Ch 4 - Program Files, Data Files, and Subdirectories

Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris
Answers to Discussion Questions
Chapter 4
Files & Folders
Chapter 4
Program Files, Data Files, and
Subdirectories (Folders)
List three of the major categories of application software and briefly
explain their functions.
Word Processors make writing easier.
Spreadsheets manage budgets and do financial projections.
Databases manage and manipulate a collection of data.
Graphics/desktop publishing create artistic drawings and designs, newsletters, brochures,
What is the purpose and function of a program file (application program)?
Application programs are used to create and manipulate data. Typically, application
programs help the user solve a problem, e.g., automate payroll, draw a picture, or write a
Explain the purpose and function of the operating system when working
with program files and data files.
The operating system is the means by which application programs are loaded into
memory (all work takes place in memory). The OS also assists in loading data files into
memory. It also ensures the cooperation between an application program and its data
files. The operating system commands are used to manage and manipulate program and
data files.
Briefly explain the difference between real-mode and protected-mode
Real-mode operation is used for software written for DOS or early Windows versions. It
is a single-task working environment. When an application program needed to interface
with the hardware, the application program could “talk” directly to the device, or it could
talk to DOS and DOS would do the actual labor.
Protected-mode operation is used for software written for Windows 2000 Professional
operating system. No communication exists between the application software and the
actual hardware itself. The manufacturer’s device drivers talk to virtual device drivers
that are part of the Windows operating system. These virtual device drivers are outside
of the core operating of the OS that remain protected from action of devices and device
drivers. It is an operating mode in which different parts of memory are allocated to
Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line
Franklin, Beedle & Associates, Inc. 2003© ISBN: 1-887902-80-1
Page 1
Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris
Answers to Discussion Questions
Chapter 4
Files & Folders
different programs. When programs are running simultaneously they cannot invade each
others memory space as they use only their own memory space.
Explain documentation, update notices, and technical support.
Documentation (instructions that inform a user how to use hardware and/or software)
comes in two forms--manuals and online help. Online help is becoming more common,
more complex, and is gradually replacing manuals.
When you register a piece of software you will receive update notices (latest version or
any corrections to the program). Frequently you will receive discounted or free upgrades
to newer versions.
Technical support means that you can call the company and/or programmer/s to answer
questions that you have, or problems that are not dealt with in the manual.
Name at least three file extensions that indicate an executable program.
Answers will vary. Three extensions that indicate an executable program include .EXE,
.COM, and .BAT.
What is the purpose and function of the root directory? What symbol is
used to represent the root directory?
Whenever a disk is formatted the root directory is always set up by the FORMAT
command. This directory keeps track of files and subdirectories that are placed in the root
directory of any disk. The root directory is represented by a backslash (\).
What is a subdirectory?
The subdirectory is any directory other than the root directory. A user or a program
creates it.
Why would you want to create a subdirectory?
Subdirectories are created to help organize files on your disks. When you create
directories, you are developing a category and classification scheme. This allows you to
quickly locate files and to manage the numerous files and programs that you create and
Subdirectories are also created to defeat the limitation the OS places on the number of
files that can be in the root directory. By creating subdirectories, the files on a disk are
only constrained by the disk space itself.
What is a parent directory?
The parent directory is the directory that is one level above the current directory.
Explain the purpose and function of three directory management
The directory management commands are MD, CD, RD, PATH, PROMPT, and MOVE.
 MD is used to create new directories.
 CD changes a directory.
Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line
Franklin, Beedle & Associates, Inc. 2003© ISBN: 1-887902-80-1
Page 2
Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris
Answers to Discussion Questions
Chapter 4
Files & Folders
 RD is used to remove or erase a directory and its subdirectories.
 PATH is used to define the search paths.
 PROMPT is used to change the look of the prompt to identify what subdirectory is
the default.
 MOVE allows you to rename a directory.
Give the syntax for creating a subdirectory.
The syntax for creating a subdirectory:
MKDIR [drive:] path
MD [drive:] path
Path can be relative either to the current directory or the root directory. Both commands
are identical, but use the shorter one as it requires less keystrokes.
Give the syntax for the CD command.
The syntax for the CD command:
CD [drive:] [path]
Path is relative to either the current directory or the root directory.
What is the difference between the absolute path and a relative path?
The absolute path is the complete and total hierarchical structure. You start at the top
(root directory) and work your way down through every subdirectory without skipping a
directory. The absolute path is always correct.
The relative path only requires you to give the path name relative to your current
directory and does not necessarily begin with a backslash.
If you wanted to create a subdirectory called JAIL under the subdirectory
called COURT on Drive A:, would you get the same result by keying in
either MD A:\COURT\JAIL, or MD A:\JAIL? Why or why not?
These two commands would create different subdirectories. The first, MD
A:\COURT\JAIL, would perform the desired action and create JAIL under COURT. The
second, MD A:\JAIL, would make a subdirectory JAIL in the root directory of Drive A.
What are subdirectory markers? How can they be used?
Subdirectory markers are shortcuts to using subdirectories. The single dot (.) represents
the current directory itself while the double dot (..) represents the name of the parent
directory. You can use (. .) to move up the subdirectory tree structure. You cannot use
(. .) to move down the hierarchy.
What are metastrings?
Metastrings are strings of characters that can be used to represent other things. When you
include one of these metastrings, it establishes a specific value. Metastrings always have
the syntax $x where x represents any of the values on page 153. For example, in the
PROMPT command the metastrings $P represents the current drive and path.
Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line
Franklin, Beedle & Associates, Inc. 2003© ISBN: 1-887902-80-1
Page 3
Instructor: Prof. Michael P. Harris
Answers to Discussion Questions
Chapter 4
Files & Folders
How can you return the prompt to the default value? Would you want to?
To return the prompt to the default value issue the PROMPT command with no
parameters. (Rest of answer will vary.)
Explain the purpose/function of the MOVE command. Explain the syntax.
MOVE allows you to rename files and directories from the command prompt.
MOVE [/Y | /-Y] [drive:] [path] dirname1 dirname2.
MOVE is the command
/Y and /-Y are the prompts
[drive:][path] dirname1 specifies name of file you want to rename.
dirname2 specifies new name of directory.
Why will the RD command without parameters not remove a directory if
there is a file in it?
The RD command can only remove empty directories.
What steps must be followed to remove a directory with RD?
 Delete all files from the directory.
 Remove any subdirectories with RD subdirectory
 Use RD to remove the directory.
Remember that you cannot remove the directory you are in. The RD /S replaced
DELTREE and if you use the /S parameter, RD will remove the entire directory tree,
deleting files and directories in the designated directory.
What is the purpose and function of the PATH command?
PATH is an internal command that allows the user to tell the OS on what disk and in
what subdirectory to search for command files. The OS will only search the path for
executable files (extensions of .EXE,.COM, or .BAT).
PATH [[drive:] path [;...] [;%PATH%]]
How can you cancel the current path?
If you key in PATH ;, it will cancel the current path.
How can you set a multiple search path?
It is possible to have multiple search paths. To instruct the operating system to do this,
you have to include all the directories you want searched in your PATH command and
separate the directories with a semicolon.
What is the difference between the path to a file and using the PATH
The path to a file is given when you specify a specific file. The PATH command lists
directories where the OS would look when you try to execute a program that does not
exist in the current default drive and directory.
Carolyn Z. Gillay, Bette A. Peat, Windows XP Command Line
Franklin, Beedle & Associates, Inc. 2003© ISBN: 1-887902-80-1
Page 4