Grp 1 Wksht 4 - NSSI Jan

NSSI Information Exchange Workshop
Breakout Session Worksheet 4
What additional inventory, monitoring and research projects and programs are needed on the North Slope?
1. List
2. Note the temporal and spatial scales.
3. Prioritize
Climate (8)
-regional, local information such as
wind patterns to assess emissions
Climate (8)
-monitoring stations
-geographic distribution meets
needs of nat. resource mgrs.
Climate (6)
-link implications of climate to habitats
and wildlife populations
-consistent, comparable data-focus
on goals of monitoring- most
monitoring is loosely put togetherhard to compare year to year,
within years
-broader scale- put in context- climatic
oscillations and global
-implications of climate change to
habitats- resiliency/sensitivity
-changes in hydrologic regimes
-implications of climate change to
subsistence resources and human
-implications of climate changes on
systematic responses to disturbance
-use implications and outcomes of
above to develop predictive models
-scale of predictive modeling has to be
useful for day-to-day management
Hydrology (7)
Hydrology (6)
Hydrology (7)
-freshwater lakes and streams
-network of gauging stations
-groundwater/surface water
-lack of consistent database part. with
rivers (too few stations), lack
appropriate detail
-groundwater modeling
-changes in water quality on temporal
-surface water monitoring strategy
to assess baseline water quality –
both fresh and marine waters
-more intensive monitoring on
stream/watershed basis
-baseline characterization of N. Slope
regional water quality using EPA’s
assessment monitoring program
-Assess types of activities and tailor
charac. Phys/bio/chem. quality of water intensive monitoring (risk-based
(on temporal basis to assess trends) – approach)
both fresh and marine water
-est. relationships between fish
resources and changes in hydrologic
regimes (stream morphologies, volume
of water during diff. seasons, water
-implications of appropriating water
-predict how local and regional
infrastructures will affect surface and
subsurface hydrology (vegetation and
- how much water is available for
Caribou (5)
-monitoring of caribou winter
survival for all 4 herds
Species (6)
Thresholds of Change (6)
Identify what conservation and
development vision is for the North
Slope- balance bet. Natural and built
Species (8)
-monitoring of spatial distribution for -communities’ threshold of change,
all key species
socioeconomic studies
Teshepuk Lake Caribou (3)
-habitat-lives in area w/ few or no
predators. Are they more affected by
displacement (habitat)?
-Hot Spots (3)
-define a hotspot, what makes it
Modeling (10)
Approaches to modeling development
activities, types of long-term
Fish (6)
-baseline life history/ecological data for
many species
-inventory wintering, spawning areas
Construction mitigation techniques for
occurring development activities
Fish- (3)
-determine times of year fish are using
systems to get to habitat critical to their
-implication for reducing access to
area (once critical areas are detected)
Species- (7)
-predicting the impact of various
development scenarios on fish and
-near shore research in identifying
interior (terrestrial) and near shore
Vegetation (6)
-baseline large-scale vegetation maps
Protocols (8)
protocols/standards need to be
addressed first
Vegetation (9)
-anthropogenic and natural
Vegetation (2)
-successional patterns- change in
Protocols (11)
protocols/standards need to be
addressed first
-understanding of methods to do
-sampling, limitations of data
Protocols (11)
protocols/standards need to be
addressed first
Geology (1)
-surficial geology inventory
-baseline geochemistry
Contaminants (1)
-inventory- levels and distribution in
Archeological Resources (1)
Contaminants (0)
-source, impacts, persistence
Contaminants (1)