Sacred Heart University College of Education and Health Professions Department of Nursing Guidelines for Evidence Based Practice Project (NU 602) The purpose of the Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Project is to use the principles and context of EBP as part of a team approach to evaluate a nursing practice, policy, or procedure in light of current evidence and make recommendations for change/improvement. Prepare the final project report using the following sections and guidelines. Use headings to prepare the paper. BACKGROUND (10 points) Paint a broad picture and rationale for undertaking this project Include any data available to support the need for the project Describe the practice/policy/procedure and outcomes/implications THE QUESTION (5 points) Pose an answerable question in PICO format (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2005) THE SEARCH (5 points) Describe the search strategy per Garrard (2004) Discuss how potential, relevant research reports were identified What were the inclusion and exclusion criteria? How many studies were included in the final appraisal of the evidence? CRITICALLY APPRAISE THE EVIDENCE (25 points) A. Matrix (10 points). Develop a matrix of the evidence. The matrix may include, if available, integrative reports, clinical practice guidelines, meta-analyses as well as single studies. Use the following columns (this may be slightly adapted or indicate N/A for practice guidelines, meta-analysis etc) Name of author, date, title of study, journal Level of Evidence (Use Box 1.2, p. 10 in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt) Hypothesis, if there is no hypothesis the question, if there is no question the purpose. Design. Must be specific and use Polit and Beck (2004) categorization Sample: Size of sample, important demographics, inclusion and exclusion criteria Data Collection Instruments/Procedures including reliability and validity Statistical Results/Findings Implications/Conclusions related to adoption to practice B. State of the Science Summary addressing the following questions. (15 points) How much variation was there and how was the intervention delivered across the studies/reports? How much variation was there in the outcome(s) studied across the studies/reports? What findings are supported by more than one study/ reports? What findings are supported by just one study, but are compelling? Why are they compelling? What findings are inconsistent across the studies/reports? What findings are out right contradictory across the studies/reports? Note the level of evidence from the various the studies/reports and the findings associated with them. Of the consistent findings, how many the studies/reports have a treatment effect that was clinically significant? What outcome(s) is this intervention highly effective in bringing about? What side effects, harm, or burden is associated with this intervention? Is the evidence picture sufficiently complete (i.e. knowledge regarding: benefits, risk, burden, underlying mechanism, specifics of administration)? Make a determination of whether sufficient evidence exists to support either current practice or a need to change the practice IMPLEMENT A CHANGE IN CLINICAL PRACTICE (15 points) Assess the environment for change. Consider: o The population in your specific setting and patient preferences and values o Clinical expertise and preferences o Available resources for implementing the change Create a Change Team. Discuss who will be part of the team to implement the change and why you have chosen these individuals. Develop a Change Strategy. Use the following table to identify 2-3 objectives for the project that you could use to implement the change. These objectives must be measurable and specific. In the second column, state the specific methods or plans to meet the objectives. Specify who will be responsible and the timetable to implement each objective. In the last column, specifically state measurable outcomes of how you will evaluate whether or not you have successfully met the objective. (Add additional rows to this chart, if needed). Objectives Method/Plan Responsibility Completion Date Measurable Outcomes DEVELOP AN EVALUATION PLAN TO MEASURE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CHANGE (15 points) From the last column of the above table, copy and paste the measurable objectives. Complete the rest of the columns. Add additional rows to this table if necessary Measurable outcomes Method and Tools for Measuring Responsibility Timelines RESOURCES (15 points) Discuss the resources; you need for the first year of the change in practice. Project costs of additional supplies, equipment, and personnel as appropriate. Project costs savings. Use an Excel spreadsheet for this purpose if appropriate. WRITING STYLE AND APA (10 points) Garrard, J. (2004). Health science literature review made easy: The matrix method. MD: Aspen. Melnyk, B. & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2005). Evidence-based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Polit, D. & Beck, C. (2004). Nursing research principles and methods, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Sacred Heart University College of Education & Health Professions Department of Nursing NU 602 Evidence Based Practice Project Grading Sheet BACKGROUND (10 points) Paint a broad picture of rationale for undertaking this project Include any data available to support the need for the project Describe the practice/policy/procedure and outcomes/implications THE QUESTION (5 points) Pose an answerable question in PICO format THE SEARCH (5 points) Describe the search strategy per Garrard Discuss how potential, relevant research reports were identified What were the inclusion and exclusion criteria How many studies were included in the appraisal of the evidence CRITICALLY APPRAISE THE EVIDENCE The Matrix (10 points) State of the Science Report (15 points) IMPLEMENT A CHANGE IN CLINICAL PRACTICE (15 points) Assess the environment for change. Create a Change Team. Develop a Change Strategy. DEVELOP AN EVALUATION 15 PTS RESOURCES 15 PTS Discuss the resources; you need for the first year of the change in practice. Project costs of additional supplies, equipment, and personnel as appropriate. Project costs savings. WRITING STYLE AND APA (10 POINTS) Summary and Additional Reviewer Comments Project Papers should be no more than 8-10 pages with a matrix attached as an appendix for #3 above.