Meeting of the Working Group EWAIT at the ESICM 2010 in Barcelona 11.10.2010 14:00-15:30 Congress Center CCIB, BM2 Attendants Claudia Spies Willehad Boemke Antonio Artigas Mercedes Palomar Massimo Girardis Lutz Kaufner Andreas Rothbart Sascha Tafelski Guests Marc Henke Jürgen Bufler Nathalie Baillon-Plot Julie Chaudron Halina Jede Welcome (C. Spies) Update 2010 (A. Rothbart) Updates in the English version Abdominal infections: secondary peritonitis – community and health-careassociated hepatobiliary infections Pneumonia: new guidelines risk of P. aeruginosa Fever of unknown origin: risk factors Diagnostics: blood cultures Antiinfectives: new substances, focus on antifungals Pathogens: new pathogens Tools: new tools Italian Version (S. Tafelski): Informatics structure of the web databases. The 2/3 of the translation has been completed and is transferred to separate database (mySQL/PHP). Missing parts: static pages, special pages . Thanks to Laura Zavatti. Discussion: M. Girardis: problem, in Italy there are no national guidelines, big regional differences, restrictions due to antibiotic stewardship programmes. The translation is not enough to implement the programme. A stand alone or Smartphone based application could be used easier as there are a lot of computers without internet access. S. Tafelski: The login-process could be simplified. C. Spies: EBM should be represented on the left side of the web application; national standard should be implemented there if available. On the right side (Eguard local) local peculiarities can be introduced. It is a chance to have these national differences on the European level, to respect the stewardship and implement the different attitudes to antibiotic prescribing and compare the outcome (need for studies). It is up to a national institution to integrate the national needs. Differences are an option to learn why there is national advice differing from international guidelines. It is a problem not knowing how much it is used, we have to get more feedback in order not to do harm by spreading the application. EWAIT-eguard (L. Kaufner) Achievements from the start of Eguard (04/2009) till now. The EWAITProject consists of partners in 15 countries. ESICM: joint working group of POIC and Infection Section. New logo and website ( Topic submission FP7 2011 and call modification has been done. Topic submission FP7 2012 has been done. The difficulties in applying for a call in the seventh framework programme (FP7) are explained. After submitting topics through national contact points, a call is opened, but can be changed several times. The problem is that the programme is still not a internationally widespread application and that there are international studies missing. The aim is to spread the application Eguard, start international and national studies and investigations. Afterwards a topic submission should be undertaken in a coordinated way by all participating countries through their national contact points. Once a call is opened, it is possible to request a modification if it is not applicable. This year the problem was that the call was first only for “diagnostics”, after a change it was written out for small and medium enterprises (SME). The call 2012 Cooperation Theme 1 Health 1.2. has its focus on technology. Point 3.1. (3. OPTIMISING DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE TO EUROPEAN CITIZENS 3.1 Translating the results of clinical research outcome into clinical practice including better use of medicines, and appropriate use of behavioural and organisational interventions and new health therapies and technologies ) could be applicable. Topic submission has been undertaken. Waiting for a call. Another way to apply for funding could be the DG SANCO (Directorate General for Health and Consumer Affairs). For which the application must be modified to “prevention and alert”. C. Spies: The national societies must be involved. It might make more sense to focus the priority on DG SANCO as the FP7 is very dependent on politics and there are other competitors. There is need for more studies and communication. Projects Spanish translation: Antonio Artigas is interested, he is going to have a look at the English version first and send us his comments Contact: Antonio Artigas and Ricard Ferrer French translation Mobile application (Smartphone) Chat or mailing list for experts (idea)