ПРАВИТЕЛЬСТВО РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики» Утверждаю Проректор _________________ С.Ю. Рощин «____»______________2015 г. Программа вступительного экзамена в аспирантуру по политическим наукам и регионоведению. на английском языке Разработана Академическим советом Аспирантской школы по политическим наукам Академический директор Аспирантской школы по политическим наукам ____________ М.B.Ильин «___»________________2015 г. Москва 2015 Entrance Examination in Political Sciences and Area Studies for the Post-Graduate School of Political Sciences at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in accordance with the Russian Federation Federal Standard This document contains the requirements for the entrance examination for all applicants to the post-graduate program of the Post-Graduate School of Political Science at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. All applicants will be examined with regards to their knowledge of topics covered in the standard Russian university course on “Political Science”. All applicants are required to grasp fundamental issues, concepts and methods of political science, its historical development and contemporary achievements. Examination Procedure: The examination includes the following: (1) An oral examination in two areas (chosen, at random, from the list of “Areas in which the Applicants may be Examined” at the end of this document). Once the areas have been chosen, applicants will have 40 minutes to prepare a 20 minute presentation in relation to the two areas, followed by questions. If a mark cannot be determined, the examiners may request the applicant respond to a third area from the list of “Areas.” (2) An unprepared interview based on the applicant’s research proposal. The final mark is determined by an assessment of each applicant’s knowledge, their skills to undertake independent research as well as their ability to argue and think critically. Expectations: All applicants are expected to be able to demonstrate knowledge of the following: I. The Theory and Philosophy of Politics, History and Methodology of Political Science Political philosophy as a type of worldview. Philosophy and politics. Theory and method in political science. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods in political science. Contemporary political philosophy. Main issues and schools. Contemporary political theory. Main issues and schools. Contemporary democratic theory. Contemporary research in history and methodology of political science. Main issues and schools. II. Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies Political institutions and practices. Different types of political order. Contemporary democratic and non-democratic political regimes. Contemporary electoral studies. Contemporary political economy. Contemporary problems of human rights. Contemporary research in comparative politics. Main issues and schools "Behavioral turn" in political science. "Neo-institutional turn" in political science. "Linguistic turn" in political science. Political modernization and globalization. The concept of multiple modernities. Comparative studies of governance, good governance and good enough governance. III. Political aspects of International Relations, Global and Regional Development Contemporary research in international relations and area studies. Main issues and schools. Contemporary international political economy. Contemporary international systems and regimes. Contemporary problems of human rights. Concept of balance of forces in political science and international relations. Concepts of anarchy and international society in international relations. Contemporary research in global and regional development. Main issues and schools Contemporary research in history and methodology of IR and area studies. Contemporary research in international relations and area studies. Main issues and schools. Realism, neo-realism, idealism and constructivism in IR and area studies. Recommended Literature: Please consult the following: della Porta D., Keating M. (eds.) Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences. Camb.: Cambridge University Press, 2010 Flick, U. An introduction to qualitative research. Los Angeles [etc.] SAGE Publications, 2009 Gerring J. Social Science Methodology. A Unified Framework. Camb.: CUP, 2012 Goertz G. Social Science Concepts. A User’d Guide. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006 Moses J.W., Knutsen T.L. Ways of Knowing. Competing Methodologies in Social and Political Research. N.Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007 Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics. Carles Boix, Susan C. Stokes (eds.), Oxf.: OUP, any edition since 2007 Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis. Robert E. Goodin, Charles Tilly (eds.), Oxf.: OUP, any edition since 2006 Oxford Handbook of International Relations. Christian Reus-Smit, Duncan Snidal (eds.), Oxf.: OUP, any edition since 2010 Oxford Handbook of Law and Politics. Keith E. Whittington, R. Daniel Kelemen (eds.), Oxf.: OUP, any edition since 2010 Oxford Handbook of Political Behavior. Russell J. Dalton, Hans-Dieter Klingemann (eds.) , Oxf.: OUP, any edition since 2009 Oxford Handbook of Political Economy. Barry R. Weingast, Donald Wittman (eds.), Oxf.: OUP, any edition since 2008 Oxford Handbook of Political Institutions. R. A. W. Rhodes, Sarah A. Binder and Bert. Rockman (eds.), Oxf.: OUP, any edition since 2008 Oxford Handbook of Political Methodology // Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier, Henry E. Brady, David Collier (eds.), Oxf.: OUP, any edition since 2010 Oxford Handbook of Political Science // Robert E. Goodin (ed.), Oxf.: OUP, any edition since 2009 Oxford Handbook of Political Theory // John Dryzek, Bonnie Honig and Anne Phillips (Eds). Oxf.: OUP, any edition since 2008 Oxford Handbook of Public Policy // Michael Moran, Martin Rein and Robert E. Goodin (eds.), Oxf.: OUP, any edition since 2008 Pennings P., Keman H. and Kleinnijenhuis J. Doing Research in Political Science. 2nd ed. – L.; Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2006 Political Atlas of the Modern World. An Experiment in Multidimensional Statistical Analysis of the Political Systems of the Modern World / Andrei Melville with Yuri Polunin, Mikhail Ilyin, Mikhail Mironyuk, Ivan Timofeev, Elena Meleshkina, and Yan Vaslavskiy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010 Political Science in Central-East Europe: Diversity and Convergence // Eisfeld R. & Pal L. (eds.) Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2010 Political Science: The State of the Discipline // Katznelson, I., & Milner, H. (eds.), NY: Norton, 2002 The State of Political Science in Western Europe // Klingemann, Hans-Dieter (ed.), Opladen: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2007 The World of Political Science: A Critical Overview of the Development of Political Studies around the Globe: 1990-2012. // Trent J. & Stein M. (eds.), Oplanden: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2013 Theory and Methods in Political Science: First Steps to Synthesize a Discipline // Larsen S.U. (ed.), N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 2006 Areas in which Applicants may be Examined: 1. "Behavioral turn" in political science. 2. "Neo-institutional turn" in political science. 3. "Linguistic turn" in scientific investigations of the 20th century (Wittgenstein, Heidegger, Austin) and its impact on political science. 4. Aristotle’s political philosophy 5. Concept of justice in political philosophy and political science. 6. Concept of balance of forces in political science and international relations. 7. Concept of the social contract in the political philosophy of the 17th-18th centuries. 8. Concept of totalitarianism in the political philosophy of the 20th century. 9. Concepts of governance, good governance and good enough governance. 10. Contemporary political philosophy. Main issues and schools. 11. Contemporary political theory. Main issues and schools. 12. Contemporary democratic theory. 13. Contemporary democratic and non-democratic political regimes. 14. Contemporary electoral studies. 15. Contemporary international political economy. 16. Contemporary international systems and regimes. 17. Contemporary problems of human rights. 18. Contemporary research in comparative politics. Main issues and schools 19. Contemporary research in global and regional development. Main issues and schools 20. Contemporary research in history and methodology of political science. Main issues and schools 21. Contemporary research in international relations and area studies. Main issues and schools 22. Hegel’s philosophy of law, family, civil society and state in political history 23. Hobbes’s political philosophy 24. Locke’s political philosophy 25. Plato’s political philosophy 26. Political philosophy of Machiavelli 27. Realism, neo-realism, idealism and constructivism in IR 28. Relation between economics and politics in social life 29. Rousseau’s political philosophy 30. State and legal order. The concepts of a Rechtsstaat, rule of law and their historical development. 31. The problem of freedom in Kant’s philosophy 32. "Identity" turn in political science 33. Nations and nationalism - theoretical approaches 34. Public policy as a field of political analysis