Supplementary Table 1 (doc 256K)

Table S1
List of excluded relevant studies with reasons for exclusion.
Reasons for exclusion
Afifi MM, Abbas AM. Monosodium glutamate versus diet induced obesity in pregnant rats and their offspring. Acta Physiologica
Missing or incomplete data on
Hungarica 2011; 98: 177–188.
offspring food intake
Ashino NG, Saito KN, Souza FD, Nakutz FS, Roman EA, Velloso LA et al. Maternal high-fat feeding through pregnancy and lactation Missing or incomplete data on
predisposes mouse offspring to molecular insulin resistance and fatty liver. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 2012; 23: 341–348.
offspring food intake
Bargueño AL, Carabelli J, Sookoian S, Pirola CJ. The impact of maternal high-fat feeding on liver and abdominal fat accumulation in Missing or incomplete data on
adult offspring under a long-term high-fat diet. Hepatology 2010; 51: 2234–2235.
offspring food intake
Bayol SA, Simbi BH, Bertrand JA, Stickland NC. Offspring from mothers fed a ‘junk food’ diet in pregnancy and lactation exhibit
Missing or incomplete data on
exacerbated adiposity that is more pronounced in females. J Physiol (Lond) 2008; 586: 3219–3230.
offspring food intake
Bayol SA, Macharia R, Farrington SJ, Simbi BH, Stickland NC. Evidence that a maternal ‘junk food’ diet during pregnancy and
Missing or incomplete data on
lactation can reduce muscle force in offspring. Eur J Nutr 2009; 48: 62–65.
offspring food intake
Bayol SA, Simbi BH, Fowkes RC, Stickland NC. A maternal ‘junk food’ diet in pregnancy and lactation promotes nonalcoholic Fatty Missing or incomplete data on
liver disease in rat offspring. Endocrinology 2010; 151: 1451–1461.
offspring food intake
Bayol SA, Simbi BH, Stickland NC. A maternal cafeteria diet during gestation and lactation promotes adiposity and impairs skeletal
Missing or incomplete data on
muscle development and metabolism in rat offspring at weaning. J Physiol 2005; 567: 951–961.
offspring food intake
Benkalfat NB, Merzouk H, Bouanane S, Merzouk SA, Bellenger J, Gresti J et al. Altered adipose tissue metabolism in offspring of
Missing or incomplete data on
dietary obese rat dams. Clinical Science 2011; 121: 19–28.
offspring food intake
Bilbo SD, Tsang V. Enduring consequences of maternal obesity for brain inflammation and behavior of offspring. FASEB Journal 2010; Missing or incomplete data on
24: 2104–2115.
offspring food intake
Bocarsly ME, Barson JR, Hauca JM, Hoebel BG, Leibowitz SF, Avena NM. Effects of perinatal exposure to palatable diets on body
Maternal manipulation not
weight and sensitivity to drugs of abuse in rats. Physiology and Behavior 2012; 107: 568–575.
matching inclusion criteria
Borengasser SJ, Kang P, Faske J, Gomez-Acevedo H, Blackburn ML, Badger TM et al. High fat diet and in utero exposure to maternal Maternal manipulation not
obesity disrupts circadian rhythm and leads to metabolic programming of liver in rat offspring. PLoS ONE 2014; 9: e84209.
matching inclusion criteria
Bouanane S, Benkalfat NB, Baba Ahmed FZ, Merzouk H, Mokhtari NS, Merzouk SA et al. Time course of changes in serum
Missing or incomplete data on
oxidant/antioxidant status in overfed obese rats and their offspring. Clinical Science 2009; 116: 669–680.
offspring food intake
Bringhenti I, Moraes-Teixeira JA, Cunha MR, Ornellas F, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA, Aguila MB. Maternal obesity during the
Missing or incomplete data on
preconception and early life periods alters pancreatic development in early and adult life in male mouse offspring. PLoS ONE 2013; 8: offspring food intake
Brito PD, Ramos CF, Passos MCF, Moura EG. Adaptive changes in thyroid function of female rats fed a high-fat and low-protein diet Missing or incomplete data on
during gestation and lactation. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 2006; 39: 809–816.
offspring food intake
Bruce KD, Cagampang FR, Argenton M, Zhang J, Ethirajan PL, Burdge GC et al. Maternal high-fat feeding primes steatohepatitis in
Missing or incomplete data on
adult mice offspring, involving mitochondrial dysfunction and altered lipogenesis gene expression. Hepatology 2009; 50: 1796–1808. offspring food intake
Buckley AJ, Keserü B, Briody J, Thompson M, Ozanne SE, Thompson CH. Altered body composition and metabolism in the male
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring of high fat-fed rats. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental 2005; 54: 500–507.
offspring food intake
Reasons for exclusion
Burgueño AL, Carabelli J, Sookoian S, Pirola CJ. The impact of maternal high-fat feeding on liver and abdominal fat accumulation in Missing or incomplete data on
adult offspring under a long-term high-fat diet. Hepatology 2010; 51: 2234–2235.
offspring food intake
Bytautiene E, Tamayo E, Kechichian T, Drever N, Gamble P, Hankins GDV et al. Prepregnancy obesity and sFlt1-induced preeclampsia Missing or incomplete data on
in mice: Developmental programming model of metabolic syndrome. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2011; 204:
offspring food intake
Caluwaerts S, Lambin S, van Bree R, Peeters H, Vergote I, Verhaeghe J. Diet-induced obesity in gravid rats engenders early
Missing or incomplete data on
hyperadiposity in the offspring. Metabolism 2007; 56: 1431–1438.
offspring food intake
Cambri LT, Ghezzi AC, Ribeiro C, Dalia RA, Rostom de Mello MA. Recovery of rat growth and lipid profiles in adult rats subjected to Maternal manipulation not
fetal protein malnutrition with a fructose-rich diet. Nutrition Research 2010; 30: 156–162.
matching inclusion criteria
Campos KE, Volpato GT, Calderon IMP, Rudge MVC, Damasceno DC. Effect of obesity on rat reproduction and on the development of Maternal manipulation not
their adult offspring. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 2008; 41: 122–125.
matching inclusion criteria
Caruso V. Endocrine and metabolic changes in offspring due to maternal obesity (PhD Thesis).
Duplicated data
2012. (accessed 27 Mar2014).
Caruso V, Chen H, Morris MJ. Early hypothalamic FTO overexpression in response to maternal obesity - potential contribution to
Missing or incomplete data on
postweaning hyperphagia. PLoS ONE 2011; 6: e25261.
offspring food intake
Castellà J, Iglesias R, Alemany M. Influence of a ‘cafeteria’ diet on heat production during postnatal development of the rat.
Missing or incomplete data on
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Physiology 1986; 85: 693–696.
offspring food intake
Cavalcante TCF, Silva JML da, Silva AA da M da, Muniz GS, Neto LM da L, Souza SL de et al. Effects of a Westernized Diet on the Missing or incomplete data on
Reflexes and Physical Maturation of Male Rat Offspring During the Perinatal Period. Lipids 2013; 48: 1157–1168.
offspring food intake
Cerf ME, Chapman CS, Louw J. High-Fat Programming of Hyperglycemia, Hyperinsulinemia, Insulin Resistance, Hyperleptinemia, and Missing or incomplete data on
Altered Islet Architecture in 3-Month-Old Wistar Rats. International Scholarly Research Notices 2012; 2012. doi:10.5402/2012/627270. offspring food intake
Cerf ME, Muller CJ, Du Toit DF, Louw J, Wolfe-Coote SA. Hyperglycaemia and reduced glucokinase expression in weanling offspring Missing or incomplete data on
from dams maintained on a high-fat diet. British Journal of Nutrition 2006; 95: 391–396.
offspring food intake
Cerf ME, Williams K, Chapman CS, Louw J. Compromised beta-cell development and beta-cell dysfunction in weanling offspring from Missing or incomplete data on
dams maintained on a high-fat diet during gestation. Pancreas 2007; 34: 347–353.
offspring food intake
Cerf ME, Louw J. High fat programming induces glucose intolerance in weanling wistar rats. Hormone and Metabolic Research 2010; Missing or incomplete data on
42: 307–310.
offspring food intake
Cerf ME, Williams K, Nkomo XI, Muller CJ, Du Toit DF, Louw J et al. Islet cell response in the neonatal rat after exposure to a high-fat Missing or incomplete data on
diet during pregnancy. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology 2005; 288: R1122–
offspring food intake
Chechi K, Cheema SK. Maternal diet rich in saturated fats has deleterious effects on plasma lipids of mice. Experimental and Clinical No control group
Cardiology 2006; 11: 129–135.
Chechi K, Herzberg GR, Cheema SK. Maternal dietary fat intake during gestation and lactation alters tissue fatty acid composition in
Missing or incomplete data on
the adult offspring of C57Bl/6 mice. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids 2010; 83: 97–104.
offspring food intake
Chen H, Simar D, Lambert K, Mercier J, Morris MJ. Maternal and Postnatal Overnutrition Differentially Impact Appetite Regulators
Missing or incomplete data on
and Fuel Metabolism. Endocrinology 2008; 149: 5348–5356.
offspring food intake
Coates PM, Brown SA, Sonawane BR, Koldovsky O. Effect of early nutrition on serum cholesterol levels in adult rats challenged with Offspring on different or choice
high fat diet. Journal of Nutrition 1983; 113: 1046–1050.
Reasons for exclusion
Connor KL, Vickers MH, Beltrand J, Meaney MJ, Sloboda DM. Nature, nurture or nutrition? Impact of maternal nutrition on maternal Missing or incomplete data on
care, offspring development and reproductive function. J Physiol (Lond) 2012; 590: 2167–2180.
offspring food intake
Cordero P, Gomez-Uriz AM, Milagro FI, Campion J, Martinez JA. Maternal weight gain induced by an obesogenic diet affects adipose Missing or incomplete data on
accumulation, liver weight, and insulin homeostasis in the rat offspring depending on the sex. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation offspring food intake
2012; 35: 981–986.
D’Alessandro ME, Oliva ME, Ferreira MR, Selenscig D, Lombardo YB, Chicco A. Sucrose-rich feeding during rat pregnancy-lactation Maternal manipulation not
and/or after weaning alters glucose and lipid metabolism in adult offspring. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology matching inclusion criteria
2012; 39: 623–629.
De Campos KE, Sinzato YK, Pimenta W d P, Rudge MVC, Damasceno DC. Effect of maternal obesity on diabetes development in adult Maternal manipulation not
rat offspring. Life Sciences 2007; 81: 1473–1478.
matching inclusion criteria
Desai M, Ross MG. Fetal programming of adipose tissue: effects of intrauterine growth restriction and maternal obesity/high-fat diet.
Not experimental study
Semin Reprod Med 2011; 29: 237–245.
Devlin MJ, Grasemann C, Cloutier AM, Louis L, Alm C, Palmert MR et al. Maternal perinatal diet induces developmental
Missing or incomplete data on
programming of bone architecture. Journal of Endocrinology 2013; 217: 69–81.
offspring food intake
Drake AJ, Reynolds RM. Impact of maternal obesity on offspring obesity and cardiometabolic disease risk. Reproduction 2010; 140:
Not experimental study
Dunn GA, Bale TL. Maternal high-fat diet effects on third-generation female body size via the paternal lineage. Endocrinology 2011;
Missing or incomplete data on
152: 2228–2236.
offspring food intake
Dyrskog SEU, Gregersen S, Hermansen K. High-Fat Feeding During Gestation and Nursing Period have Differential Effects on the
Missing or incomplete data on
Insulin Secretory Capacity in Offspring from Normal Wistar Rats. The Review of Diabetic Studies 2005; 2: 136–136.
offspring food intake
Elahi MM, Cagampang FR, Mukhtar D, Anthony FW, Ohri SK, Hanson MA. Long-term maternal high-fat feeding from weaning
Missing or incomplete data on
through pregnancy and lactation predisposes offspring to hypertension, raised plasma lipids and fatty liver in mice. Br J Nutr 2009; 102: offspring food intake
Elahi MM, Cagampang FR, Anthony FW, Curzen N, Ohri SK, Hanson MA. Statin treatment in hypercholesterolemic pregnant mice
Missing or incomplete data on
reduces cardiovascular risk factors in their offspring. Hypertension 2008; 51: 939–944.
offspring food intake
Elahi MM, Cagampang FR, Ohri SK, Hanson MA. Long-term statin administration to dams on high-fat diet protects not only them but Missing or incomplete data on
also their offspring from cardiovascular risk. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism 2013; 62: 250–256.
offspring food intake
Elton CW, Pennington JS, Lynch SA, Carver FM, Pennington SN. Insulin resistance in adult rat offspring associated with maternal
Missing or incomplete data on
dietary fat and alcohol consumption. J Endocrinol 2002; 173: 63–71.
offspring food intake
Fåk F, Karlsson CLJ, Ahrné S, Molin G, Weström B. Effects of a high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation are modulated by E. coli Missing or incomplete data on
in rat offspring. International Journal of Obesity 2012; 36: 744–751.
offspring food intake
Fernandes C, Grayton H, Poston L, Samuelsson A-M, Taylor PD, Collier DA et al. Prenatal exposure to maternal obesity leads to
Missing or incomplete data on
hyperactivity in offspring. Mol Psychiatry 2012; 17: 1159–1160.
offspring food intake
Foot VL, Richardson CC, Jefferson W, Taylor PD, Christie MR. Islets in early life are resistant to detrimental effects of a high-fat
Missing or incomplete data on
maternal diet: A study in rats. Hormone and Metabolic Research 2010; 42: 923–929.
offspring food intake
Franco JG, Fernandes TP, Rocha CPD, Calviño C, Pazos-Moura CC, Lisboa PC et al. Maternal high-fat diet induces obesity and adrenal Missing or incomplete data on
and thyroid dysfunction in male rat offspring at weaning. J Physiol (Lond) 2012; 590: 5503–5518.
offspring food intake
Ghosh P, Bitsanis D, Ghebremeskel K, Crawford MA, Poston L. Abnormal aortic fatty acid composition and small artery function in
offspring of rats fed a high fat diet in pregnancy. Journal of Physiology 2001; 533: 815–822.
Giraudo SQ, Della-Fera MA, Proctor L, Wickwire K, Ambati S, Baile CA. Maternal high fat feeding and gestational dietary restriction:
Effects on offspring body weight, food intake and hypothalamic gene expression over three generations in mice. Pharmacology
Biochemistry and Behavior 2010; 97: 121–129.
Giriko CT, Andreoli CA, Mennitti LV, Hosoume LF, Souto TDS, Silva AVD et al. Delayed physical and neurobehavioral development
and increased aggressive and depression-like behaviors in the rat offspring of dams fed a high-fat diet. International Journal of
Developmental Neuroscience 2013; 31: 731–739.
Gluckman PD, Lillycrop KA, Vickers MH, Pleasants AB, Phillips ES, Beedle AS et al. Metabolic plasticity during mammalian
development is directionally dependent on early nutritional status. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America 2007; 104: 12796–12800.
Gray C, Long S, Green C, Gardiner SM, Craigon J, Gardner DS. Maternal fructose and/or salt intake and reproductive outcome in the
rat: Effects on growth, fertility, sex ratio, and birth order. Biology of Reproduction 2013;
Gregersen S, Underborg Dyrskog SE, Storlien LH, Hermansen K. Comparison of a high saturated fat diet with a high carbohydrate diet
during pregnancy and lactation: Effects on insulin sensitivity in offspring of rats. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental 2005; 54:
Gregorio BM, Souza-Mello V, Carvalho JJ, Mandarim-De-Lacerda CA, Aguila MB. Maternal high-fat intake predisposes nonalcoholic
fatty liver disease in C57BL/6 offspring. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2010; 203: 495.e1–495.e8.
Guberman C, Jellyman JK, Han G, Ross MG, Desai M. Maternal high-fat diet programs rat offspring hypertension and activates the
adipose renin-angiotensin system. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2013; 209: 262.e1–262.e8.
Gugusheff JR, Ong ZY, Muhlhausler BS. A maternal ‘junk-food’ diet reduces sensitivity to the opioid antagonist naloxone in offspring
postweaning. FASEB J 2013; 27: 1275–1284.
Guidotti S, Jónás I, Schubert KA, Garland T, Meijer HAJ, Scheurink AJW et al. High-saturated fat-sucrose feeding affects lactation
energetics in control mice and mice selectively bred for high wheel-running behavior. American Journal of Physiology - Regulatory,
Integrative and Comparative Physiology 2013; 305: R1433–R1440.
Guo F, Jen KLC. High-fat feeding during pregnancy and lactation affects offspring metabolism in rats. Physiology and Behavior 1995;
57: 681–686.
Han J, Xu J, Epstein PN, Liu YQ. Long-term effect of maternal obesity on pancreatic beta cells of offspring: Reduced beta cell
adaptation to high glucose and high-fat diet challenges in adult female mouse offspring. Diabetologia 2005; 48: 1810–1818.
Holemans K, Caluwaerts S, Poston L, Van Assche FA. Diet-induced obesity in the rat: a model for gestational diabetes mellitus. Am J
Obstet Gynecol 2004; 190: 858–865.
Howie GJ, Sloboda DM, Kamal T, Vickers MH. Maternal nutritional history predicts obesity in adult offspring independent of postnatal
diet. J Physiol (Lond) 2009; 587: 905–915.
Kjaergaard M, Nilsson C, Rosendal A, Nielsen MO, Raun K. Maternal chocolate and sucrose soft drink intake induces hepatic steatosis
in rat offspring associated with altered lipid gene expression profile. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 2014; 210: 142–153.
Konomi A, Nakashima K. Non-effect of Dams’ Dietary Fat Type on the Fat Preference of Weaning Rats [in Japanese]. The Japanese
journal of nutrition and dietetics 2005; 63: 97–103.
Reasons for exclusion
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Maternal manipulation not
matching inclusion criteria
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Duplicated data
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring food intake
Reasons for exclusion
Koukkou E, Ghosh P, Lowy C, Poston L. Offspring of normal and diabetic rats fed saturated fat in pregnancy demonstrate vascular
Missing or incomplete data on
dysfunction. Circulation 1998; 98: 2899–2904.
offspring food intake
Krasnow SM, Nguyen MLT, Marks DL. Increased maternal fat consumption during pregnancy alters body composition in neonatal
Missing or incomplete data on
mice. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism 2011; 301: E1243–E1253.
offspring food intake
Kruse M, Seki Y, Vuguin PM, Du XQ, Fiallo A, Glenn AS et al. High-fat intake during pregnancy and lactation exacerbates high-fat
Missing or incomplete data on
diet-induced complications in male offspring in mice. Endocrinology 2013; 154: 3565–3576.
offspring food intake
Lanham SA, Roberts C, Hollingworth T, Sreekumar R, Elahi MM, Cagampang FR et al. Maternal high-fat diet: Effects on offspring
Missing or incomplete data on
bone structure. Osteoporosis International 2010; 21: 1703–1714.
offspring food intake
Latouche C, Heywood SE, Henry SL, Ziemann M, Lazarus R, El-Osta A et al. Maternal Overnutrition Program Changes in Skeletal
Missing or incomplete data on
Muscle Gene Expression Associated with Insulin Resistance and Reduction in Oxidative Phosphorylation Enzymes in Adult Male Rat offspring food intake
Offspring. J Nutr 2013; : jn.113.186775.
Martin-Gronert MS, Fernandez-Twinn DS, Poston L, Ozanne SE. Altered hepatic insulin signalling in male offspring of obese mice.
Missing or incomplete data on
Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease 2010; 1: 184–191.
offspring food intake
Miotto PM, Castelli LM, Amoye F, LeBlanc PJ, Peters SJ, Roy BD et al. Maternal high fat feeding does not have long-lasting effects on Missing or incomplete data on
body composition and bone health in female and male wistar rat offspring at young adulthood. Molecules 2013; 18: 15094–15109.
offspring food intake
Mischke M, Pruis MGM, Boekschoten MV, Groen AK, Fitri AR, van de Heijning BJM et al. Maternal Western-Style High Fat Diet
Missing or incomplete data on
Induces Sex-Specific Physiological and Molecular Changes in Two-Week-Old Mouse Offspring. PLoS ONE 2013; 8: e78623.
offspring food intake
Morris MJ, Chen H. Established maternal obesity in the rat reprograms hypothalamic appetite regulators and leptin signaling at birth. Int Missing or incomplete data on
J Obes (Lond) 2009; 33: 115–122.
offspring food intake
Mouralidarane A, Soeda J, Visconti-Pugmire C, Samuelsson A-M, Pombo J, Maragkoudaki X et al. Maternal obesity programs
Missing or incomplete data on
offspring nonalcoholic fatty liver disease by innate immune dysfunction in mice. Hepatology 2013; 58: 128–138.
offspring food intake
Naef L, Moquin L, Dal Bo G, Giros B, Gratton A, Walker C-D. Maternal high-fat intake alters presynaptic regulation of dopamine in the Missing or incomplete data on
nucleus accumbens and increases motivation for fat rewards in the offspring. Neuroscience 2011; 176: 225–236.
offspring food intake
Naef L, Moquin L, Gratton A, Walker CD. Reduced anticipatory dopamine responses to food in rats exposed to high fat during early
Missing or incomplete data on
development. International Journal of Obesity 2013; 37: 885–888.
offspring food intake
Naef L, Srivastava L, Gratton A, Hendrickson H, Owens SM, Walker CD. Maternal high fat diet during the perinatal period alters
Missing or incomplete data on
mesocorticolimbic dopamine in the adult rat offspring: Reduction in the behavioral responses to repeated amphetamine administration. offspring food intake
Psychopharmacology 2008; 197: 83–94.
Nakashima Y, Tsukita Y, Yokoyama M. Preferential fat intake of pups nursed by dams fed low fat diet during pregnancy and lactation is Offspring on different or choice
higher than that of pups nursed by dams fed control diet and high fat diet. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 2008; 54:
Nakashima Y. Ratio of high-fat diet intake of pups nursed by dams fed combination diet was lower than that of pups nursed by dams fed Missing or incomplete data on
high-fat or low-fat diet. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 2007; 53: 117–123.
offspring food intake
Nakashima Y. Fish-oil high-fat diet intake of dams after day 5 of pregnancy and during lactation guards against excessive fat
No control group
consumption of their weaning pups. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 2008; 54: 46–53.
Nakashima Y. Exposure to dams’ low-fat high-carbohydrate diet during pregnancy and lactation establishes a preference for fat by their Missing or incomplete data on
offspring. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 2009; 55: 498–505.
offspring food intake
Reasons for exclusion
Nakashima Y, Sato A. Pups of dams fed low-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation showed strong preference for high-fat diet to
Offspring on different or choice
achieve optimal growth. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol 2011; 57: 355–363.
Oben JA, Patel T, Mouralidarane A, Samuelsson AM, Matthews P, Pombo J et al. Maternal obesity programmes offspring development Missing or incomplete data on
of non-alcoholic fatty pancreas disease. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2010; 394: 24–28.
offspring food intake
Odaka Y, Nakano M, Tanaka T, Kaburagi T, Yoshino H, Sato-Mito N et al. The influence of a high-fat dietary environment in the fetal Maternal manipulation not
period on postnatal metabolic and immune function. Obesity 2010; 18: 1688–1694.
matching inclusion criteria
Ong ZY, Muhlhausler BS. Maternal ‘junk-food’ feeding of rat dams alters food choices and development of the mesolimbic reward
Offspring on different or choice
pathway in the offspring. FASEB J 2011; 25: 2167–2179.
Ong ZY, Muhlhausler BS. Consuming a low-fat diet from weaning to adulthood reverses the programming of food preferences in male, Offspring on different or choice
but not in female, offspring of ‘junk food’-fed rat dams. Acta Physiol (Oxf) 2014; 210: 127–141.
Parente LB, Aguila MB, Mandarim-de-Lacerda CA. Deleterious effects of high-fat diet on perinatal and postweaning periods in adult rat Missing or incomplete data on
offspring. Clinical Nutrition 2008; 27: 623–634.
offspring food intake
Peleg-Raibstein D, Luca E, Wolfrum C. Maternal high-fat diet in mice programs emotional behavior in adulthood. Behavioural Brain Missing or incomplete data on
Research 2012; 233: 398–404.
offspring food intake
Pruis MGM, Lendvai A, Bloks VW, Zwier MV, Baller JFW, de Bruin A et al. Maternal western diet primes non-alcoholic fatty liver
Missing or incomplete data on
disease in adult mouse offspring. Acta Physiologica 2014; 210: 215–227.
offspring food intake
Purcell RH, Sun B, Pass LL, Power ML, Moran TH, Tamashiro KLK. Maternal stress and high-fat diet effect on maternal behavior,
Offspring on different or choice
milk composition, and pup ingestive behavior. Physiology and Behavior 2011; 104: 474–479.
Radojcic L. Influence of maternal macronutritional diet on the developme(n)t of obesity, glycometabolic disorders, and anxietyMaternal manipulation not
/depression- like behaviour of offspring. University of Wollongong Thesis Collection 2012.
matching inclusion criteria
Raygada M, Cho E, Hilakivi-Clarke L. High Maternal Intake of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids During Pregnancy in Mice Alters
Missing or incomplete data on
Offsprings’ Aggressive Behavior, Immobility in the Swim Test, Locomotor Activity and Brain Protein Kinase C Activity. J Nutr 1998; offspring food intake
128: 2505–2511.
Rodriguez JS, Rodríguez-González GL, Reyes-Castro LA, Ibáñez C, Ramírez A, Chavira R et al. Maternal obesity in the rat programs Missing or incomplete data on
male offspring exploratory, learning and motivation behavior: Prevention by dietary intervention pre-gestation or in gestation.
offspring food intake
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience 2012; 30: 75–81.
Rother E, Kuschewski R, Alcazar MAA, Oberthuer A, Bae-Gartz I, Vohlen C et al. Hypothalamic JNK1 and IKKβ activation and
Missing or incomplete data on
impaired early postnatal glucose metabolism after maternal perinatal high-fat feeding. Endocrinology 2012; 153: 770–781.
offspring food intake
Rudyk O, Makra P, Jansen E, Shattock MJ, Poston L, Taylor PD. Increased cardiovascular reactivity to acute stress and salt-loading in Missing or incomplete data on
adult male offspring of fat fed non-obese rats. PLoS ONE 2011; 6: e25250.
offspring food intake
Sánchez J, Priego T, García AP, Llopis M, Palou M, Picó C et al. Maternal supplementation with an excess of different fat sources
Maternal manipulation not
during pregnancy and lactation differentially affects feeding behavior in offspring: putative role of the leptin system. Mol Nutr Food Res matching inclusion criteria
2012; 56: 1715–1728.
Sasaki A, de Vega WC, St-Cyr S, Pan P, McGowan PO. Perinatal high fat diet alters glucocorticoid signaling and anxiety behavior in
Missing or incomplete data on
adulthood. Neuroscience 2013; 240: 1–12.
offspring food intake
Schenewerk AL, Ramírez FÍ, Foote C, Ji T, Martínez-Lemus LA, Rivera RM. Effects of the use of assisted reproduction and highOffspring on different or choice
caloric diet consumption on body weight and cardiovascular health of juvenile mouse offspring. Reproduction 2014; 147: 111–123.
Reasons for exclusion
Sen S, Simmons RA. Maternal antioxidant supplementation prevents adiposity in the offspring of western diet-fed rats. Diabetes 2010; Missing or incomplete data on
59: 3058–3065.
offspring food intake
Shelley P, Martin-Gronert MS, Rowlerson A, Poston L, Heales SJR, Hargreaves IP et al. Altered skeletal muscle insulin signaling and Missing or incomplete data on
mitochondrial complex II-III linked activity in adult offspring of obese mice. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 2009; 297:
offspring food intake
Siemelink M, Verhoef A, Dormans J, Span P, Piersma A. Dietary fatty acid composition during pregnancy and lactation in the rat
No control group
programs growth and glucose metabolism in the offspring. Diabetologia 2002; 45: 1397–1403.
Smith BK, Kelly LA, Pina R, York DA, Bray GA. Preferential fat intake increases adiposity but not body weight in Sprague-Dawley
No control group
rats. Appetite 1998; 31: 127–139.
Srinivasan M, Katewa SD, Palaniyappan A, Pandya JD, Patel MS. Maternal high-fat diet consumption results in fetal malprogramming Missing or incomplete data on
predisposing to the onset of metabolic syndrome-like phenotype in adulthood. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and
offspring food intake
Metabolism 2006; 291: E792–E799.
Suarez C, Ferreira Monteiro A, Macri E, Chiarenza A, Zeni S, Rodríguez P et al. High-fat diets and body composition over two
Missing or incomplete data on
generations. An experimental study. Dietas ricas en grasa y composición corporal a lo largo de dos generaciones Estudio experimental offspring food intake
2012; 59: 232–238.
Sun B, Purcell RH, Terrillion CE, Yan J, Moran TH, Tamashiro KLK. Maternal high-fat diet during gestation or suckling differentially Missing or incomplete data on
affects offspring leptin sensitivity and obesity. Diabetes 2012; 61: 2833–2841.
offspring food intake
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