -15.5372 2.02539 0.35727 0.14263 0.36717 0.043632 -.000200804 0.000000673 Table 10Q: POA_LVE MODEL (30-Day Mortality Coefficients) HCUP SuperGroup 78 ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed Not Full Code -0.02677 -1.00252 -0.05960 0.07860 0.22409 -0.046302 0.000534802 -.000001219 -0.98181 0.64268 0.23490 -0.46873 0.09863 0.18980 0.26972 -0.033551 0.000431233 -.000000951 -1.09885 -4.6128 0.92960 0.02312 -1.72847 -0.10150 0.19832 0.31077 -0.007053 0.000218937 -.000000497 -1.23502 1000 -12.2845 2.41143 0.24004 -0.19378 -0.51168 0.19730 0.43338 -0.049480 0.000654951 -.000001764 -0.96772 1070 -3.1272 1.01421 -0.07236 -0.70184 0.17694 -0.23838 -0.15383 -0.021544 0.000367696 -.000000962 -1.67495 1080 -10.2287 1.90242 0.20291 -1.03978 0.09856 0.18585 0.29180 -0.029244 0.000546673 -.000001669 -0.84389 1090 -7.1350 1.35898 -0.01253 -1.65154 0.23815 0.28328 0.30656 -0.009655 0.000471455 -.000001607 -0.90691 1220 -6.0693 1.18335 0.14240 -0.99293 -0.05085 0.04755 0.16575 -0.031917 0.000441771 -.000001092 -1.11757 1530 -5.1467 0.35234 -0.06452 -1.43141 -0.19277 0.17384 0.49039 0.023261 0.000116148 -.000000434 -1.19195 1590 -10.3971 1.95122 0.03964 -1.37319 -0.26811 0.03981 0.52738 -0.004366 0.000157161 -.000000202 -0.99094 2260 -17.6151 3.22573 0.47995 -0.98616 -0.00707 0.30129 0.35208 0.036651 -.000219397 0.000000829 -0.66211 2590 -10.8542 1.92761 0.05638 -1.08905 0.10815 0.16028 0.42049 0.021259 -.000023908 0.000000121 -0.90273 ALLRF -10.8062 1.89654 0.02191 -0.18888 -0.24070 0.19290 0.42288 -0.005072 0.000242303 -.000000650 -1.21217 CANCER -7.3658 0.61333 0.47329 1.15847 -0.42161 0.46653 0.92372 0.040914 -.000153992 0.000000432 -1.34647 ENDOC -14.5331 2.50758 -0.03090 0.09693 0.16433 0.23447 0.50760 0.002013 0.000145390 -.000000393 -1.07863 GIMISC -12.2128 1.70412 0.21961 0.00152 0.02921 0.11847 0.55713 0.047476 -.000251386 0.000000737 -0.56793 HART -7.3958 0.95078 0.02181 -0.25619 -0.20358 0.29032 0.60703 0.007313 0.000120061 -.000000291 -0.93206 HCUP-HG1 -10.1861 1.42903 0.07169 -0.82040 -0.26452 0.27082 0.64577 0.005981 0.000236411 -.000000670 -0.89682 HCUP-HG2 -10.9360 1.49170 0.11976 0.05378 -0.22031 0.41526 0.66429 0.026196 -.000005246 -.000000005 -1.18116 HCUP-HG3 -6.2996 0.99397 -0.12467 -0.39142 0.03359 -0.07322 0.14373 0.033417 -.000200943 0.000000582 -1.29238 HCUP-HG4 -6.7673 0.98584 0.16145 -0.92808 -0.06971 0.10290 0.23568 0.003104 0.000159437 -.000000340 -1.01882 HEMAT -5.3105 0.46707 0.25814 -0.34702 0.01639 0.25024 0.40592 0.001564 0.000219960 -.000000663 -0.97759 ILLDEF -8.1473 1.22644 0.24889 -1.15143 -0.20485 0.32190 0.63800 0.029488 -.000102129 0.000000369 -1.05721 Intercept Age at Admission Male 0020 -4.6127 1.00405 0550 -4.1183 0850 79 HCUP SuperGroup ED Visit Modified Charlson Score = 1 Modified Charlson Score = 2 Modified Charlson Score >2 Intercept Age at Admission Male LAPS2 LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed Not Full Code LIVPAN -6.9427 1.07952 0.09055 -1.23836 -0.54940 0.56113 0.82395 -0.016943 0.000482439 -.000001469 -1.19992 MLG -4.9021 0.48973 0.13687 0.95261 -0.16732 0.05906 0.21975 0.014976 0.000160234 -.000000506 -1.25272 NEURO -4.0021 0.17742 0.15971 -1.07635 -0.11471 0.31031 0.58285 0.014387 0.000077084 -.000000137 -1.17454 NUTRT -11.3364 1.32106 0.37588 0.57447 -0.06432 0.14115 0.25005 0.087747 -.000632563 0.000001889 -0.91133 OTHINF -8.5962 1.21558 0.15794 -0.78823 -0.08066 0.16840 0.47455 0.010966 0.000105656 -.000000196 -1.06418 SURGCX -11.7667 1.53771 0.18556 0.10457 -0.20081 0.28541 0.83008 0.044651 -.000226721 0.000000822 -1.26161 TRAUMA -10.5416 1.35917 0.42857 -0.02601 -0.15576 0.29032 0.50626 0.045443 -.000255813 0.000000863 -0.98974 MODEL 10 R: Comprehensive Model (30-Day Mortality Coefficients) HCUP SuperGroup Intercept Age at Admission 0020 -9.2072 1.00028 -0.04388 -0.87304 1.17421 0550 -0.7211 0.66424 0.25863 -0.50192 0850 -5.3403 0.99014 0.04133 1000 -16.0817 2.25797 1070 -4.5914 1080 Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 Squared Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 Cubed LAPS2 Squared LAPS2 Cubed -0.00336 0.000426411 -.000001177 -0.010857 0.000026012 -.000000007 -0.94065 -0.97745 -0.19485 0.002215651 -.000006615 0.044259 -.000480920 0.000001513 -1.06862 -1.68935 0.14107 -0.01092 0.000253547 -.000000531 0.000858 -.000007206 0.000000004 -1.21711 0.28075 0.06390 1.40703 0.03204 0.000073564 -.000000026 -0.027107 0.000203737 -.000000608 -0.97435 0.84754 -0.09365 -0.66939 0.71222 0.08673 -.000718362 0.000001896 -0.035683 0.000355965 -.000000935 -1.68170 -14.1403 1.86063 0.19050 -0.97089 1.07645 0.05211 -.000165612 0.000000484 -0.020979 0.000184386 -.000000557 -0.81966 1090 -7.9774 1.28402 -0.01631 -1.63339 0.45258 0.00226 0.000539783 -.000002093 -0.004462 -.000014004 0.000000134 -0.87989 1220 -8.9951 1.16469 0.13587 -0.94839 0.80720 0.01552 0.000174066 -.000000494 -0.012511 0.000069398 -.000000154 -1.10707 1530 -9.7184 0.22244 -0.04659 -1.42363 1.41487 0.07907 -.000100045 -.000000078 -0.015371 0.000063074 -.000000109 -1.09017 1590 -7.0187 2.09765 -0.00159 -1.32656 -1.13708 -0.19657 0.002018549 -.000005404 0.052935 -.000509861 0.000001424 -0.91320 2260 -23.1503 3.29249 0.50965 -0.84213 1.49933 0.16698 -.001361826 0.000003755 -0.037642 0.000330393 -.000000845 -0.66647 2590 -12.7918 1.92200 0.07548 -1.05255 0.59536 0.01166 0.000321175 -.000001122 0.000925 -.000076770 0.000000293 -0.86751 ALLRF -10.3752 1.95214 0.04856 -0.05977 -0.13024 -0.07070 0.000721466 -.000001473 0.015815 -.000112455 0.000000180 -1.16740 CANCER -11.7494 0.90259 0.47169 1.31778 0.97421 0.07102 -.000233019 -.000000028 -0.011167 0.000046870 0.000000060 -1.02454 ENDOC -16.8984 2.42852 -0.01808 0.18837 0.78937 0.02230 0.000130499 -.000000751 -0.007277 0.000024614 0.000000040 -1.00656 GIMISC -16.5009 1.62912 0.20591 -0.02864 1.27837 0.13526 -.000781190 0.000001551 -0.024097 0.000150747 -.000000249 -0.49733 HART -11.2421 0.90067 0.03813 -0.15373 1.14875 0.05015 0.000034321 -.000000442 -0.012292 0.000029925 0.000000024 -0.89324 HCUP-HG1 -13.6250 1.37901 0.11542 -0.72945 1.04099 0.05000 0.000030484 -.000000361 -0.013220 0.000072044 -.000000131 -0.85183 HCUP-HG2 -17.0571 1.53371 0.11739 0.02427 1.73266 0.14135 -.000827967 0.000001840 -0.033562 0.000245256 -.000000558 -1.12884 HCUP-HG3 -9.6535 0.96696 -0.12198 -0.36967 0.95332 0.11211 -.000799189 0.000002109 -0.021375 0.000161309 -.000000409 -1.28144 HCUP-HG4 -9.9113 0.94694 0.16439 -0.90840 0.93587 0.05612 -.000176151 0.000000476 -0.015357 0.000100960 -.000000249 -0.98715 HEMAT -5.4669 0.65950 0.22955 -0.29739 -0.17868 -0.10864 0.001703557 -.000005932 0.029485 -.000394860 0.000001404 -0.90350 ILLDEF -12.9040 1.29143 0.25833 -1.11493 1.27086 0.09411 -.000478869 0.000001142 -0.018674 0.000115668 -.000000248 -0.98287 LIVPAN -10.5732 1.25862 0.14947 -1.28659 0.87831 -0.00153 0.000686509 -.000002367 -0.005121 -.000038364 0.000000190 -1.21888 -8.4178 0.61518 0.12544 1.01372 0.78698 0.07872 -.000423001 0.000001129 -0.016574 0.000149401 -.000000415 -1.20191 MLG Male ED Visit Log of COPS2 80 LAPS2 Not Full Code 81 HCUP SuperGroup NEURO -8.7071 0.28054 0.17568 -1.08279 1.26609 0.07134 -.000138069 -.000000236 -0.017139 0.000068539 0.000000021 -1.11140 NUTRT -18.8637 1.15229 0.37779 0.25692 2.53818 0.31477 -.002524964 0.000006602 -0.068024 0.000573395 -.000001446 -0.88465 OTHINF -13.5412 1.14657 0.14810 -0.69054 1.33378 0.08909 -.000443935 0.000001386 -0.019223 0.000131581 -.000000372 -0.99585 SURGCX -15.7649 1.34133 0.17769 0.04165 1.44311 0.06164 0.000207117 -.000001153 -0.008913 -.000063971 0.000000359 -1.14377 TRAUMA -14.0885 1.21238 0.42386 -0.05566 1.30260 0.07760 -.000083926 -.000000255 -0.013041 -.000004903 0.000000185 -0.95105 LAPS2 LAPS2 Cubed Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 Intercept ED Visit LAPS2 Squared Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 Cubed Age at Admission Male Log of COPS2 Log of COPS2 * LAPS2 Squared Not Full Code