Whether it is dealing with clients as an aging care-manager, working as a home care nurse, nursing assistant or even a nurse who takes care of older adults in an acute care setting, understanding behaviors can be the most burdensome aspect of care. Yet we receive little, if any training on understanding these behaviors or how to intervene for our clients, patients, or residents. This program will discuss the most common “behaviors” of depression, anxiety and dementia and offer understanding and approaches that can be utilized in any setting. Time is included in the training to allow for participants to bring their own cases to discuss and problem solve with the group!
October 2,
Centre County
The Oaks, Senior
Schreffler Manor
Community Room
200 Rachel Drive
Pleasant Gap, PA 16823
October 23,
** November
6, 2013
December 9,
January 29,
Temple Apartments 5 Heisz Street
Senior Life
Greensburg Center
Bryn Mawr Hospital
Giant Community
Edwardsville, PA 18704
123 Triangle Drive
Greensburg, PA 15601
130 South Bryn Mawr Avenue
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
2300 Linglestown Road
Harrisburg, PA 17110
May 28 , 2014 Clarion County Structural Modulars,
Clarion, PA
** Date Rescheduled
101 Southern Avenue,
Strattanville, PA 16258
*Registration ends for each session on the Monday of the week of the session.*
All sessions will be held from 10 A.M.-2:30 P.M.
Beverages and a light lunch will be provided.
This training is for all individuals who provide care to older adults such as nurses, social workers, counselors, and aging, substance abuse and mental health staff, as well as individuals working in care facilities.
It is the goal of this educational activity to assist healthcare professionals who provide care to older adults to understand the causes and behavioral symptoms of depression, anxiety and dementia. This understanding will better assist care providers and individuals in understanding what may be the cause of behaviors and how to appropriately intervene.
Educational Objectives:
At the completion of this seminar, participants will be able to: o Describe the behavioral manifestations of psychiatric illness of depression, anxiety and dementia o Distinguish the behavioral manifestations of “medical illness” or delirium o Recognize behaviors as a means of communication o Articulate the importance of behavioral and psychosocial interventions in interacting with older adults with behavioral health problems o Discuss resources for staff and families
This activity awards 4 contact hours.
Inquisit is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's
Commission on Accreditation.
Inquisit is Iowa Board of Nursing provider 333 and 4.8 contact hours will be awarded for this program.
Long Term Care Administrators
This program has been approved for 4.0 hours by the State Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators. Program
Approval Number NHCE 101295 for 2013 events and NHCE 101296 for 2014 events.
A request for approval has been submitted to the State Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators for 4.0 hours.
Social Workers
This program is Approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval #886550328-2201) for 4.0 Social Work continuing education contact hours.
Certified Counselors
Inquisit is an NBCC-Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEPTM) and a cosponsor of this event/program. Inquisit may award NBCC-approved clock hours for events or programs that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP maintains responsibility for the content of this event.
PA Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dept of Public Welfare Personal Care Home Administrators
This program has been approved for 4.0 contact hours for Personal Care Home Administrators.
Case Managers
This program has been pre-approved by the Commission for Case Manager Certification to provide continuing education credit to Certified Case Managers (CCMs).
Requirements for credit:
Full attendance is required at the workshop to receive CE credits or hours for social workers, and nurses. Partial credit will
NOT be awarded. Late arrivals or early departures will preclude awarding CE credits or hours:
Attend/participate in the educational activity and review all course materials.
Complete the CE/Evaluation form.
Return the completed form to your conference host at the conclusion of the event.
Participants will be mailed a statement of credit within 4 weeks.
9:30 AM
10:00 – 10:30
Final Registration
10:30 – 11:30
Overview - Causes of Behavioral Problems in Older Adults
Depression in Older Adults
Epidemiology of depression
Behavioral manifestations of depression
Assessment and screening tools
Behavioral approaches
Case demonstration
11:30 – 12:00
12:00 – 1:00
1:00 – 2:15
LUNCH – Sponsored by Axona/ Accera*
Anxiety in Older Adults
Causes of anxiety o “Organic” anxiety disorders o Depression versus anxiety in older adults
Behavioral manifestations of anxiety
Assessment and screening tools
Behavioral approaches
Case demonstration
Behavioral Symptoms of Dementia
Causes of problem behaviors in individuals with dementia o Underlying medical illness/ delirium o Environmental causes of behaviors o Communication issues
Assessment of behaviors
Individual interventions
Case demonstration
2:15 – 2:30 Conclusion and Evaluations
Content for this presentation was prepared by:
Ms. Linda Shumaker, RN-BC, MA, is a registered nurse currently serving as Outreach Coordinator of the
Pennsylvania Behavioral Health and Aging Coalition. She has extensive clinical experience working in community mental health, geriatric assessment teams and long-term care. In addition, she has been an instructor of psychiatry at the Penn State College of Medicine. She has served as a founding member and former Executive
Director of the Pennsylvania Behavioral Health and Aging Coalition, as a member of the Older Adult Committee of
Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Planning Council, and as a member of the Long Term
Care Subcommittee of the Medical Assistance Advisory Committee.
*Accera has generously agreed to sponsor lunch for this program and will be providing participants a brief presentation regarding their Axona product. We sincerely appreciate Accera’s generosity. We do want to make it clear that the Coalition does not recommend or endorse any product or service provider. This information is being provided for informational purposes only.
Registration also available online at www.olderpa.org
TRAINING LOCATION (Please indicate which you plan to attend):
____ 10/2/13 – Centre County
____ 10/23/13 – Luzerne County
** 11/6/12 – Westmoreland County
12/9/13 – Montgomery County
1/29/14 – Dauphin County
5/28/14 – Clarion County
** Date Rescheduled
Job Title/Position:_____________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone (_____)________________ Fax (_____)________________
Email Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Type of credit desired: (CIRCLE ONE if you qualify)
Case Manager
Certified Counselor
Licensed Social Worker
Certified Peer Specialist
Long Term Care Administrator
Personal Care Home Administrator
If you are requesting credit, your certificate will be sent to the above address.
Registration is $75 per participant.
Method of Payment:
___ Check (made payable to PA Behavioral Health & Aging Coalition, 525 South 29 th Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104)
___ Credit card payments will be accepted via online registration only at www.olderpa.org
Canceled registrations more than two weeks before the activity will be refunded less a 20% service charge.
Cancellations less than two weeks before the program will be invoiced or a substitute is permitted. If registering less than two weeks before the program, the fee is due in full and substitution is permitted. Registered no-shows
will be billed. Inquisit®, does not guarantee, warrant, certify, verify, and/or authorize the content of this seminar, and/or any subsequent use of the information presented at this seminar. This seminar is not a clinical/medical service, but is intended for educational purposes only.
Registration is available online at www.olderpa.org
or may be submitted via fax at 717-370-6016 to the
Pennsylvania Behavioral Health &Aging Coalition or e-mail to: rebecca@olderpa.org
Please call for further information: 717-541-4219 ext. 120